At this time, he had already finished discussing with Yuan Shenping, and the latter had already stepped back to make preparations.

This pure and flawless beauty, in this tea room, only blooms to Yuan Jing alone.

"...It's really beautiful." As if subconsciously, such a sigh leaked out of Yuanjing's mouth.

In the face of such astonishing beauty, any gorgeous rhetoric seems a little pale.

After hearing Yuanjing's subconscious admiration, Dongma Hesha's fair cheeks became even more red like blood.

However, no matter how shy she was, she still had something to do at this time.

Taking small steps, she walked towards Yuanjing, and she handed something in her loose robe to Yuanjing's hand.

It was a small, but beautifully packaged gift box.

"Is this for me?" Although some asked knowingly, this is a necessary etiquette that must be observed.

Nod, nod.

"Can I open it now?"

Nod, nod.

Carefully removing the outer packaging, the girl's heart wrapped inside was presented in front of Yuan Jing.

That is a scarf.

A dark, hand-woven scarf.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Hesha, did you weave this yourself?" Yuan Jing held the dark towel in front of his eyes, and gently stroked the lines on it with his fingers.

This is a rather 'plain' scarf.

On the entire towel, there was no novel pattern woven on purpose, just one color was carried out from beginning to end.

As for the weaving method, the flat stitch is basically the simplest and most suitable for novices. This is something you can know just by looking at the texture on it.

"Yeah." Although they came in surrounded by witches, when these people saw that there was no Minato Shinpei in the tea room, but only the young man whom he respected as his guest, the group of witches turned to you. Look at me, I look at you, immediately grinning, and then scattered like this.

Only this pure 'bride' was left standing in front of Yuanjing rather at a loss.

By the way, among these youthful witches, not all of them are actually so 'disrespectful'. Before leaving, one of them deliberately said in a rather small voice in Touma Kazusa's ear. a few words.

However, judging from Touma and Sana's flushed cheeks after hearing this, the so-called 'righteousness' of this young lady priestess does not seem to be so serious.

"Look, isn't Christmas coming soon?" Touma Kazusa said hesitantly, "I just thought, I just don't need to go to class recently, so I have a little time, I just wonder if I can It's put to good use..."

Coming soon, means there are still about 20 days from now.

No, what Hesha meant, didn't she start doing such things two weeks ago?

In other words, she left more than a month for herself as a buffer?

Hearing Touma Kazusa's meaning, it seems that because he just didn't have to go to class, he seemed a little bored, so he did this kind of thing 'by the way' to relieve boredom.

However, compared with Kaguya, Kazuya's lying skills are far inferior.

If the former's accomplishments in this area can reach Lv.3, Touma Kazusa is estimated to be less than Lv.1.

Just this morning, Yuan Jing clearly saw Touma Yoko's fatigue.

Compressing the time that originally needs to be settled in units of [month] to two weeks will be hard work, but it is definitely not just Touma Yoko.

After all, Touma Kazusa is the well-deserved 'protagonist' of this album.


It would be too puzzling to expose this kind of lie here.

Even Yuanjing would not do such a behavior at this time.

"To be honest, because of the failure experience in cooking, I actually have a certain shadow on this kind of thing that can show my femininity." Dongma Hesha seems to subconsciously want to play with her long hair tip.

But caught an empty.

A Japanese-style wedding dress like 'Bai Wugou' includes more than just the pure white kimono on her body.

Whether it is a Chinese or Western-style wedding dress, there are actually unique headwear.

Japanese style is no exception.

In addition to the 'white cotton hat' that almost covers the entire hair, the 'bride' must also wear a special headgear.

Its exclusive name is [Jiao Yin].

Now, Dongma Hesha's black and beautiful hair has long been coiled up by the maidens and combed into a special bun, and outside it, it has been wrapped with silk in white and red. Get up, and plug in a shiny coral hairpin.

This is the so-called [corner hidden].

Its implication is to remind the bride not to lose her temper when she arrives at her new home, and to hide her horns.

Bad habits such as self-willedness, arrogance, aggressiveness, eating, laziness, jealousy and intolerance that were developed in the natal family when a girl was a girl should all be put away, which means "shrinking its edges and corners, being gentle and obedient".

Seeing the girl's cute and silly expression because she was caught empty all of a sudden, Yuan Jing couldn't help showing a little smile on his face.

It wasn't a 'joking' smile.

On the contrary, this is a kind of heartfelt, extremely gentle smile.

When getting along with Touma Kazusa, Yuan Jing's mood is always very easy to soothe.

If you want to explore the reason, it should be because Dongma Hesha has the purest mind and the purest person.

Who doesn't like such a good girl?

Yuan Jing didn't speak.

He moved his body to the side, and after that, he tapped his knuckles on the vacated half of the low table, and then looked at Touma Kazusa.

In fact, opposite to Yuanjing, there is another low table.

That was the position originally belonged to Minamoto Shinpei.

However, between these two positions, what kind of choice Touma and Sa will make, in fact, there is no need to hesitate at all.

And when she came to Yuanjing's side, after she took her seat——

Because of the mistake just now, the right hand, which was slightly stiff and helpless, was just held by a big hand.

Feeling the warmth, Touma Kazusa's body suddenly became a little stiff.

This is not the first time she and Yuan Jing held hands.

On the night when Minamoto Raimitsu came, when the two of them went shopping together, she had felt this kind of warmth with the reason of 'I can't walk anymore'.

However, at that time, it was me who took the initiative.

But now, the active party has become Yuanjing...

"And then?" Without showing any restraint or embarrassment, Yuanjing just held Hesha's little hand in such a very natural way, as if it should be like this.

"In terms of weaving the scarf, is Hesha going well?" Although the position has changed, Yuanjing's gaze has never moved away from Touma Hesha.

Because the two are very close now, Touma and Sa can even see their own shadow in Yuan Jing's eyes like the night sky.

Come to think of it, Yuanjing should be the same, right?

After all, I've never looked away either...

Maybe it's because of the reassuring warmth, or maybe it's because of the focus in Yuanjing's eyes, the uneasiness and restraint in Dongma Hesha's heart, like ice and snow melting at this moment, turned into watery eyes gentle.

"That's not true. In terms of weaving scarves, I found that I'm quite talented." In this state, Touma and Sasa's language became smoother, "It's actually quite similar to playing the piano." , the most important thing is actually the word [rhythm].”

For Touma Kazusa, who is good at rhythm, this is her forte.

"Because it was too smooth, the gift that was originally planned to be given at Christmas was woven yesterday." Dongma Hesha's tone contained a little bit of extremely cute showing off and asking for credit.

Obviously, in addition to music, the fact that she also has a hidden talent in weaving is a complete surprise to her.

Especially when she was very concerned about her identity as [Kitchen Black Hole], so she was hit hard.

"So, I thought, just give it to you today."

But if this is the case...

"Hesha, have you thought about a question." He lifted up the dark scarf with the hand that wasn't holding Hesha, and the smile on Yuanjing's face grew wider, "The original Christmas gift, You gave it to me today..."

"So what are you going to give me when Christmas comes?"

"..." Dongma Hesha was dumbfounded for a while, then——


Obviously, our 'bridal wife' also reacted at once.

That's right, the original Christmas gift turned out to be given out today, which is not a holiday time.

In this case, isn't there nothing to send on Christmas Day?

Now, according to the arrival of that day, there are still nearly 20 days. If you want to prepare another knitwear at this time, let alone the problem of novelty, in fact, the time is not enough.

Although he does have a certain talent in weaving, at best he is slightly better than ordinary people.

This can be seen from the weaving method she uses when knitting the scarf.

Since the scarf was given today, it is like the option of galgme, this button must have turned gray at Christmas.

In knitting, the scarf is actually the simplest type.

After all, the finger parts of knitted gloves, as well as the neckline and sleeves of knitted sweaters, are all difficult points that need to be studied with great concentration.

At least, Touma and Kazuya didn't have the confidence to perfectly overcome these difficulties in less than 20 days.

"...Ah Jing, I suddenly discovered that this scarf seems to have room for modification to make it more perfect," Dongma Hesha said pitifully like some kind of cute little animal.

"Otherwise, why don't you return it to me first, and after I improve it and make it more beautiful, how about giving it to you?"

"How can this be done." Yuan Jing said rather maliciously, "The gift sent out is the same as the girl who got married, how can there be any reason to let her go back?"

"Now, this is already mine." He said in a domineering tone that he rarely used.

The so-called politeness is actually a synonym for 'estrangement'.

Now that he has started trying to accept a few young girls, Yuan Jing also began to show a face in front of them that he rarely shows in front of other people.

"...a married girl..." Touma Kazusa obviously had a certain reaction to this metaphor.

Generally speaking, what will be said here is "splashed water", but Yuanjing intentionally made no use...

"Ah Jing, what do you think of this?" Now that the move to get it back directly failed, Touma and Sasha tried to use the 'trick' of outflanking, "Of course it is still yours, and this will definitely not change. "

"However, can I 'redeem' it back temporarily?" Thinking of the words that the witch sister whispered in her ear before leaving, Touma Kazusa suddenly had a brilliant idea.

"Redemption?" Yuanjing blinked his eyes, as if he didn't quite understand the meaning of Touma and Sa, and then asked curiously, "How about a redemption method?"

Hearing the looseness in Yuan Jing's words, Touma and Sa hurriedly extended the hand that was not held by Yuan Jing to the low table in front of them.

She opened the drawer under it all at once, and after seeing the contents, she breathed a sigh of relief, showing a somewhat relieved expression.

Apparently, as she thought, the witch sister did not lie to him.

After all, there is no need to spread such a lie that can be exposed in an instant.

Moving back the body that was closer to the low table, Touma Kazusa's plump and round thighs that were originally covered by it were revealed in this way.

After directly taking out the drawer and putting it beside her, the voice of the 'bride' became more shy.

She patted her thigh lightly, then tugged the hand that was holding Yuan Jing, signaling him to just lie on it——

"It's such a redemption."

Under the soft light in the tea room, in the drawer next to the girl, a few pieces of metal utensils reflected the light slightly.

Don't get me wrong, it's not some evil toy.

Touma Kazusa is not Hayasaka Ai, and now he has no determination to accept such a large-scale gameplay.

That is a very complete set of equipment, and the place where it is applied is——


That's right, this is a tool specially used for 'ear picking'.

This is also one of Minamoto Shinpei's hobbies.

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