Her other little foot, which was placed in Yuan Jing's arms, couldn't help but spread its five toes. On the white instep, there was a lovely blue vein stretched up and down with Yuan Jing's movements...

In fact, Yuan Jing's hands are quite regular, and there are no intentionally provocative movements.

However, what really fascinated Chika Fujiwara was the magic called love.

When there is no love between two people, even the most tender caresses cannot stir up even the slightest wave in the heart lake.

But if you already have this sweet and beautiful emotion in your heart, even a very ordinary physical contact will turn into a little bit of warmth and seep into your heart, eventually converging into a huge ocean.

To be honest, Fujiwara Chika really never thought that one day, she would eat the jealousy of her own feet.

However, since the reward has come, what exactly is the punishment that Yuan Jing mentioned?

Fujiwara Chika soon found out.

Just when she was getting better and her heart was about to be filled with comfort——

"Okay, that's all."

Yuanjing pressed the stop button.

Chapter 110 Five Kaguya, have you ever contacted Lily in private?

Although it took a little time to discuss some preparations for tomorrow with Concubine Shijo, it was actually not long enough to make people feel suspicious.

In fact, Shimizu Kaguya had prepared relevant evidence and excuses. In this case, even if he went back a little later, at least he would not be at a loss.

Fortunately, Concubine Shijo is exactly what she thought, and she is actually quite persuasive.

No, 'persuaded' isn't quite accurate.

The previous state of the two was actually closer to a 'hit it off'.

No matter how smooth the logic was, Kaguya Shimizu couldn't come up with any convincing evidence at all.

On "Lily Spencer", there is an inexplicable thing lingering around her.

If you use a more fashionable word to describe this kind of thing, it should be 'aura', or 'the coercion of the strong'.

Kaguya also felt similar things in Minamoto Larimitsu.

However, compared with Minamoto Raimitsu, who is so sharp and easy to mess with at a glance, the unique aura of "Lily Spencer" is much more restrained.

In front of this kind of person, Shimizu Kaguya was only able to follow his own plan and act out the most appropriate reaction without being discovered by the other party, so it can be said that he had already exhausted all his energy.

She doesn't have the leeway to do other things——

For example, there is an operation such as hiding an already opened voice recorder on the body.

Such a small action, no matter how concealed it is, there is probably no way to hide it.

However, Concubine Shijo showed an astonishing trust in such Shimizu Kaguya.

On the one hand, this is because Concubine Shijo really knows Kaguya Shimizu very well, and knows that she is definitely not someone who talks nonsense.

And another aspect, which is also the most important reason, is——

Concubine Sijo didn't quite agree with this cooperation between the Sijo family and the Spencer family.

This also exposed a weakness of Shijo Zhenfei that cannot be said to be a 'weakness':

That is her moral level is too high.

It must be known that the reason why she disapproves of this cooperation is not because of some "something must be wrong about this matter", so she subconsciously feels uneasy.

She just subconsciously felt resistance because of the cruelty of 'taking her daughter away from her mother'.

Just because of this somewhat naive reason.

Compared to any saint, the four real concubines are naturally far inferior.

However, she can be said to be a very good person.

This is actually why, in the position of the heir of the Sitiao family, the Sitiao Zhenfei has always been the second child in ten thousand years.

If it is the traditional Sakurajima family, it is estimated that this is just a very common phenomenon of "patriarchy".

But it's not like this.

The Shijo family is not the traditional Sakurajima Chinese.

They are exiles who split from the Shinomiya family and were expelled from Sakurajima by him. They are a group of "homeless children" who were rejected by their original hometown.

With such a miserable start, coupled with the influence of the foreign environment, the Shijo family actually has no stricter gender requirements for the head of the family than other Chinese in Sakurajima.

Compared with gender, they actually have something more important——

That is 'talent'.

If the tenet of the Yuan family is to 'respect martial arts', then the Shitiao family's choice of the head of the family can really be said to be 'only talent'.

During the years when the Sijo family was expelled by the Shinomiya family, struggled to survive outside Sakurajima, and seized the opportunity to soar into the sky, the Shijo family had five female heads.

Among them, Sijo Zhenfei and Sijo Emperor's grandmother, who is also the mother of his father Sijo Zongren, are also included.

It was under the leadership of this woman that the Shitiao family was able to break through the hostility and attacks of the Sigong family, and return home with glory.

You know, in her era, Shinomiya Yanan was at its most youthful and vigorous.

He was able to wrestle with Shinomiya Yanan in its heyday, and then even achieved his goal under his nose......

Sijo Zhenfei, the grandma's wrist, can be seen.

Therefore, unlike most of the Chinese people in Sakurajima, in Sijo's home, the atmosphere of 'patriarchal preference' is actually quite weak, at least it can't constitute the resistance of Sijo's real concubine.

He is obviously older (probably a few minutes older than Shijodi), but in the line of succession, he is behind him...

The most important reason for this is the overly kind nature of Concubine Shijo.

If Concubine Sijo is just the daughter of Patriarch Sijo Zongren, then kindness is a good quality that can be praised loudly.

However, if she becomes the head of the Shijo family, such a beautiful thing will become a rope that binds her hands and feet, and a blunt knife pierced in her heart, causing her constant pain.

This is the main reason why Shijo Zhenfei will be inferior to his younger brother in the line of succession of the Patriarch.

Of course, Concubine Shijo herself knew about this.

But, first of all, she doesn't really value power too much, so the position of Patriarch is naturally not as attractive to her as others imagined.

Secondly, she herself is quite satisfied with her kind personality, and she doesn't want to discard this shining point of her personality easily because of this kind of thing.


When Kaguya returned home satisfied with the promise of Concubine Shijo, and of course the ingredients of the Genjing family today, she was surprised by the state of the family members, especially Chika Fujiwara and Ai Hayasaka.

Both of them were actually studying very seriously.

No, if you just use the word [serious], it would be too understatement.

In Shimizu Kaguya's view, whether it is Fujiwara Chika or Hayasaka Ai, the state at this time must use the term "desperately" to describe the somewhat brutal scene in front of him.

No, she just went out for a short while, why did the house become like this?

Although it is true that the main task of the two of you today is to study, but you should have more important things in your heart, right?

The purpose of Fujiwara Chika's visit today can be said to be "Sima Zhao's heart is known to all passers-by". In order to prevent some uncontrollable things from happening, when leaving, Kaguya specially asked Ai Hayasaka to be a light bulb and brake pads.

So, what happened during the time she was away?

"Welcome back." Yuan Jing greeted Kaguya with his usual appearance.

Seemingly seeing her confusion, the boy explained by the way——

"They're just thinking about rewards."

"Reward?" What does this somewhat ominous word mean?

However, before Hui Ye could get to the bottom of it, Yuan Jing's next words made her heart skip a beat, and she was no longer in the mood to care about such things.

While taking the ingredients from Kaguya's hands, Yuanjing asked as if he was just casually saying:

"Kaguya, have you ever had contact with Lily in private?"

Kaguya:! ! ! !

Chapter 110 Six I Don't Want Her To Die

When asked by Yuanjing whether he had any private contact with 'Lily Spencer', Kaguya Shimizu couldn't help but feel shocked.

However, as a powerful acting master, Shimizu Kaguya's complexion remained the same.

She even smiled, looking very calm——

"Well, that's right." She affirmed what Yuan Jing said just now without hesitation.

"Just yesterday, when the second get out of class was over, I went to visit Lili once." After giving half of the ingredients in my hand to Yuan Jing, Shimizu Kaguya followed behind Yuan Jing , just walked towards the direction of the kitchen in Yuanjing's house.

"I want to talk to her." Between the words, Shimizu Kaguya has quietly straightened out the logic in his heart, "Student Lily is the chief culprit for your current state, and she is the person who understands it best."

She didn't need to be sneaky about covering up at all.

With her apparent identity, even if she didn't receive the tip-off from Sayuri Sawamura, she still had a reason to do so.

"Before that gathering, I actually didn't know much about her. However, since I publicly stated my position at the gathering the day before yesterday, this Miss Lily can be said to be my worst enemy."

This sentence is [-]% true.

"After all, my position is to be everyone's hindrance; Lily Spencer says she will be everyone's helper."

This sentence is a [-]% lie.

Both for Shimizu Kaguya and Artoria.

"Negotiate with her directly and hope that she will no longer provide help to others. Although it is the most effective way, I also know that this is probably unlikely." Shimizu Kaguya sighed , looking a little frustrated.

"However, I still want to try."

"Even if there is no way to succeed, just asking which girls she has provided help to is extremely beneficial to my future work."

"Oh, so you think so?" Shimizu Kaguya's words can be said to be impeccable, and Yuan Jing didn't show any suspicious expression on his face, but asked with interest, "Then, what is the result?" Woolen cloth?"

Shimizu Kaguya didn't speak, but showed a rather regretful expression, then shook his head as if helpless.

This is the result that best fits the character of 'Lily Spencer', at least in Yuan Jing's eyes.

Moreover, this actually explains to a certain extent why, even though this conversation happened, Shimizu Kaguya did not tell Yuanjing before that——

Because this was a fruitless negotiation, Shimizu Kaguya, who had a high self-esteem, did not want to show such a shameful scene in front of Yuan Jing.

At this point in the conversation, the most easily exposed place has actually passed.Seeing that Yuanjing seems to have pressed the 'Pass' button, Shimizu Kaguya couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and after that, she asked cautiously:

"Mr. Yuan, are you angry? About my self-assertion?"

"Of course not." Yuan Jing shook his head, "The reason I asked you about this is actually not to blame you."

"Actually, I just want to ask, by the way, whether the communication between you and classmate Lily is going well."

"If possible, I actually want Kaguya and Lily to be friends."

"..." This was something that Shimizu Kaguya had never imagined.

After hearing Yuan Jing's words, she was surprised and didn't know what to say for a moment.

If the other party is still the same as when he was with everyone before, then Shimizu Kaguya is actually quite happy to do this.

However, if it was the woman who had a vicious tongue and a black belly yesterday, and the most important thing was that she had plans for Yuan Jing's body, it would be good if Shimizu Kaguya didn't become an enemy with her, how could she become a friend?

Moreover, the word 'friend' would actually come out of Yuanjing's mouth, this is really quite a strange thing.

"It seems a bit strange for me to say such things." Obviously, Yuanjing himself has already realized this problem, "Generally speaking, I don't care about other people's affairs, after all, [ Don’t do to others what you don’t want yourself to do to yourself.”

"However, Lily's situation is different." He shook his head, "I told you before, about the speculation about Lily's true identity."

Shimizu Kaguya nodded silently.

As Yuanjing's subordinate, although she completely blocked her love path, making it impossible for her to show her love, this status also brought her a lot of benefits.

She was the first among the girls to know Yuanjing's birthday; in addition, she was also the first to complete the achievement of 'living with Yuanjing', and became the person who got along with him day and night.

These are the conveniences that this identity brings to her.

A few days ago, Yuan Jing also told her about the guess about the true identity of this "Lily classmate", which is actually one of the "subordinates' convenience".

To be honest, if the person who made this guess was not Yuan Jing, Shimizu Kaguya would not have dared to believe such a thing in his dreams.

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