At least after Xue Nai calmed down, she was so shy that she almost died.

However, even so, she didn't have any regrets in her heart.

After the cultural festival, it may be out of envy, of course, it may be out of "maybe I can use it too!" Touma Kazusa visited the Lianyan Club, borrowed the "Treasure of the Town Council" from it, and read it many times in his spare time.

Only then did she realize that the so-called 'Questions and Answers on Classical Books' is actually the most bland way of playing.

There are more dirty ways to play here.

Just when Touma Kazusa looked at the book and blushed slightly, Bentley's very characteristic horn rang from outside the house.


After putting away all the gift boxes and books, Touma and Sa walked out of her bedroom at once.

This very commemorative day for her and Yuan Jing kicked off the curtain.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

When Dongma Hesha opened the door of the house, he saw his mother's extremely iconic love car, which was quietly parked on the street outside the door of his house.

The streamlined body, which has been well maintained without a trace of scratches, reflects an extremely beautiful colorful light under the sunshine in the morning.

It's a really nice looking car.

Dongma Hesha still clearly remembered that her mother once said that the reason why she chose this car was not because of more realistic reasons such as fuel consumption and horsepower.

The main reason is actually only one -

That's what it looks best and most beautiful!

Thinking of the way her mother said that while giving her a thumbs up at that time, Touma Kazusa couldn't help laughing.

Still, why stop here?

Dongma Hesha tilted her head, slightly puzzled.

The garage of their house is on the side. Logically speaking, shouldn't mother drive the car into the garage at this time, and then bring Ah Jing into the house?

Why did you just stop in front of the house?

As if to answer her doubts, after seeing her walk out of the house, Bentley's horn rang again, as if to urge Dongma and Sha to come in.

But when Touma Hesha approached with some doubts, the front door of Bentley opened slowly at this moment.

But the scene inside the car made her eyes widen suddenly——

Why, the position that mother made was the passenger seat?

However, before she could ask such a question, the smiling Ms. Touma and Sa stretched out her hand and caught her precious daughter.

After that, there was a period of dizziness.

When Touma Kazuya came back to her senses, she found that she had changed places with her mother——

I sat in the passenger seat of the Bentley, while my mother was already standing outside the car.

At this moment, she was fastening her seat belt.

"Okay." After fastening Touma Kazusa's seat belt, Touma Yoko looked at her precious daughter's attire, and nodded with satisfaction.

After that, she turned to the car and said—"Yuanjun, my daughter, I'll leave you alone today."

Touma Kazusa's heartbeat suddenly slowed down by a beat.

"Well, leave it to me."

The steady male voice poured into the girl's ears.

The heartbeat just slowed down a little bit, at this moment, as if feeling ashamed of the negativity and sabotage just now, it began to agitate desperately, and it began to be too fast.

Under the urging of the somewhat rapid heartbeat, Touma and Sha turned her head silently.

The boy sitting in the driver's seat was just putting his arms on the steering wheel lazily and smiling at her.

The pitch-black hair was not modified by styling water, it just fell down naturally, but it was not messy, but had an elegant beauty.

Although the cheeks have the unique tenderness of teenagers, there is also a slight, sharp edge like a knife.However, after seeing the smile in the depths of the young man's eyes, these sharp edges were no longer glaring, but softened instead.

That is the person whom Dongma Hesha has not seen for a long time, and whom he has been thinking about.

In Touma Kazusa's heart, there are actually many, many things that she wants to confide in Yuan Jing. After all, except for the day when Hiratsuka Shizuka notified her, she and Yuan Jing have not been in touch for half a month. see you.

In the past, when she went to school every day, she had to be with Yuanjing. Once she didn't do this that day, she would feel empty and extremely uncomfortable.

However, now she finds that the thousands of words that were originally pent up in her heart and wanted to confide in Yuanjing have just dissipated at this moment.

Because there is no such need.

Touma Kazusa found that as long as she could come to the young man, there would be no depression and hardship in her heart, leaving only a piece of extremely pure happiness.

Well, I can only say that a person with a personality like Touma Kazusa may be the one that most attracts scumbags.

After all, no matter how deeply hurt by the other party, as long as the other party returns to her in the end, and sincerely repents to her and expresses that he will definitely change his past, then Touma Kazusa will probably smile and express forgiveness.

This method will continue to apply until she fully recognizes the other person's face and gives up on him.

So, here comes the question, is Yuan Jing a scumbag?

...This is really hard to say.

After all, judging from the current situation, it is absolutely impossible for Yuanjing and Touma Kazusa to develop a relationship of 'a couple for life'.

Yuan Jinghui is the only one for Touma and Sa, but the reverse is not the case at all.

From this point of view, Yuan Jing is unmistakably a scumbag.


After all, this is just the evaluation of others.

The only one who is really qualified to judge is Touma Kazusa.

"Okay, now it seems that my old aunt is useless." Taking a panoramic view of Touma Kazusa's expression, Touma Yaozi showed a little relief on her face, but she also made some Poor expression.

After closing the front door at once, she gently wiped away the non-existent tears while waving goodbye to the two people in the car——

"Since there is no way to be a light bulb, then I can only go home and sleep."

"Hesha should also know that my sleep is actually quite restless. As long as there is any movement, I will wake up suddenly."


"You two are not allowed to come back until I wake up."

Whether it's Touma Kazusa or Touma Yoko, because of the matter of this first album, life is actually quite tiring recently.

Compared with Touma Kazusa, who only needs to play the piano constantly, because of the need to coordinate the overall situation, Touma Yoko is indeed much more tiring.

She really needs a good rest.

Dongma Hesha also loves his mother very much, and naturally understands this very well.


In the conversation just now, she didn't say a thing at all.

That is how long will she sleep?

If it's just one morning, it's okay.

If it was a day...

Doesn't that mean she will spend a day outside with Yuan Jing?

And before she could unscrew the car window and ask her mother this question, she found that Touma Yoko turned around with extremely quick movements, and then quickly walked into the toma that she hadn't closed. The gate of the house.

When that' click! When the sound of closing the door came, the car window in front of Dongma Hesha had actually just moved down a small part, exposing Dongma Hesha's shy and anxious eyes.

Where is this what a tired man should look like?

'Mom really! '

Although she said this in her heart, Dongma Hesa ​​didn't feel any anger, because she knew who her mother was doing this for.

Her fair cheeks flushed slightly, Dongma Hesha obediently rolled up the half-lowered car window.

She glanced slightly at Yuan Jing at the side, and found that there was no surprise on his face.

Apparently, the young man has long been concerned about what kind of character his mother Yoko Touma is.

'Wait a minute, does this mean that Ah Jing actually acquiesced in her mother's actions? '

Otherwise, even if Yoko Touma wanted to do this, she would never have such a chance.

Without embarrassing the two of them, he would silently slap this proposal to death.

Dongma Hesha has such confidence in Yuanjing.

'Does this mean...'

Just when the girl was thinking wildly——

"Sit still."

The extremely slight sound of the engine, like the buzzing of a bee, began to sound. Under the operation of the young man, the sapphire-blue giant beast that had been standing still on the road in front of the Touma House had woken up from a short rest and started to emit noise. gave a low growl.

Although Yuanjing said that Dongma and Sa should sit still, the car started without any bumps. Even without the protection of seat belts, the girl didn't think she would be frightened by it.

Did Ah Jing know how to drive?

Such doubts only circled in Touma Hesha's mind, before being crushed by this iron-like fact.

Under the watchful eyes of someone in Dongma's house, the car carrying the two people she cares about the most quickly disappeared from her sight.

After stretching her body again, the yawning Touma Yoko walked towards her bedroom on the second floor.

She didn't lie to her daughter, sleep was actually the most important thing for her today.

However, it is not enough to sleep for a day.

For a high-end residence like Dongma House, it is natural to install software such as electronic butler on her mobile phone.

And Touma Yoko has actually already made a decision.

When her garage was opened, her cell phone would ring to wake her up from sleep.

After all, it depends on the time at that time and the physical condition of Touma and Sasa.She might have to make some preparations.

rather say......

Go wash the red beans you have prepared a long time ago, and cook red bean rice tonight?

To be honest, although I am not a 'cooking black hole' like Hesha, the food I cook can only be evaluated as 'edible'.

According to what Hesha said, Yuan Jun is actually quite good at cooking.

If you entrust this matter to him...

Could it be a little, um, weird?


Sitting in the co-pilot's seat, while watching the scenery outside the window, Touma and Sasha glanced at the scene in the driver's seat from time to time.

Logically speaking, at this time, she should ask "Where are we going next?" or "What is the itinerary for today?"

However, Touma Kazusa didn't think about such problems at all.

Maybe in her opinion, as long as she can be with Yuanjing, then it doesn't matter where she goes, right?

Just at this time--

"Hesha." Yuanjing called softly, "When looking at the scenery outside, please pay attention to the rearview mirror at the side."

Touma Kazusa originally thought that she wanted her to help pay attention to the road conditions, but Yuan Jing's next words were dozens of times more powerful than that.

"In case there is a police car chasing us, I have to be prepared here."

"Police, police car?" Touma Kazusa widened her eyes, and her dark blue eyes were full of surprise.

She didn't look at the rearview mirror next to her, but turned her head and looked at the window behind the car, "Why is there a police car chasing us? Did Yaozi do something else?"

Under such circumstances, Touma Yoko is actually Touma Kazusa's number one suspect, so I really don't know what to say.

However, considering Touma Yaoko's usual appearance, it is hard to say that this is not self-inflicted.

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