The intention of her saying these two names here is quite obvious.

"...I almost forgot, the ribs haven't been melted and thawed, if you don't cook, you won't be in time for dinner." Faced with Xue Nai's frankness, Yang Nai couldn't bear it.

After a little bit of an excuse that was justified, she stood up very quickly and walked towards the kitchen.

The back was no longer as neat and unrestrained as before, but looked a little embarrassed.

Because of this, Yukino Yukino didn't see that the calmness on Yukino's face behind her had disappeared all of a sudden, as if it was covered with red clouds.

Obviously, when she said what she just said, she was not so indifferent.

However, looking at her sister's somewhat embarrassed back, Xue Nai stuck out her tongue mischievously, "Sister, if you think that you will always have the upper hand and become the winner, you are very wrong."

Of course, these words were not heard by Yang Nai who fled in despair.

Today's sister contest is Xue Nai's victory.

This is also her first win.


At this very moment, Yuan Jing was receiving a phone call.

"Hey, Hesha, call me, what's the matter?"

"Ah, um, yes." Touma Kazusa on the other end of the phone sounded a little flustered, "Actually, my album work is almost over, so I was thinking, can you come over tomorrow?"

"After all, the title song of this album is still composed by you. I think you should want to hear the specific effect."

"Oh, is this Aunt Yaozi's opinion?"

"No!" Touma Kazusa's denial was quite firm, but this toughness only lasted for a short while.

"This is my proposal, because—"

"Ah Jing, I miss you so much..."

Chapter 97 Without me, I'm really not reconciled

In the Yuanjing Mansion in the early morning, the air is filled with tranquility.

In this private space with only three occupants, tranquility is the only theme now.

But at this moment, a series of light footsteps broke the peace.

Even if you only listen to the cheerful footsteps, you can hear the joy in the owner's heart.

The footsteps finally stopped before a bedroom on the second floor.

"Buckle, buckle, buckle."

A hand as white as jade gently knocked on the door, followed by a clear and melodious female voice—"Yuan Jun, I brought today's clothes."

This is Shimizu Kaguya's voice.

"Thank you, please come in."

After getting the approval of the boy inside the door, Shimizu Kaguya said, "I'm sorry. After that, he pushed the door open and entered.

In fact, the boy in the room had already woken up, and the originally closed curtains had already been opened by him.

There is a little bit of golden sunlight in the transparency, shining through the window on his cheeks, reflecting some bright colors, fully exposing the young man's extremely handsome and oppressive.

After Shimizu Kaguya came in, Yuan Jing, who was standing by the window and seemed to be thinking about something, turned around and smiled slightly at Shimizu Kaguya.

Such a scene is indeed a bit too lethal to Shimizu Kaguya.

Forcibly suppressing his agitated heart, Shimizu Kaguya, who pretended to be calm, walked into Yuanjing, and handed him the clothes in his hand.

Even though it was Friday, for a student like Yuanjing, logically speaking, he should wear a school uniform to school.

However, what Shimizu Kaguya handed to Yuan Jing was not the boys' school uniform of St. Eden Academy.

Although black is also the main color, it is different from the solemn and elegant school uniforms. This outfit has a relaxed and casual style.

During the time when Minamoto Raimiko came to Tokyo, she bought quite a lot of clothes for Yuan Jing, and these clothes even filled several large wardrobes to the brim.

After he left, these clothes were also transported from the original Shinomiya villa to Yuanjing's current home.

However, Yuanjing himself is a student after all, and basically wears school uniform from Monday to Friday.

Even on weekends, if it is not necessary, he would rather stay at home, watch movies, play music and so on.

Therefore, even though the amount of clothes in reserve has far exceeded that of Shimizu Kaguya who "leaves out of the house", these things are basically left in the room on the first floor to eat ashes.

Although Yuanjing's own conditions are extremely good, he is not really interested in dressing and so on.

Before Yuan Laiguang came, his limited outfits were also the "cultivation of the hard work" of the salespersons in the clothing store.

But now, the person in charge of this matter has naturally become his most capable subordinate.

After seeing Yuan Jing take the clothes, Shimizu Kaguya turned around very consciously.

Yuan Jing doesn't really like being served and dressed, according to him, it reminds him of the childhood shadows that hung over him when he was a child.

Obviously, this is the fault of a certain mother-in-law surnamed Yuan.

So far, the only exception may be the time when he faced Ai Hayasaka during the cultural festival.

Although the eyes cannot see it, Shimizu Kaguya can draw a clear picture in his mind only with his sensitive hearing and excellent brain power.

First, the upper part of the loose pajamas, she could hear the very slight 'rustle' sound between the soft fabric and the skin.

The next louder sound was the friction between pants and knees.

As for the last muffled sound, it was the sound of it falling on the carpet in the bedroom...

To be honest, Shimizu Kaguya himself felt that it was a bit perverted for him to distinguish such things so seriously.

However, for her who has been patient, this is an extremely rare moment of praise.

Moreover, because of some special reasons in Yuan Jing's recent situation, what should have belonged to her and Hayasaka Ai, is now only for her to enjoy.

The pleasure of eating alone is really indescribable...

"All right."

Happy times are always short-lived.

Moreover, Yuan Jing's speed of getting dressed was not slow in the first place.

This plate of pastries, which were extremely delicious to Shimizu Kaguya, disappeared after just three or two bites.

Shimizu Kaguya, who felt a little regretful in his heart, turned around, and saw the outfits she had carefully selected before, appearing so perfectly on Yuan Jing's body.

After sighing in joy and satisfaction, Shimizu Kaguya asked with some concern, "Gen-kun, do you really not need me to accompany you today?"

"I'm not a child who needs to be taken care of." Yuan Jing shook his head amusedly, "If you pay too much attention to me, I will be a little troubled."

"But, your recent state..." Shimizu Kaguya asked hesitantly, obviously, she was talking about what Yuanjing told her before.

In the past, it was for this reason that Ai Hayasaka took the opportunity and got a big score.

And for the whole day today, Yuanjing seems to be with Dongma and Sasa...

"Ah, you don't have to worry about that." Yuan Jing expressed much more reassurance about this, "Yesterday, classmate Lily taught me some ways to alleviate the 'side effects', and I tried it myself afterwards, and it was really quite it works."

Artoria once warned him that this method can only alleviate the problem, but cannot cure the root cause.

However, she never thought that Yuanjing's labor pains caused by the 'side effects' would only last for a week.

So even if it was just a palliative, it didn't matter, and after a week (now six days) he had no more troubles in this regard.

'That classmate Lily doesn't seem to have pure intentions, so it's best to be careful. '

Such words lingered on Shimizu Kaguya's lips for a moment, but in the end she just swallowed them down.

In the end, it turned into——

"Is it really necessary to ask for a day off for this?" Shimizu Kaguya muttered, "Isn't it the same if you go after school today?"

In fact, Touma and Samoto did not have such extravagant hopes.

Her intention at the beginning was actually the same as that of Shimizu Kaguya at this time, as long as Yuanjing is willing to come to her house to listen to music after school and have dinner together, that will be enough.

Although since she started working on the album, except for the day when Shizuka Hiratsuka called her over, she had no way to get in touch with Yuanjing for a long time.

Otherwise, as the thinnest girl among the girls, she wouldn't have poured out her heart so blatantly on the phone.

However, at the same time, she is also the girl with the 'least appetite', Touma Kazusa's satisfaction standard is actually very low, as long as a romantic candlelight dinner is enough to comfort the pain of lovesickness before.

In the end, Yuanjing came up with one sentence - "What time will Aunt Yaozi pick me up in the morning?"

"How should I put it, it is my first complete work after all, so it's normal to be a little concerned about it?" A nameless phantom symphony.

That is the piece where he made Yukinoshita Yukino beat Touma Kazusa on the piano.

Although Yuanjing intentionally made the last part full of malice in playing, but for the current Yuanjing, removing the malice and changing it into a normal piano piece is actually quite Simple one thing.

But Yuanjing didn't want to do that.

Whether it's for Yukinoshita Yukino, Touma Kazusa or Yuanjing, it's a very commemorative song, and it's not an exaggeration to say that it's the beginning of everything.

If possible, Yuanjing would like to keep it as it was at the beginning.This is also what Dongma Hesha and Yukinoshita Yukino mean.

It is precisely because of this that Yuan Jing said that this is his first 'complete' work.

"Besides, I actually need to make some preparations for the future." This is the main reason why Yuanjing will deliberately set aside a day.

"Future...preparations?" Shimizu Kaguya blinked and repeated the word with some doubts.This is the first time she heard from Yuanjing his plans for the future. "Yuanjun, what are you going to do?"

"Well, how should I put it?" When talking about this topic in front of girls, even Yuan Jing couldn't let it go.

However, he remembered that he had vowed to let her 'clean her neck and wait! Chika Fujiwara, Ai Hayasaka who was willing to take all the mistakes on herself, Yukinoshita Yukino who pleaded and begged in a low voice yesterday noon, and of course Kazusa Touma's "I miss you so much".... ..

"That's right, I can live up to everyone's preparations." When he said this, there was no trace of confusion in Yuan Jing's tone.

That was the tone that Shimizu Kaguya was quite familiar with, almost engraved in his soul.

When he said to her, "I will help you get out of the Shinomiya family", Yuan Jing used such a firm tone.

At present, Yuanjing is still somewhat ignorant and distrustful of what "love" is.After all, the environment in his previous life was when the conflict between the sexes was at its sharpest, so it was very natural to have such an idea.

However, the girls in this world are using their own methods to heal such trauma.

Obviously, the wound has begun to heal.

At least, Yuanjing has started to seriously think about the future with the girls.

"...With all due respect," Shimizu Kaguya obviously understood the meaning of Yuanjing's words, and after a moment of silence, she said with some difficulty, "With your identity, there is absolutely no It’s necessary to do something like that.”

Yuan Jing is the youngest patriarch of the Yuan family, the most mysterious and the oldest among the four major families of Sakurajima.

After defeating Minamoto Raimiko, as long as he thinks, it can be said that the position of head of the Minamoto family will be his once he reaches adulthood.

For Sakurajima, who has put on a layer of progress, but is still completely feudal on the inside, no matter how many women Yuan Jing wants, it is very normal and not worth making a fuss about.

Her father Shinomiya Ganan did just that.

If it was from the perspective of the girls' friends, Shimizu Kaguya shouldn't have said such things to Yuan Jing at all.

But compared to friends, Shimizu Kaguya pays more attention to the identity, undoubtedly 'subordinates'.

Therefore, she naturally had to start from the perspective of Yuanjing.

"Of course I understand this." How could Yuanjing not know what Shimizu Kaguya meant?

"At that time, the person who will marry me will definitely be Qianhua."

"However, with Qianhua's character, she will definitely not let me cut off contact with Hesha, Yukino, and Ai. Anyway, it's [The favored is always confident], or something [You can choose to love me or not, But I can only choose to love you or love you more] and other reasons, right?"

"Except for Yukinoshita Ayano who was kept in the dark, Aunt Yoko and Ai Hayasaka's mother Hayasaka Nao should have already acquiesced to this point, otherwise, during the cultural festival, the relationship between them would not be so harmonious .”

"It's amazing, Aunt Wan Sui." Yuan Jing said with half sigh and half admiration.

As early as that time, my miraculous mother-in-law had already quietly paved the way for him.

"From the point of view of actual experience, I am actually no different from marrying four people."


"I don't like this." Yuan Jing asserted, "In that case, whether it is Qianhua who let this situation go, or Hesha, Yukino, and Ai who have no status, they will be spoken very badly by others in secret. "

No matter how beautiful a woman is, once she bears the name of "mistress", she can be said to be lost in an instant.

After that, no matter what the results achieved, there will always be people who express contempt for it.

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