"Okay, enough rest, let's continue."

In the end, what she finally uttered was such seemingly extremely relaxed words.

She is not unaware.

However, Ai Hayasaka's final choice was 【Trust】.

No matter what, Shimizu Kaguya will never betray the person who rescued her from the devil's lair.

This is absolutely impossible.

It was precisely because of this absolute trust that she finally chose to remain silent.


"Xiao Yukino, Xiao Yukino, according to Xiao Jing, this weekend, she seems to organize a trip to Yushima Tenmangu, and there seems to be Gen-kun in it." The younger sister was completely defeated, but today, Yukinoshita Yoshino was completely revived again.

At the dinner table, as if she thought the atmosphere was too dull, she said this to Xue Nai who was silently cooking.

Yukinoshita Yukino already knew about this kind of thing by now, she didn't even move her eyebrows when she heard that——

"So, what do you want to do?"

"I think, anyway, I don't look like I have anything to do this weekend, so why don't I just pretend to meet by chance and go get involved?" Yang Nai said with a smile, "It sounds like a lot of fun."

Yukino glanced at her sister with her dark blue eyes——

"As you like."

Anyway, she has no ability to stop Yang Nai's behavior.

But she wasn't really worried.

So far, as long as it is related to Yuanjing, Yang Nai has always been deflated.

I believe this time is no exception.

Well, I hope my sister has learned enough lessons, and she didn't plan to do unnecessary things this time, right?

Yukinoshita Yukino thought of this quite worriedly in her heart.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Chika Fujiwara started very early this Saturday.

In fact, for Chika Fujiwara, who regards the "healthy girl" as her own setting, sleeping late is actually an extremely rare thing.

Even on weekends when there is no school.

If it was on a normal weekend, after getting up in the morning light and washing up, she would tie up her long pink hair, put on a light sportswear, and then wear 'Pace' ( Everyone should still have an impression of this ugly and cute dog raised by the Fujiwara family) walked out of the house and ran a few laps in the nearby park.

Morning exercise and dog walking have been the same thing for Chika Fujiwara for a long time.

As long as it is not windy and rainy, Chika Fujiwara's morning exercise will not be interrupted.

However, on this Saturday, she made an extremely rare exception.

"I'm sorry, Pace," with a little laziness on her face because she just got up, Chika Fujiwara showed a slightly apologetic smile to Pace who came to her bedroom door and scratched at her bedroom door because she sensed her master's waking up— —

"I have very important things today, or you just make do in the courtyard at home?"

Although very smart, Pace is just a dog after all, so naturally he can't speak human words.

It was too early at this time, besides Fujiwara Chika, Fujiwara Daichi and Fujiwara Wanho, a couple in important positions, as well as Fujiwara Moeha who was "tortured" last night, and Fujiwara Toyomi who was already extremely lethargic. still in sleep.

As if he knew this situation, although he looked disappointed, Pace did not use the method of 'barking' to vent his dissatisfaction.

It just looked at Chika Fujiwara just like this, with handsome eyes that were ferocious in the past, but now it was watery and pretending to be pitiful, as if it wanted to use this method to prompt Chika Fujiwara to realize her conscience and take over the reins of its collar , and take it out to play as usual.

Unfortunately, for the determined Fujiwara Chika, this little trick is useless.

He stretched out his right hand and put it on Pace's chin, gently scratching the itchy place of this large dog with moderate force.

After comforting it with such actions, Chika Fujiwara patted the other dog's head, saying that the matter had come to an end.

Seeing that the matter was indeed beyond his control, Pace, who had already received some compensation, could only lower his head at this moment. After grabbing the chain on his neck collar, he turned his body around, turning his head three times a step at a time. Go in the direction of your dog house.

This brief interaction with Pace awakened Chika Fujiwara, who was a little dazed because she had just woken up.

She propped up her hands, and made a lazy waist with a considerable range of motion. After showing off her good figure that could not be concealed by the loose pajamas, she walked towards the bathroom on the floor where she was.

There are still many things to do this morning.


In the huge closet that almost occupied one wall, Fujiwara Chika was looking left and right with hesitation, with a rather hesitant look.

Born in such a family, coupled with the doting of Fujiwara Daichi, who can be said to be a slave to her daughter, of course she will not lack all kinds of beautiful clothes.

Although Fujiwara Chika is not a patient with difficult choices, but when faced with so many choices, she is still a little hesitant.

However, in the end, her gaze was still on a white-sleeved dress that fitted the body.

This is a pretty white foreign dress, with V-shaped frilly trims from the neckline to the chest, revealing a playfulness unique to girls.

This is not a long dress on the floor, the skirt only slightly exceeds the knees, on both sides of the skirt, black ribbons are intertwined, and finally tied into a bow at almost the middle of the thigh.

This very typical contrast of black and white is obviously more attractive than pure white.

In order to highlight the solemn and elegant school spirit, the school uniforms of St. Eden Academy have always been in dark colors.

That's not to say the design isn't pretty.

However, when it was finally time to not wear the school uniform, Chika Fujiwara still hoped that Yuanjing could take a look at her completely different appearance from the past.

Because of this, she chose the white color that is completely opposite to the school uniform as today's theme.

Sitting on his own bed, one round and slender thigh was stretched straight so that the white stockings could be put on smoothly.

Between the top of the socks decorated with wavy lace and the lower end of the skirt of the foreign dress, there is a faint trace of white tenderness, revealing a hazy sexy.

Looking at her appearance in the mirror, Fujiwara Chika nodded with some satisfaction.

No matter what other purpose she had, at least in name, her purpose of going to Yuanjing's house was to 'catch up on homework'.

That being the case, then such attire can be said to be just right.

Moreover, this is just the appearance of the outer packaging.

If the method taught by classmate Lili is really effective and makes Ah Jing successfully transform into a beast, she has actually already made preparations for this.

Under this extremely pure dress, there is a set of black underwear that even she can't help but feel a little blush when she puts it on.

That is the real decisive weapon, known as the existence of the 'decisive underwear'.

However, Chika Fujiwara was quite uncertain about whether this set of equipment would really come in handy.

Thanks to the "voluntary" contribution of a certain sister, as well as the "hands-on" guidance of the sister who is a top student in the Faculty of Medicine at Dongdae University, for what Lily Spencer quietly told herself, by stimulating a certain part of the ear to make Yuanjing She has completely mastered the method of 'exciting'.

As the person who has dealt with this 'Lily Spencer' the most besides Yuanjing, she believes in the character of the other party, and she is very sure in her heart that the other party is not just trying to make her happy, deliberately using wrong methods to deceive herself people.

In this way, the biggest obstacle in front of the girl seemed to be easily overcome.

However, this does not mean that there is a smooth road ahead for Qianhua.

If you really want to achieve the girl's goal, then you have to face a huge 'blocker'——

This person, of course, was Kaguya Shimizu who had openly stated that he would fight against the girls and completely destroy their plans.

"Is there any way, at least let Kaguya leave for a while?" Fujiwara Chika said to herself, folding her legs wrapped in white silk together, as if asking her reflection in the mirror.

What she can be sure of is that, unlike the last time when almost everyone was assisting her in her own home, Shimizu Kaguya will not let her go her way so easily.

After all, she is also a young girl who knows Yuanjing's current state thoroughly, and she also has the so-called "Shangfang Sword" in her hand——

That was naturally the order Yuanjing gave her.

Chika Fujiwara has no doubt that after she successfully 'breaks' Yuanjing's armor, this 'loyal' girl will have a face of 'I knew you would do this! ' expression, suddenly appeared from nowhere, and then stopped in front of him, blocking his next behavior all at once.

"Hmm," Chika Fujiwara fell into deep thought as she showed her white teeth and lightly bit the middle knuckle of her right index finger.

In fact, at the beginning, Fujiwara Chika was not so anxious to think about what would happen to Yuanjing today.

The original purpose of today's visit was actually very pure.

Although there is definitely a goal of getting closer to Yuan Jing, but Chika Fujiwara's main purpose is to prepare well for the upcoming final exam.

Unlike Yukinoshita Yukino and Hayasaka Ai who are "single-digit" powerhouses, she is a "three-digit miscellaneous fish" through and through.

If Yuanjing hadn't been the first to give her such hope, she wouldn't have dared to think about the top three seats, and she probably had to pay for it at her own expense in the end, so she could go to Vienna to play with Yuanjing and his party .

Moreover, there is no chance to live in the same room with Yuan Jing, so he can only sleep in the single room with the doll in his arms rather unwillingly.

She doesn't want to be such a 'lost dog'.

Taking this fear of the future as her internal driving force, Chika Fujiwara has never slackened in her studies this week, and it can even be said that she has been overfulfilling the tasks assigned to her by Yuanjing.

In fact, the ultimate goal of this trip on Saturday was the same, so she didn't actually think about a way to make Kaguya's gaze away from the two of them at first.

As a result, at the party called by 'Lily Spencer' at noon on that Thursday, she learned what a good opportunity this Saturday was, and after being teased by the other party in private, Fujiwara Chika is naturally no longer satisfied with her previous goals.

And other than that...

Although a little reluctant, Chika Fujiwara must not admit that she was stimulated.

Even if it wasn't as serious as the girl with black hair and blood eyes, after seeing the beautiful bride in the pure and flawless 'Bai Wugou', her heart was actually quite shocked.

A complex emotion mixed with envy, grievance, unwillingness, and longing just quietly wrapped around her heart.

Even now, she can still taste the slight bitterness on the tip of her tongue.

She needed something sweeter to drive it out of her taste buds, so that her disturbed mind could settle down again.

For example, another kiss.

Of course, it would be better if some higher-level behaviors could occur.

"Go ask Ai Hayasaka to help her hold Kaguya?" Chika Fujiwara tried to make such an assumption with a frowning frown, but immediately shook her head and overturned it.

Although he and himself are also excellent friends, it is obvious that the relationship between Shimizu Kaguya and Hayasaka Ai is actually better.

Moreover, she is also a girl who has feelings of admiration for Yuan Jing.In a sense, the relationship between her and herself is actually closer to the concept of 'rival in love'.

Such a request would only embarrass her.

"Hey, wait a minute," when thinking of Hayasaka Ai, a beam of sparks suddenly lit up in her mind, illuminating the darkness called distress, "Maybe it can be like this!"

Wanting to make the whole day into a two-person world between her and Yuan Jing, this is obviously an impossible wish to realize.

However, the next best thing is to let Kaguya go at certain critical moments to prevent him from hindering the development of the two, but it is not impossible.

Holding a strand of pink hair in her hand and gently playing with it, Chika Fujiwara caught the flash of inspiration and began to slowly complete all the plans in her mind.


"Want to find me today, and then meet with me?" There was such a strange voice on the other end of the phone, "Can you say something on the phone?"

"Hui Ye, you should also know that I'm actually quite busy today."

"Well, of course I know." His blood-red eyes were radiant, watching the rising sun from the sky, and the corner of Shimizu Kaguya's mouth showed a very confident smile, "It's too unsafe to talk about this kind of thing over the phone. .”

"We'd better see each other today and talk to each other face to face."

"What do you think, Concubine Zhen?"

That's right, the person who was talking to Shimizu Kaguya at this time was her good friend, the eldest lady of the Shijo family and the second in line heir, Concubine Shijo.

"That's not a problem." Shijo Zhenfei agreed quite readily, she knew Kaguya's personality, and knew that she would not intentionally do such a prank just to make herself happy, "So, when is it today? ?”

"Ah, I'm not sure about this." Kaguya's answer was somewhat beyond Shijo Zhenfei's expectations.

"Why are you not sure, Kaguya, do you have other more important things to do today?"

"To be exact, that's it." Shimizu Kaguya chuckled, before talking face-to-face with Concubine Shijo, she must first be a villain who hinders a girl's love affair.

She didn't know what method and reason this young girl would use to temporarily remove her stumbling block, so naturally there was no way to give Sijo Zhenfei a definite time.

However, what Shimizu Kaguya can be sure of is that his pink-haired best friend will definitely come up with an appropriate plan.

After all, a teenage girl in love is invincible.


...Of course, the same goes for my side.

"How about this, Concubine Zhen, you should be at home today, and prepare for your brother's banquet tonight? Then tell me an address, how about I go find you?"

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