As for why they are on this low table in front of Yuanjing...

This is naturally because what he is sitting on is actually the chief seat of the tea room.

Originally, this should be Minamoto Shinpei's location.

Obviously, the way Dongma Hesha is going to redeem the gift is the package of [knee pillow + ear picking].


Just as Touma and Sagami Oita, Shimizu Kaguya and 'Kurodai' also left the lounge after reaching a certain degree of unification.

And when the two walked towards the classroom, they saw a girl with blond hair and blue eyes, standing gracefully at the door of Class B, Senior One, as if she was waiting for someone.

After bowing her head towards the 'Kurodai' next to Shimizu Kaguya, watching the 'master' of Yuanjing leave, Hayasaka Ai walked to Shimizu Kaguya's side——

"Hui Ye, are you alright?"

Watching Shimizu Kaguya's face worriedly, Hayasaka Ai lowered her voice and asked in a voice that only Kaguya could hear clearly.

In fact, apart from 'Kurodai', Hayasaka Ai was the first person to know Kaguya's intentions.

As someone who was also in that group, when she saw Touma Kazusa wearing 'Shiro Mugou', Hayasaka Ai first felt envy from the bottom of her heart, then immediately thought of something, and then felt a burst of envy. of fear.

She had had a dispute with Kaguya before, so she naturally knew that Kaguya's psychological quality was actually not as tough as she thought.

Now being so stimulated by Kazuya unintentionally...

She was indeed a little worried about Kaguya's mental health.

"What could be the matter?" Shimizu Kaguya looked at Ai Hayasaka strangely, then walked behind her, pushing her towards her own class.

"Don't worry, I'm not as fragile as you think."


Although the tone was quite relaxed, what Ai Hayasaka couldn't see was that in Kaguya's eyes, there was no trace of a smile at all.

In those blood-red eyes, there is only the determination to do something.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The time for Yuanjing to return home was much earlier than what Shimizu Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai expected.

It was just around 6 o'clock in the evening, after eating a simple dinner because someone was absent, the two who were tidying up the house heard the somewhat unique sound of the horn.

After looking at each other in disbelief, the two who had already changed their school uniforms and put on simple home clothes, put down the things in their hands at the same time.

When the two put on their shoes and ran out, Yuan Jing had already got off the Bentley that he had been driving for almost a day, and was waving goodbye to Touma Yoko inside.

Unlike in the morning, after what can be said to be a day's rest, Touma Yoko's spirit has improved a lot.

At this time, she had already rolled down the car window with a little regret on her face, and she was saying something regretfully.

But when she saw the two beautiful girls, one black and one gold, she stopped talking.

After winking at the two playfully, she also waved at Yuan Jing, and after that——

The humming sound of the engine sounded, and the slender sapphire blue body started to move lightly. After turning a corner at the intersection, it disappeared from the sight of the three of them.

After watching him leave, Yuan Jing turned around.

As the chooser of Yuanjing's outfit, Shimizu Huiye immediately noticed some incongruities on her body:

Compared with when he went out in the morning, Yuanjing now has a dark scarf around his neck.

After walking in a little bit and being able to see it more clearly, Kaguya discovered that it was a completely artificial product.

As for who gave this hand-woven scarf to Yuanjing...

Who else could it be?

Isn't that the only person who has been by Yuanjing's side all day today?

That's right, even though it can be said that they used all their strengths, even at the time of the final parting, Touma and Sa did not succeed in 'redeeming' this scarf.

However, this does not mean that Touma Kazuya's 'pay' has no gains at all.

At least, she already knew what gift to give Yuanjing at Christmas.

In this case, the matter of 'redeeming the scarf' doesn't matter to her.

Shimizu Kaguya's eyes moved slightly, even if she was as smart as her, it was impossible to know everything that happened between Dongma Hesha and Yuanjing today.

However, from the photo in the group, and the scarf around Yuanjing's neck, it is enough to get a glimpse of it.

Although the envy in his heart is almost overflowing, but for the current situation, Shimizu Kaguya has already been psychologically prepared.

To be honest, the current scene is far from the worst situation she had imagined in her heart.

At least, Yuan Jing didn't spend the night outside, but returned home at the dawn of twilight.

For Shimizu Kaguya, this was already a great consolation.

However, she was not the only one who came to greet Yuanjing.

Although she didn't intend to, and she didn't have the qualifications to ask such a thing, it was obvious that Hayasaka Ai didn't have these concerns of hers.

After Yuan Jing turned around, Hayasaka Ai naturally also found that this scarf and Yuan Jing's clothing are basically two styles of scarf——

"Is this... Miss Touma gave it to you?" Her azure eyes were focused on the deep blackness, and Hayasaka Ai's tone had a sour taste that she could also detect .

Shimizu Kaguya is definitely not the only one who will be stimulated by the photo of 'Shiro Mugou' posted by Touma and Sasa in the group.

That girl doesn't have a bride dream of her own in her heart?

Moreover, it was my sweetheart who took her to the shrine and made her change into this wedding dress...

Although after seeing that photo, worries about Kaguya temporarily overwhelmed this complex feeling of envy and jealousy.

Now, after seeing this extremely conspicuous 'gift' surrounded by Yuanjing, this complex emotion that was temporarily left behind by him just came to mind again.

"Well, is this jealousy?" Yuan Jing didn't answer this kind of question that can be answered at a glance.

He also knew that Ai Hayasaka must have known the answer a long time ago.

"No." Although she denied it with her mouth, Hayasaka Ai's cheeks had already swelled up, like a cute hamster that was puffed up.

This usually calm and reliable blonde maid, unexpectedly started to make a fuss with duplicity at this moment.

Yuan Jing was not annoyed either.

After all, Hayasaka Ai's reaction this time can be said to be quite normal.

Stretched out his finger to poke Hayasaka Ai's bulging cheek, and after successfully making her let out a 'chichi' sound of discouragement, a smile appeared on the corner of Yuanjing's mouth, "Are you really not jealous?"

"I didn't expect Ms. Hayasaka to have such a broad mind. I really admire it."

"However, since you are so magnanimous, it seems that the compensation measures I have thought of a long time ago may not be needed." There was some deliberate regret in his tone.

"Compensatory measures?" After hearing this word, Ai Hayasaka couldn't help pricking up her ears.

Hurrying forward a few steps, she stretched out her hand and grabbed the hem of Yuanjing's shirt, she overturned her previous words very crisply, "Ah Jing, I just lied."

"I do feel a little bit jealous after seeing the proof that you and Kasa are so close."

Shimizu Kaguya looked at the former maid who grew up with him and was like a sister with some speechlessness.At this moment, she even had some hallucinations, as if she saw the constantly shaking tail behind Ai Hayasaka, showing a very obvious intention to please.

"A little bit?" Yuan Jing asked with some amusement.

"Well, it's very jealous." In front of Yuan Jing, Hayasaka Ai always surrendered very quickly, "However, compared with jealousy, I feel more envy."

Her eyes are full of longing——

"I really envy Kazuya today."

In front of Yuan Jing, this maid who used to hide all her feelings and show others with a disguised mask is very frankly expressing her feelings to him.

Yuanjing's fingers that were originally placed on Hayasaka Ai's cheeks also changed from 'poke' to 'stroking' at this moment.

Caressing the girl's cheek with some pity, his voice became extremely soft, "That's right, don't hold back what you say and how wronged you feel in your heart."

"Deliberately pretending to be magnanimous and tolerant, thus wrapping up a false harmony."

"I don't need such a thing."

Yuanjing hates hypocrisy and lies.

Black is black and white is white.

Hate is hate, like is like.

In fact, this has always been his principle of life.

After the experience of his previous life, it can be said that he has a deep abhorrence for such things as hypocrisy and obedience.Therefore, in this world, he has always been the most authentic self.

Hayasaka Ai is someone he has gradually accepted in his heart.

Then, of course, he didn't want Ai Hayasaka to forcefully suppress the feelings in her heart in front of him, just to make him feel more comfortable and to please him.

"...It will be ugly." Obviously, Hayasaka Ai also heard the meaning of Yuanjing's words. After a moment of silence, she sighed as if giving up, "I want to be with you To gain a higher status in my heart, to overwhelm others and monopolize your favor..."

"In order to achieve such a goal, do you really know what ugly and vicious things we can do?"

Hayasaka Ai is a maid who grew up in the Shinomiya family and was deeply influenced by her environment.

In such a wealthy family, she has seen too many ugly faces of women fighting each other around the favor of the so-called 'gentlemen'.

Because of this, she does not want to have such a relationship with Fujiwara Chika, Yukinoshita Yukino, and Touma Kazusa at all.

Of course, there is also Shimizu Kaguya hiding in the dark.

The girls are actually very good friends in private, and they can even be said to be comrades-in-arms in attacking Yuanjing together.

Because jealousy and possessiveness turned against each other, and even became sworn enemies... In any case, Ai Hayasaka did not want to have such a relationship with other people.

"I'm not sure, but I have a general mental preparation." Fujiwara Chika, Yukinoshita Yukino, Hayasaka Ai, and Touma Kazusa, these four girls are good girls as precious as gems.

It was precisely because of the existence of these girls that Yuanjing's heart, which had fallen into a dead silence, gradually came to life and regained its vitality little by little.

For him who has never been in a serious relationship, he wants to handle the relationship between the girls and let them live in harmony with each other... This is indeed a bit too embarrassing for him.


"Although I don't know much about this kind of thing, but I do know one thing." Staring at Hayasaka Ai's eyes like the blue sky, Yuan Jing's tone was serious and serious.

"That is, the method of blindfolding and plugging ears has never worked."

"A problem is a problem, and if it's not dealt with, if it's just left unseen, it's never going to go away, it's going to get worse."

"I don't want to be a jerk who just wants to be happy and nothing else matters."

"I don't want it to become a trophy that symbolizes some kind of honor and is just a trophy that you fight for and snatch away."

"Since it is our common future, I naturally need to make my own efforts instead of throwing all this at you."

Don't evade, don't prevaricate, don't follow the crowd.

Now that "many people go together" seems to be a foregone conclusion, and he has no way to give up any of them, so don't "be a monk for a day and hit the clock for a day" to enjoy the blessings of equal people, but face up to the problems in it and find ways to solve them. solution.

...This is really an answer full of Yuanjing's characteristics.

This is what Hayasaka Ai is thinking at the moment.

In fact, she wanted to see the expression on Shimizu Kaguya's face, to see whether Yuanjing's heartfelt words would touch her, who obviously had a lot of stuff in her heart.

However, considering that such behavior is very likely to expose her, she hesitated a little, and Ai Hayasaka gave up this idea.

Moreover, now, there are indeed more important things to her.

That is-

Spreading out a catkin and placing it in front of Yuan Jing, Ai Hayasaka revealed a very beautiful smile:

"So, can Ah Jing tell me?"

"What is my [compensation]?"


At this moment, in the room of Chika Fujiwara on the second floor of Fujiwara House.

"...Sister Qianhua," the youngest sister of the Fujiwara family, that is, Moeha Fujiwara's voice came tremblingly from the bed, with a hint of fear, "What do you want to do to me?"

After dinner, Fujiwara Moeha originally wanted to watch her favorite TV series, but was cut off by Fujiwara Chika halfway, and was coerced by him into her bedroom.

This would have been nothing.

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