The main force in this is actually Shimizu Kaguya.

However, because of the friendship and self-esteem between the girls, this hindering effect is actually quite slight.

Compared to dragging others down, everyone actually cares more about the progress between themselves and Yuanjing.

Besides, the most important reason is because she has to be busy with the various learning tasks assigned by Yuan Jing, and she is exhausted every day.

Under the combined effect of these two reasons, Touma Kazusa, Hayasaka Ai, and Yukinoshita Yukino gradually began to catch up with her.

Obviously she and Yuan Jing were the only ones who made it to stage A of [Love ABC] at the beginning, but after only a week of negligence, Ai Hayasaka and Yukinoshita Yukino caught up all of a sudden.

In the case of Touma Kazusa, although she should not have done anything too outrageous, she has accomplished what she most wanted to do with Yuan Jing, and it can almost be said that half of her ultimate ideal has been fulfilled.

That is to put on a wedding dress in front of Yuan Jing.

Even if it is a race between the tortoise and the hare, there is no reason to let the rabbit sleep all the time.So, now that the water has been released and she has been caught up a little bit, does it mean that she can go all out in the future?

It was Xue Nai just now, so, the next thing is love.

Fujiwara Chika showed a very bold smile, her exquisite cheeks just leaned towards Yuanjing, as if preparing to do something bad.

"Ah Jing, Ai has already shown off to me, what you did with her." A soft whispering voice drifted into Yuan Jing's ears.

"But I'm actually quite curious about what happened that day."

"So, Ah Jing." Staring at Yuan Jing's eyes, Chika Fujiwara exhaled like blue——

"Can you repeat the scene of that day to satisfy my curiosity a little?"

Chapter 110 Of course, I can also demonstrate it to you personally

"Ah Jing, can you repeat the scene of that day to satisfy my curiosity a little bit?"

Like vines entwining a big tree, Fujiwara Chika hung her upper body completely on Yuan Jing's body.

After successfully peeling off Yuan Jing's hard 'armor' with the technique taught to her by 'Lily Spencer' in private, she did not slack off at all, but immediately carried on the 'pursuit of victory'.

After saying this, Chika Fujiwara half-closed her eyes and lifted her jaw slightly.

On a face that was as delicate as a flower, her red lips were slightly raised.

With such an undisguised behavior, what exactly she wants Yuan Jing to do, at this moment, it can be said that it is already ready to be revealed.

Soon, the question she hadn't expected to get a response received an unexpected response——

"Of course, if you want, I can also demonstrate it to you personally."

However, this voice is neither Yuan Jing's usual calm voice, nor Yuan Jing's deep and hoarse voice at this time.

No, it should be said that this is not Yuanjing's voice at all!

And the owner of this voice, Chika Fujiwara, is very familiar, even just now, she mentioned her name in the words.

After hearing this voice, her slightly closed eyes suddenly opened wide, and she slightly tilted her head to the side, Fujiwara Chika's gaze just passed Yuanjing, and looked in the direction of the study door.

There, a girl with blond hair and blue eyes was standing there.

Seeing the gaze cast by Chika Fujiwara, she raised her eyebrows and showed a provocative expression.

Who is the visitor, if not Ai Hayasaka?

There are actually three people living in this property purchased by Yuanjing.

In addition to Yuanjing, there is also an opportunity to find a salary increase so as to repay the debt! Shimizu Kaguya who stayed here for this reason, and Hayasaka Ai who was "invited by Kaguya to be a [helper] and then occupied the guest room and refused to leave".

From Yuan Jing's house in the morning until just now, the one who has been interfering with what Fujiwara Chika wants to do is Shimizu Kaguya who calls himself "the most loyal subordinate" of Yuan Jing.

Just now, Chika Fujiwara said, "Kaguya is definitely targeting me on purpose!" 'For such a reason, Kaguya's hands and feet were successfully restrained, so it can be said that he temporarily obtained a period of time without interference from others, and could do whatever he wanted with Yuanjing.

However, this does not mean that everything will be fine in the future.

Although Hui Ye couldn't make an appearance, there was still a third person in Yuanjing Mansion.

Fujiwara Chika will do everything possible to ensure that she and Yuan Jing spend alone time, this is what Shimizu Kaguya had expected a long time ago.

I have to say that Chika Fujiwara has done very well.

If she continues to appear at this time, then her statement that 'Kaguya is deliberately targeting her' is undoubtedly true.

In other words, what Chika Fujiwara said afterwards, that is, the sentence "The reason why Kaguya did this is to bring Yuanjing to manage a balance between girls, so as to make Yuanjing live more comfortably" is also true. would be considered correct as well.

This is what Shimizu Kaguya absolutely wants to avoid.

She is just Yuanjing's 'subordinate', not one of the few people who have a deep bond with him and can be accepted by Yuanjing into the blueprint for the future.

Then, she doesn't have the qualifications to step over and intervene in the master's relationship between men and women, and manage a balanced situation of mutual checks and balances on her behalf.

Even if the starting point is for the good of Yuanjing, it won't work.

Because it shouldn't be something she should worry about at all.


Unless Shimizu Kaguya's thoughts on Yuan Jing are not just as simple as "subordinates and bosses", but mixed with another kind of inexplicable emotion.

The reason why she adopts this 'double standard' method is actually because this balanced state helps to delay the girls' offensive. In this case, she will reserve a space for her to insert herself by Yuanjing's side. location only.

Naturally, it was impossible for Shimizu Kaguya to allow this point of view to be established.

Therefore, although I felt extremely regretful in my heart, Shimizu Kaguya, who was standing outside the door and listening to the movement in the room with the ears attached to the door, could only watch the development of the situation helplessly.

'Ah, lost lost. 'While sighing softly in his heart, Shimizu Kaguya removed his ears from the door of the study and walked towards the stairs of the stairs.

Even if she continues to stay here, what she can do is actually quite limited.

It just so happened that she also needed to meet with Concubine Shijo today to discuss with each other about tomorrow's affairs, so she temporarily chose to leave at this time.

Of course, the official name is definitely not something like 'I don't want to see Yuanjun and Qianhua making out', or something like 'I need to collude with Concubine Zhen to complete her own plan for tomorrow'.

It was what Fujiwara Chika just provided her——

Worried that the ingredients are not fresh enough, the related shops are shoddy.

This defeat was something she had expected, so the frustration was not very strong.

Before leaving Yuanjing Residence, she actually did one thing.

That is to go to the door of the guest room on the first floor and knock on the door.

Although it is a foregone conclusion to absolutely stop Fujiwara Chika, at least she should limit her behavior a little bit, at least not to cause any irreparable things to happen.

Shimizu Kaguya thought so.

So, here comes the question, can the last person who lives in Genkei Mansion, whom Kaguya Shimizu puts high hopes on, take on the responsibility of the brake pads and bring Chika Fujiwara, who has fallen into a runaway state, back on track?


Looking at Ai Hayasaka who was standing at the door of the study, Chika Fujiwara's mind suddenly rang an alarm, feeling deeply that something was wrong.

Now she seems to be able to do whatever she wants with Yuan Jing, but this is actually just an appearance, like a sandcastle piled up on the beach, as long as it is splashed with water, it will immediately show its original shape.

In the final analysis, it was because Yuan Jing was afraid of hurting her, so he didn't struggle and break free.

However, if an outsider comes to help Yuan Jing at this time, breaks off her limbs wrapped around Yuan Jing, and separates the two, then Yuan Jing will naturally have a way to escape from this "cage" that she built with great difficulty.

'Lily Spencer' told her that she actually taught Yuan Jing how to calm the flame in his heart.

That is to say, as long as she leaves this 'combat state', Yuanjing can change to her usual appearance very quickly, and her plan will naturally go to waste.

"Ah, I shouldn't have said what I said before," Chika Fujiwara felt quite regretful at this moment.

Looking at Hayasaka Ai's expression now, she is obviously in a state of extreme anger.

This is also normal, right?

Confused, she obviously had a little too much sex just now, and she even forgot that apart from Shimizu Kaguya, Hayasaka Ai actually lived in this villa, and she was also an unstable factor.

But at this point, no matter how regretful it is, it is useless.

While embracing Yuanjing and restraining her freedom, Chika Fujiwara herself has lost her freedom, unable to do anything at all.

She could only just watch the "murderous face" Ai Hayasaka walk in step by step, and at the same time, it also foretells that her "evil plan" is also heading for failure step by step.

According to general standards, Yuanjing's study is actually quite big.

After all, reading is actually one of his hobbies, so he naturally has to reserve enough space for these 'babies'.

However, no matter how big the study room is, the distance between the desk and the door will not be too far.

In Fujiwara Chika's subjective time, probably in the blink of an eye, the menacing Hayasaka Ai had already come to her.

Of course, it is also behind Yuanjing.

"After that, she should have pulled her arm away, and then..." Just as Fujiwara Chika was thinking this pessimistically——

'what? '

Hayasaka Ai took the completely opposite behavior from what she expected.

Not only did she not separate the entangled Fujiwara Chika and Yuan Jing, but she just posted it.

In a more common way, it's the so-called 'leaning on Yuanjing's back'.

Therefore, in this room where Yuanjing was originally used for reading and studying, an extremely 'disgraceful' scene appeared.

On the outside is a slender and tall mixed-race maid with blond hair and blue eyes, and on the inside is a curvy, charming and cute pink-haired fiancee, as if being caught in a sandwich, Yuan Jing was sandwiched by these two beautiful girls In the middle, the already extremely limited freedom becomes even more pitiful at this time.

Fujiwara Chika blinked her eyes in astonishment at first, as if she hadn't expected to become like this at all.

However, Hayasaka Ai's demonstrative words followed immediately——

"Qianhua, didn't you just say that you regretted not being there at that time?" Although Chika Fujiwara did not do the move of separating the two as expected, it can even be said to be completely opposite. , but Ai Hayasaka obviously did not forgive her previous words.

"Now, I will make up for your regret."

After making such a declaration, Ai Hayasaka stretched her slender neck like a swan in front of Chika Fujiwara——

Just like that, he took away Yuanjing's lips first.

It can really be said that it was completely carried out in front of Chika Fujiwara.

After all, what Chika Fujiwara did was to ask for a kiss.

She has already placed herself in a position where Yuanjing can suck her lips as long as he lowers his head a little.

However, now Ai Hayasaka has taken the lead...

Moreover, judging from the current situation, I seem to be the one who held down Yuanjing's hands and feet so that the other party can "do whatever they want".

...I always feel a little angry.

Staring at Chika Fujiwara's stunned expression, Ai Hayasaka showed a sly smile in her blue eyes.

'What time is it, and it's not so straightforward. 'Although he didn't say it directly, the meaning was vividly displayed from his behavior.

Hayasaka Ai's kissing experience is actually not rich at all.

That night was actually her first kiss. Even though she had watched related teaching videos and practiced with things like cherries, once she entered the stage of 'actual combat', her overwhelming lack of experience was a weakness. It can be said to be vividly reflected——

It might be that this behavior was so intoxicating that she even forgot to breathe.

Thus, the intense and short first round came to an end.

Accompanied by an itchy 'bo'er' sound, the two 'petals' just separated from each other.

But soon, another 'flower' approached at this time, snatching someone's vacant 'position' at once.

It was Chika Fujiwara who did this kind of thing.

As if to completely erase the marks left by Ai Hayasaka just now, she rubbed her lips extremely carefully, so as to reprint the marks that belonged to her on it.

However, such behavior is doomed to be futile.

If you want to say why, after Fujiwara Chika stopped such behavior a little out of breath——

Hayasaka Ai also started to do the same thing.

And when she got tired, Chika Fujiwara had been waiting for a long time...

However, what the two of them didn't notice was that with the progress of this kind of action, Yuanjing's body temperature, which was originally abnormally high, had gradually been gradually absorbed by this ingenious 'relay'. Falling back to the level that normal people should have.

Artoria once told Yuan Jing that besides using the method she taught him, directly venting this desire is actually the so-called method that can 'cure the root cause'.

From this perspective, this unique 'competition' can be said to be a related 'treatment' for Yuanjing.

While Yuan Jing's consciousness is getting clearer and clearer, the "kiss relay" between Hayasaka Ai and Fujiwara Chika can be said to be intensified.

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