"I haven't figured out a way to make them live in harmony with each other and not fight each other openly and secretly." Yuan Jing shook his head in distress, "However, you have to eat every bite, and you must first be able to let them hold their heads up in front of others. Come on, let’s think about what’s next.”

And the solution to this is-

"So, I want to marry the four of them in a fair manner."

"!!!" Shimizu Kaguya suddenly opened his eyes wide.

Indeed, if this is the case, the spearhead of public opinion will suddenly shift from the girls to Yuan Jing.

However, leaving aside the legal issues, although the girls were able to raise their heads, the sewage would all flow towards Yuanjing.

He obviously didn't have to do it...

"Ah, ah, ah," compared to Shimizu Kaguya who was worried, Yuan Jing was not worried about it.

"If it's just a mediocre person who does nothing, out of jealousy in human nature, that group of people will definitely scold him quite badly."

"However, [Mu Qiang] is a character engraved in the bones of Sakurajima people. As long as I become strong enough, then they will naturally shut up."

To achieve this, it is not enough just to be the heir of the Yuan family.

You have to achieve results that can leave anyone speechless and in awe.

For him who was looking forward to "the strongest", this is actually a incidental thing.

"It's just that the means will be a little troublesome and more tiring, but considering the efforts of the girls, this is nothing."

Although Yuanjing's words were quite understated.

But Shimizu Kaguya knew that if he really wanted to achieve his goal, then the dedication could not be summed up in words like "some".


At this moment, the sound of a car horn came from outside the window.

Looking outside, Dongma Yaozi's car is parked in front of Yuanjing's house.

"Okay, let's talk about this." After nodding towards Qingshui Huiye, Yuan Jing left the bedroom.

However, Qingshui Huiye did not just follow behind Yuanjing as usual.

Looking at Yuanjing's leaving back, only three words kept echoing in Shimizu Kaguya's heart.

Half envious, half sad.

Shimizu Kaguya said in a voice that only she could hear——

"without me......"

That's right, in the future envisioned by Yuan Jing, there are only four people, Chika Fujiwara, Yukinoshita Yukino, Ai Hayasaka, and Kazuya Touma, and Kaguya Shimizu is not among them.

This is also a natural thing, right?

After all, she is just a 'subordinate'.

If it wasn't for this level of identity, Yuan Jing wouldn't have said these things to her at all.

And all the intimate behaviors before this were nothing but false illusions...

No one knows this better than Shimizu Kaguya.

But, as expected——


The delicate lips like petals were bitten by teeth, and a trace of blood flowed quietly from the corner of Kaguya's mouth.

Against the backdrop of fair skin, it is a bit shockingly red...

Chapter 98 Anyway, I'm just an old aunt who can't keep up with the times!

The favorite car used by Yoko Touma to pick up Yuanjing is still the royal blue 'Bentley' which has her own style.

When Yuanjing opened the door of her house, Touma Yoko was leaning lazily on the slender body, like a big cat just waking up.

It may indeed be true that she just woke up, because when Yuan Jing opened the door and walked out, she opened her mouth and let out a big yawn.

Inspired by such behavior, a crystal clear teardrop appeared at the corner of Touma Yoko's eye.Under the sunshine in the morning, it reflected a little crystal clear light, which just complemented the charming beauty mole in the corner of her eye.

After seeing the door of Yuanjing's house opened, she didn't feel the slightest bit of embarrassment because of the somewhat indecent gesture just now.

After generously wiping away the teardrops from the corners of her eyes, Touma Yoko even put her right hand on her mouth very leisurely, and blew a rather sloppy whistle towards Yuanjing——

"Hey, little brother over there." Dongma Yaozi showed a strange smile that was unique to her aunt, "Look, the weather is so good today——"

"Would you like to go for a drive with Auntie?"

While speaking, she seemed to be unconscious, and gently brushed the "B" badge with wings on the front of the car with her left hand.

The logo of this ultra-luxury car seems to have a sense of self-awareness. Seeing that the owner seems to emphasize his own existence, he hastily reflected the morning sun.

[Bentley] This brand is the representative brand of British ultra-luxury sports cars.And Yoko Touma's favorite car is a global limited model issued by this company, it seems that there are only a hundred cars in the whole world.

This car worth hundreds of millions of yen can be said to be a veritable killer.pity--

Such tricks did not work for Yuanjing.

Not to mention that Yuanjing was not very interested in luxury cars. When he confronted the Sigong Group in the stock market, the capital flow in his hands was counted in the unit of [trillions].

Even this limited-edition luxury car, in his opinion at the time, was nothing more than something that could be earned in a few minutes.

For him at that time, "hundreds of thousands per second" was still less, at least it should be "several million per second".

Although after that, Yuanjing handed over most of the proceeds to the Yuan family, leaving only a few corners.But after going through that magnificent battle, Yuanjing can be said to have completely developed immunity to the thing 'money', and won't cause too much fluctuation for this kind of thing anymore.

Of course Touma Yoko knew this too. In fact, her behavior just now was mostly made up of jokes and tricks.

Yuan Jing glared at the strange aunt who was looking at him with a smirk on his face, and said a little angrily, "I don't want to get in this kind of car that looks like a tired driver, it's definitely not safe."

"Also, why are you so proficient? How many boys have you abducted into the car with this method?"

After hearing Yuan Jing's complaints, Touma Yoko rubbed her chin lightly with her fingers, as if she was seriously thinking about the answer to this question——

"Yuanjun, do you remember how many slices of bread you ate?" She actually replied with such words, "And, why do you have to limit the number of boys, the girls who were abducted into the car by me in this way, accounted for The ratio is overwhelming."

"Tut tsk tsk," Touma Yoko said leisurely to Yuan Jing, wagging her fingers, "Yuan Jun, do you know that girls are naturally more sensitive than boys when it comes to luxury goods."

"Even in places like cars that are more in line with male aesthetics, this rule still applies."

"I don't want to know such content! This is really useless knowledge!"

In fact, Yuan Jing already knew quite a few adults.

Among them, there is no lack of people who get along well with him.

There is the meddling type like Shizuka Hiratsuka, the serious type like Ayano Yukinoshita, and the quirky type like Nao Hayasaka.

Of course, there is also the stubborn and arrogant type like Fujiwara Daichi.

However, if you want to talk about the most comfortable and happy people to get along with, it is actually Yoko Touma and Wanho Fujiwara.

The distance between these two people is actually the most appropriate, and they can always make people feel comfortable naturally.

This kind of childish coming and going only lasted for a very short period of time.After seeing Kaguya Shimizu who finally came out, and Ai Hayasaka who was further away, Yoko Touma no longer had such a playful smile.

Taking a meaningful look at the two of them, she smiled at Shimizu Huiye, "Then, let me borrow Mr. Yuan away today."

"As for when to return him," Touma Yaozi rolled her purplish eyes like top-quality wine, showing a half-smile expression, "That depends on Yuan-jun's wishes."

"Anyway, tomorrow is Saturday, so there is no class."

"If that's the case, it doesn't matter if you stay outside for one night, right?"


Touma Yoko's 'Bentley' is very worthy of the money spent by its owner. The body runs very steadily and does not cause any discomfort to the two people in the car.

Dongma Yaozi is also worthy of her title of old Si Ji, the hand holding the steering wheel has been very steady, without the slightest trace of trembling.

However, Yuan Jing, who was sitting above the co-pilot's seat, could easily see the fatigue on the other side's face.

Moreover, even without his extremely sensitive sense of smell due to the rewards of the system, he could still smell the slightly strong, special bitter aroma unique to coffee in the compartment.

Combined with the uncontrollable yawn when the other party came to pick me up...

"Aunt Yaozi's past two weeks seem to have been very hard."

"Ah, I can see it." Dongma Yaozi was not surprised by this, her eyes were fixed on the road ahead, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

"I can't help it. After all, this is my precious daughter's first album. How can I not have a little snack?"

"Generally speaking, for a music album like this, the time it takes from preparation to completion is counted in units like [months]."

"Moreover, in order to increase the popularity of this album as much as possible, I have to go to Sakurajima musicians who are already famous, let them stand for Kazuya, and even add Kazuya Kazuya to it. ensemble."

"Commissioning door-to-door commissioning, adjusting the schedule, making appropriate changes to the repertoire, and signing relevant contracts... so much work, I was able to complete it all in such a short period of two weeks, even I have some I admire myself."

"The last time I worked so hard day and night was when I was young and worked hard for the Chopin International Piano Competition," Touma Yoko said with a look of regret, "I remember that after that, I fell asleep one day one Night.

"The teacher at the time was terrified and almost called an ambulance to take me to the hospital."

"It's a good thing she didn't do that, otherwise, Xiao Sai's champion just left the field, and the next stop was the hospital. Such news would definitely make headlines, and I would be ashamed to face people."

That's right, Yoko Touma did win the Chopin International Piano Competition once.

This is also the beginning of everything. After that, the eyes of the entire Sakurajima focused on this previously unknown woman.

"Ah, of course, I was poor and white back then, with nothing but passion. Even with the help of my teacher, life was actually quite difficult. This was one of the reasons why I almost went to the hospital."

As if remembering something just now, Touma Yoko hurriedly said, "Now, I have a dedicated health manager to adjust my body, so although I am a little tired, the load on my body is not as great as that time .”

Not as big as that time.

In other words, it still has an impact.

Yuan Jing is quite smart, it is actually quite difficult to trick him by playing tricks.

Touma Yoko is also quite aware of this, so she didn't use narrow-mindedness in this regard, but revealed the truth openly.

Why do you have to work so hard?

After all, Yuanjing still didn't say such words.

Because, isn't that obvious?

Thinking of the phrase "I miss you so much" that Touma Kazusa said on the phone, Yuanjing sighed slightly in his heart.

"By the way, I heard from Hesha that the destination of the winter vacation for the freshman year of St. Eden Academy seems to be Vienna?" It's a natural move to something that's going to cheer you up a little bit.

"Vienna is a good place." Yoko Touma said in a somewhat nostalgic tone, "Except for Sakurajima, I have actually spent a long part of my life in Vienna, a city full of artistic atmosphere."

"After all, my mentor actually lives in Vienna."

"If you're free this time, would you like to visit my mentor for me?" Touma Yoko suggested, "Although she doesn't lack any bad tempers among musicians, I can assure you that she is actually quite fond of supporting her." A junior, a person with a pretty good nature."

"I think she will like you."

"Aren't you going together?" Yuan Jing asked.

"Ah, I was able to make Yuan-kun ask such a question. It seems that my tactics are quite successful." Touma Yoko chuckled, "However, after all, this is the business of you young people, and I, an old guy, can't help it. Have the cheek to be a light bulb."

At this time, the car just came to an intersection.

After seeing the dazzling red light, Touma Yoko stopped the car obediently.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, she turned her head towards Yuan Jing and winked at him playfully.

"By the way, I also heard from Hesha that apart from Yuan-kun, the other colleagues can be said to be the highest-level beautiful girls?" She stretched out a hand, as if she wanted to count her fingers look.

"There are five people who have already been identified, right? And it seems that each category is very complete... Seriously, where are you from the protagonist of the beautiful girl game?"

Touma Yoko complained like this.

In a sense, she was right about what she said.

However, even the beautiful girl game knows... Combined with the famous line in the other party's mouth when he came to pick me up...

Yuan Jing looked at Touma Yoko with a slightly subtle look.

Touma Yoko puffed out her chest indifferently, "Recently, because of the album, I also have to deal with juniors like you."

"In order to find a common topic, my health manager gave me a suggestion, saying that during the rest, should I try something like otaku culture."

"On the one hand, I can take advantage of this opportunity to relax; on the other hand, let people know that I am not an old antique who can't keep up with the trend."

Yuan Jing's eyes became more subtle, he raised his hand hesitantly, and asked Touma Yoko, "Can I ask, what manga have you been reading recently, what games have you been playing?"

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