"I just taught her a trick."

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-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"About today's matter, my lord, do you need me to keep it a secret from my lord Laiguang?" In Yushima Tenman Palace, a benevolent old man with a white beard said this to Yuan Jing.

This is a very rich old man, no, to say 'rich' may be a little too modest.

Let's put it this way, if it wasn't for the landmark buildings of the surrounding shrines and the priest's uniform worn by the other party, Yuan Jing thought for a moment that he had come to the set of "Slam Dunk", and the person he was facing was Coach Anzai .

However, the opponent is not the "white-haired Buddha" with a rubber face, but the power palace secretary of Yushima Tenmangu, which has the reputation of "one of the three major Tenmangu in Sakurajima".

That is the Yuan Shenping that Yuan Jing mentioned before.

Like many traditional costumes of Sakurajima, costumes like 'Shiro Mugou' are actually quite difficult to wear.

At least for Touma Kazusa, who always likes to be naked and is not very good at dressing herself up.

However, a thriving shrine like Yushima Tenmangu is obviously no stranger to such a situation, and has already had its own countermeasures.

After Touma Hesa ​​was taken to change clothes by the priestesses who were in charge of this matter here, the grandfather of Yuanjing invited Yuanjing into his private tea room.

"If I ask you to do this, will you do it?" Yuanjing put his legs crossed and sat on the very expensive tatami mats in the tea room. On the table, resting his head on the palm of his hand, he said so in a somewhat boring tone.

"Of course it's—"

"It won't be done."

Yuanjing knew it would be such a result.

"After all, I'm just a loser who can't get rid of the 'outside demons' at all, but I can't do anything to disobey the Patriarch's order." Blinking those small eyes, Yuan Shenping said in a rather pitiful tone .

That's right, losers.

This is the position given by Yuan Shenping to himself, and it is also the position given to him by the Yuan family.

Logically speaking, Yushima Tenmangu is one of the three major Tenmangu in Sakurajima. If you can serve as the power minister here, that is, the so-called second in command, you can't touch it with a "loser". is.

But this is not the case.

The territory designated by the Minamoto family is the place where the tomb of the first Minamoto Yorimitsu is located, that is, Kansai.

That's where the source family's foundation lies.

And the Kanto region, for the Genjia, is actually a place similar to a place of exile.

This statement sounds serious, but it's not that serious.

It's a bit like the practice of dividing students into 'fast class' and 'slow class' in school.

People like Yuan Shenping who have not completely cut off the "demon" in their hearts will be assigned to the "slow class" by the Yuan family, which is the so-called Kanto area.

That's why he calls himself a 'loser'.

And as for the 'demon' in Yuan Shenping's heart that has never been completely cut off...

Yuan Jing glanced at the other party after he sat down, and his belly became more and more bulging, almost bulging the big priest.

There is no need for any doubts about such an obvious thing.

"By the way, when you contacted me, I was really taken aback." Yuan Shenping filled the teacup on the low table in front of him, holding it up with both hands.

However, he didn't just drink it in one gulp, but just sniffed the fragrance of the tea lightly, with a slightly intoxicated expression on his round face.

"According to what you said on the phone, this Sunday should be just an ordinary worship visit?" Yuan Shenping's voice seemed a little puzzled, "If that's the case, as long as you say hello on the phone, it will be fine. , As for coming to the door in person?"

"Or, this time, you just want to make Miss Touma happy and wear 'Bai Wugou'?"

"This is indeed one of the reasons." Yuanjing admitted generously, "However, this Sunday is not just an ordinary visit."

"I need to take this opportunity to find a reason."

"A justifiable reason to intervene in the Sawamura family incident."

If it is Minamoto Raimitsu, Minamoto Shinpei is naturally unreliable; but when facing people other than the Patriarch, this naive old man is completely trustworthy.

Regarding this point, Yuanjing is actually quite convinced.

He once promised Shiina Mashiro that he would give the Sawamura mother and daughter shelter, so that the tragic ending of mother and daughter separation would not happen.

If you just want to do this, it's actually very easy.

No matter how powerful the Spencer family is, its sphere of influence is limited to a corner of England.

As the owner of half of Sakurajima, the Genjia is naturally not afraid of it.

Take the simplest method, that is to forge a missing certificate, let the Sawamura mother and daughter "evaporate" in Tokyo, and then transfer to the Kansai area to live.

This is actually the way Sayuri Sawamura thought of at the very beginning, but in the end she found the villain by mistake.If it wasn't for Yuanjing, the mother and daughter might be on their way by now...

However, Yuanjing was not prepared to use such a method.

The reason is actually quite simple -

Because the Spencer family actually held the so-called 'hostage'.

Those are Shiina Mashiro's parents.

These two true white blood relatives living in England are the best hostages in the hands of the Spencer family.

Once things with Eri Sawamura are not going well, will the Spencer family just vent their anger on Mashiro Shiina who is very close to this mother and daughter, and then just vent their anger on this couple? ?

Can the aura of "world-renowned painter" protect the safety of these two people?


But Yuanjing was unwilling to gamble.

He would not do such a stupid thing as pinning such hopes on the moral level of the enemy.

Moreover, the arrival of Rita Einsworth actually proved this point.

Zhenbai with a pure mind may not have considered so much, but Yuanjing, as the entrusted person, has to handle all these possible things properly.

In case everything is fine in Sawamura and her daughter in Sakurajima after such an operation, but something happened to Shiina Mashiro's parents...

Didn't this become a big joke instead?

To be honest, once the condition of "guaranteeing the safety of Shiina Mashiro's parents" is added, the difficulty of the whole incident can be said to be as high as a cliff.

If it is expressed by the so-called star rating, the previous difficulty was only three stars at most, but after adding this condition, it has reached the difficulty of five stars, which ordinary people can only scratch their heads.

However, this is not the whole goal that Yuanjing wants to achieve.

Because, not only could he not let the Spencer family take Sawamura Eriri away, but instead he wanted to take someone from the Spencer family instead.

This 'person' is naturally the one who used the pseudonym [Lily Spencer], Arturia Pendoragon.

Yuan Jing is not someone who does not think about repaying favors after being favored by others.

Although his current state can be said to be thanks to him, Artoria didn't do this intentionally.

It was just an unfortunate coincidence.

Moreover, if you take a long-term view, you will naturally be able to see how precious Artoria's gift is.

Although the other party might not expect to get anything in return from Yuan Jing, he couldn't just accept it with peace of mind.

No matter from the daily relationship or the sword fight, Yuan Jing discovered very keenly that Arturia's mental state was actually not quite right.

It should be said that it is lifeless, or that it has the will to die...

All in all, don't look at the current Arturia who looks like a caring big sister, and even gathers the girls in private, and announces Yuanjing's situation, so as to help them in their relationship.

But when it comes to matters related to herself, Artoria is extremely negative.

Whether it was deliberately putting on a cold posture in the classroom, or not explaining the reason why he beat up that bullying group at all, they all revealed some meaning in this regard.

Well, considering the other party's identity and experience, it's not surprising that there is such a way of thinking.

The "reward" that Yuanjing envisioned was to rekindle the hope of living in this depressed Knight King.

As for what method to take...

He hasn't actually thought about it yet.

What kind of method will this kind of person with a firm will to make her change his mind.Even Yuan Jing felt a little scratching his head about this.

...You can't sleep with her, can you?

Considering the nature of the world I live in, this method may really be the most feasible method.

However, with the idea of ​​[this is all for the good of the other party], I forcibly have a relationship with the other party...

This is not something Yuanjing can do.

Fortunately, this is not an imminent event.

As long as they managed to keep it in Sakurajima, Genkei and the other girls would have plenty of time to figure out a way.

To be honest, although the identity of the other party has been almost confirmed, and the Spencer family has been so troubled in the matter of Eriri Sawamura, and even involved the Shijo family as a guarantee of success, but for the Spencer family What exactly is his true intention, the current Yuanjing is actually still a little vague.

After all, no one with a big brain would have thought that the Spencer family would use the method of "civet cat for prince"?

However, for Yuanjing now, it doesn't really matter what the Spencer family's intentions are.

Whether it's Sawamura Spencer Eriri, or Artoria Pendoragon, whose alias is [Lily Spencer], he is not going to let them leave Sakurajima.

Simply put, it is the so-called [I want it all! 】.

After adding this condition again, the difficulty of this already extremely difficult task suddenly increased. From the original 5 stars, it suddenly broke through to 9 stars, and it can even be said that it was about to break through the entire mission. The difficulty slot is almost an impossible task.

However, this is only [almost] after all.

The group of British exchange students stayed in Sakurajima for two weeks.

After a week of 'intelligence gathering and character observation', Yuanjing was finally ready to act.

And this Sunday, when Hiratsuka Shizuka gathered together, was the beginning of everything.

"During this weekend," the original laziness and boredom have all been swept away, and the back subconsciously straightened like a green pine, Yuan Jing stared at Yuan Shenping, with a bright light shining in his eyes.

Obviously, the so-called 'side effect' did not burn Yuanjing's head, he can be said to have ignited 12 points of enthusiasm now——

"I need you to help me put on a play together."

Minamoto Shinpei is the Secretary of Power at Yushima Tenmangu Shrine, in charge of all miscellaneous affairs of the shrine.

If you want to get the desired result, you must have his secret help.

To achieve the ultimate goal, Yuan Jing can't just intervene bluntly, he must find a logical and extremely natural reason.

And what happened this Sunday is the 'reason' that Yuanjing wants to give to the other party.

However, at present, what he still doesn't know is how the scene planned by him will change completely beyond his expectations halfway, so that in the end it will completely escape his control.

After all, how could Yuanjing think that the personality in Artoria's body is no longer that noble and upright knight king, but replaced by a 'black fool' who covets him?

However, for him, it is not necessarily bad news.

After all, after Sunday, he should not have to worry about how to repay Artoria.

Do you want to say something here...



However, all the plans above have nothing to do with Touma Kazusa who is extremely happy now.

Just like the name of the clothes it wears, any variegated colors cannot contaminate this holy white.

When he appeared in front of Yuan Jing with a blushing face and accompanied by the witches, even with Yuan Jing's concentration, he couldn't help being a little dazed.

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