Of course, this is only true for matters related to Ah Jing.

While admonishing himself in his heart, Yukinoshita Yukino continued to skillfully write a short message.

This is her main purpose.

And the recipient of this text message is——

Yono under the snow.

My elder sister once threatened her, saying that if there was no progress between herself and Yuanjing, then her mother would cut off her living expenses after the New Year, so that she could go to Yuanjing's house to live and eat.

Now, she needs to tell her about the progress between herself and Ah Jing, so as to save her from nagging in her ears every day.

And other than that...

She also needs the help of her own sister.

Yukinoshita Yoshino has actually mentioned it to her many times before, saying that she wants to help herself so that she can draw closer to Yuanjing faster and better; she also said a lot of weird things about it The idea seems to be more urgent than her.

Before, she always refused because of face.

But now, Yukinoshita Yukino has already thought about it.

Although her elder sister is a bit eccentric, she really wants Yuan Jing to be her brother-in-law.

That being the case, there is absolutely no need for him to refuse her help.

However, if his older sister is to be useful like Fujiwara Chika's mother Fujiwara Manho, or Touma Kazusa's mother Touma Yoko, then she must have contact with Yuan Jing.

And what she is doing now is creating such an opportunity.

Although Yuanjing has met his sister several times, he doesn't seem to have any interest in Yang Nai, and he didn't even exchange contact information with her at all.

My own text messages are purposely written without beginning or end, and I still use Yuanjing's mobile phone.

In this case, Yukinoshita Yoshino has a reason to contact this 'I don't know whose number' (actually it is Yuanjing).

As for how she will use this matter in the future...

Yukinoshita Yukino is not so clear.

After all, Yang Nai is a few years older than her, and his communication skills are much better than hers. In addition, because he often asks himself about A Jing, he is actually quite familiar with A Jing's character.

As long as I open a small mouth for her, Yang Nao will take advantage of it very smoothly.

Yukino is very confident in her sister's ability.



In the studio, Shiina Mashiro looked at the drawing board in front of him quite relievedly, and made a congratulatory gesture of his success.

With the auxiliary props found by Yuan Jing and her own efforts, the restoration work of "Red Dragon's Roaring Picture" has been completely completed!

Although her face is still expressionless, anyone who is familiar with Shiina Mashiro can tell that the girl is actually quite happy.

After finally finishing the painting, Shiina Mashiro had time to look at the wall clock on the wall of the studio.

It was the second class in the afternoon, and there was still some time before get out of class ended.

Well, for the next step, I just need to wait here obediently, and when Ying Lili comes here, she will notify Yuanjing on the phone to pick up the painting, right?

Shiina Mashiro, who still doesn't know how to use a mobile phone, thinks so.

Chapter 87: Shizuka Hiratsuka's Gathering Order, and the Shadow Approaching Quietly

The slender arm hit the water surface, shattering the stars in a pool...


Drops of water slipped from its body, soaked by the afterglow of the new moon, like flowing chalcedony.While gilding it with a silver edge, it blurred the outline of the boy, making it a bit hazy...

"elder sister?"

Because of the dim light, the expression on the boy's face was completely unrecognizable.However, he could vaguely see his tightly wrinkled brows and his bitten lower lip, as if he was enduring something...

"elder sister!"

The yelling that almost came from the ear, as well as her own arm being shaken, woke up Shijo Zhenfei who was in a trance and memory.

After she raised her head, her younger brother's face, which was mixed with worry and curiosity at the same time, came into view at once.

She blinked her eyes a few times at first, and then looked around, only to realize that she was not hiding behind the curtains of a certain living room, but was sitting in the classroom of Class F, Senior One, St. Eden Academy.

Moreover, judging from the sun outside the window and the performance of other students, it seems that it is already the end of school in the afternoon.

"Sister, are you alright?" Looking worriedly at the real concubine Sijo who was looking around, as if confirming the current situation, Emperor Sijo asked a little cautiously.

Since this morning, my sister has become very strange.

She was originally extremely sensitive to the surrounding environment, but today she always fell into a trance from time to time, not knowing what she was thinking.

During the lunch break today, if I hadn't reminded myself, Shitiao Zhenfei would have even forgotten to eat lunch...

Even the teacher who came to teach the class and other students in the class discovered such an abnormal state.

However, because of the high prestige and popularity of Concubine Sijo in the class, although they were extremely curious, they did not ask her so ignorantly.

However, as the younger brother of Concubine Sijo, who was also the one who sent her to the gate of Yuanjing Villa yesterday afternoon and picked her up at the same place this morning, Emperor Sijo knew quite well in his heart that the reason why his elder sister became this The appearance is definitely related to her experience at Yuanjing's home last night.

But what exactly happened this night?

Then he will not know.

To be honest, he himself was quite surprised that it turned out to be such a result in the end.

The reason why Shijo Zhenfei went to Yuanjing's house was actually the result of his instigation behind the scenes.

After noticing that his "silly" sister seemed to have some inexplicable meanings towards Shimizu Kaguya's boyfriend, the "Genjing" she called, he came up with such a method.

From Si Tiaodi's point of view, the result of his sister's trip yesterday is actually estimated to be only three.

According to my elder sister, Shimizu Huiye and Yuan Jing are boyfriend and girlfriend who have already lived together.

Then, in the 'home' belonging to the two, without the restraint of the classmates, there will definitely be some interactions between the two that only belong to lovers.

The arrival of my elder sister may make this couple restrain themselves a little.But it is indeed extremely impossible to completely put an end to this kind of thing, to be polite and orderly to each other.

What my elder sister is most proud of is her keen observation ability that can be said to be able to discern every detail.

At that time, no matter how private the interaction between the two of them was, it was absolutely impossible to hide it from my sister's eyes.

And at that time, after the sweet interaction between Yuanjing and Shimizu Kaguya in private gave her a critical blow and "broke the defense", this tsundere sister of herself should be able to understand what kind of feeling she has for Yuanjing. feelings.

With her older sister's 'death to save face and suffer'...cough cough cough, I mean arrogant personality, even if she realizes this point, she probably won't just act like this to destroy her friend's relationship.

Of course, Emperor Sijo hoped that his sister would just come out of this relationship that had died before it even started, and welcome her new life.

But as a twin brother, he does know that such a 'best' development is actually somewhat unrealistic.

When dealing with matters involving strangers, Concubine Sijo will become quite vigorous and decisive, without being sloppy at all.

But if it's about acquaintances or friends, her handling will become a bit sticky and not straightforward at all.

In Shitiaodi's vision, the most likely behavior of his sister after that is to become the watchman of this relationship, just watching quietly from the sidelines.

If the relationship between Shimizu Kaguya and Yuan Jing has been quite stable, and finally entered the palace of marriage like this, then my sister will kill all thoughts in her heart, and then sincerely offer her blessings to the two

However, if there is a gap in the relationship between Shimizu Kaguya and Yuan Jing, and the two part ways, she will not actively bridge the gap as [Shimizu Kaguya's best friend], but will start to treat Yuan Jing The pursuit of scenery.

After all, in this case, it is not considered as 'digging the corner of the best friend'.

And as for the last case...

That is, after recognizing his own feelings, although he knew that Yuan Jing was Shimizu Kaguya's boyfriend, he still planned to take him away from Kaguya.

That means that her older sister loves Yuanjing so much, and she values ​​this relationship far more than her self-esteem, face, other people's opinions, and so on.

In short, no matter which of these three possibilities is finally realized, [recognizing one's feelings for Yuanjing] is something that will definitely happen.

However, looking at my sister's state today, such a thing doesn't seem to have happened?

...what the hell is going on here?

However, these things can be pondered later, but right now, there are still other things to remind my sister, which is why I want to wake her up from the trance.

At this time, after a very short period of adaptation, the real concubine Sijo has completely recovered from the trance.

The eyes that had been wandering around had refocused on his younger brother's face, and there was a little questioning look in those dark purple eyes.

'Call me for something? 'Emperor Sijo seemed to have heard such an inquiry.

"Ahem, just now a classmate from class A came over to inform that their class teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka has something to do with my sister, and I hope my sister can go to her office."

But Sijodi didn't dare to make any detours, but just repeated the words of the person who just went to the classroom door of Class F to inform him in such a complete way.

"Ms. Hiratsuka Shizuka?" Makoto Shijo repeated the name in surprise, "What is she looking for me for... ah."

Only halfway through the words, Sijo Zhenfei already understood something, and stood up from her seat all of a sudden.

"I'm going right now!"

After eagerly throwing these words in the face of her younger brother, Makoto Shijo ran towards the door of Class F classroom.

Shizuka Hiratsuka is the head teacher of Class A in the first year of senior high school. Although she also serves as the Chinese teacher of both Classes A and B, she has no intersection with Class F, where Mako Shijo and Emperor Shijo belong.

However, this also made Concubine Shijo suddenly understand why Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka came to her.

After all, the intersection between myself and Yuan Jing, the class teacher, is actually only one thing——

That was the trip to Vienna during the winter vacation.

Shizuka Hiratsuka is the teacher leading the tour.

If there was anything she wanted to find herself, it was almost without a doubt because of this!


At the same time, in the studio shared by Shiina Mashiro and Sawamura Eriri.

"Teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka, do you want to see us?" After finishing the painting, Shiina Mashiro did not wait long before hearing the footsteps belonging to Eriri.

However, before she said that she had finished her work and asked Sawamura Eriri to inform Yuan Jing, she was told by Eiri first one thing——

That is, Mr. Shizuka Shizuka hopes that Shiina Mashiro and Sawamura Eriri will go to her place.

Unlike Mako Shijo, who immediately remembered the teacher, Shiina Mashiro thought for a while before recalling the teacher who had poured bitter water on them.

'It's the despondent big sister who will take them to Vienna during the holidays! 'This is Shiina Mashiro's entire impression of him.

Vienna is the art capital of the world, and Mashiro Shiina is naturally very interested in it.

Before, because her parents were very busy and there was no adult she could trust, she had not been to this art capital.

She was actually quite happy to be able to get what she wanted this winter vacation this time.

Moreover, she is not the only one on this journey, Yuanjing and Sawamura Eriri, two peers she cares about, will also be with her.

This is double the joy.

Shiina Mashiro is looking forward to this very much.To this end, she also specially marked December 12 on the calendar (that is, the day they flew from Tokyo to Vienna) with a very beautiful flower mark.

Every morning, before leaving home, she would look at the calendar and count with her fingers how far away it was to that day.

"This time, it should also be related to the trip to Vienna." Eriri Sawamura scratched her cheek with her fingers, looking a little embarrassed.

"Speaking of it, this is an opportunity given to us by President Ningguang, but it seems that we don't need it now."

In order to obtain Yuanjing's protection and prevent Sawamura Eriri from being taken away by the Spencer family, it is necessary to establish a good relationship with Yuanjing.

For this reason, Ningguang, who is the president of the student council, made Shizuka Hiratsuka, the class teacher of Yuanjing, the lead teacher of this trip to Vienna, and wanted to use her to let Yuanjing and the two girls have more intersection of .

Obviously, calling the two of them this time should also be for such a thing.

It's a pity that Eri Sawamura looked at the painting that was solemnly put aside by Shiina Mashiro and covered with a white cloth. As far as the current situation is concerned, because Shiina Mashiro is extremely active, the two seem to be inseparable. We need such an opportunity.

Shiina Mashiro noticed the eyes of Sawamura Eriri, and ran to the work that he had worked so hard to complete, "Do you want to take it there too?"

This painting is to be handed over to Yuan Jing.

And because there was already a meeting before, Mashiro Shiina obviously already knew that there is a high probability that Yuan Jing will be called by Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka this time.

In this case, it would be the most trouble-free way to take this painting along and hand it over to Yuan Jing by the way.

Eri Sawamura naturally understood Shiina Mashiro's meaning, but after pondering for a moment, she still shook her head quietly.

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