Fujiwara Chika didn't know.

However, no matter what the situation is, it is already an iron fact that she did not show up.

and so--

It was she who won.

"If you're angry, forget it." She shook her head, "She's just thinking about you in her own way."

"However!" Chika Fujiwara seemed to be trying to put on an angry and fierce expression, but unfortunately this was really not suitable for her, and several efforts ended in failure.

"I need compensation!" She raised her face and said so confidently, and then opened her arms.

This is the standard 'want to hug' position.

Yuan Jing smiled lightly and shook his head, gently hugging this lovely girl into his arms.

Putting her chin on Yuan Jing's shoulder, feeling the warmth of Yuan Jing's embrace, Fujiwara Chika let out a satisfied sigh.

In this posture, one of Yuan Jing's ears came to her very naturally.

As if she wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to release all the remaining negative emotions in her heart, she opened her mouth lightly as a prank, and lightly bit down on it with an "ahhhhh"...

Chapter 110 Armor-breaking with one blow, and then it's show time!

When 'Lily Spencer' told herself this news;

When she practiced on her younger sister Fujiwara Moeha to improve her proficiency;

When she was changing into a pair, she was thinking about how to eliminate the interference of Shimizu Kaguya;

In fact, Fujiwara Chika has been imagining in her heart what it would be like if she succeeded.

This is not an easy task.

After all, Yuanjing has successfully proved his strength in countless incidents in the past.

Needless to say, the entrustment incident between the students and teachers in the school, even in the face of the huge Shinomiya family and the adoptive mother who wanted to use the grace of nurturing to restrain him, he could successfully think of a way to deal with it. And finally win the battle.

In the eyes of Chika Fujiwara, Yuanjing is like a rare diamond, bright, hard and sharp, no matter which direction you look at it, you can only see its flawless appearance.

However, even diamonds, the hardest substance in nature, can restrain it and make it helpless.

That is water and fire.

Water does not have its own shape, so naturally it will not be cut into pieces by diamonds, but will use its own body to gently drown in it.

And fire can rely on its own high temperature to destroy the extremely stable structure of the diamond, causing it to crack and even shatter.

And at this moment, Fujiwara Chika felt like a mass of water surrounded by a mass of fire.

On the surface, she seems to be a sudden whim, but in fact, after fulfilling the entrustment of "Lily Spencer" in a long-planned plan, it seems that a certain switch has been turned on all of a sudden, and Yuanjing gives people a feeling The sub has undergone a major reversal.

Although it is winter now, but because the heating in Yuanjing's house is turned on quite well, Chika Fujiwara and Yuanjing are not actually wearing any overly heavy clothes.

When she entered Yuanjing's house, she had already taken off her thick furry coat, and now she was wearing that beautiful plain white dress.

Because of this, Chika Fujiwara could easily feel the enormous heat suddenly emanating from Yuan Jing's body.

As if a long-dead volcano had finally awakened, something that was originally sealed in its depths, something extremely hot and bright, exuding majestic power, began to surge in Yuanjing's body...

'Is this what classmate Lily said [that state]?In other words, what Hayasaka Ai faced the night before...'

Although her eyes widened slightly due to surprise, she was not afraid of the changes in Yuan Jing's body at all.

This was originally the result she had single-handedly brought about under the guidance of the 'expert'.

Although she was a little surprised that the effect would be so immediate, Fujiwara Chika didn't have any fear at all in her heart at the moment, instead it could be said to be completely filled with excitement.

"Qianhua," Yuan Jing's usually calm and dignified voice became a little hoarse at this time, but it carried a strange but extremely alluring charm, "let go of your mouth."

"I don't." It may be because she has to bite something, of course, it may also be because she was also infected by Yuan Jing at this time, Chika Fujiwara's voice became a little vague.

She saw Yuanjing's intention at this time, so naturally it was impossible to just let him get what he wanted.

She made a lot of effort to send Shimizu Kaguya away on purpose, how could she just give up so simply?

Moreover, the same trick is useless for Yuanjing.

Once he let the other party go this time, it will not be as easy as it is now if he wants to let Yuan Jing, who has already been vigilant in his heart, enter this state again.

So, when Yuan Jing was trying to step on the brake, the female Si Ji started to step on the accelerator to the bottom without hesitation.

As for where this car that gradually started speeding will end up running, will it stop somewhere because of bumps, or will it just lose control until it finally crosses the finish line...

As the instigator, Chika Fujiwara didn't know.

However, she knew that even in this state, Yuan Jing did not try to break free directly, but was going to use words to convince her of the reason——

He was afraid that he would get hurt for such a reason.

After all, although she considers herself a "sports girl", as a witness to the battle between Minamoto and Minamoto, Chika Fujiwara actually has a very clear self-awareness of her "weakness".

However, now she is using her 'weakness' very purposefully.

Lily Spencer once told her that after the switch was turned on, Yuanjing's physical fitness would also usher in an explosive growth.

This increase is time-sensitive and will return to normal after the switch is closed.

When his sanity is burned, he will become unable to control his own power and easily injure others.

According to her, in her family, there are even cases where the other party was disabled or even died due to this.

Logically speaking, even if Chika Fujiwara still made such a choice after being informed of the danger of this behavior, she should restrain herself a little.

But she didn't.

In any case, Yuan Jing would not do anything that would hurt her.

Even in this somewhat abnormal situation, this will not change in any way.

There is no doubt that Chika Fujiwara is taking advantage of this source of tenderness.

However, such "bad woman" behavior gave her, who has always been optimistic and cheerful, some extremely novel experiences, and she was even addicted to them all at once.

"Yukono can do similar things, but can't you do it when I'm here?" Disregarding the time, place and the truth of the matter, Chika Fujiwara deliberately brought up the old matter, and her tone was even a little hurt.

What she was talking about was, of course, the intimacy between Yuan Jing and Yukinoshita Yukino during the cultural festival, because they wanted to make Minamoto Raimiko angry on purpose.

"Is it because of the pretense of 'this is a game'?" Fujiwara Chika whispered in Yuanjing's ear. "What is it called? It seems to be [Questions and Answers on Masterpieces]?"

Yukinoshita Yukino and Touma Kazusa are obviously not the only ones who have read the love book of the Lianyan Club.

Chika Fujiwara actually borrowed that book "The Crystallization of Wisdom" from her predecessors.

"If Ah Jing wants to, it's understandable to play this kind of game for a while. However," a very charming smile bloomed on the corner of her mouth, and Chika Fujiwara uttered a very pleasant moan——

"There's no need to use this kind of thing as a cover for self-deception between the two of us, right?"

"After all, we are fiancée."

As if taking an oath, as if showing off, and as if praying and praying, Chika Fujiwara said so in a soft and firm tone.

"This is the fact that you have admitted, Ajing, so don't go back on it." After saying this, Fujiwara Chika even made a very playful 'bite' gesture, and was extremely happy to find Yuanjing's As a result, the body shook very obviously.

"By the way, Ajing." Chika Fujiwara's breathing became more and more rapid, and it was obvious that she was getting more and more immersed in it.Although the steering wheel in her hand has become more and more unreliable, she is still stepping on the accelerator, wanting to add more fuel to this 'car' that is speeding towards an unknown direction.

"How are you feeling?"

This question is quite endless, it sounds like asking Yuan Jing how much strength he used, whether it should be heavier or lighter.

However, what Fujiwara Chika wanted to express was not what it meant.

"I mean, how does it compare to Yukino?" Fujiwara Chika asked rather childishly while carefully displaying the results of last night's training.

"If Ah Jing has forgotten a little, does my current behavior remind you of the situation at that time?" Imagining the scene at that time, Fujiwara Chika let out a 'chichi' laugh.

"Then let's try to compare, Yukino and I, who is better at doing this kind of thing."

Chika Fujiwara has always been extremely magnanimous.

Although they are all around Yuanjing, the girls are still close to each other.

Yukinoshita Yukino and Touma Kazuya are getting closer to each other, Hayasaka Ai and Shimizu Kaguya have a tacit understanding cultivated by living together for more than ten years...

But Fujiwara Chika did not have such a situation.

As the most popular and best at making friends, whether it is Touma Kazusa, Yukinoshita Yukino or Hayasaka Ai, they can all be said to be her best friends.

In daily life, she also tries to treat other girls as equally as possible, and will not favor one side.

As Yuanjing's fiancée, she is also the most important existence in her heart and has the highest degree of favorability. Fujiwara Chika has never used such conditions to stumbling others and obstructing their relationship with Yuanjing. relationship development.

However, Chika Fujiwara is not an ignorant god.

No matter how understanding she is, she is just a beautiful girl in her prime.

Then, naturally, you will also feel jealous and uneasy.

It's just that, in normal times, especially in front of other girls, she would use reason to contain it, and not let this negative emotion affect her getting along with other people.

And now, when this rationality is gradually passing away, this kind of emotion that has been suppressed in his heart is also quietly rising at this moment.

"Just think about it a little bit," Fujiwara Chika acted so cutely, showing a waywardness that she would never show normally, "I really want to know the result."


Yuan Jing didn't speak.

At this time, the extremely vigorous 'flame' inspired by Chika Fujiwara's actions was gently licking his sanity.

Using the original rationality as firewood, the flames are emitting billowing black smoke, infusing his way of thinking little by little...

Compared with the one on Wednesday night, today's situation seems a little strange?

In his mind, the remaining rationality was still thinking calmly.However, most of the others, under the guidance of Chika Fujiwara, began to compare Yukinoshita Yukino and Chika Fujiwara irresistibly.

And the final result is——

"...Qianhua's is better."

Yuanjing was extremely honest at this time.

Although they are very comfortable, but if there is a comparison, Chika Fujiwara is undoubtedly better.

At that time, Xue Nai was too reserved and nervous, so she actually couldn't let go.

Moreover, it was obviously the first time that the other party did such a thing at that time, and it was actually a bit stiff and unnatural.

Although that youthful behavior is not a bit charming and cute, but if you really want to judge it from the perspective of people's feelings, if you have to compare yourself, then this vote should be for Qianhua as a matter of course .

Qianhua's is better.

When hearing this, Fujiwara Chika's breathing even began to be mixed with joyful timbre.

"I'm so happy." Yuan Jing could feel the girl's warm breath, and heard the joy flowing rapidly between her words.

"Ah Jing, I'm really happy."

After getting such an answer, Chika Fujiwara used short but sincere words to express her heartfelt joy very naturally.

Compared with the usual bustling, enthusiastic and cheerful Fujiwara Chika, now that she is showing her true feelings, the unique brilliance of "pistachio" on her body has quietly dissipated.

Her side as a cute and beautiful girl was revealed just like that.

Although he acted clumsily and stubbornly, Yuan Jing could feel Qian Hua's extremely strong love for him from it.

At this moment, Chika Fujiwara did something unexpected——

She gave up the 'trophy' that she had captured after painstaking efforts, so easily.

Letting go, closing her neck, Fujiwara Chika retracted the cheek that was originally on Yuan Jing's shoulder, and faced Yuan Jing again.

This is not to say that Chika Fujiwara is going to just let it go and give up the idea of ​​continuing to do something with Yuanjing.

Her previous purpose was actually just to open the 'lock'.

Now that the goal has been achieved, there is no need to cling to it at all.

Just like all movements, there will be a long or short pause when reaching the climax.

The current Fujiwara Chika is in this kind of short rest for saving and brewing.

In the recent period, there are actually two reasons why Chika Fujiwara and Yuan Jing have not made any substantial progress, and the relationship seems to have stagnated.

The first aspect is because she does have a tendency to become the public enemy, and is being hindered by other girls in various ways intentionally or unintentionally.

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