Unlike the upright Xue Nai, Yang Nai is actually the most orthodox sophistry player.

If she's here...

'Xue Nai, I think you have a misunderstanding. '


'In the act of kissing, the subject of the act is actually the lips. '

'Only the rubbing of each other's lips is considered a kiss. '

'That is to say, if you just touch each other's tongues, it won't go against your previous plan. '

'Because it's not kissing at all! '

Is...is that so?

Yukinoshita Yukino had no way to think about this issue.

If we want to talk about the reason, it is because at this moment, she has already bent down so lightly.

It's like the petals kissing the dew in early spring, like the water soaking the beach when the tide is high, it's like the white that hides under the valley before dawn, or the black that burns in the twilight at dusk.




And then--

She saw Yuan Jing's eyes that were a little confused because he had just woken up...

Chapter 84 All I ask in this life is you (a million words of flowers!)

As if being electrocuted, Yukinoshita Yukino lifted the bowed head of the scorpion all at once, and made a very slight sound of water.

At this time, she completely lost her previous composure and became quite panicked.

Yukinoshita Yukino has also watched all kinds of romance movies, and among them, there is no shortage of plots where she steals kisses while the other party is sleeping.

Generally speaking, the audience (including her of course) will basically smile knowingly when seeing this kind of scene, and at the same time feel the beauty of love in their hearts.

But generally speaking, no matter whether it is a woman secretly kissing a man or a man secretly kissing a woman, no matter where the lips land on the forehead, cheek or any other place, the other person will basically be in sleep all the time, not be aware of the other party's behavior.

It's a pity that the reality is not a film and television work, and things will not go on as they should in a movie or TV series.

When she found Yuan Jing had woken up and found him staring at her, the scene suddenly changed from a romance to a thriller.

At least that's how it was for her.

What did I just do!

First pinched his nose, then bent down [Wow——]!And not satisfied with that small point, even [Wow——]!

Even ordinary people, after such a toss, would definitely wake up, let alone Yuanjing.

Am I not completely overwhelmed by desire?

While Yukinoshita Yukino was sinking into the mire of self-blame and self-loathing, Yuan Jing had already fully woken up from his sleep.

He blinked his eyes a few times first, as if he was digesting the picture he had just seen, and after that, he just stretched out his right index finger——

Touched his lips.

After he took it away, he put his fingertips up and placed it under the sunlight shining through the window.

At the end of the index finger, a little crystal appeared just like that.

That's... the reflection of wet marks.

"Ah." Yukinoshita Yukino, who had been secretly watching Yuanjing's reaction from the corner of her eyes, couldn't help but let out a low moan.

Although it was his own lips that were touched, the wet marks on Yuanjing's fingers did not originate from himself.

It's... her.

No, no way!

Yuan Jing only showed a little bit at that time, and it was the first time she did such a thing, so she would feel a little jerky, and it was inevitable that she would touch a little bit, right?

But as long as there's no lips touching each other...

After watching the crystal clear under the sun for a while, Yuan Jing looked at Yukinoshita Yukino, who was a little restless, like a detective who had found evidence.

But before he could say anything, Yukinoshita Yukino, who was the biggest suspect, did make the first move——

"Mr. Yuan, do you know that in the dictionary, the definition of the word [kiss] is [touching lips to show admiration]." As if to block Yuan Jing's next words, Yukinoshita Yukino The speed of speech is quite fast.

"That is to say, in terms of mathematics, [the mutual contact of lips] is a necessary and insufficient condition for the act of [kissing]. Without the former, the latter is absolutely impossible!"

What are you talking about!

While saying these words, Yukinoshita Yukino also wailed from the bottom of her heart.

Such sophistry is not her usual style at all, but the product of her subconsciously imitating her sister's way of thinking and coping measures.

But if it was my sister who was standing here, she would definitely be able to make this reason more reasonable, as if it should be like this.

In this aspect, I can say that I am very far behind.

Not to mention Yuanjing, such fragmented and illogical sophistry, even ordinary people, will never be able to persuade...

"So it makes sense."


Yukinoshita Yukino opened her eyes wide, and looked at a certain boy who was nodding in agreement in great surprise.

"So, according to Yukino's point of view, the behavior you did to me [while asleep], because there is no lip contact between you and me, so it is not a [kiss]?"

Yuan Jing tilted his head, confirming this to Yukino Yukino.

"That's right." Yukinoshita Yukino replied quite quickly.

"Then, since [kissing] is not counted, does the behavior just now have any special meaning?" Yuanjing asked again.

"...No, you can think that what I did just now was entirely out of curiosity." This time, Xue Nao hesitated a little, but still gave a somewhat blunt explanation.

"I see, I see, is it out of curiosity?" Yuan Jing nodded to express his understanding, and after that——

"Since there is no special meaning, then I'll just treat it as a remnant of a dream."


"Because the afternoon class is about to start, Yukino just woke me up in a very ordinary way, can I think so?"

"..." There is no negation, and of course there is no affirmation.

Staring at Yuan Jing in a daze, Yukinoshita was just so silent.

"Ah, I slept so comfortably." Standing up from the seat, Yuan Jing slightly moved the stiff joints of his body, making a crisp sound.

Just like what he said just now, the behavior Yukinoshita Yukino did to him while Yuanjing was asleep seemed to have never happened at all.

Compared with usual, Yuan Jing's attitude towards her has not changed at all.

He didn't show any ill feeling towards her because of what happened just now.


It didn't make them any closer.

Obviously after such a thing, the distance between the two of them has neither become farther nor closer.

Instead, he just kept going.

For some reason, after discovering this, Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly felt rather unhappy.

Logically speaking, Yuan Jing's actions completely followed her wishes, and she should be greatly relieved at this moment.

However, it was completely different from the expected relaxation, and her heart was just like this.

With her snow-white teeth sticking out, she bit her lower lip, as if she wanted to use this behavior to endure something.

"Aren't Qianhua and Kaguya back yet?" Yuan Jing seemed to have not noticed the entanglement in Yukino's heart, and Yuan Jing behaved quite naturally.

After looking around the empty seats of Chika Fujiwara and Kaguya Shimizu, although Yuan Jing was a little surprised, he didn't show too worried.

"Well, on this campus, there are very few people who can embarrass these two people, so there is no need to be particularly concerned."

Looking at the clock on the wall, Yuan Jing greeted Xue Nai after realizing that the class was only about 10 minutes away, indicating that it was time to leave the department room and return to the teaching building.

But just as he was about to walk towards the door, a small hand suddenly grabbed the hem of his clothes.

"...No." The voice of negation, as thin as a mosquito, just dissolved in this small space.

"Xue Nai, if you don't leave, you won't be able to catch up with the first class in the afternoon." It seemed that she didn't hear that negative sentence. Of course, it may be that she didn't hear it on purpose. Yuan Jing didn't look back, but just reminded her.

However, Yukinoshita Yukino didn't let go of her hand, but held it even tighter.

"I lied just now, and that wasn't just out of curiosity, without any special meaning!" Yukinoshita Yukino's voice was a little hurried, as if she was afraid that Yuanjing would lose the patience to finish listening, "That's my dear... ..”

"Yue Nao." Before she could finish her confession as if she was going to testify in court, Yuan Jing interrupted her with a firm and crisp voice although it was not heavy.

"Think carefully about Hesha, Qianhua, and Ai. If you admit this kind of thing, it will be a betrayal of their trust."

If life is compared to a game, then for girls such as Fujiwara Chika, Touma Kazusa, Hayasaka Ai, Yuanjing is the big boss like the final devil.

The ultimate equipment named 'Happiness' can only be obtained after it is 'tipped down'.

And during this period of time, due to the version change, Yuan Jing, the big devil, fell into a once-in-a-lifetime "weakness period", and this is the best opportunity for these brave girls to conquer him.

For this reason, the girls began to cooperate and confront each other.

But Yukinoshita Yukino's choice is [Neutral].

Neither hindering the plans of other girls nor taking advantage of this opportunity to do something, this is the promise of Yukinoshita Yukino as a neutral person.

And if she admits what she just did, it will naturally break this oath.

Because of this, Yuanjing said very empathetically that he can pretend that nothing happened.

And when Yukinoshita Yukino showed a very obvious intention of repenting, Yuan Jing would interrupt it and make such a warning.

"...How do you know?" Yukinoshita Yukino opened her eyes wide in surprise.

On the other hand, Yuan Jing sighed a little, and shrugged helplessly, "The three of you happen to be busy at noon, so I'm the only one left here."

"Also, in the morning, I saw classmate Lili pulling Qianhua aside, muttering something."

"The third point is that after the last class in the morning, Ai walked with Qianhua."

"Obviously, all of you are busy with the same thing."

"And considering that it is related to classmate Lily, and you want to avoid me, it is actually quite obvious what it is."

Yuan Jing turned around, and the two suddenly became face to face.

"Xue Nai, you should already know about my recent situation?"

"...Well." Yukinoshita Yukino nodded, "Master Lily said that you have been a little unstable recently, and she said that if you want to have something to do with you, this is the best chance .”

"I knew it." Yuan Jing held his forehead with some headaches.He actually wanted to hide this information from the girls a little bit.

After all, after last night, he has already understood how dangerous this so-called 'side effect' is.

To be honest, in that state, he didn't have the confidence to control himself at all.

It's okay for the girls not to know, if they knew, what would they do, Yuan Jing didn't even dare to think about it.

After slightly sighing, Yuan Jing continued, "Qianhua and the others haven't come back yet, but you, Yukino, have come back early."

"That proves that you did not choose the same approach as them."

"According to my understanding of your character, you probably don't want to take advantage of me, right? However, you also respect your friends' choices. In order not to hear their plans, you chose to leave directly. "

"Is that right?"

Yuanjing asked like this.

"Yeah." Yukinoshita Yukino nodded lightly, and just looked straight at Yuanjing.

While analyzing Yuanjing, she was also sorting out her emotions.

And at this moment, she has also sorted out all her emotions, and has obviously made a certain decision in her heart.

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