Qianhua, if I don't work harder today, I might be the first to get there tomorrow.

After getting the affirmative answer from Concubine Shijo, Kaguya thought so in his heart.

Chapter 110 It's time for me, Zhuge Qianhua, to perform!

"Kuukou, I'm here to deliver water to the two of you."

"Kuukou, this is the jelly orange that I just cut up. If you two are tired from learning, you can use this thing to add some sugar."

"Koukou, wait a while, it will be the regular cleaning time of the robot vacuum every day. If Qianhua hears some strange mechanical sounds, please don't be too surprised."


"What's going on this time again!" After hearing the knock on the door, Chika Fujiwara, who couldn't bear it any longer, asked a little frantically before a certain lady who opened the door opened her mouth. road.

When Yuanjing was at Yuan’s house, he had to get up early every day to do “morning lessons”. When Shimizu Kaguya was at Shinomiya’s house, he was a very hard-working “roll king”. When Hayasaka Ai was working as a maid, she always got up at 5 o’clock every day. about......

Even though it has been analyzed today, the three of them have basically achieved independence, but the past life has actually formed him (she) into corresponding habits.Therefore, even on this weekend when there is no class, the phenomenon of 'sleep late' does not actually exist in Yuanjing Residence.

Knowing this, Chika Fujiwara came to visit today quite early.

Almost when the three of them finished their breakfast together and put away the dishes, someone rang the doorbell.

Yuan Jing, who has always been doing the cooking instead of washing the dishes, opened the door of his house, and saw a pink-haired girl smiling and greeting him.

This person, of course, was Chika Fujiwara who had promised to come to visit on Saturday.

With her precise timing, Chika Fujiwara's Saturday started off perfectly.

After that though...

Yuanjing Residence is huge.

As the undisputed owner of this three-storey villa, Yuanjing naturally used the space of several hundred square meters on these three floors.

Unlike when he was at Fujiwara House, Yuanjing did not come to tutor Chika Fujiwara in his bedroom.

The two came to his study on the second floor.

There, Yuanjing took out the notes, materials, and exercises that he had prepared long ago. It can be seen that he sincerely wanted to tutor Chika Fujiwara, a "three-digit miscellaneous fish" in terms of academic performance. Won the top three in the exam.

Well, although it is basically one-sided teaching and problem-solving, this is after all a lonely man and a widow living in the same room, so bumps and bumps between each other are naturally inevitable.

However, when the temperature between the two of them started to rise so naturally, there would always be a very polite knock on the door, instantly suppressing the slightly rising temperature.

The timing of its appearance was so appropriate that Fujiwara Chika even thought that Shimizu Kaguya had not actually left after closing the door, but just lying outside the door, putting her ear on the door panel, so as to monitor the two people in Tokyo. .

There is no doubt that Shimizu Kaguya would definitely do such a behavior!

"Ah, this time, it's because I just remembered something," Shimizu Kaguya calmly closed the door behind him, as if he didn't see Chika Fujiwara looking at him angrily Generally speaking, in an extremely calm and composed tone——

"Qianhua, is there anything you want to eat at noon?" Shimizu Kaguya asked as if the hostess was asking the distinguished guests she received, "I'll check to see if there are any such ingredients in stock at home."

When hearing this, Fujiwara Chika's eyes lit up.

As if she had found a wonderful opportunity, she even asked impatiently——

"If there is no stock in this home for what I want to eat, what should I do? Should I go out and buy it?"

No matter how smart he is, Shimizu Kaguya is just a mortal body, so naturally he cannot do something like the 'separation technique'.

Although she has already thought about the relevant plan in her heart, if she can use such a simple reason to send Shimizu Kaguya away, then of course she will not miss it.


"No." Shimizu Kaguya smiled slightly, and then took out her smartphone from her pocket, "The technology is so advanced now, as long as you place an order on the software of the mobile phone, all of this can be done. It's easy."

She had a look on her face, "Doesn't Qianhua have a mobile phone?" '' expression, "Since there is a distinguished guest at home, then I naturally have to show meticulous care. How could I leave my post so easily?"

Is this the so-called 'light bulb manifesto'?

Fujiwara Chika's cheeks became more bulging, which made her more like a cute and gluttonous hamster, "Kaguya, I'm very picky about the quality of food," she obviously didn't give up all hope at this moment.

"This kind of ingredients that were packaged and delivered by him, without supervision, and all on their own initiative, if they are defective products of poor quality, what should we do?"

Although online shopping is very convenient, compared with buying things in person, it lacks the observation and selection of real objects, so naturally its quality cannot be guaranteed.

The implication of Chika Fujiwara is that compared to online shopping, she actually hopes that Kaguya can buy related ingredients by herself.

"Ah, don't worry about that at all." Shimizu Kaguya replied with a smile, "The stores I placed the order are all places I usually visit."

"As regular customers there, they don't dare to fool and humiliate me by pretending to be inferior." She said with certainty.

"If they really do that..." The smile on Shimizu Kaguya's face became sweeter and sweeter, "then they don't have to keep opening their store."

Although she is no longer the eldest lady of the Shinomiya family, she can no longer use the power of the Shinomiya family.However, Kaguya Shimizu didn't think it was particularly difficult to bring down such a "black shop" that had no integrity at all, and make its owner cry bitterly and repent at the beginning.

She has such confidence.

After all, she grew up in the Shinomiya family.

"So, Qianhua doesn't have to worry about this kind of problem at all." Now that the phone has been taken out, Shimizu Kaguya naturally clicked on the relevant phone program, "Then, let's go back to the previous question—— "

"Qianhua, what do you want for lunch?"

Holding an extremely concerned expression, Shimizu Kaguya turned his head slightly to one side, and just looked at Chika Fujiwara.

"...I want to eat barbecue." After finding out that such a clever trick would not work, Fujiwara Chika sighed in frustration, then gave up, and said so.

"Barbecue?" Shimizu Kaguya nodded, and his slender, white fingers tapped lightly on the screen of the smartphone, as if looking for some information, "Although the meat reserves at home are still sufficient, after all, it is in the [entertainment] Guest]," she emphasized on these four words.

"Then, the fresher the ingredients, the better." She seemed to have finally found what she was looking for, and placed an order on her mobile phone, "Okay, then I'll take my leave first."

After successfully destroying the atmosphere between Fujiwara Chika and Yuan Jing once again, what Shimizu Kaguya has to do is naturally to retire.

Putting the phone back into her pocket, Shimizu Kaguya bowed very gracefully in the direction of Fujiwara Chika and Yuan Jing, and after that, she stepped back and walked out of the study where the two were.

However, Chika Fujiwara knew that Kaguya Shimizu never went far.

Just like the previous situation, she must be observing here in her own way, so as to protect the 'safety' of her master from the hands of a dangerous person like Fujiwara Chika.

Ah, under such circumstances, shouldn't it just be called 'chastity'?

Shimizu Kaguya's timing was very good.

At this time, it happened that the study and counseling came to an end temporarily, which is commonly known as the 'break' time.

And after her appearance showed her sense of existence in this way, the atmosphere between the two of them was naturally shattered all of a sudden.

From this point of view, her 'stumbling block' can be said to be quite conscientious.

However, this was what Fujiwara Chika expected, so she was not really as depressed as she appeared.

Looking at the door of the study room that had been closed by Kaguya Shimizu, Chika Fujiwara turned her head to Yuan Jing——

"Was Kaguya like this yesterday?"

Since Hui Ye is so shameless, she will also start to counterattack.

Yuan Jing was a little dumbfounded.

Obviously, Chika Fujiwara was asking if Kaguya had blocked his date with Touma Kazusa yesterday, like today.

And the answer, of course, is no.

Not only did Hui Ye not say any words of dissuasion yesterday, he even prepared an outfit for Yuan Jing early.

Yuan Jing would not lie about this kind of thing, so naturally he shook his head very sincerely, "No."

"That's it," Chika Fujiwara was noncommittal, but started to talk about other things, "I heard from Ai Hayasaka that Kaguya should have been watching on the night before yesterday, right?"

"Did she stop it at that time?"

The night before yesterday was naturally the time when Yuan Jing's 'side effects' first occurred, and it was also the time when he and Hayasaka Ai kissed for the first time.

For the situation that night, Yuan Jing still remembers it clearly.

"No." He still shook his head.

It was not Shimizu Kaguya who made the sound at that time, but Shijo Zhenfei who happened to come here.

"Oh, so that's the case." Fujiwara Chika nodded, indicating that she knew.

And after that—

"After the incident at noon the day before yesterday, did Kaguya take any actions towards Yukino?"

The so-called thing that happened at noon the day before yesterday was actually only one thing, that is, Yukinoshita Yukino clearly said that he wanted to remain "neutral", but in the end he didn't stick to it. Yuanjing kissed Fangze, even as if showing off, sending messages to the girls afterwards to spread the word.

Yukino's behavior, for Kaguya who was entrusted by Yuanjing, is naturally a foul that has crossed the line.

The two are both students in Class B of Senior One, so it is quite convenient to connect with each other.

In this case, even if no substantive actions were taken, Kaguya should at least issue a corresponding warning.


"No." Yuanjing denied it for the third time.

He has not received relevant news, and at the same time, he does not think that Shimizu Kaguya is such a despicable person who bullies others in private.

"No?" Chika Fujiwara slightly raised her eyebrows.

Because of homework tutoring, the distance between the two is very close.

And now that Chika Fujiwara has completely turned around, the two can even hear each other's breathing clearly at this time, and can see their own reflections in each other's eyes.

"If that's the case, can I think this way—" If we follow the rules of the previous few times, at this moment, the annoying [click] sound should sound at this moment, and Shimizu Kaguya will also be at this moment Show up with a good reason.

However, the closed door was still quiet at this moment, without making any strange noises.

In this calm and quiet atmosphere, Chika Fujiwara's next words seemed to be magnified, echoing gently in the study——

"Kaguya, is she actually targeting me?"

Whether it is Hayasaka Ai, Touma Kazusa or Yukinoshita Yukino, Shimizu Kaguya has shown a very obvious tolerance.

Only when facing her, Hui Ye showed an extremely strict side, and he was not even willing to let her and Yuan Jing get bored with each other quietly.

"Just because I'm your fiancée? Or is it because she wants to manage an extremely balanced situation?" Chika Fujiwara didn't have any accusations in her tone, as if she simply wanted to explore this 'unfair treatment' 's reason.

She still looked at Yuanjing so calmly, the reflection of a young man with black hair and black eyes was clearly reflected in those blue eyes like the sky——

"Can I be mad about this?"

The girl asked such a question.

Not 'I [should] be mad about it? ’, but ‘Can I [could] be mad about this? '...

She didn't vent restlessly, but Chika Fujiwara's mood was fully revealed.

Kaguya is Yuanjing's 'subordinate', and the ultimate goal of her every word and deed is to protect his interests.

At least on the surface it definitely does.

This means that she believes that such differential treatment is extremely beneficial to Yuanjing's future life.

Compared with Chika Fujiwara's dominance, coordination and balance between each other is obviously a more stable relationship that makes Yuanjing feel comfortable.

Therefore, it is [can you be angry].

Of course Chika Fujiwara was very angry.

However, if Kaguya's actions were ordered by Yuan Jing, then she can only express her acceptance, no matter how wronged she feels, she will naturally 【not be angry】.

In love, the first to fall in love is the loser.

Under such circumstances, only such losers will be unable to hold on and take the lead in compromising.

Because, compared with [possibly losing the other party], enduring such grievances is nothing at all.

The unwillingness to be caught up by the other girls, only the unhappiness that he is still standing still, the unhappiness of being treated differently by Kaguya, and being disturbed by the other party all the time...

Chika Fujiwara has always been optimistic and cheerful. She has never explicitly expressed the feelings accumulated in her heart, but this does not mean that these feelings do not exist.

Even now, her tone is still humble and calm, as if she only wants to get an accurate answer.

"Of course." This was Yuan Jing's answer.

At the same time, it was what Fujiwara Chika wanted most, and it was also the answer she was sure to get.

There was still silence at the door of the study.

All along, the aura belonging to Kaguya that lingered on it seemed to have completely dissipated.

Has Kaguya already left, or is she listening to everything silently?

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