"I think it should be. After all, I have been observing for a long time, and I haven't seen any strawberry-like traces." When he said this, Yang Nao's eyes focused on Xue Nao's swan-like neck. .

After the latter noticed the sight, although there was nothing on it, he quickly shrank it into his collar, and then stared at his sister in embarrassment and annoyance, as if he wanted to use his gaze as a weapon , forcing her back.

For the thick-skinned Yang Nai, such a weapon is too weak and weak.

She even sat directly beside Xue Nai, winking at her with a smirk.

At this time, Yang Nai, how could he have the usual unfathomable appearance of holding the pearl of wisdom?It is simply a very gossip Obasan.

"Xiao Yukino, Xiao Yukino." She stared at Xue Nao's flushed cheeks, and said in a voice so sweet as to drip honey, half teasing and half curious, "How does kissing taste?"

"...Why should I tell you." Xue Nai turned her face away as if angry, not going to talk to this wicked sister, "If you really want to know, you can find someone to do it yourself gone."

"Oh, isn't there no suitable candidate?" Yukinoshita Yoshino didn't shy away from this.However, seeing her sister's attitude of not wanting to talk to her at all, she seemed extremely disappointed and slapped her mouth, "Well, it seems that Xiaoxue is not ready to satisfy my poor curiosity."

After sighing softly, she took out her mobile phone from her pocket, "In this case, I can only ask the other party."

"!!!" Xue Nai became anxious when she heard the words.

She turned her face hastily, trying to grab Yang Nai's cell phone, but the latter's movements were much more dexterous than hers, and she tried several times, but failed.

Seeing that Yang Nai was about to dial that number, although there was a great possibility that her sister was deliberately scaring herself, Xue Nai didn't dare to gamble on this possibility at all.

"I know! I just need to tell you!" Xue Nao shouted a little self-destructively.

Yang Nai's movements really stopped.

Her two usually dark and deep black eyes were as bright as stars at this moment.

Facing her sister's scorching gaze, Yukino, whose face was completely flushed, looked away.

However, as Yukinoshita, who promises a thousand gold, since she agreed, she will not go back on it——


The sound as thin as a mosquito resounded in the room.

If Yang Nai hadn't pricked up his ears, he would hardly have heard his precious sister's line at all.

However, after hearing this extremely brief evaluation, she also restrained her smile and even frowned slightly.

"Why is it wet?" Yang Nai looked at Xue Nao's delicate lips like petals with some concern, "Could it be that your skills are too poor, did you accidentally break them?"

Obviously, even Yang Nao didn't think about the "adult's kiss". Instead, he thought that maybe the two of them were not skilled enough and the technique was too poor, which caused one of them to accidentally bite his lip.

Xue Nai naturally understood at once, her sister must be thinking about it.

She wanted to just be vague like this, but she didn't expect her sister to start talking about things like "don't be too nervous, just practice hard", and finally she couldn't help but stomp her feet——

"It has nothing to do with technology! Because the tongue is always wet!"

"Tongue..." Yang Nai was stunned for a moment, she looked at Xue Nao, her eyes wide open for a moment.

This is the first time Yukino has seen such a sister.

However, just when her sense of wonder came to her mind, Yang Nai pulled away Xue Nai's collar at a speed that even she couldn't react, and what she saw was white and tender, without any bright red.

"It's really not..." Yang Nai's tone was quite disappointed.

"Are you an idiot!!!" Xue Nai couldn't take it anymore, she picked up the exercise book on her desk——

"Pa-ta!" My sister's face was confused.

Chapter 96 Hinano who was killed and "I miss you so much..."

"So, when others were taking a nap, you got the idea for sex, and ended up doing something good by force?" Yukinoshita Yoshino suddenly opened his eyes wide and looked at his sister, as if he knew her again.

"At least, please say that you can't help it..." Yukinoshita Yukino retorted weakly.

After being entangled so much by her own sister, Yukino finally couldn't help confiding the situation at that time.

To be honest, although judging from the result, she did have a fairly intimate relationship with Yuan Jing, but judging from the process, it was far from the so-called "love of a concubine".

"Aren't they all the same?" Yang Nai gave her younger sister a funny look, and originally wanted to tease the person she cared about the most as usual, but after a little hesitation, she held back.

First of all, no matter how you say it, Xue Nai took a very courageous step today. She actually appreciates it in her heart, and actually wants to praise Xue Nai.

However, because she usually joked a lot, even if she sincerely praised Xue Nai, she would think that she was acting weird, so she still did Mi You in the end.

Secondly, the action I took to pull open her collar to see if there was a hickey was indeed a little too much.

In terms of molesting Yukino, Yang Nai has already summed up his own experience.

Although she couldn't help being gibberish all the time, she has actually been quite clear about the speed at which she can see Yukino's cute appearance without making her really angry and unbearable.

This time it was because Yang Nao was too shocked, so he made the previous move, and then...

Then she was slapped on the exercise book by Yukino who couldn't bear it anymore.

Gently pointing at the red mark on his face that was somewhat distinct from the rest of the fair skin, Yukinoshita Haruno looked at Yukino who was a little bit apologetic with a smile, and said, "Anyway, didn't he refuse after waking up? Does that mean he didn't mean it?"

"..." Yukinoshita Yukino's complexion visibly darkened with the naked eye, with a rather disheartened expression.

"However, Mr. Yuan didn't blame you for your previous behavior, and his subsequent behavior didn't mean to keep you at arm's length. So at least it proves that he doesn't really hate it."

"Xue Nai, you definitely have a place in his heart."

Yang Nai just watched Xue Nai's expression brighten up little by little, while secretly laughing in his heart, he was actually quite emotional.

Even her younger sister who was as cold as ice and always practiced her own principles was no different from an ordinary girl after she truly fell in love with someone.

Is this the legendary magic of love?

Yukinoshita Yang Nai couldn't tell what mood he was in at the moment.

Feeling happy for my sister, such feelings naturally exist.

And other than that... you should still be a little envious, right?

Unlike Yukinoshita Yukino, who is the second daughter and does not need to bear too many family responsibilities, Yukinoshita Yoshino is the heir of the Yukinoshita family and is destined to carry the existence of the family.

Even if it is such a personal emotion as love, Yang Nai can't do whatever he wants like Xue Nai, but must consider the impact on the family.

In the future, there is a high probability that she will follow her mother's old path and recruit a man like her father who is willing to marry into Xue Xia's family as her husband.

This was something she had thought about for a long time, and Yang Nai actually didn't feel sorry for it.

She is very clear about herself.

Unlike her upright and pure sister, her heart is full of interests and calculations.

A person like her, who is full of distracting thoughts, has no way to devote all her energy to love like Xue Nai, so as to enjoy a pure and beautiful love.

This is the biggest difference in character between the two sisters.

"And, Yukino, didn't you do a good job at the end?" Yang Nai took out her mobile phone with a smile. After noon today, because of the text message from Xue Nao who didn't know whether it was a notification or a show off, she had already received Yuanjing's cell phone number and a reason to talk to him.

Even Xue Nai, when in love, will be a little bit cute and cautious like she is now.Yang Nai doesn't dislike her sister's way of involving herself in it on her own initiative.

Originally, she was a little annoyed watching it from the sidelines, wishing that her younger sister would establish a relationship with Yuanjing immediately.

Now there is finally an opportunity to be a part of it.

However, although he was quite happy in his heart, with Yang Nai's character, he still couldn't help but want to say a few jokes——

"By the way, my good sister, you really have a big heart." Pointy fingers poked the screen of her mobile phone lightly, looking at the string of numbers on it, Yukinoshita Yoshino smiled quite charmingly, "You Don't be afraid, will I take this opportunity to snatch Yuan Jun away?"

"Look, your elder sister and I are still in my boudoir now, and I think Yuan Jun is a very suitable husband candidate." She looked at Xue Nao provocatively, "At that time, my lover will become a brother-in-law."

Yukinoshita Yoshino actually didn't have any idea about Yuanjing.

Such words have only one purpose, and that is to make Xue Nao anxious.

My younger sister's temperament is too cold, and she finally has such a sign of initiative, so she should make persistent efforts.

All she did was add another fire to make it burn hotter.

Facing such words, Yukinoshita Yukino's reaction was——

"Oh." Her reaction can be said to be quite calm.

"The conversation is almost over, can it stop affecting my study now?" With the end of the pen in his hand, he knocked on his desk loudly, and Yukinoshita Yukino calmly scared away the order.

"..." The smile on Yang Nai's face froze slightly, she repeated unconvinced, "Don't think I'm joking, I'm serious!"

"Yes, yes." Yukinoshita Yukino's answer was rather perfunctory, she had already started to read the questions in the exercise booklet, and began to write down the calculation formulas on the draft paper, "Then, can I invite this [serious] Onano How about leaving my room, miss?"

"It's time for dinner now, but sister, you haven't even washed the dishes yet."

The reason why Yukinoshita Yoshino moved into Yukino's apartment was because she was too crazy to learn, so she wanted to take care of her daily life and prevent her from ruining her body.

So from the day he moved in, Yang Nao ignored his sister's "I can do it by myself!" ', forcibly occupying the right to use the pots and pans in this home.

Yukino was a little awkward about this at first, but now she's gotten used to it.

The meaning of what she just said was that instead of teasing her with these things here, it's better to do something practical, such as make something for today's dinner.

Regarding her own words, Xue Nai was not only in no rush, but on the contrary looked quite dismissive, and didn't even bother to refute, saying directly that she had to do business.

As the side that always wins in the sister wars, when did Yang Nai suffer such grievances?

But before the extremely unconvinced she could say something, Yukinoshita Yukino, who was constantly writing on the draft paper, said in a completely calm tone, "Sister, I know, you might want to use this method Come to provoke me, but, to me, this kind of thing really doesn't matter."

"Didn't you warn me before, saying that you should consider the future situation?"

"In your opinion, the reason why we can live in peace and harmony is actually because the most important thing right now is to change Ah Jing's personality."

"And after this main conflict is resolved, those who love A-Jing, Hesha, Qianhua, Ai and others will definitely fight openly and secretly for A-Jing's favor, and the current harmonious scene will no longer exist. "

"Didn't you still advise me to make plans early?"

This was a whisper between the two sisters before the cultural festival, which was not known by Yuan Jing and other girls.

"Actually, after that, I also thought about this issue for a long time," Yukinoshita Yukino said, although Yukinoshita's head hadn't been raised yet, the pen in her hand had stopped moving.

The cynical smile on Yang Nai's face gradually disappeared, and she looked at her younger sister, her frivolous expression became serious and serious.

"A Jing is indeed the most important person in my heart, and there is nothing wrong with that."

"However, Hesha, Qianhua, and Ai are also my good friends. I really don't want to conflict with them. In the end, we become strangers and even become endless enemies."

"I don't want things to be like that." In Xue Nao's voice, there was a little confusion, pain and bewilderment. Obviously, after being reminded by Yang Nao, she had actually thought about it for a long time.

"But, what should I do to avoid that ending?" Xue Nai stared at the words in her pen, these symbols that she usually knew so well, but at this moment they were so strange, "And this kind of thinking, but always Nothing came of it."

"I am bound to gain love, but I don't want to lose friendship... It may sound a bit greedy, but this is my most real and urgent thought."

"In the end, it finally made me think of a solution that is not a solution."

"[A method that is not a method]?" Yang Nai repeated it curiously, and then asked curiously and eagerly, "What method is that?"

"That is, leave everything to A Jing at that time." Yukinoshita Yukino's words were no longer confused and at a loss before, but became a little relaxed, "Anyway, A Jing always has a way. "

She said so quite firmly.

"..." Yukinoshita Yang was a little speechless.

Because I can't think of a solution, then I simply don't think about it, and then hand it all over to which side?

Is this getting a little... irresponsible?

"Xue Nai, have you ever thought about a possibility, that is..." That is, Yuan Jing has no good solution, and finally becomes a situation where he can only choose one on the bright side?

However, the doubtful words were cut off by the girl's resolute and dignified voice——

"I believe in Ah Jing."

The voice of this sentence is not loud, and there is no hysteria, as if it is just stating an unbreakable truth.

"I believe he will be able to handle everything well and will never let us down."

She repeated it again, as if she wanted to engrave this sentence in her heart.

Yang Nai was speechless for a while.

She didn't know whether she should laugh at her sister's innocence at this time, or admire her trust in Yuanjing.

"So, sister, if you are really interested in Ah Jing and want to use me as a springboard to take the opportunity to do something to Ah Jing, I don't care." Raising her head, Xue Nai said to her with a serious expression. Yang Nai said so.

"If you are hypocritical, Ah Jing will never accept you."

"However, if you really like Ah Jing, then I won't think it's a betrayal, but I will sincerely bless you."

"It's a big deal, just be Ehuang and Nvying again."

The Ehuang and Nvying in Xue Nai's mouth are the two daughters of Emperor Yao in ancient Chinese myths and legends.They have a common husband, Emperor Shun.

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