"If that's the case, if you admit that the previous behavior was [kissing], then you will naturally break the agreement you made..."

"So, so what?" There was no more shyness on her face, but a little smile on the contrary, after Yukinoshita Yukino saw the slightly surprised look on Yuanjing's face, in her dark blue eyes, Instead, the pleasure of 'successful prank' flashed through.

"Yuan-kun, no, A-Jing," while changing the address naturally, Yukinoshita Yukino quietly pulled the distance between himself and Yuan Jing, "Just now, I want to understand one thing, that is -"

"For me now, there is nothing more important than you." Without any shyness, Yukinoshita put a hand on Yuan Jing's waist.

First, I felt Yuanjing's firm abdominal muscles, and then slowly moved up along the school uniform...

"Upright, open and aboveboard, and keeping promises, this is my consistent principle of dealing with things," Yukino's eyes were a little blurred as she stared at Yuanjing's dark and deep eyes that seemed to be sucking her in.

"I thought that I would persevere in everything. But now, I realize that I have overestimated myself." At this time, her hand had already reached Yuanjing's chest .

After feeling the boy's heartbeat for a moment, she grabbed the tie of Yuanjing's school uniform.

"Stay neutral, just watch others take this opportunity to get closer to you...I can't do this." Yukinoshita Yukino admitted frankly, "Today At noon, I realized that I was such a jealous woman."

"It is this sense of crisis that made me do what I just did."


The girl tugged on Yuanjing's tie.

Her strength is not great, but whether it is her movements, expressions, or tone, she reveals a little pleading.

"Ah Jing, I will apologize to them next time." No longer the usual awe-inspiring voice, Yukinoshita Yukino's words now have an extremely rare seductiveness.

"So, let's kiss."

"This time it's the formal and standard kind."

"Otherwise, I would be at a slight loss."


In this way, there was only less than a lunch break, and the neutral faction fell apart by itself.

At present, apart from Qingshuihuiye, Yuanjing can be said to be 'enemies everywhere'.

So, here comes the problem——

Can Shimizu Kaguya really be regarded as Yuanjing's 'helper'?

Chapter 85 (ゝω·)Hey~☆, sorry

Leaving aside a certain second lady from the Yukinoshita family who originally wanted to be an impartial neutral, but surrendered at the speed of light under the charm of Yuan Jing, and quickly betrayed her position.

We might as well turn our attention back to the practice room of Touma Kazusa.

After showing to others, especially Fujiwara Chika, Hayasaka Ai, and Touma Kazusa that she is Genkei’s loyal dog, she will unconditionally obey his orders and perform the tasks he gave herself——

However, Shimizu Kaguya did not carefully observe the expressions of the other three people, but directly turned his attention to the culprit of all these things, which is Yuanjing's current 'teacher', Lily Spencer.

In Shimizu Kaguya's mind, the blond-haired blue-eyed British exchange student had a slightly complicated impression.

On the one hand, if she hadn't shaken Yuanjing's defenses from within, such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity would never have come.

Not only that, but she also roughly found out the reason why Yuanjinghui has a rather negative attitude towards the feeling of "love", and told the girls about it without reservation, acting quite generously.

From this point of view, although it can be said that they are almost strangers, this exchange student who appeared like a shooting star can be regarded as their great benefactor.

On the other hand, Kaguya actually held some resentment towards her in his heart.

After all, if the exchange student hadn't 'meddled in her own business' to hold the party, she would have had a huge advantage as the only one who knew what was going on.

On the one hand, she can justifiably stop the contact between Yuan Jing and other girls, and become the only person she can rely on;

On the other hand, the girls will definitely be puzzled by this sudden 'cold reception', and maybe they will feel that they are hated by Yuanjing.Then, their offensive against Yuanjing will naturally be suspended because of this, and even restrained a little because of this.

Under the ebb and flow, Shimizu Kaguya can naturally take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to 'go to Oita'.

However, this gathering at noon today overturned all the plans she had planned long ago last night.

A pillow of yellow beams dream, all scattered in the water...

Under such circumstances, Kaguya would have a certain amount of resentment towards Artoria, which is naturally reasonable.

However, Shimizu Kaguya is Shimizu Kaguya after all.

Not only did she not indulge in this kind of resentment, allowing it to drive her emotions to oppose this [Lily Spencer], on the contrary, she threw it away very easily.

Now that the matter has developed to this point, instead of drowning in the dream we made up, it is better to accept the reality quickly and find some places that are beneficial to ourselves.

This is what Shimizu Kaguya is thinking now.

Fujiwara Chika is her friend who has been with her for nearly ten years, Hayasaka Ai is her personal maid who grew up with her, and the relevant information of Touma Kazusa is also one of her key research objects, Shimizu Kaguya can be said to be very familiar with it in the heart.

As for what the three of them would do with this opportunity, although Shimizu Kaguya had no way of guessing the specific methods of these girls, but he could also guess a general idea in his heart.

But for this exchange student from England, Kaguya can be said to be a little unfamiliar, so it is natural to confirm some things with her.

"The relationship between us is not that familiar. To be honest, it is a bit presumptuous to ask such a question. Although there is a great possibility that I am judging the heart of a gentleman with the heart of a villain, but—— —”

"I still want to ask."

"Student Lily Spencer," Shimizu Kaguya asked in a very serious tone, staring at the other party with bright red blood eyes without blinking, "Excuse me, do you have any thoughts about Yuan-kun?"

After Kaguya uttered this question, the atmosphere in the entire activity room froze instantly.

"Kaguya!" Fujiwara Chika called Kaguya's name with a little reproach.

One is because he is in the same class as Artoria, and the other is because he once helped him and Fujido Lilicia to complete the exclusive interview together.

For these two reasons, Chika Fujiwara has a considerable understanding of the character and quality of this blond British girl, and naturally has great trust in her character.

Therefore, when she heard Kaguya's words that obviously suspected that Artoria had other plans, she couldn't help but speak out like this.

"Qianhua, I understand what you mean." However, Shimizu Kaguya obviously did not intend to take this sentence back, but insisted, "However, as the saying goes, 'You must not have the heart to harm others, and you must have the heart to guard against others' , as Yuan Jun's subordinate, I have to make clear Lili's intentions."

Because... too coincidental.

He obviously just came to Sakurajima from England, but it can be said that he has been entangled with Yuan Jing since the first day. While he is extremely indifferent to other people in the class, he only looks at Yuan Jing differently.

Moreover, after a few days, she became Yuanjing's 'Master'.

This kind of rapid progress in the relationship made Shimizu Kaguya frown a little.

Not only that, but as a master, what he taught Yuanjing actually had such unspeakable side effects...

Because of the growth environment, Shimizu Kaguya's suspicion has always been quite serious.

in last night.When she was laying on the bed and trying to figure out the context of the incident in her mind, Kaguya once suspected that the whole thing was a trick set up by this [Lily Spencer] classmate.

As for the reasons for doing this, Shimizu Kaguya can think of a lot of them in a blink of an eye.

For example, this beautiful British girl is actually quite coveted by Yuanjing. After learning about the boy's character and knowing that he can't be taken down by normal means within two weeks, she has a crooked heart, so she deliberately hides it. This 'side effect' is not mentioned, only taught him this thing.

In this way, the seed called 'desire' was planted in the boy's heart, and after that, she could taste the taste of a boy without spending so much effort...

Of course, this is just the 'worst guess' in Kaguya's mind, and the possibility of it being the truth can be said to be very slim.

After all, since he can think of such a thing, then Yuanjing can naturally think of it too.

But last night, Yuan Jing didn't mention to her to 'be careful of Lily Spencer'.

So in his eyes, this beautiful British girl is obviously trustworthy.

However, negligible is not equal to 0 after all.

It was precisely because of this concern that Kaguya Shimizu raised this question here in order to get a definite answer.

Arturia blinked, looking a little surprised.

Before that, Arturia had actually kept a smile on her face, just looking at the five girls in front of her who were divided into three factions, without saying anything to stop them.

When facing Yuanjing, she actually considers herself an 'elder' in her heart.

And when facing these girls, she naturally didn't put these 'peers' on the same level as herself.

So she's actually using something very soft, something like 'This is youth! ' looked at these young girls.

When Kaguya asked her this question, her first reaction was not 'I'm offended', but 'It's really cute to feel jealous because of this kind of thing'.

She didn't have that kind of meaning towards Yuan Jing, so she waved her hand very naturally, and said with a smile, "How could I have any unreasonable thoughts about him?"

After shaking her head uncontrollably, as if she thought this kind of question was absurd, Artoria said in a firm tone——

"How can I like Yuan Jun? I only regard him as my apprentice and my best friend, and I regard him as my younger brother."

"There will be friendship between me and him, and things like sister-sibling relationship."

"There is absolutely no love between a man and a woman in this!"

"I don't know the answer, are you satisfied?" After saying this, Artoria blinked at the other girls with a clear conscience.

Fujiwara Chika and the others are fine.

Because Arturia's tone was quite firm and her expression was quite sincere, the three of them believed in it, and couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

And on Kaguya's side——

"..." She just gave Arturia a deep look, but didn't say anything.

However, there was no 'doubt' in those eyes.

On the contrary, the emotion called 'sympathy' actually accounts for a considerable part.

'That's what you said, I hope you can keep going like this. '

In Shimizu Kaguya's heart, there was a subtle sense of identification with Artoria.

However, now that Altria's views on Yuanjing have been determined, the subsequent things will be much simpler.

"In this case, I would like to ask classmate Lili, if someone asks you, I hope you can help her a little bit when drawing closer to Yuan-kun." Shimizu Kaguya glanced at Fujiwara Chika, and then looked at Look out for Ai Hayasaka.

"At that time, will you help her?"

"Huh?" Arturia hadn't considered this question, she pinched her chin, and after pondering for a moment, she finally said with some uncertainty——

"Should it help?"

"I see, I will help." Shimizu Kaguya nodded clearly, engraving this important information in her heart.

"By the way, classmate Lili, since you claim to be Mr. Yuan's master, does that mean that your skills are superior to Mr. Yuan's?" She suddenly said curiously.

How did it turn from an emotional problem to a combat power problem? !

Although she was a little uncomfortable with the jumping speed of such a topic, Artoria still said honestly, "There was a discussion between us."

"That time, I lost."

Of course, this does not mean that Artoria is weaker than Yuanjing.

The real situation is actually the opposite of the result of the discussion. In terms of combat power, Arturia is actually superior to Yuanjing.

The prerequisite here is that both of them are in perfect condition, and they also have the most convenient weapons in their hands.

In the previous sparring, Yuanjing actually took a considerable advantage.

First of all, because the bamboo sword is too light, Artoria has no way to display the true level of the western sword; in addition, this is not a life-and-death struggle, Artoria seriously lacks a sense of crisis, so she has to give up the first attack , to force yourself into the state...

If you want to find a reason for defeat, it can be said that there are a lot of them.

But Artoria didn't do that.

She just said lightly, 'I'm defeated', and didn't make any excuses for it afterwards.

"That's it, that's good." Shimizu Kaguya breathed a sigh of relief obviously, but she also knew that this would make Artoria's face a little ugly, so she hurriedly explained——

"I was actually worried just now, if classmate Lili's skills are better than Yuan Jun, maybe someone will ask you for help and force him [like this]..."

Although she spoke vaguely, Artoria obviously understood what she meant.

"...No, no matter how you say it, it's impossible to reach that point, right? Shimizu-san was just joking, right?"

Arturia confirmed this with a smile to Chika Fujiwara.

But Chika Fujiwara just shifted her gaze away, not daring to look at Arturia.

"...It was a joke, isn't it?" The smile on Artoria's face suddenly faded, she looked at Hayasaka Ai, and her tone began to be a little unbelievable.

But Ai Hayasaka's reaction was quite similar to that of Chika Fujiwara.

She also quietly looked away.

It's not that they've made up their minds to do such a thing.

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