On the contrary, if it wasn't for the last moment, they would never use such a method.

That said, though, if nothing else really works, then...

Artoria's gaze, this time, came to the mobile phone Yukinoshita Yukino left behind, looking at Touma Kazusa who had been quietly listening to their conversation.

Seeing Arturia looking at him, Touma and Sasha shivered slightly, after that——

Although she didn't look away, she was still bravely looking at Arturia, but her fair cheeks were turning red little by little.

The silence speaks.

"..." At this time, Arturia was already seriously thinking about whether it was a mistake for her to entrust Qianhua to hold this party today without comprehensive consideration.

And at this moment, the mobile phones of Touma Kazusa, Yukinoshita Yukino, Fujiwara Chika, Hayasaka Ai, and Shimizu Kaguya all vibrated with news.

And the sender of this message is [Yuanjing].

And the title of the message is [Sorry! 】.

Why did Yuanjing apologize?Did he do something?

Some eagerly opened this message, and after that, almost everyone was stunned.

[Sorry, I kissed Ah Jing. 】


This is a text message from Yukinoshita Yukino.

Since her mobile phone was still here, she used Yuanjing's mobile phone to send the agreed apology.

Not so much an apology though...

Everyone's eyes were attracted by the emoji that was not in Yukino's style.

Is this showing off? !

Absolutely so, right? !

What about neutrality? !

Chapter 86 As we all know, Boss strategies often require key props

"So, let's kiss."

Softly, Yukinoshita Yukino pulled the tie of Yuanjing's school uniform.

She raised her small face and looked into the boy's eyes. The dark blue eyes were filled with the watery light called 'Pleading'.

She is the second young lady of Yukinoshita's family, the flower of Gaoling who is as cold as ice, righteous and upright.

Before meeting him, she never thought that she would do such a thing to him without consent while he was asleep.

What she didn't even think about was that after being smashed by the other party, she didn't feel ashamed of it, but instead made an inch of it.

Maybe it's because I've been deeply poisoned.

"This time, the formal and standard one."

The girl's voice lingered in this somewhat narrow space, soft and lingering, like an extremely slender thread that would never break.

However, if you listen carefully, you can still hear the trembling ending.

Obviously, Yukinoshita Yukino's heart is not as calm as her surface at all.

"Otherwise, I would be at a slight loss."

From the lips as delicate as flower petals, words that sounded like a dream came out.

Yukinoshita Yukino just stood on tiptoe, shortening the distance between herself and the boy just like that.

And after that...


When soft things like lips rub against each other, they naturally won't make such a sound.

It's the sound of your knuckles hitting something hard.

After Xuexue yelled 'pain', Yukinoshita Yukino supported her forehead, showing a pitiful expression.

Obviously, the request she sent was not approved by Yuan Jing.

Therefore, the boy lightly imprinted the stamp called 'Reject' on her forehead.

"I haven't bothered about what you did just now, don't create such an atmosphere without authorization." With a finger to knock Yukinoshita Yukino out of the state just now, Yuan Jing said a little angrily.

Even thousands of words can't describe the astonishing coquettishness of an ice and snow beauty like Yukinoshita Yukino when she took the initiative to ask for a kiss.

But Yuan Jing did not indulge in this gentle village she carefully crafted, and became the girl's captive.

This is not because he is a stone man with a heart of stone.

In fact, it was the first time that Yukinoshita Yukino expressed her intentions so frankly, and it was naturally impossible to say that Yuan Jing didn't have any fluctuations in her heart.

Yukinoshita Yukino was originally one of the "wives" he admired and loved the most in his previous life, but after coming to this world, he and Yukinoshita Yukino actually experienced many things together.

In terms of favorability, although it is definitely not the standard of a lover, it must have surpassed the level of a friend.

In this regard, Hayasaka Ai is actually slightly inferior to her.

So, if this is the case, why did Yuan Jing show a gesture of responding when facing Ai Hayasaka, but chose to refuse when facing Yukino at noon today?

Of course it's because-

The status is different.

When taking a bath in the pool last night, Yuanjing was under the influence of 'side effects', which is the so-called 'burning body' state, so the defense power in this aspect has naturally dropped significantly;

However, after the lunch break at noon today, Yuanjing was in a sober and normal state, and his way of thinking was not disturbed in any way.

Moreover, compared to before, that is, before Artoria came to Saint Eden, Yuan Jing's defense power when he was awake not only did not decrease, but increased a lot.

The reason is actually very simple -

He didn't want to be someone who only had that kind of thing in his head.

Man is a creature that forgives himself quite easily and thus degrades himself.

Once you have a reason to convince yourself, then it is quite easy to become [peace of mind].

What Arturia taught him is an excellent excuse, as long as Yuanjing regards this as an excuse, then he will definitely be able to gain the understanding of the girls.

They would even take the initiative to excuse him, finding all kinds of reasons.

However, Yuanjing didn't want to become like this [peace of mind].

It's fine when he is affected by the 'side effects' and his head is a little confused, but if he still shamelessly refuses the girl's 'welfare' when he is awake...

What is the difference between these two states?

If I just let it go like this, then even if I overcome this 'side effect' after a week, can I still go back after that?

Yuanjing didn't know.

He also didn't want to know.

No, it should be said that he didn't want to know the need for such things.

If he really turned into a "no women, no joys" starving ghost because of this, he would despise himself.

"Yukono, wake up, don't 'break the cans and smash'." Yuan Jing took a step back slightly, as if he wanted to use this sense of distance to wake up Yukinoshita Yukino.

In his opinion, the reason why Yukinoshita Yukino made such a bold move was not only that she had a good impression of Yuan Jing, but the incident of "being discovered by him while stealing a kiss with Yuan Jing" could be said to be the most important thing. direct cause.

This sudden situation broke her sense of shame, which made her do such a bold thing as 'asking for a kiss'.

"...【破罐子破摔】, so that's the case, did Ah Jing understand my behavior just now?" Yukinoshita Yukino muttered softly.

If you ask her if this is the case, then she really has no way to deny it.

But so what?

For some reason, Yukinoshita Yukino suddenly remembered what happened when she was a child.

At that time, my mother, who was wearing a kimono, was holding her by one hand, and her elder sister, Yango, by the other, and the three of them went to a local festival in Chiba.

Candy apples, marshmallows, taiyaki...a wide range of delicious snacks, all of which exude a very attractive and sweet aroma;

Playing air guns, fishing for goldfish, hooking water polo... All kinds of entertainment items tempted the two who were still just little girls at the time.

Whenever this time, Yukinoshita Yono would try to shake off his mother's hand and have a good time in the festival.

And Yukinoshita Yukino will obediently hold her mother's hand, acting quite obediently.

Is she not interested in these things?

of course not!

She is not some reincarnated old monster, of course there are times when she is full of childlike innocence.

But for her who was not as good as her elder sister and lived in the shadow of Yang Nai since she was a child, this is one of the few times when she is praised by her mother.

The mother, who was helplessly chasing her sister around, would stroke her head with her big warm hand when she saw her well-behaved self, and praise herself as a 'good boy'.


Although she also wants hard apple candy, soft marshmallows, hot taiyaki, and various fun activities, but for the praise of her mother as a "good boy", for 'Better than' sister, she still endured so much.

Time has passed, and she had to miss these innocences in her childhood because she wanted to be a 'good boy'.

But now, she didn't want to miss it.

The previous behavior of stealing a kiss was a bit of a no-brainer, and it was also the direct cause of the embarrassing situation now, but Yukinoshita Yukino didn't feel regretful.

Because only in this way can she realize how much she has nostalgia for this boy deep in her heart.

So heavy that she tore off her 'good boy' mask without the slightest hesitation, and then learned to be a 'bad boy'.

However, because Yukinoshita Yukino doesn't have many friends, and among them, the 'bad woman' she knows is actually only one——

That is her older sister, Yukinoshita Yono.

Seeing that her original plan was frustrated, although Yukinoshita Yukino felt a little disappointed in her heart, she didn't feel discouraged.

With Yuanjing's personality, the chance of such a thing succeeding is not high.

The reason why she did this was because she was stimulated by Ai Hayasaka on the one hand, and on the other hand, she wanted to verify something.

'Well, sure enough, without the help of [that state], it would still be extremely difficult to break through Ah Jing's defense. Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't help frowning in her heart.

'However, when will [that state] come? ’ This is the point that bothers her the most.

Not only Yukinoshita Yukino, but other girls are also most concerned about this.

Last night, Yuan Jing should have been attacked by that state for the first time, so he behaved a little abnormally. Ai Hayasaka found out so easily, and took this opportunity to kiss Yuan Jing.

But as time goes by, Yuanjing will become more and more familiar with this state, and the superficial abnormalities will naturally become smaller and smaller.

This is bad news for the girls.

Because this means that they have to leave everything to luck, and bet that Yuanjing is in that state when they launch an offensive, otherwise, they will be the same as Yukinoshita Yukino at noon today...

'Is there anything or something that can lure Ah Jing into that state? '

While Yukinoshita Yukino muttered in her heart, she stretched out a hand towards Yuan Jing.

"Ah Jing, can I borrow your mobile phone?" She said to Yuan Jing, "My mobile phone is with Kaguya and the others. If you want to apologize to them for my betrayal, you can only borrow yours." phone."

This was a very reasonable request, so Yuanjing naturally did not refuse.

So, Yukinoshita Yukino used Yuanjing's mobile phone to send a text message to herself, Fujiwara Chika, Hayasaka Ai, Shimizu Kaguya, and Touma Kazusa's mobile phones.

That is, the title they received was [Sorry! ] SMS.

She did kiss Won Kyung.

Even if there is no lip contact, the entanglement of the tip of the tongue is naturally more intimate.

From this point of view, there is naturally no problem with such a statement.

...Before I tried my best to say 'that's not', but now I insist on saying 'that'...

There is no way, I am not a 'good boy Yukinoshita Yukino', but a 'bad boy Yukinoshita Haruno'.

It will be a little slippery, isn't it a very normal thing?

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