Kissing is a kind of sport that can be addicted to if you are not careful, coupled with the competitiveness and competition between each other, and of course there is a little lack of oxygen...

The intelligence quotients of the two girls who were originally extremely intelligent have undergone a very obvious and temporary decline at this time.

When they subconsciously wanted to continue doing what they were doing before, they didn't expect it, and they just missed it.

The two raised their heads in a daze, only to find that Yuanjing had completely returned to normal, and at this moment they were letting out some sighs of hatred——

"Obviously I was studying time, but I put my mind on this kind of place..."

"Both of you will be punished!"


What kind of method Yuanjing will use to "punish" these two "rebellious apprentices", I will not mention it here for the time being.

Let's first focus on Shimizu Kaguya and Shijo Mako who have already met.

"Concubine Zhen, do you know?" Looking at Concubine Sijo, Kaguya Shimizu had an extremely serious expression on his face——

"You Sitiao's family has already faced a major event!"

Chapter 110 Three Gradually Compromising Kaguya Decided to Be a Strategist

Because of the 'impatient' of a certain pink-haired girl, Kaguya Shimizu contacted Concubine Shijo a little earlier than she expected.

However, when contacting Concubine Sijo, Kaguya also specially emphasized that he hoped to avoid other members of the Sijo family as much as possible, and only meet Concubine Sijo.

So, the two actually met in a cubicle in a coffee shop.

"A big deal?" After hearing Kaguya Shimizu say this in a very serious tone, Concubine Shijo couldn't help raising her eyebrows.

It's not that she suspects that Shimizu Kaguya is lying, it's just that she really doesn't have the real feeling in this regard.

As far as the current situation of the Shijo family is concerned, it is certainly impossible to talk about being invincible on the island, but if there is something that can directly shake its foundation and safety, it is happening, and as the core figure, I am not at all. I didn't get such news, but I need an 'outsider' like Shimizu Kaguya to remind myself...

It would be too wasteful to imagine the intelligence department of the Sijo family.

Although the Sijo family can be said to be a "returnee faction", but because it is a branch family expelled by the Sigong family after all, it is not because of foreigners, so after returning to China, even though it was gossiped by some envious Chinese, But the repulsion received is actually not great.

As one of the four emerging families, if it is true that it has the ability and reason to take action against the Sijo family and directly shake its foundation...

There should be only one of them.

"Did you dig something out of Shinomiya Yunying's mouth that day?" Picking up the coffee cup in front of her, and taking a sip of the black liquid in it, Makoto Sijo used the bitter taste to concentrate her spirit , and then said so in a very cautious tone.

Obviously, as before, Concubine Sijo thinks that the Sigong family is planning to attack the Sijo family.

Thinking about it carefully, this actually makes sense.

Although Concubine Sijo has never fought against Sigong Yan'an, she still has a certain understanding of the old man's wrist and temperament.

Just shrinking back like this, and passively defending against the Shijo family's offensive is not the old man's style.

Now he must be just waiting for the opportunity.

The Shinomiya family, who looked slightly decadent and troubled, actually needed an extraordinary victory to boost morale and inspire people.

In this case, Shitiaojia, who has been confronting it tit for tat, and has been trying to pour dirty water on them before, and has been encroaching on its market, is actually a pretty good target.

...It should be said that it is worthy of being the heir of a big family. I think a lot.

And just when the concubine Sijo's face was sinking like water, when Xinhei could consider how the old man of the Sigong family would attack the Sijo family by surprise——

But she found that Shimizu Kaguya shook his head directly.

"Isn't it the Sigong family?" This time Shijo Zhenfei was really surprised. She even thought of the reason herself, so she waited for Kaguya to nod and said "it is so", but the other party actually denied it all at once. up?

But if it wasn't the Shinomiya family, who would it be?

"As far as I know, the Shijo family and the Spencer family should be starting a deal recently." Gently stirring the coffee in front of him with a spoon, Shimizu Kaguya said pointedly, "Although the specific I don't know the content, but I think it's not as simple as taking Sawamura Spencer Eriri away from Sakurajima, right?"

"Lily Spencer," said the name that became familiar, Shimizu Kaguya didn't look at Shijo Makoto, but just looked at his own blurred reflection on the small black 'mirror' , "This cooperation should also involve this talent, right?"

"..." Shijo Zhenfei fell into silence and did not respond immediately.

She didn't know much about this matter.

In Sitiao's family, the person in charge of this matter is actually her younger brother, Sitiaodi.

And Sitiao Emperor, her father Sijo Zongren, and those Sitiao family members who knew the inside story didn't seem to want her to get involved in this matter.

It's not that the real concubine Si Tiao will steal the limelight from the Emperor Si Tiao, but it's just because it's really disgraceful to talk about it.

However, even so, it is actually almost impossible to completely hide the true concubine Sijo.

Although she is not very clear about the specific requirements of the Spencer family, it is clear that she knows that 'Lily Spencer', who has recently gained fame in St. Eden Academy, is indeed one of the core figures in this deal. one.

By the way, regarding the fact that the Shijo family became an accomplice of the Spencer family and wanted to send Sawamura Spencer Eriri to England, Concubine Shijo's perception is actually quite contradictory.

On the one hand, as someone who has seen this girl with blonde twintails and had some communication with her, although she is not yet a "friend", she actually has a good impression of her.

To separate her from her mother and send her to England on the other side of the ocean...

She actually resisted such a cruel thing emotionally.

But on the other hand, after all, she is a member of the Sijo family and grew up under the support of the family.

Cooperation with the Spencer family must be extremely beneficial to the family.

Well, even if this matter is not glorious, if such a matter can be exchanged for the power to continue to cooperate with the Spencer family, then it must be done.

This is the result of rational thinking that does not consider any emotional factors at all, and only proceeds from interests.

The four true concubines are actually not naive.

She would not think that the Shijo family is a family composed of only good people, and advertises itself as the party of justice.

Therefore, although she revealed some important information to Yuan Jing when she ran into Yuan Jing, Sawamura Eriri and Shiina Mashiro in the Arisugawa Palace Memorial Park, there was nothing more she could do.

Because of her sympathy, she easily left her family behind... There is no way for Shijo Zhenfei to do such a thing.

Between rationality and sensibility, emotion finally prevails.

"So, this so-called 'big event' means that Mr. Yuan is going to intervene in this matter?" The coffee in this coffee shop is really good, obviously she has already swallowed that small sip, but the bitter taste unexpectedly It has been lingering on the tip of the tongue for a long time.

In fact, this is the most likely scenario.

After all, Kaguya now has nothing to do with the Shinomiya family, and his understanding of it must be much worse than that of the side that still regards it as a strong enemy.

The current Kaguya is Yuan Jing's live-in girlfriend.

If this is the case, it is actually quite logical for Dai Yuanjing to express his meaning to himself.

In fact, she had already had such a hunch, but she was still subconsciously praying that such a thing would not happen.

God seems to have heard the silent prayer in the girl's heart, and Kaguya's crisp answer sounded in the ears of Concubine Shijo——

"It's true that Ah Jing wants to intervene in this matter, but what I mean by 'big matter' doesn't mean this."


Now, a big question mark finally appeared on the face of Concubine Sijo.

Kaguya, didn't she come here to fight for Yuan Jing?

Suddenly shifting his gaze from the coffee in the cup to Shimizu Kaguya's face, Shijo Makoto's purple eyes shone slightly.According to what Hui Ye said just now, although Yuan Jing has decided to intervene in this matter, he doesn't seem to intend to break with the Sijo family?

Although she didn't know exactly what was going on, Concubine Shijo subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief.

Yuan Jing is one of her very few, it should be said that she is the only 'friend' of the opposite sex that she recognizes in her heart. If possible, she really does not want to turn against him.

Seeing the surprised look of Concubine Shijo, Kaguya Shimizu couldn't help sighing in his heart.

As an experienced person in a certain sense, she had already discovered that Sijo Zhenfei's situation was extremely dangerous as early as when she was "peeping" Yuanjing's swimming.

However, she couldn't wake up to this matter.

At least, she would never do such a thing before she formally confessed her love to Yuan Jing.

"Concubine Zhen, have you ever thought that the reason why Spencer asked the Shijo family to do such a thing is that he has no good intentions at all?" Shimizu Kaguya said sternly, keeping all these worries in his heart.

Obviously, that 'Lily Spencer' lady is going to do something bad to Yuanjing tomorrow.

And Shimizu Kaguya, naturally, would not just sit back and watch such a thing happen.

Even if 'Heida' had assured her that such things would not harm Yuanjing's body, but would be beneficial to him, she would not just watch her do such a thing.

Absolutely yes no!

In fact, after receiving Sayuri Sawamura's notice and being personally admitted by "Heida" the next day, telling Yuanjing this information is actually the safest way with the highest success rate.

Shimizu Kaguya didn't feel that this kind of thing could make Yuanjing difficult.

No matter how well-planned Lily Spencer's plan was, it was impossible for Yuanjing who had already prepared to be tricked.

For Yuanjing, Qingshuihuiye has such unreasonable confidence.

However, although she hesitated and hesitated, although she scolded herself countless times in her heart, in the end, she still did not do so.

It's not that he was persuaded by 'Hei Dai'.


She really had enough.

At the very beginning, she actually felt that she could suppress her love for many years, at least until she had paid off all the debts owed to Yuan Jing before she could give her heart without any worries.

Later, she felt that the life was extremely difficult, so she overturned the original plan at once, and began to think that she would have to wait until at least January 1 next year.It's Sakurajima's new year, and it's also her birthday.

On this very commemorative day when everything has changed, muster up the courage to break the boat and let the relationship between myself and Yuanjing turn a new page...

Thinking about it this way, it's not bad.

And then, under the intentional provocation of a certain blonde maid, she simply brought this date up to Christmas, which was when she and Yuan Jing went to Vienna together.

And now, after being stimulated by "I am not included in the future blueprint" and "Touma Kazuya in white" and other stimuli, Kaguya Shimizu couldn't stand it any longer, so he chose the one in his heart. The day is moving forward again.


It is the day she has chosen.

She wants to completely end this extremely twisted relationship tomorrow!

In order to do this, she needs 'Lily Spencer' to make her wedding dress.

It's a pity that no words came out of her mouth, otherwise, her confidence would be much greater.

Shimizu Kaguya thought so regretfully in his heart.

There is no way, the unsatisfactory things in the world are nine out of ten after all, she is obviously not that lucky.

Without Yuan Jing's knowledge, it is undoubtedly extremely difficult to foil the plot of 'Hei Dai'.

Judging from the fact that 'Hei Dai' refused to tell herself the details of the plan, but was just going to fool herself with the promise of 'I will get a share of the pie', she obviously didn't have much trust in herself.

The chances of winning through 'backstab' are naturally quite slim.

The other party is the existence that Yuan Jing needs to ask for advice. Even with the most optimistic estimate, its force value is estimated to not be lower than that of Minamoto Larimitsu.

In this case, if you want to use force, you will naturally not be able to go through.

However, this does not mean that Shimizu Kaguya has no advantages.

Her biggest advantage, to put it bluntly, is actually quite simple, that is——


She is a subordinate of Yuan Jing, and she actually knows all the information obtained by Yuan Jing, and she can also listen to some guesses and inferences from him; plus the information obtained from her subordinate Sayuri Sawamura and 'Lily Spin plug' solicitation.

There is no doubt that Shimizu Kaguya is holding the most comprehensive information at this time.

As for this advantage, what is the use of——

"Concubine Zhen, let me ask you this." Although it was a question, Kaguya's tone was extremely firm, "Did the Spencer family tell you anything when the transaction was made?"

"This Miss Lily Spencer is actually an extremely dangerous person. The entire scientific expedition team she formed was wiped out not because of a landslide, but because of this beautiful, harmless-looking woman. Miss."

"Did they warn the Shijo family so much?"

This is what she wants to talk about.

Only relying on her alone, is absolutely no match for 'Lily Spencer'.

So, she needs the right help.

Also in the team that traveled together on Sunday, with their backs against the famous Shijo family, and the Sijo true concubine who was dissatisfied with the Spencer family and the Shijo family for using such a nasty act to maintain cooperation, was The best 'buddy' she's going for.

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