She just thought it was her nature, and she wasn't surprised by it.

Although it is a bit strange to use the so-called 'morning sickness' as an analogy, at best, this is just a little joke of Lily's classmate, so there is no need to delve too deeply into it.

...should be so?

"That's right." Artoria clapped her hands lightly as if she just remembered something.

After someone's figure finally disappeared from the end of her field of vision, she withdrew her eyes with some reluctance, looked at Sawamura Eriri and Shiina Mashiro, "Without you this time, this key 'teaching aid' can't be helped so easily obtained."

"In return, I can grant you a request within the scope of my ability."

Although the personality has changed, some of Artoria's qualities are shared by the two personalities.

One of them is 'repay every kindness'!

The direct reason why she wakes up from a deep sleep is Shiina Mashiro's restored paintings.

This painting is also an extremely crucial prop in the "Battle of Innocence of Yuanjing", playing a decisive role.

In this respect, Shiina Mashiro, who completed this painting, and Sawamura Eriri, who was her assistant, are all indebted to her.

Then it is natural to give corresponding rewards.

"No, no, no need." Eri Sawamura quickly waved her hand and said, "Genjing has already promised us the relevant remuneration, and Lily doesn't need it at all..."

However, before she could finish speaking, Arturia cut her off firmly, "He is him, and I am me."

"He gave you a reward, but it doesn't mean that I did. It's a completely different matter."

It's really two different things.

It can be said that Yuanjing and Artoria's goals and positions are quite different.

"Ah, this," Eiriri Sawamura could hear the firmness in Artoria's tone, so she was a little hesitant, not knowing what reward to offer.

Although Arturia said that it was within her 'capacity', her tone seemed to indicate that no matter what Eri Sawamura mentioned, she would definitely be able to do it here.

However, now that Yuanjing has promised to help her and her mother settle the Spencer family, she really has no wish to fulfill...

Wait a minute, there are.

"Student Lily, do you have a good relationship with Gen-kun?" Before making this request, Sawamura Eiri still asked out of caution.

"Of course." Although the answer was quite straightforward, Arturia still raised her eyebrows in surprise, as if she was a little surprised that Eiri Sawamura's wish was also related to Yuan Jing.

"That would be great." After a slight sigh of relief, Sawamura Eriri said with some embarrassment, "Actually, the reason why Mashiro and I got acquainted with Gen-kun is because Mashiro wanted him to be her model."

Although from the perspective of the time span, this was not long ago, but because there were too many things during this period, Eri Sawamura always felt that this was something that had passed for quite a long time.

In fact, if Artoria was not there, Sawamura Eriri would probably have told Yuan Jing about it just now.

But she saw that what Arturia and Yuan Jing talked about seemed very important, so she didn't say it for the time being.

Since Arturia said that she could agree to the two of them on one condition, then this request is not too big or too small, just right.

"Model?" Arturia was taken aback when she heard the words, as if she didn't expect that Eiri Sawamura's request would be so simple.


She turned her eyes around the studio, and then thought of the previous painting that was even more shocking than the original, she nodded understandingly.

"As long as he agrees to be a model?" Artoria confirmed.

Right at this moment-

"I want a nude model." Mashiro Shiina, who had been watching Arturia from the beginning, suddenly said.

"Really, really white?!" Sawamura Eriri was extremely surprised, and she said in a hurry, "Didn't I say that we have to proceed step by step..."

"Okay!" Unlike the flustered Ying Lili, Artoria snapped her fingers very simply, "That's the decision."

Shiina Mashiro's request——

Just as she wants!

Chapter 94 The Sawamura Family's Health and Physical Education Class

"Zhenbai, I've told you many times before, right? Don't always be so straightforward, learn to be tactful."

Although Artoria agreed to Shiina Mashiro's wish that sounded outrageous at first glance, she also said that if she just asked Yuan Jing directly, even she would not have much confidence .

"So, please give me some time so that I can make adequate preparations and improve the success rate of this matter."

These are Arturia's original words.

As for how to prepare for her, and how long this 'little time' is...

Artoria did not tell the two girls exactly, but said vaguely that she will notify you when the time comes.

After that, Artoria just drifted away.

The studio named by Eiri Sawamura and Mashiro Shiina was eventually returned to their private space.

At this time, Sawamura Eriri, who was startled by Shiina Mashiro's abrupt words before, finally breathed a sigh of relief, but couldn't help but began to chatter a little bit.

However, this kind of nagging didn't last long. After seeing the expression on Shiina Mashiro's face at this time, she closed her mouth all of a sudden.

When Artoria was there before, because of the somewhat inexplicable fear, Eiri Sawamura's attention was always focused on the exchange student from England, but she didn't pay special attention to Mashiro Shiina.

Now that Artoria is gone, Eiri Sawamura's attention will naturally return to this 'sister' who does not let her worry.

And this time, she discovered the clue.

Shiina Mashiro is a person with a rather calm expression, and the whole person actually looks a little dull. In the words of Sawamura Eriri, she is a "false three-no beautiful girl".

The reason for using the word "false" is because Shiina Mashiro is not really "mouthless, heartless, and expressionless".

In fact, her inner emotions are quite rich, and her thoughts are quite delicate, but because her thinking circuit is somewhat different from ordinary people, and almost all her energy is poured into painting, it is not easy to express it.

When taking care of Shiina Mashiro at the beginning, Sawamura Eriri was quite worried about gains and losses because she couldn't see what Shiina Mashiro was thinking, worrying whether she would be hated by Mashiro.

But now, having been together day and night for a semester, Eri Sawamura has mastered the skill of 'micro-expression reading' proficiently.

Of course, because her experience of this skill comes almost entirely from Shiina Mashiro, there is a great possibility that it will only work for her alone.

However, this is completely enough for Sawamura Eriri.

In Sawamura Eriri's view, Shiina Mashiro didn't have any joy of finally fulfilling her wish, but instead...


"Mashiro, is there something wrong?" Sawamura Eriri recalled what happened today, but didn't find anything wrong.

She and Shiina Mashiro have always been inseparable, and they have been together today.

However, it may be because of the clarity of mind that Shiina Mashiro's intuition is much sharper than hers, so if she finds something that she didn't notice, Sawamura Eriri will not be too surprised.

"...Yesterday's classmate Lily is a bit different from today's classmate Lily?"

After a moment of silence, Shiina Mashiro said this with some hesitation.

Obviously, she wasn't entirely sure.

Hearing this, Sawamura Eriri widened her eyes in surprise, "Really?"

She quickly thought about 'Lily Spencer' yesterday and compared it to how she looked today.

However, even with Shiina Mashiro's reminder, she didn't notice any difference.

"What's the difference?" Sawamura Eriri asked curiously.

"It's the eyes." Mashiro Shiina replied, "When Gen-kun was massaging him, Lily's eyes and demeanor changed instantly."

Even Arturia couldn't be tense all the time.

In front of Yuan Jing, although she can behave flawlessly, but in places where he can't see, she can't help showing some of her true nature.

Both Sawamura Eriri and Shiina Mashiro have only met her once, and it can only be said that they are slightly better than complete strangers, almost reaching the level of 'acquaintances'.

Therefore, although she didn't completely relax, she also missed some flaws in places that Yuanjing couldn't see.

Unexpectedly, Shiina Mashiro suddenly noticed this subtle change.

However, it was only for a short moment, so Shiina Mashiro couldn't be sure whether he was dazzled for a while, and he was a little wrong, so he seemed a little hesitant.

"A change in demeanor?" Sawamura Eriri was a little stunned, and then immediately asked, "What change?"

Shiina Mashiro opened her mouth, but she didn't utter a single word, and there was an indiscernible distress on her face.

Obviously, for her who is somewhat reticent, it is really difficult to describe this subtle change with the tool of language.

She did feel a little wrong, but Shiina Mashiro couldn't tell where the specific wrongness was.

Eri Sawamura obviously also saw the embarrassment on Shiina Mashiro's face, but after a little thought, she immediately knew Shiina Mashiro's difficulty, so she became embarrassed herself.

Like Shiina Mashiro, words are actually not her strong point.


Although Sawamura Eriri and Shiina Mashiro are a little bit helpless, but this does not mean that the matter is over.

Because, the two actually have an extremely powerful and reliable helper.

That is-

"It's already this time." Sawamura Eriri raised her wrist, looked at the dial, and then said to Shiina Mashiro who was still frowning.

"Mom should be waiting for us at the school gate, let's go to the classroom and call Rita, shall we go home together?"

Shiina Mashiro nodded, looking quite excited.

That's right, this supporter is Eiri Sawamura's mother, the one who supported the family alone——

Sawamura Sayuri.


"Is it necessary to hide this from Rita?" Hearing the sound of clinking kitchen knives chopping on the cutting board in the kitchen, and the sound of pots and pans colliding with each other, Sawamura Eriri seemed a little uneasy.

It's before dinner at the Sawamura family.

It seems that because of the guilt in her heart, Rita Eindsworth has actually been quite active at Sawamura's house.

Of course, what she said was, 'If she doesn't do something, she will be ashamed to live here with peace of mind'.

Therefore, every once in a while, she will show off her cooking skills and serve a table of delicious dishes to the three members of the Sawamura family.

And tonight, that was exactly the case.

"Well, didn't Mashiro herself say that she was not sure?" Sayuri Sawamura smiled, appearing to be in a pretty good mood.

Now that there is a guarantee from Yuanjing, there is hope for the heavy dark cloud that hangs over her and Yinglili to dissipate. After learning such good news, her whole body suddenly becomes brighter. stand up.

"If Zhenbai is wrong, isn't it framing a good person? Therefore, the fewer people who know, the better." She lied like this as it should.

"Besides, you don't want Miss Rita to see this scene, do you? She completely raised Zhenbai as her younger sister. Seeing her current state, she will definitely explode."

"Isn't it you who caused this scene?" Sawamura Eriri didn't know if Rita would explode, but she only knew that she must have already exploded.

She pointed at Shiina Mashiro who was showing an extremely attentive expression, her fingertips were trembling uncontrollably, like a cute kitten with teeth and claws.

"The way you think of is to let Zhenbai read the book?!"

Although he tried his best to lower his voice so as not to be heard by Rita who was busy in the kitchen, the shame and anger in Sawamura's words were already overflowing.

That's right, in front of Shiina Mashiro right now, there are three books called "Doujinshi" in scientific name and "Book" in common name.

She was flipping through one of the books, but there was no trace of joking or shyness on her face, only full of seriousness.

By the way, the author of these three doujinshi is the same person.

Its name is 'Eri Kashiwagi'.

That's right, this is the pseudonym of Eri Sawamura.

That is to say, the person whom I regard as my younger sister is seriously flipping through the works I have drawn, which are full of shocking pictures...

What kind of torture is this?

Although Mashiro Shiina is still unclear, that 'Eri Kashiwagi' is her Eri Sawamura, but such a sense of shame is enough to make Eri Sawamura wear slippers on her toes.

She glared fiercely at the instigator of all this, that is, the existence she called her mother, but for Sayuri Sawamura, who was extremely thick-skinned and high-ranking, it was no different from Qingfeng Fumian.

The smile on her face grew a little more, and then she slapped Yinglili all of a sudden, "Isn't it because of the wrong knowledge you instilled on Zhenbai before? Obviously you are also a famous person, why even what is a fait accompli Can't explain clearly to Zhenbai?"

"Mashiro has reached the age where she must know such things, otherwise, if she is really fooled by others in a ignorant manner, how should I explain to her parents?" Sayuri Sawamura said quite righteously. Said, "I will make up for the health and physical education courses that Zhenbai missed when she was in school!"

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