The flowering period of camellias is actually quite long, and they can even bloom from autumn to May of the following year.

When St. Eden Academy built its own courtyard, it has always been quite particular about the selection of plants, and strives to achieve one scene per season without any ugly gaps.

And the ones who carry the banner in winter are naturally camellias and plum blossoms.

And Yukinoshita Yukino's current location happened to be facing a tea garden that was in full bloom.

"It's black camellia," Yukinoshita Yukino knew a thing or two about flowers.

Illustration is a very elegant art form in the upper class of Sakurajima. Although she is not proficient, she has also taken a few related courses, and she would like to use this to expand her hobbies.

'The flower language of the black camellia, I remember, is [the virtue of humility], [noble reason] and... [ideal love]. '

'what. '

With a soft cry in her heart, Yukino Yukino looked at the clusters of black camellias in the courtyard that were blooming vigorously, but they were in the best flowering period, and she couldn't help being a little lost.

What drove her to leave the activity room was the "reason" in her heart; this attitude of neither fighting nor grabbing can naturally be called "humility".

So, will the next thing that greets me be [ideal love]?

...obviously not.

Yukinoshita Yukino thought of the warning she gave herself before the cultural festival.

Love is something that can be 'earned', or 'struggled', but definitely not 'let'.

Regarding this point, Yukinoshita Yukino herself is quite aware of it.

If you want to win this [ideal love], then now is the best chance.

That [Lily Spencer] classmate has already made it quite clear that Yuanjing actually has a strong sense of responsibility in his heart.

Even though he was in an extremely rare state of psychological fragility at this time, he would not take it as an excuse to be irresponsible, but would take responsibility seriously afterwards.

Knowing this side of Yuanjing's character, Yukinoshita Yukino was extremely happy in her heart.

Although she can see Yuan Jing's serious attitude towards relationships from every bit of daily life, but that is just her own opinion, Xue Nao is actually a little uncertain.

But now, her point of view has been confirmed by Yuanjing himself, which makes her feel a sense of joy that "I really didn't see the wrong person".

But because of seeing Yuanjing's serious attitude towards feelings, Yukinoshita Yukino naturally values ​​this relationship more.

Not taking advantage of others doesn't mean she won't fight.

Yukinoshita Yukino is a character who makes decisions before acting. In fact, she has already made relevant plans and implemented them steadily.

In her opinion, falling in love should be a gradual process, and it must follow the order from the shallow to the deep, so that the relationship between the two will be stable.

Have a good impression of each other → test each other's mind, and let the relationship heat up → tell each other, confess to each other → kiss → [undescribable].

In Yukinoshita Yukino's view, this is the safest route, which is the so-called [Royal Way].

Any order in this cannot be reversed, otherwise, it can be said that they have deviated from the right path and walked into crooked ways.

In Yukinoshita Yukino's plan, the relationship between herself and Yuan Jing will not be considered mature until after the trip to Vienna.

And the date she chose for the confession was January 1rd.

That is... her birthday.

Although Yuanjing's current state was completely beyond her expectations, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't want to make any changes to it.

Compared with 'speed', she actually prefers 'safety'.

In addition, Yukinoshita Yukino herself didn't want to take advantage of others, so she finally chose the impartial neutral faction.

That is to say, he will not take advantage of this to do anything, but he will not disrupt the actions of other girls.

Fujiwara Chika and the others actually believed in Yukinoshita Yukino's character, so they expressed their understanding and acceptance of her actions.

If it was Fujiwara Chika who left the field alone like this, others would suspect that she wanted to run back to the Lamb Club as soon as possible.

Since the girls were all in a meeting, naturally only Yuanjing was present in the Lamb meeting.

Such alone time is very precious.

It's a very normal worry to want to sneak away and do something about it.

However, no one would use such dark thoughts to speculate on Yukino Yukinoshita.

This is the good fruit of her integrity and honesty.

Yukinoshita Yukino really didn't have such an idea.



The closer Yukinoshita Yukino walked to the Lamb Club's house, the slower he walked.

Next, I will meet Yuan Jing.

And at that time, he would definitely ask himself what Qianhua and Kaguya were doing at noon.

If so, how should I answer it?

After a lot of consideration, Yukinoshita Yukino's final choice is——

be honest.

There is no way, it can be said that it is quite a difficult and arduous task to lie to Yuan Jing and make him believe it.

If it is Chika Fujiwara or Kaguya Shimizu, there may be a certain chance of success, but if it is Yukinoshita Yukino whose lying ability is almost 0...

It's better not to overestimate yourself.

Anyway, I didn't hear their specific plans, so naturally I couldn't talk about any leaks or betrayals.

However, after Yukinoshita made a decision, and then gently pushed the door of the Lamb Club open.

However, she found that the decision she had made before did not make any sense.


Yuan Jing was lying on the table, obviously fell asleep.

The sunlight like a butterfly slanted in from the window sill at noon, and lightly stopped on the handsome face of the young man, as if kissing the straight bridge of the nose.

Bathed in the warm winter sun, the expression on his face was extremely gentle, like a carefree child.

If you listen carefully, you can still hear the young man's subtle but regular breathing.


Yukinoshita Yukino lost her ability to speak in an instant.

After staring blankly at the boy's sleeping face for a while, she finally came back to her senses.

Closing the door with a gentler movement than when she just opened it, Yukinoshita Yukino tiptoed slightly and walked towards the boy who was taking a nap.

She almost forgot that the room where the Lamb Club was located was actually the place Yuanjing chose to have lunch and take a nap.

Before the establishment of the Lamb Society, when there were only her and Yuanjing here, she would often see this young man taking a nap.

Once, probably because he was too sleepy, before he even had a meal, he built a bed out of chairs, lay on it and fell asleep.

It was he who found the unopened lunch box and shook it awake.

And after the establishment of the Lamb Club, because someone would come to entrust him, he stopped taking naps.

In other words, it is obviously not the first time I have seen Yuan Jing's sleeping face, but why, this time, the lethality is so much greater than before?

This kind of question just floated up in Yukinoshita Yukino's mind for a while, and he got an answer immediately.

Compared with that time, Yuanjing hardly changed.

In other words, it is oneself who changes.

Sure enough, he has completely fallen in love with the boy in front of him.

Sitting beside Yuan Jing, after reconfirming her intentions, Yukinoshita Yukino's face was already full of smiles.

'Really, there is no defense at all. '

'If Chika or Hayasaka-san is the first one to come back instead of me, you will be eaten. '

She sighed softly in her heart.

In fact, this statement is not accurate.

For Yuan Jing, even though he is asleep due to sleepiness and exhaustion of energy, he is actually subconsciously maintaining a state of vigilance.

He himself has already reached the realm of "The Prophet of the Cicadas Before the Autumn Wind Moves". If there is really danger, then he will definitely feel a sense of crisis and wake up immediately.

But such a crisis radar did not send out an alarm for Yukinoshita Yukino's approach.

Obviously, in Yuanjing's subconscious, Yukinoshita Yukino is undoubtedly 'safe'.

Smiling and staying aside, Yukinoshita Yukino just looked at the boy's sleeping face full of satisfaction.

And the time just passed by like this bit by bit.

In Yukinoshita Yukino's perception, it may be just such a short moment, and it's time to wake up Yuanjing.

By the way, why haven't they come back yet?Is something happened?

He glanced at the clock on the wall with some concern, although Yukinoshita Yukino was a little concerned, but the most important thing now was to wake up Yuanjing.

When she was not that familiar with Yuan Jing, Yukinoshita Yukino's method was usually to shake him awake.

However, today, Yukinoshita Yukino wanted a slightly different approach.

The thumb and index finger of his right hand touched Yuanjing's straight nose mischievously, and then pinched it very gently.

As long as the nose is blocked, breathing will naturally be hindered, and because of the feeling of suffocation, people will wake up from sleep...

Yukinoshita Yukino originally thought so.

However, it may be due to excessive mental exhaustion and sleepiness, even after adopting such a method, Yuan Jing still did not wake up.

The measures he subconsciously took were——

He opened his mouth slightly and began to breathe through his mouth. .


Although her plan was frustrated, Yukinoshita Yukino was not discouraged.

The usual Yuanjing gave people a mature and powerful aura, this was the first time she had seen such a childish behavior.

However, before she could take the next step, Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes suddenly stopped in one place.

Because of his previous actions, Yuan Jing suddenly opened his closed mouth.

At the same time, a small section of the tip of the tongue was exposed.

Xue Nai's eyes were fixed here.

At noon today, Yukinoshita Yukino heard what Kaguya said about last night, so she naturally knew that Hayasaka Ai and Yuan Jing had already kissed last night.

What's more, the lips and teeth intersected, 【Adult's Kiss】.

If there is no envy, then even Yukinoshita Yukino herself would not believe it.

And after seeing the little pink that was exposed, she couldn't help but think about what happened last night.

"In other words, last night, Hayasaka-san had this in her lips..."

I don't know why, Yukinoshita Yukino seems to be petrified, there is no way to look away from it.

In fact, she thought that she had already seen it and didn't care about such things.

But obviously, this idea is quite naive and ridiculous.

'What others have, I want too... I never thought that I would be such a jealous woman. '

Yukinoshita Yukino smiled self-deprecatingly.

'Is that enough? ' She said to herself in her heart, 'Don't forget that I have already made a plan, but the kiss can only be carried out on January 1rd, that is, after I confess my confession?Don't be fooled by your sister's nonsense. '

What Yukino said, of course, was Yukinoshita Yono who threatened her, saying that if she didn't kiss Yuan Jing before the new year, that is, January 1, Yang Nao would ask her family to cut off her living expenses, so that She went to Yuanjing's house to eat and drink.

Judging from the plan he made, Yukinoshita Yukino obviously didn't take this threat seriously.

However, it's good not to mention Yang Nao, when thinking of Yang Nao, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't help thinking about what the other party would do if Yang Nao was in her current situation.

Xue Nai grew up in the shadow of Yang Nai, it is a subconscious habit of her to switch positions from time to time and consider the other party's actions.

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