"..." Sawamura Eriri was speechless for a moment.

Because of the girl's shame, she did instill some wrong thoughts in Shiina Mashiro before, and it is indeed a very correct thing to reverse it before it has a huge impact, and it is also good for Mashiro's future.


"Can you stop using my work as a teaching material..." she muttered in such a low voice.

At this time, Shiina Mashiro had already finished reading these three books.

Compared with comics that focus on the plot, this kind of thing that focuses on "whether the meat is delicious" actually looks very fast.

At this time, Shiina Mashiro's face was quite shocked, but before the Sawamura mother and daughter could speak, she suddenly lifted up her blouse, revealing her white and firm belly, and her round belly. Cute navel.

She stretched out the index finger of her right hand, placed it about three inches below the navel, and then used the other hand to measure it. The small mouth suddenly became an "O" shape.

Shiina Mashiro looked at Sawamura Eriri, his eyes were full of shock and confusion—"Generally speaking, would it be this long? Obviously David is so small..."

The "David" in her mouth refers to the stone sculptures made by Michelangelo, one of the three masters of the Renaissance.

It is probably the most famous male nude statue in the world, and Shiina Mashiro naturally sketched it.

"I haven't seen the real thing, don't ask me!" Sawamura Eriri lowered her head to avoid Shiina Mashiro's pure rays, looking a little embarrassed.

Shiina Mashiro then looked at Sayuri Sawamura again. As a person who has been here, she naturally has no shyness. This was originally one of her goals today.

"Mashiro, do you know about sponge [哗——]?......"


"I see." Although the eyes tended to develop towards mosquito eyes, Shiina Mashiro still survived.

She lowered her head again, glanced at the covers of the three books, and murmured, "Is this the so-called [fait accompli]..."

"Well, that's right." Sayuri Sawamura showed a 'I'm so relieved' expression, and then—

"Zhenbai, in your opinion, the expression of [Lily Spencer] looking at Yuan Jun is more similar to which of these three?"

This is actually her main purpose.

These three notebooks were not chosen randomly by Sayuri Sawamura.

It is the three representative categories she found from all her daughter's works, which are also the three directions of the book.

In fact, there should be four, but Eriri never draws heavy-duty books, and Sayuri Sawamura doesn’t think it’s necessary for Mashiro to know such things, so she only chose three major categories, namely——

Pure Love Ben.

Tauren book.

Rip tunes this.

Compared with language, Shiina Mashiro is actually more familiar with paintings.From this aspect, such behavior can also be regarded as, um, a professional counterpart?

Shiina Mashiro hesitated for a moment, and then took out the one representing pure love among the three books.

'Well, that is to say, although you are interested in Yuan Jun, you are not actually planning to get involved? Sayuri Sawamura nodded slightly, "If that's the case, then there's nothing to worry about." '

"Except for this book, all are." Shiina Mashiro said.

"Ah?" Sayuri Sawamura was a little dumbfounded.

She got up suddenly, and walked out eagerly, "Ying Lili put these things away, I'll make a phone call."

After a while...

"Hello?" Shimizu Kaguya pressed the call button and put his mobile phone to his ear, "Mrs. Sawamura, what's the matter?"

Chapter 95 I'm such a scumbag...

"So, how much can you guarantee the authenticity of what you said just now?" Sayuri Sawamura could hear the surprise in Shimizu Kaguya's voice, "Apart from Miss Shiina's [feeling], what else do you have?" Based on it?"

"...No." Sayuri Sawamura couldn't help showing a wry smile.

She actually understood Shimizu Kaguya's reaction very well.

Judging from my daughter's narrative, the image of Miss Lily Spencer is quite positive, and there is almost no more decent character than her.

Integrity, bravery, selflessness... These qualities that shine like gold shine in her.

With such an impression roughly formed, she suddenly told others that this was actually her disguise, and that this Lily Spencer was actually a deeply hidden slut.

Not only that, the reason why she taught Yuanjing was not out of admiration for the young man, but simply greedy for his body, wanting to eat him up...

Such a statement can be said to be a fundamental negation of Lily Spencer. It is actually quite normal for the other party to be skeptical about this statement and seek more convincing evidence.

If there is an analogy, it's like someone suddenly told Sayuri Sawamura that her husband's death was actually the result of Yuan Jing's manipulation behind the scenes. Arranged oboe.

The root of all this is because Yuanjing covets the beauty of her, her daughter Eriri, and Shiina Mashiro, and wants to keep the three of them in the house, singing and singing every night...

If someone really told her that, Sayuri Sawamura's first reaction would definitely be disbelief.

"Although it seems unreliable to say it, Zhenbai's feeling has always been quite accurate. If you have been in contact with her for a long time, you should have a clearer understanding of this."

Although she was only in her daughter's generation, Shimizu Kaguya was still nominally Sayuri Sawamura's boss, so she naturally used honorifics when she spoke.

"However, it doesn't really matter whether there is any other evidence, right?" Of course Sayuri Sawamura knew that her words were not convincing at all, but she didn't do this to convince Shimizu Kaguya and make her believe in herself. Telephone.

"I haven't met this Lily Spencer, and what I just said was not intended to alienate the relationship between Yuan Jun and this Lily Spencer, but just raised a possibility in this regard."

"I don't expect Mr. Yuan to believe this or take any action. I just hope that he and you can be more vigilant because of this, so that you don't feel regretful after the incident." This is Sawamura Sayuri's all purpose gone.

Simply put, it is intended to serve as a warning.

"...I know, I will tell Yuan-jun later." In front of others, because of wanting to hide his feelings, Shimizu Kaguya always called Yuan Jing "Yuan-jun".

Only in front of Hayasaka Ai, and when she was alone, would she use the endearing title [A Jing].

"However, although your starting point is indeed for Gen-kun, I am very grateful for that." Sayuri Sawamura is her subordinate.As for the skill of 'Taking Down', Kaguya Shimizu has actually learned a lot in the Shinomiya's house.

However, she did not practice these things on Sayuri Sawamura, but expressed her gratitude very sincerely, "However, you must also know that if Lily classmate did not have such thoughts, what did your previous words mean?" What a serious framing."

"Student Lily will stay at St. Eden Academy for two weeks, and then return to England."

"If she has behaved well during these two weeks and nothing happened in the end, then in the end, I hope you and Shiina can apologize to her."

"Is there a problem?" Kaguya finally said.

"No." Saidura Sawamura breathed a sigh of relief, "If that really happened, what I said just now was a completely unreasonable slander. Even if you don't ask, I will apologize to her together with Mashiro."

"Hmm." The [hmm] sound meant that the topic came to an end, and Kaguya Shimizu continued to ask, "Apart from that, does Mrs. Sawamura have anything else to do?"

"Ah, there are." In fact, even if there is no such thing, Sayuri Sawamura is planning to contact Kaguya tonight, "Miss Shimizu, can you help me get an invitation to the Shijo family banquet on Saturday night letter?"

This is her main purpose.

"Why do you want that?" Shimizu Kaguya's tone was a bit weird, but Sawamura Sayuri could hear a little displeasure in it, "Since Gen-kun has promised to protect your mother and daughter, then he will definitely do it. "

"I can understand that this is a distrust of Yuan Jun's ability?"

The Shijo family is an extremely close partner of the Spencer family. Judging from the current situation, the Spencer family seems to have entrusted the situation of the Sawamura mother and daughter to the Sijo family.

If this is the case, Sayuri Sawamura will want to attend the banquet at Shijo's house on Saturday night, and her desperation is already quite obvious.

"No, no, of course not." Sayuri Sawamura hastily denied, "How could I doubt Gen-kun's ability?"

Naturally, Sayuri Sawamura had heard about the major earthquake that happened to the Shinomiya family.

She is not stupid. Combining what Shiina Mashiro told her and Shimizu Kaguya's original identity, Sawamura Sayuri is almost sure that Genke is the mastermind behind this incident.

Coupled with his status as the "young patriarch" of the Minamoto family, as long as he makes a move, there are very few things that can stump him in the island country of Sakurajima.

"It's just that, after all, this is a major event that concerns my daughter's life. Suddenly, I don't have to do anything, just wait for the good news. I really can't do it..." Sawamura Sayuri couldn't help laughing bitterly.

"Although rationality tells me that this is the best and easiest way, but sensibility makes it impossible for me to feel at ease."

"Even a little bit is fine, I want to help a little bit."

This is the most sincere voice of a mother.

Shimizu Kaguya's defense against such things has always been weak.

After a little silence—

"Tomorrow, I will go to Concubine Zhen and ask for an invitation letter for you."

She finally said so.

The conversation between Sayuri Sawamura and Kaguya Shimizu came to an end.

Leaving aside Sayuri Sawamura, who had already calmed down over there, Kaguya Shimizu saw a different scene.

Logically speaking, since Sayuri Sawamura has already reminded her of this possibility, whether she believes it or not, she should tell Yuanjing about it and let him judge it for himself.


After hanging up the phone, Shimizu Kaguya's blood-red eyes just stared blankly at the call record, and he didn't know what he was thinking for a while.

One of her fingers was hanging in the air like this, and she wanted to do something with the phone several times, but in the end she retracted it tremblingly.

Not as resolute and decisive as before, Kaguya at this time is hesitating, as if making a very difficult decision.

After a long, really long time...

That finger finally touched the phone screen.

Slowly but firmly, the finger says 'do you want to delete this call log? ', click [Yes].

This record of the call from Sayuri Sawamura to Kaguya Shimizu was lost.

Such behavior actually has no effect at all.

After all, Kaguya Shimizu didn't ask Sayuri Sawamura to delete it too.

This is actually a way for Shimizu Kaguya to make himself make up his mind.

And this so-called 'determination' is——

Regarding Sayuri Sawamura's reminder, she is not going to pass it on to other girls, even Hayasaka Ai, who has the closest relationship with her, is included.

Not only will she not tell the other girls, but even Yuan Jing, she is prepared to keep silent.

Shiina Mashiro is a person with a strong sense of morality. This kind of news is closely related to Lily Spencer's reputation, and she can't confirm the news herself. She will not tell other students in St. Eden Academy.

In other words, if he didn't tell Ah Jing, unless that Lily Spencer showed his flaws in front of him, otherwise, he probably wouldn't know about this kind of thing.

Putting the phone back in his pocket, Shimizu Kaguya raised his right hand and stroked the back of his head.

There, a headband that perfectly matched her pupil color tied her black hair into a noble and elegant bun.

This red hair tie was the first gift Yuanjing gave her.

She likes it so much that it can almost be said that she never leaves her body.

When cleaning it, she insisted on doing it herself, even Hayasaka Ai couldn't get involved in this job.

Gently stroke the headband, feel the silky touch.

After a while—

"Shimizu Kaguya, you are so despicable."

This sentence of cursing himself only entered the ears of Shimizu Kaguya in the end......

At this moment, Yukinoshita Yukino is in the rented apartment in Tokyo.

After opening the door for Yukinoshita Yukino who came home from school, Yukinoshita Yono looked at her younger sister with a rather strange look, as if she got to know her again today.

Yukinoshita Yukino didn't want to pay attention to her at first, but this gesture obviously fueled the arrogance of this unscrupulous sister, making her eyes become more unscrupulous.

In the end, Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't take it anymore.

She slammed the pen in her hand toward her desk, making an extremely crisp impact sound.Taking this as an order, Yukinoshita Yukino looked at her sister fiercely, and said angrily:

"What are you looking at?"

Yukinoshita Yoshino was not frightened by her aggressive younger sister, her eyes were bent into two crescents, and she smiled like a fox who just successfully stole a hen.

"It's nothing, I'm just comparing you with the way you looked when you left home in the morning. After all, didn't something big happen to you today?"

Yukinoshita Yukino's fair cheeks turned red suddenly, of course she knew exactly what the 'big deal' Yang Nai just said was.

After all, she personally sent it to Yang Nai with Yuanjing's mobile phone.

"Xue Nai, are you still a virgin?" Yang Nai suddenly asked when Xue Nai was speechless.

"Are you a fool?!" Xue Nao choked on her own saliva, and then said loudly.

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