She has actually experienced too many small fights between sisters, but this time today, it is very different from usual.

There was no laughing and joking in the past at all. Tonight, Sister Qianhua acted quite seriously, looking extremely serious.

The most important thing is——

Why is Sister Qianhua's eyes wandering around my ears?That look is really scary, it always feels like it's going to swallow my ears!

My ears don't taste good at all!And didn't you just have dinner?

"Didn't I say it?" Looking left and right at the thing, Chika Fujiwara's eyes were full of eagerness, "I want to use your ears."

Can this be borrowed casually?And, don't you too?

Fujiwara Moeha was quite angry and dared not speak.

There's no way, since the last time my brother-in-law came to play at her house, he deliberately tested him and was caught by sister Qianhua, and that's why he became like this.

Speaking of it, it can be regarded as self-inflicted.

And when she was a little dejected, a voice of nature sounded in her ears——

"What are you doing?"

This is the voice of my eldest sister, Toyomi Fujiwara.

However, before Fujiwara Moeha cast her pitiful eyes over, she shouted, "Sister, save me!"

Fujiwara Chika said, "I have received reliable news that Ah Jing's weakness seems to be his ears."

"So, I just wanted to take a good look and see if I could accumulate some experience for tomorrow."

Toyomi Fujiwara blinked, a little dazed expression appeared on his cute face.


"Let me help you." The top student at Dongda Medical School immediately joined in.

"Hey! Just look at it, don't bite!"

"Licking is not allowed!"

In short, Fujiwara Moeha was "played" by the two sisters all night.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"Mr. Hayasaka, please pay attention to your concentration." A small pointer hit Ai Hayasaka's forehead rather unceremoniously, and woke up a certain blond former maid who had just fallen into reverie.

Ai Hayasaka looked up, and saw Kaguya Shimizu looking at her with a very 'kind' smile. In her hand, the small black pointer that was hit on her forehead just now was very intimidating. It flicked back and forth in the air violently, making a very intimidating '咻咻' sound.

It was about seven o'clock on a Friday night.

After welcoming Yuanjing, Ai Hayasaka and Kaguya Shimizu, who felt at ease at once, entered the so-called 'tutoring time' according to the usual practice.

If you want to go to Vienna with Yuanjing during the winter vacation, or even live in the same room with him, then you must get a good grade in the top three in the upcoming final exam.

As an existence that actually has this hope, but is actually a little bit worse, Ai Hayasaka actually has to accept the small stove of Kaguya Shimizu, who is the second grader, every night.

Today is no exception.

However, if Yuanjing hadn't come back tonight, Hayasaka Ai might not be the only one who was lost in spirit.

"I have to remind you, Ai Hayasaka." As if he couldn't bear it any longer, Kaguya Shimizu even started to call Ai Hayasaka by her full name, looking extremely angry——

"This is already the seventh time your mind has been distracted tonight." At the beginning, Kaguya just used words and shaking to wake up the blonde girl from the state of 'hehe giggle'.

And after the third time, Shimizu Kaguya turned out her little pointer, hoping to use this kind of deterrence to make the maid with a head full of pink thoughts focus on the notes and exercises in front of her.

However, judging from the situation just now, this attempt has obviously failed.

Of course, this may also have something to do with Shimizu Kaguya's lack of heavy hand at all.

After all, even though she had been beaten at least four times, Ai Hayasaka's forehead was still as fair as before.

"If this trend continues again, as your temporary tutor, I may have to take some kind of coercive measures." When saying this, Shimizu Kaguya looked at you with some malicious intentions. To something on Ai Hayasaka's chest.

The latter also immediately understood the meaning of Shimizu Kaguya's words, and immediately put an arm across his chest, blocking Kaguya's sight——

"Don't even think about it." Ai Hayasaka said, looking at Kaguya with a little vigilance.

And the thing she carefully guarded in front of her chest was also the culprit for the seven times of her distraction, which was always conscientious and diligent. In fact, it was just a very, very ordinary little thing.

It was a small talisman.

No, in more professional terms, it should be called—【Omori】.

This is a kind of mascot issued by the shrine or temple of Sakurajima to pray for the protection of the gods and to ward off disasters and evil spirits.

Because the gods enshrined in shrines and temples are different, people's wishes are also different from each other.

Therefore, there are actually many types of Omori in Sakurajima.

But on the rectangular piece of cloth hung by several colored ropes and fixed in the gully on the girl's chest, the words "Academic Achievement" were neatly embroidered on it.

It may be because of the special stuffing in it, or it may be because it has been specially made with special spices when making this kind of thing.

In short, this small 'accessory' is exuding a rather elegant fragrance.

As long as you sniff this fragrance lightly, your mood will be involuntarily relaxed.

Obviously, this is an academic watch wishing that 'study progresses smoothly and the expected goal can be achieved without regret'.

However, judging from Hayasaka Ai's distracted appearance this evening, it doesn't seem to have the expected effect.

To say why-

"This is what Ah Jing gave me, and I will never hand it over."

"Not even for a moment!"

That's right, because this is what Yuanjing gave Hayasaka Ai.

Although the reason used was 'compensation'.

However, this is obviously just an excuse.

Even if Ai Hayasaka didn't ask for it, Yuan Jing would not keep it on her.

After all, this was something specially prepared for her.

Originally, the trip to Yushima Tenmangu Shrine planned by Shizuka Hiratsuka this Sunday was actually to pray for the students, and to pray for a few girls to bless their studies and make their dreams come true. Come.

However, in order to solve the problems of Sawamura's mother and daughter and Artoria, Yuanjing needs to make this very ordinary visit to the shrine less ordinary.

He wants to entrust Yuan Shenping, who is the secretary of the power palace, to cooperate with him to "play a play", so as to obtain the reason for the Yuan family to intervene in this matter.

In this case, other people may not be clear about it, but Yuan Jing himself, on that day, it is almost impossible to have time to choose a guard for the other girls.

Therefore, taking advantage of the time to go to Yushima Tenmangu Shrine to "spot" today, he also worshiped the "God of Learning" of Sakurajima, and obtained these special blessings from the other party's "hands" according to etiquette The amulet comes.

The one on Hayasaka Ai's chest is naturally one of them.

"...You're not the only one who has it," Shimizu Kaguya said in a sour tone, glancing at the scales and half of the claws protruding from between Ai Hayasaka's fingers, "Isn't Ajing also choosing for Qianhua and Yukino?" Have you got the academic rules that are exclusive to them?"

That's right, just as mentioned above, the one on Hayasaka Ai's chest is actually just one of the items received from Yuanjing's trip to the shrine.

In addition to Hayasaka Ai, Yukinoshita Yukino and Fujiwara Chika have already aimed at the top three seats in the final exam, so Yuanjing actually prepared a "study guard" for these two.

"But, am I the only one who got this thing from Yuanjing now?" Hayasaka Ai stroked the lines on it lovingly with her fingers, and said with a smile, "Qianhua will come here tomorrow, and Yukino If you want to get this thing, you probably have to wait until Monday."

"Now that I'm the only one, it's okay to be happy for a while, isn't it?" she said quite eloquently.

"Also, although it's just a small amulet, Kaguya, you should understand the meaning behind it."

This is the real reason why Ai Hayasaka is so happy that she falls into a trance from time to time.

That is the loosening and change of Yuanjing's attitude.

For a long time, Yuan Jing's attitude towards the girls' approach has been quite passive.

Take this new home change as an example, if Hui Ye hadn't cleverly found a reason to convince Yuan Jing, then he would still be planning to live alone with great possibility.

This attitude of "refusing to approach others" has actually been the biggest obstacle between Yuanjing and the girls for a long time.

And now...

Whether it is Ai Hayasaka, Chika Fujiwara or Yukino Yukinoshita, the reason why they study so hard for the final exam and what their ultimate goal is, it is impossible for Yuan Jing not to know.

If it was still the original scene, although it would definitely not stop the girls from doing it, this level of acquiescence is already the limit.

Further support and encouragement and other things, of course, don't even think about it, there will definitely not be any.

However, the current Yuanjing took the initiative to choose amulets for several girls.

In other words, not only acquiesced, but he actually hoped to go to Vienna with a few people.

This is simply a milestone transformation.

Considering the state of Yuanjing recently, and the encounter in the swimming pool the night before...

Obviously, Yuanjing's closed heart is slowly opening towards her.

This is the happiest thing.


Obviously, Yuanjing is able to open his heart and add it to his future, and it seems that there are only a very few people at present.

And among them, the black-haired, blood-eyed girl in front of him obviously does not exist.

"If you are feeling sorry for me, then there is no need." Shimizu Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai had been masters and servants for more than ten years before they met Genjing.

Now, although the relationship between the two is completely different from before, the two are still the people who know each other best.

Therefore, although Hayasaka Ai didn't say it directly, Shimizu Kaguya was extremely keenly aware of what the other party was thinking at the moment just based on the expression on the other party's face.

However, the current Shimizu Kaguya is no longer the one in the morning who can't help biting the corner of her mouth because she realizes this.

After the conversation with 'Heida', Shimizu Kaguya, who had already made a decision in his heart, seemed quite calm, "I chose this path in the first place, so I will naturally bear all the consequences."

Her voice was extremely crisp and clear, without any hint of melancholy or confusion in it.

"Hayasaka, you just need to enjoy the happiness you deserve. As for my affairs, you don't need to worry about them."

For a long time, Hayasaka Ai was the person she relied on the most in the magic cave.

For her own interests, safety, and of course occasional willfulness, Ai Hayasaka has actually paid a lot, a lot.

Without Ai Hayasaka, the girl named Kaguya might not have been able to support herself long ago.

And even after she had left the Shinomiya family, Hayasaka Ai had actually been helping herself.

If it wasn't for her to help cover it up, so that she had at least one person to confide in and a place to breathe, she would have been unable to hide for a long time.

And now, Shimizu Kaguya is clearly realizing that what he is facing is exactly the same as the situation he was in before selling himself to Yuanjing in order to get help from the Shinomiya family.

If it succeeds, then this sweet and embarrassing situation can be completely improved, and she doesn't have to hide her mind anymore.

If it fails, although it will not be the same as before, it will be the kind of life that can only be manipulated by others without the slightest freedom, but it will definitely not be able to continue to stay by Yuanjing's side.

It seemed to be much better, but for Kaguya at this time, this result was much more terrifying than before.

After all, it was completely different from the previous situation where she was immersed in the darkness. Now she has actually felt the warmth of the sun.

Compared with the born blind, the acquired blind must be many times more painful.

In addition to being invisible, the latter has to experience a pain called 'lost'.

Logically speaking, since it is such an important matter, the more helpers there are, the better.

But Shimizu Kaguya did not rely on Hayasaka Ai as before, and asked her for help.


She wasn't really sure either.

Hayasaka Ai's happiness is already beckoning to her, she has no need or should take such a risk.

So, this time, it was Kaguya's army fighting alone.

"..." Kaguya seemed to be planning something, but he didn't seem ready to tell me or let me intervene.

Hayasaka Ai also has such a clear understanding in her heart.

Just like Hui Ye understands her, she actually understands this stubborn girl quite well.

Her lips pursed for a moment, as if she wanted to ask what she was going to do, but—

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