"No, it has nothing to do with Aunt Yaozi," Yuan Jing said with a faint smile hidden deep inside, "This is my problem."

"I don't have a driver's license yet."

"???" Touma Hesha's face was full of question marks at first, but immediately, these question marks were straightened out and turned into exclamation marks.

"I've heard that at intersections in Tokyo, there will be cameras specially set up by the traffic police department."

"In addition to taking pictures of people who ran red lights, it seems to have the function of taking pictures of faces in the driver's seat and comparing them with those in its database."

As if talking about something unrelated to him, Yuan Jing said so in a rather calm tone.

"So, if you're unlucky, maybe the traffic police will catch up soon."

Dongma and Sa immediately became nervous, and she stopped looking at the scenery on the roadside, but stared at the rearview mirror next to her with a very serious gaze.

It seemed that he was really planning to warn Yuanjing immediately when he saw a police car.

Even at this time, she did not utter any complaints, but wanted to cover up Yuanjing as if it was a matter of course.

As early as the very beginning, that is, when Yuan Jing was not feeling well due to some experiments, she quietly hid Yukinoshita Yukino and Fujiwara Chika, and took the initiative to cover up Yuan Jing's pudding tasting.

Although things are bigger now, her choice remains the same.

It can only be said that this is Dongma Hesha.

But Hesha's little face didn't tense for a long time, and then heard a burst of light laughter from the side.

There were only two people in the car. Since she didn't laugh, there was naturally only one person who would laugh at this moment.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I was just making a small joke." Facing Touma Kazusa's surprised gaze, Yuan Jing couldn't help laughing.

"If I don't have a driver's license, Aunt Yaozi will be fine. She won't just let you get in the car with confidence."

The reason why Yuanjing would make this joke is actually related to Dongma and Sha's previous attitude.

She was too reserved, her hands and feet were very stiff, as if she didn't dare to move.

It would be too tiring to maintain this state all the way.

"By the way, aren't you curious about where our destination is?" Seeing the cute look of Touma and Sa's pouting mouth, Yuan Jing hastily changed the subject after the goal had been achieved——

"Shouldn't we be going to Yushima Tenmangu Shrine on Sunday? Let's go and check it out today."

"By the way, Kazusa." As if remembering something just now, Yuanjing suddenly said to Touma Kazusa——

"Are you interested in Bai Wugou? Do you want to see it through?"

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The so-called Bai Wugou is actually Sakurajima's traditional wedding dress.

In terms of color, in fact, there is not much difference between Sakurajima and Xiyang when they used white clothes in weddings.

Before the 19th century in the West, the bridal gowns worn by girls when they got married did not have a uniform color specification. It was not until around 1820 that white gradually became the color of gowns widely used in weddings.

This is because Queen Victoria of England wore a white and elegant wedding dress at her wedding.Since then, the white wedding dress has become a formal wedding dress.

In Sakurajima, during the Muromachi period (1336-1573), senior samurai families began to use white kimonos as bridal dresses.It was not until the Meiji era (1868-1912) that the dresses worn by brides at such exclusive weddings as Bai Mugou finally had a modern look.

As for why it is white, instead of using the same scarlet red as Huaguo, there are actually two main reasons.

First, pure white has been a revered color since the imperial court in the Sakurajima Heian period (about 794 AD).In ancient Sakurajima, white is the color that symbolizes the sun and is also a sacred color.

Therefore, this color also has the meaning of cleanliness and innocence.

Another reason is that while white represents cleanliness, it also means that it can be dyed into various colors after entering the husband's house, which means it is easy to integrate into the husband's house.The bride is married in a spotless and unsullied state, and after being stained with the color of her husband's house, she can never return to pure white.

Among them, it actually contains the wish that the bride will marry and obey her husband, and hope that she will "never leave and return".

"As the family that holds the faith in Sakurajima, the Minamoto family is actually behind almost all the shrines and temples in Sakurajima. Yushima Tenmangu is no exception." When talking about these things, Yuanjing's tone was very calm , without the slightest smugness.

It should be said that from Yuanjing's point of view, this is not something he should be proud of.

After all, this is the work of the ancestors of the Yuan family, and he has not made any contribution to it, so naturally he has nothing to be proud of.

"In a place like Kansai, where the Minamoto family base camp is located, the shrine's priests are basically firmly controlled by the Minamoto family."

"As for the shrines in Kanto, although the position of the palace secretary will be handed over to their hereditary heirs, the position of the power palace secretary has always been appointed by the Minamoto family."

"The Secretary of Quan Gong of Yushima Tenmangu, I remember it is called," Yuan Jing said after a little thought, "Gen Shinpei."

When it comes to the main person in charge of the shrine, everyone may generally think that his title should be "God Lord".

But this statement is not true.

Among the shrines, the person with the highest status is also the person who needs to be fully responsible for all the priests in the shrine, and his title should be 'Gongsi'.

In fact, the god master simply refers to the priests who are responsible for the sacrifice.It's just that there are many palace ministers who are actually god masters, but it doesn't mean that the status and importance of god masters are equal to palace ministers.

The so-called Quan Gongsi can actually be understood as the deputy palace secretary, who is the agent of the palace secretary when he is away.He is also the second largest figure in the shrine system.

The position of the power palace secretary in the Kanto Shrine is basically either a subordinate of the Yuan family, or simply a member of the Yuan family.

Before at Sayuri Sawamura's house, after exposing that Gen Takuma's deceit, Yuan Jing once said that the Yuan family would offer a certain amount of spiritual compensation in the future as an apology.

What he notified at that time was actually the person in charge of the Yuan family in these shrines.

Yushima Tenmangu is one of the three most famous Tenmangu in Sakurajima, so the Minamoto family naturally appointed a person with the surname of Minamoto to be the secretary of authority of this Tenmangu.

If you really want to talk about it, this Yuan Shenping is counted as a backup, and he should be said to be a figure of Yuanjing's grandfather's generation.

"Although Tenmangu is enshrined in the god of learning, Sugawara Michizane, who is actually in charge of the functions of passing exams and academic success, but in fact, there are not many people who choose to hold weddings here every year."

"Children born to couples under the watchful eyes of Mr. Sugawara Michizane are destined to be intelligent and have a smooth academic career." In fact, no matter which god is enshrined in the shrine, as long as it accepts wedding business, it will naturally have A similar sentence.

The sentence Yuanjing said can be said to be a blessing that all Tianmangongs have.

"Well, of course, it's still incomparable to Meiji Shrine, which can hold more than a dozen weddings a day. After all, it can be said to be the largest wedding shrine in Sakurajima."

"If I feel that the people in Tenmangu are not professional enough, I can also contact Meiji Jingu, but because I have to consider that I can't collide with those who are actually holding a wedding, it may not be so good today..."

"Tenmangu is fine!" Before Yuanjing could finish speaking, Touma Kazusa on the side hurriedly said, "I like Mr. Dozama the most. My dream when I was young was to be in his shrine. Have a wedding!"

really?Yuanjing actually doubted this.

For someone like Touma Kazusa who doesn't care about studying at all, how attractive is Sugawara Michizane, who protects his studies and exams, so much so that he will become his childhood ideal...

To what extent is this kind of statement true? Yuanjing can actually come up with the answer as long as he thinks about it a little bit.

However, doubting this kind of thing at this time is a bit too incomprehensible.

not to mention--

"Don't cry, Kazuya." Taking one hand away from the steering wheel, Yuan Jing took out the handkerchief that Shimizu Kaguya had prepared earlier just in case, and handed it to her He gave it to Touma Kazusa, who was sitting in the co-pilot's seat.

That's right, at this time, big and big drops of crystal clear tears were falling from the corners of Dongma Hesha's eyes.

However, such a crying face did not cause any damage to the girl's beauty.

It is as if the crystal dewdrops slide on the blooming flowers in the twilight of morning, washing away the glitz and dust, thus revealing a crystal clear and thrilling beauty.

Although Touma Kazusa accepted the handkerchief Yuanjing handed over, she didn't just start wiping her tears.

These tears are definitely not from sadness.

"Don't worry about me, I'm crying with joy." Touma Kazusa shook her head lightly, although her vision was a bit blurred because of tears in her eyes.

However, in this world where the boundaries are already blurred, there is one person whose outline is always so clear.

The current Touma Hesha, apart from being pleasantly surprised, actually still has a little fear in his heart.

She was afraid of everything just now, it was just Yuan Jing's unintentional words, or she was just joking, but it didn't have any special meaning.

For this reason, she is extremely eager to get a certain answer, knowing an answer that can make her feel at ease, and of course, it may also make her give up——

"Ah Jing, I think you should be much clearer than me about the meaning of 'Bai Wugou'." Word by word, seriously, if you play the piano in your current state, then no matter the world No matter which game was played, both Dongma and Sha at this time have the confidence to win the championship.

However, what she is experiencing now is actually more important than any piano competition, even the Chopin International Piano Competition, which is called the "Olympics" in the piano world, for Touma Kazusa, It can't compare to even a second now.

Now, in the slightly narrow space inside his mother's car, it may be the most important and unforgettable time in Touma Kazusa's life.

"You are the only one who can make me put on 'White Wugou' willingly." Although his lips trembled slightly due to excitement and fear, Touma Kazusa's words did not waver in the slightest.

Now she seems to be cutting open her heart, so as to hold out her true heart completely, so that she can hand it over to Yuanjing for inspection.

On Yuanjing's side, Touma Kazua charged without hesitation, obviously only giving a slightly unclear signal.

What recklessness, what recklessness, what determination, what clumsy behavior this is.

Once it fails, the friendship and trust that she once had with Yuan Jing—these ordinary friendships will all disappear.

The harmonious atmosphere before will soon turn into embarrassment. This was obtained with great difficulty, and it belongs to Touma Kasha and Yuan Jing. It may end immediately the moment Yuan Jing spits out the answer.

After she and Yuanjing, they will definitely not be able to become the same relationship as before, where they can go to school together as if nothing had happened and share a headset together.

The so-called confession of love is such a terrifying thing.

As a human being, all rational fantasies one has about other people are gently taken away by love.

Because of this, no matter how much they have a heart-to-heart connection, no matter how sure they are that "the other party has me in their hearts", people often dare not just say their love so easily.

After all, once it fails, the softness between people will disappear in an instant, and then a sharp blade will grow to stab others.

Isn't Touma and Sasa not aware of this?

Of course she knows!

For girls in love, no one knows this better than her!Confessing to Won Kyung, then failing and being alienated by him... Touma Kazusa has had this nightmare for countless times.

Isn't Touma and Sasa not afraid?

Of course she was scared!

At this moment, under the cover of her upper body, her slender calves hidden under the car seat are actually still shaking slightly uncontrollably, which is a reflection of her mood.

But even so, she wanted an answer.

If Yukinoshita Yukino, Fujiwara Chika, Hayasaka Ai and even Shimizu Kaguya were in her current position, they would not have said such words.

However, Touma Kazusa is not as smart as them.

Whether in love or in studies, she has always been an extremely clumsy girl.

Touma Kazusa naturally knows how clumsy she is, but she also knows how smart Yuan Jing is.

If he was not interested in himself, and had never thought about such a future at all, then he would never say something like 'Bai Wugou' that easily makes her daydream, to make her feel agitated she plays!

In other words, Touma and Sa's courage at this time actually comes mostly from their trust in Yuanjing's character.

This is really...

"Can I take today as a preview of a certain day in the future?" The dark blue eyes just stared at Yuanjing. In Touma Kazusa's words, there seemed to be overflowing hope and at the same time Hide deep prayers.

The meaning of Touma Kazusa is quite clear, this can be said to be the straight ball among the straight balls.

And in the face of such a straight ball——

Yuanjing also did not choose to pull.

He is the kind of character who won't change easily once he has made up his mind.

For love, and marriage as one of its results, for a long period of time, he has actually always adopted an attitude of keeping a respectful distance.

After all, this is the wound left in his heart by the experience of the previous life, and it has not healed so easily.

However, this does not mean that Yuan Jing is completely disappointed in love.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for him in his previous life to play games like "St. Eden's Academy", and naturally he would have no way to enter this world.

Touma Kazusa, Yukinoshita Yukino, Fujiwara Chika, Hayasaka Ai... Along with interacting with these lovely girls, Yuan Jing has actually gradually realized one point, that is——

Girls in this world are actually different from those in previous lives.

This statement may be a little one-sided. After all, even in the previous life, the proportion of 'bad women' among the majority of female compatriots should not be as large as imagined.

It's just because Yuanjing in the previous life was unlucky and happened to meet him.

However, characters like Kazuya that originally only existed in the works, because they embody the good wishes of the creators, the proportion of "good girls" is overwhelmingly high.

It can almost be said to be [-]%.

Because of this, Yuan Jing's heart that had been closed before was gradually opened.

It was only this morning that Yuan Jing seriously thought about the idea of ​​'marriage', which he hadn't considered at all before, and revealed it to Shimizu Kaguya in the near future.

And Touma and Sa are obviously also in the future that he thinks about in his heart.

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