And what she has, this kind of advantage in information, is the biggest reliance for her alliance with the four real concubines.

"...Do you have any evidence?" The real concubine Shitiao had already believed it seven or eight percent, but this matter was of great importance after all, so more confirmation was naturally needed.

"In fact, I can't produce conclusive evidence." Shimizu Kaguya shrugged, "However, tomorrow, she should reveal her true colors, and you can see clearly by then."

"Of course, in order to prevent accidents, I would like to ask you to take some extremely necessary safety measures."

"is it okay?"

Concubine Shijo thought for a moment.It seemed that he was thinking about something in his heart.


"Yes." She nodded.

Chapter 110 It's now... punishment (reward) time!

"Oh, I did it (I know I was wrong)..." The voice of begging for mercy was extremely vague and almost impossible to hear the specific meaning, and the voice was mellow and sad, as if There is a huge grievance in it.

However, you guys can be said to be completely unmoved.

He just sat on the seat that originally belonged to him, with his right hand resting on his cheek, and tilted his head like this, looking at the person who was writing the paper seriously and diligently in front of him. Pink-haired girl.

"Love, when you are punished to stand, you need to keep quiet." Unmoved by the girl's entreaties, Yuan Jing said in a very calm tone, "The results of Qianhua's current paper are not the same as the punishment she will receive next It's closely related."

"Don't bother her at this critical moment."

That's right, just when our Miss Huiye joined forces for her own future happiness and successfully added a heavy weight to tomorrow's affairs, the two girls in Yuanjing Mansion were also on the verge of They are being 'punished' for their previous 'bravery'.

After getting out of that not-so-good state, Yuan Jing, who is a judge, plaintiff, lawyer and jury, gave the two girls a sentence and a trial according to the severity of the circumstances.

Among them, although Hayasaka Ai saw what happened, she didn't consider how to contain it, but happily said, "Add me!" '.

But she is only an 'accomplice' after all, or just an 'accomplice'.

Therefore, the "punishment" Yuanjing gave her was actually quite light——

It's just a 'punishment stand' for a period of time, in order to reflect on it.

Of course, this is not the ordinary kind of 'punishment stand'.

Standing as a punishment is the most common measure to punish students, and there are actually quite a lot of variants.

From the position where they stand, it can be divided into standing in place, standing in the corner, standing in the most conspicuous place, standing outside the door and so on.

In addition, in order for the punished to remember the mistakes they made before, people will even deliberately make things difficult for the other party and keep them under some difficult conditions.

For example, when standing for punishment, let him hold heavy objects in both hands, or put a bucket of water on his head, and tell the opponent that he must not let him fall down.

However, although she was a little angry with Hayasaka Ai's actions, Yuan Jing naturally wouldn't be able to "punish" her to the point.

Apart from asking Ai Hayasaka to stand by the wall, there is actually only one request Yuan Jing gave her.

As for what this request is, some people may have guessed it from the vague voice at the beginning, as if something was in the mouth.

That's right, Yuanjing's request is——

When standing as a punishment, you have to bite the hem of the skirt you are wearing with your mouth.

Thanks to the extremely powerful heating system of Yuanjing House, even though it is already December, his 'castle' is as warm as spring.

Because of this, Ai Hayasaka and Kaguya Shimizu usually wear the beautiful clothes they like at home.

After all, they are living together with Yuan Jing, so they naturally want to show their most perfect side in front of Yuan Jing.

And on this Saturday, what Hayasaka Ai was wearing was a half-sleeve dress.

Her upper body was dark black, embroidered with simple but beautiful patterns, which made her hair look as bright as gold.

At the waist of this dress, a ribbon is tightly tied.Taking this as the dividing line, the skirt gradually became lighter from the original dark color like the starry sky at night, appearing quite layered.

Elegant and simple but beautiful.

This is also the most important reason why Ai Hayasaka likes a dress.

However, at this moment, the girl's movements added a very obvious charm to this elegant dress.

Since this is her own home, she doesn't have to worry about getting naked, so it is naturally impossible for Ai Hayasaka to wear bloomers that would spoil the scenery.

So, what kind of image does Hayasaka Ai who had to bite the end of her skirt with her mouth because of Yuan Jing's "punishment"...

If I write it, it should definitely not pass the censorship, so I can only ask you to imagine it yourself.

Some people may think that such a punishment is nothing at all?After all, hasn't Hayasaka Ai's favorability towards Yuan Jing almost reached the peak?

Well, that's also true.

Although she would definitely feel embarrassed, but if she just bit her skirt with her mouth like this and let Yuan Jing wantonly appreciate the beautiful scenery, then for Hayasaka Ai, this might not be considered a punishment at all.


Yuanjing and Hayasaka Ai were not the only ones present.

Chika Fujiwara, who is Yuanjing's fiancée, is also in this study.

What's worse, after ordering her to do this, Yuan Jing didn't cast his eyes on the [beautiful scenery] so lewdly.

As if the instruction it gave was just 'put a bucket of water on your head and don't let it slip off your head', just let Hayasaka Ai just stand in the corner of the study, and no longer throw any arrows in that direction. beaming eyes.

This, what kind of terrible idle play is this? !

Hayasaka Ai couldn't help but let out a silent cry in her heart.

But Ai Hayasaka suddenly discovered that she really seemed to be eating such a thing.

In my own nature, there is actually a little M (masochistic) attribute.

This is something Hayasaka Ai has known for a long time.

Before urging Hui Ye, she hoped that she would give up the behavior of hiding her heart all the time. When she had a showdown with Yuan Jing as soon as possible, she had imagined the future to Hui Ye, and said that she would let Yuan Jing leave his pain on her body. The imprint, so that clearly and unambiguously marked that he has 'ownership'.

In Hayasaka Ai's cognition, what she said that day was actually outrageous enough that she could not help but put the quilt over her head and roll around on the bed when she recalled it later.

But compared with today's time, it still looks a little pale.

Obviously issued an extremely cruel and evil order, but after the girl's "humiliating" execution, she abandoned it like a shoe, and she didn't even have the will to look at her "labor results"...

For what he did before, Yuan Jing seemed really angry.

This was the first thought in Ai Hayasaka's mind.

'No, what's the matter with this rush of excitement?Am I such a perverted person? ! '

This second thought appeared in her mind as if impatiently.

Could this be the legend that if you don't force yourself, you don't even know what your nature looks like? !

Now that Yuanjing has already made a relevant decision, any begging for mercy is actually useless until he thinks it is 'enough'.

As one of the few people who knew Yuanjing best, it was impossible for Hayasaka Ai not to know about it.

But she still said the words of forgiveness.

It's not because she has any thought in her heart that "maybe Yuanjing will be soft-hearted for a while", it's just that she wants to let Yuanjing take care of herself.

Even just looking her way?

In this case, even if she deceives herself and others, she can at least find some reasons to convince herself of her current 'bad' reaction in her heart.

But Yuanjing didn't do that.

He didn't just turn his eyes over, but just gave a verbal warning.

'Ugh. Obediently keeping her mouth shut, Hayasaka Ai could only let the unspeakable pleasure run rampant in her body.

How should I put it, today's Hayasaka Ai finally has a clearer understanding of how bad her own nature is and how strange the XP system is.


"It turned out to be, full marks..." Putting the paper that Fujiwara Chika had just written in front of her, after reading it carefully, even Yuan Jing couldn't help but widen her eyes.

In the Fujiwara house last Saturday, Chika Fujiwara once expressed to him the idea of ​​"hoping to win the top three in the final exam and go to Vienna with you".

Yuan Jing also promised Chika Fujiwara, saying that he would do his best to help her.

The method he adopted was actually to formulate specific plans for Chika Fujiwara on what to do every day, what knowledge to understand, what exercises to do, etc., and let him implement it every day.

If there is anything in it that you don't know or can't understand, then ask him during class breaks or lunch breaks.

And this Saturday of the past week was the time for Yuanjing to accept all the harvest of Fujiwara Chika this week.

Obviously, Chika Fujiwara is doing pretty well.

No, it should be said to be almost perfect.

When Fujiwara Chika heard this, she obviously let out a big breath, showing a little reassurance.

"In this case, can it be counted as offsetting merits and demerits?" Chika Fujiwara said cautiously, casting a vague glance in the direction of Ai Hayasaka.

In fact, she didn't have any hope, but the development of the matter was exactly as she thought, Yuan Jing shook his head quite simply:

"If you do something wrong, you will be punished; if you do something right, you will naturally be rewarded." Putting down the paper in his hand, Yuan Jing began to move his hands, "There is no merit or demerit at all with me. counterargument."

In fact, Yuanjing had long expected that Chika Fujiwara's result might be quite good this time, so he had actually prepared a gift long ago——

That is the academic guard of Yushima Tenmangu Shrine.

But even he didn't expect that Chika Fujiwara could give him a perfect score.

Considering what she did just now, a flash of inspiration flashed in Yuan Jing's mind, and he suddenly had a new idea.

"Although merits and demerits cannot be offset, we can settle for the next best thing," Yuanjing Chao Fujiwara Chika made a begging gesture after moving both hands, "Punishment and reward, I can do it at the same time." Give it to you."

"Before that, you need to give me something first."

one thing?


A big question mark appeared on Fujiwara Chika's face.


"Hmm." A soft moan leaked from Fujiwara Chika's mouth, she couldn't help biting her lips with her white teeth, her upper body leaned on the desk, a pair of small hands looked for suspicious arrangements on it at a loss. position, but in the end, he could only hold the corner of the table weakly.

What Yuanjing wanted from her was actually quite simple.

That is her pair of jade feet.

"Proper foot massage can improve blood circulation and eliminate the fatigue caused by learning." This is what he said at the time, "I just know a little bit about it."

This is my own 'reward'.

Fortunately, Chika Fujiwara had taken a good bath before coming here as a 'just in case'.

She came here by car, and she has been in the study since she came, so she can at least be sure that her feet definitely don't smell bad.

To be honest, when Yuan Jing said these words, Fujiwara Chika actually let out a long sigh of relief.

It's just a foot massage, she and Yuan Jing have even kissed, this level should be nothing more than sprinkled water.

The only thing to worry about is actually the 'punishment' that comes with it.

But Fujiwara Chika realized that she was completely wrong.

No, it should be said that it is quite wrong.

What is a little understanding here!

When Yuanjing took off the socks on his feet, Chika Fujiwara instinctively felt something was wrong when he started to touch it.

And when she was about to say something—

"Hmm." Yuan Jing's hands had already touched her right foot, as if a current flowed from Huaguo where it touched, Fujiwara Chika immediately bit her lips.

Yuanjing began to 'play' with this bare foot.

His hands massaged down from the ankle little by little, and finally pinched the tight toes.During this process, Fujiwara Chika trembled slightly, but still resisted not speaking.

But this forced composure was quickly broken.

When Yuanjing's thumb pressed slightly into the sole of her foot, she let out a low cry, the slender arch of her foot formed a crescent moon, and her whole body trembled slightly;

When Yuan Jing's fingers gently slipped into the gap between the toes, she couldn't help making a soft nasal sound, her slender toes were tight together, biting the fingers that were going through them anxiously, but she broke free immediately;

When Yuanjing's two broad hands wrapped the entire sole of one of the feet and rubbed it gently, she tightly covered her mouth with one hand, and tightly grasped the desk with the other. One corner seems to want to draw strength from it.

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