In short, the 'side effects' came many times faster than Artoria thought.

And, most unfortunately, it was the last one he wanted to see.

He hadn't been exposed to such things before, so he didn't know how violent this 'side effect' would be.

Because of this, out of prudence, he will temporarily avoid Shimizu Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai to estimate their intensity.

Seeing this, Hayasaka Ai didn't say anything.

Compared with words, our maids have always preferred practical actions.

She directly bent down and took off the shoes and socks on her feet, revealing a pair of Bai Shengsheng's little feet.


Without the slightest hesitation, she just jumped into the water in December.

Yuan Jing was already a little far away from Hayasaka Ai, and because of the extremely fast action of the maid lady, he had no time to stop him, so he could only watch helplessly as the maid lady jumped into the cold room where the temperature was only in the single digits. In the pool.

Hayasaka Ai does not have such a strong physical fitness as him. If she just soaked in this pool for a while in such a wet state, it is almost a certainty that she will catch a cold and get sick because of it.

Yuan Jing didn't have time to think about it, and almost subconsciously swam towards Hayasaka Ai's direction, and almost instantly came to Hayasaka Ai's side.

Seeing Yuan Jing's behavior, Hayasaka Ai instantly showed a rather reassuring expression on her face.

The soaked clothes stuck to her body, logically speaking, it was quite uncomfortable, but she didn't care about these things at all.

She hugged Yuanjing with great nostalgia, feeling the warmth from the young man, Ai Hayasaka sighed deeply, "It's so warm."

Resting her chin on Yuan Jing's shoulder, Hayasaka Ai murmured.

Then, as if she realized what she had just done out of anxiety, she raised her head again and met Yuanjing's eyes.

"Are you angry?" There was a hint of weakness in the blue eyes.

"Will Ah Jing get bored with me and think I'm a troublesome woman?"

"After this, can I still act like a baby to Ah Jing?"

Chapter 80 'The farmer' and the 'snake'...and of course the sugar cubes

Will Ah Jing get bored with me and think I'm a troublesome woman? "

"After this, can I still act like a baby to Ah Jing?"

When hearing the extremely strong uneasiness and uneasiness in Ai Hayasaka's words, Yuan Jing did not immediately give a positive or negative answer.

Looking at the nervousness on the girl's face that was almost overflowing, Yuan Jing's voice was rather helpless, "Since you're afraid of becoming like this afterwards, don't do it in the first place."

If you want to evaluate Hayasaka Ai's previous behavior, the most appropriate word is actually [reckless].

Just to judge whether Yuanjing was dissatisfied with him, he put on his clothes and jumped into the icy pool water in the twelfth lunar month without hesitation.

It's hard to imagine that such behavior is something that Hayasaka Ai, who has always been extremely intelligent, calm and experienced in dealing with things, can do.

In fact, as long as you think calmly, it is not difficult to think of a method that is softer and less likely to provoke the original scene's reaction.

However, what Ai Hayasaka took was the most reckless and aggressive approach.At first glance, this doesn't seem to be in line with the usual behavior of the maid.

But as I said just now, the prerequisite for coming up with a 'smarter solution' is [calm thinking].

However, the former Hayasaka Ai had already lost this extremely precious ability.

Simply put, she was completely flustered.

So far, the number of young girls who have a crush on Yuan Jing has completely exceeded five fingers.

Although their love for Yuan Jing is the same, but because of the different personalities of the girls, the ways of expressing it are also very different.

If we use cute animals as a metaphor, Touma Hesa ​​is a loyal and lovely puppy, Yukinoshita Yukino is a proud and upright kitten, Fujiwara Chika is a lively and cheerful deer, and Ningguang is a scheming deep little fox...

So, what is the most suitable animal for Hayasaka Ai?

is a snake.

If you want to be tightly entangled with Yuanjing, you must never separate from him... The obsessive entanglement in Ai Hayasaka is no different from that of snakes.

When it comes to falling in love with Yuanjing, the girls are naturally indistinguishable from each other and cannot be separated from Xuanyuan.However, if you want to talk about the heaviness of this relationship, Ai Hayasaka can be said to have left Fujiwara Chika and others far behind.

In short, Ai Hayasaka is actually the one with the most delicate aura among girls.

Apart from Yuanjing, the other girls also more or less have their own goals.

For example, Touma Kazusa wants to become a great pianist surpassing her mother, Yukinoshita Yukino wants to beat her older sister and get her mother's recognition, and Ningguang wants to start a big company of her own and earn a lot of money Etc., etc.

But for Ai Hayasaka, she no longer has any regrets other than Yuanjing.

Originally, Ai Hayasaka is actually quite a contented person. All her wishes in her previous life, one of which is to let Kaguya get rid of the restraint of the Shinomiya family and live freely, and the second is to be able to let herself no longer be To be a spy against one's will, to get rid of the clutches of Sigong Huangguang.

And these two wishes were fulfilled by Yuanjing.

It was also because of this that Hayasaka Ai naturally put her heart completely on Yuan Jing.

Tonight, although she still behaved quite competently in front of Concubine Shijo, in fact, Hayasaka Ai's heart was already panicked.

"Yuanjing seems to be avoiding her on purpose" is actually no different from "the sky is falling" to her.

This panic took away almost all of her ability to think, and it was precisely because of this that she acted in such a reckless manner.

And after the sense of peace of mind and rationality returned at the same time, Ai Hayasaka showed such uneasiness.

However, in Hayasaka Ai at this moment, there is no regret at all.

The time when she and Yuan Jing had the closest relationship was actually the few days when Minamoto Raimitsu was in Shinomiya's villa.

And on the first day of the cultural festival, the intimacy between the two had actually reached its peak.

But after that...

It may be because of the absence of external pressure, the relationship between Yuan Jing and her, which was already close, seems to have suddenly become a little distant for some reason.

This is not to say that Yuan Jing has become colder towards her than before.

In fact, during the day and night together, the relationship between the two has actually been quietly drawn in.

However, if you want to compare it with the Shinomiya Villa, the speed can be said to be as slow as a snail crawling.

It is precisely because of this gap that Hayasaka Ai has the illusion that 'the distance between herself and Yuanjing seems to be alienated all of a sudden'.

And after this somewhat mindless mess tonight, Hayasaka Ai accidentally found the "opportunity to get closer" that she had been looking for before.

In Yuanjing's personality, one of the most important points is 'integrity'.

He is a man with clear grievances.

To put it simply, it is who is responsible for the mistake, then who will naturally bear the corresponding consequences.

And obviously, the reason for this situation tonight, in the final analysis, lies in oneself.

Then, naturally, he wouldn't blame Hayasaka Ai for this matter.

"Don't worry, I don't hate you, it's okay to be coquettish." Yuan Jing didn't hang on to Hayasaka Ai maliciously, and continued to let her anxiety continue to torture her.

Straightening out the strands of blond hair that were wet on his forehead, he continued, "Since you've got the answer you want, you should be at ease, right?"

"It's getting late now, go wash and sleep."

However—"I don't."

Hayasaka Ai, who was usually obedient to Yuanjing, seemed quite rebellious tonight for some reason.

Not only did she not go ashore obediently, but she hugged Yuanjing even harder.

Both hands were entangled behind Yuan Jing's back, Hayasaka Ai buried her face in Yuan Jing's arms.

Its posture is really like a seductive and beautiful snake that is tightly entwining its prey.

After completely settling down, Hayasaka Ai's logical thinking came online at once.

Since the reason why Yuanjing avoids them is not because he is bored with them, then the reason is quite interesting.

Moreover, Yuanjing was still swimming alone in a swimming pool that was about to freeze in the middle of the night when it was almost freezing...

Hayasaka Ai obtained the secret method called "Fangzhongjutsu" from Minamoto Raimitsu, coupled with the influence of some not-so-serious literary and artistic works, there are actually some immature things for the current situation of Yuanjing. guess.

As Ai Hayasaka, who is physically entangled with Yuan Jing, almost embedded in his body, she can naturally feel the extremely abnormal heat coming from Yuan Jing's body, as well as the 'plop plop' 'The sound of a violently beating heartbeat.

These responses, however, just provided some corroboration.

Hayasaka Ai herself was once taught the secret technique known as "the art of the room" by Minamoto Raimitsu.

During the teaching process, Yuanjing's step-mother once emphasized to her many taboos that need to be paid attention to. If some of them are accidentally violated, there will be a phenomenon similar to "insanity". Among them, the most common Yes, that is——

Burning with desire.

After all, this is a 'surgery in the room', you should be able to understand it, right?

Obviously, Ai Hayasaka didn't think that it was Artoria's fault, but thought that Yuan Jing was currently in a state like this.

In order not to hurt himself and Kaguya, he deliberately hid and took a cold bath in the middle of the night.

Well, although it cannot be said to be correct, it is somewhat close to the real situation.

"I'm sorry, Ajing." Because of the warmth conveyed by Yuan Jing, even in this icy pool, Ai Hayasaka actually didn't feel the slightest bit of chill.

However, her voice still trembled a little.

This shivering naturally did not come from the cold.

"...Why do you have to apologize?" Yuan Jing's voice was slightly low, as if he was suppressing something.

"Because I know that now I am taking advantage of your kindness to do something that can be said to be insatiable." In Hayasaka Ai's voice, there is a firmness called guilt flowing.

"Is this not allowed? A Jing has been helping me and caring for me all the time, but I am taking advantage of this intention without authorization, wanting to get more out of it..."

"It's a modern version of 'The Farmer and the Snake'."

The farmer and the snake "Aesop's Fables", one side is quite a classic fable.

It is about a cold winter, when the farmer returning home found a frozen snake by the roadside.He felt sorry for the snake, and put it in his arms, trying to warm it.

But such kind deeds were not rewarded well. When the heat from his body warmed the snake, not only did the snake not repay him, but it showed its cruel nature and bit the farmer.

"Such behavior of repaying kindness and revenge should be spurned and despised." Ai Hayasaka raised her eyes, looked straight up, and looked towards Yuanjing's face.

With the moonlight and starlight, Yuan Jing could see that there were big and big teardrops, which were constantly sliding down from those extremely beautiful azure eyes.

In addition to the icy cold pool water, Yuan Jing also felt the temperature of another liquid.

Although the temperature was not high, it made him feel as if he was being burned.

"This is an absolutely unacceptable behavior." Although she was still crying, Hayasaka Ai still had a smile on her face.

It was a smile like a very delicate glass product.

While extremely beautiful, it is also extremely fragile, as if it will shatter immediately if touched lightly.

But it is precisely because of this that it exudes an extremely astonishing charm.

"But, I can't bear it anymore." With such a slight smile, looking into Yuanjing's eyes, Ai Hayasaka said in a very clear voice——

"I like you."

As if she was afraid that Yuanjing might not hear clearly, Ai Hayasaka continued to speak——

"I like Ah Jing, and I like you the most."

"I have a crush on you."

"I love you."

Such words burst out from Hayasaka Ai's slightly parted red lips.

Obviously, these words have been held back in her heart for quite a long time.

"Although it's usually obvious enough, Ah Jing must have known about it long ago, but this is the first time for such a serious confession, right?"

"I was wondering if I could find a better time to complete this ceremony without regret." Ai Hayasaka said a little embarrassedly, "But after all, the plan couldn't keep up with the changes, and now I, but It’s too much to worry about.”

"After all, if this step has not been carried out, there is no way to proceed to the next step."

What is the next step after hugging and confessing?

Of course it is...

Ai Hayasaka looked at Yuan Jing's lips.

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