Maybe it will never disappear in this lifetime?

Withdrawing her gaze from the mirror, she looked down at her smooth lower abdomen, and touched the bright red lines at the lower part of her navel with her fingers.

Apart from being slightly raised and rough, its touch is no different from that of other parts of the skin.

Obviously, after a long time, this thing has become a part of her.

Gently touching the lines that condensed time and pain with his fingers, a somewhat ethereal raving came out of 'Heida''s mouth——

"Please be sure to survive."


Such lonely words just quietly dissolved in the water vapor in the bathroom.

Chapter 120 Go find them one by one!

"Although it has been expected, but there are too many people!" Seeing the grand occasion in front of the gate of Yushima Tenmangu, Sawamura Eriri said in a somewhat dumbfounded tone.

"Yushima Tenmangu Shrine was originally one of the three 'Tenmangu Shrines' in Sakurajima, and it is normal for the incense to flourish," Hiratsuka Shizuyo said as she parked the car in the shrine's parking lot The tone said:

"Also, almost a month later, it will be a big day for all senior high school students who are interested in further studies. It is not a normal thing that they will come to the Tianman Temple next to Dongda University to pray for blessings and cheer for the candidates at home. ?"

The "big day" mentioned by Shizuka Hiratsuka refers to the "University Entrance Common Examination" known as Sakurajima's "College Entrance Examination", or "Common Examination" for short.

Unlike Huaguo, which can be said to be "a test for life", Sakurajima currently has formed a [secondary examination] that is held by the University Entrance Examination Center and the [Individual Academic Ability Examination] independently held by each university. Exam] mode.

To put it simply, candidates in Sakurajima will first take the exam organized by the country, and then they can take the exam organized by the school of their choice according to their actual situation (of course, more depends on the score of this unified exam).

Unlike the Huaguo college entrance examination held in early June, the common exam is held on Saturdays and Sundays in mid-January every year.

It is almost mid-December now. Although there is still some time before the peak period of overcrowding, it is almost the busiest time for the "professional counterpart" shrines such as [Tianmangu].

"Listen to Mr. Hiratsuka, did you choose this time on purpose?" After getting off Shizuka Hiratsuka's car and glanced at the turbulent flow of people in front of the shrine, Kaguya Shimizu looked Shizuka Hiratsuka, who was quite complacent, asked in a strange way.

The process of Shizuka Hiratsuka and Yuan Jing driving to pick up the girls was somewhat lacklustre.Although the girls had a little disagreement on who should ride in Hiratsuka Shizuka's car and who should get in Yuanjing's car, but with the understanding Shimizu Kaguya taking the initiative to back down, it was just a matter of calm waters. A little aftermath.

Kaguya Shimizu and Mako Shijo boarded Shizuka Hiratsuka's Toyota Land Cruiser together, while Kazusa Touma, Mashiro Shiina, and Eri Sawamura were guests in the Aston Martin Vantage driven by Yuan Jing.

"That's natural!" Seeing the eyes of the girls who got out of the car one after another focused on her, Hiratsuka Shizuka puffed out her chest proudly, "Girls, we didn't just come here to pay homage today."

"Have you forgotten, the reason why I held this visit is for our trip to Vienna during the winter vacation."

"Today, we arrived in Vienna just in time for Christmas." Stretching out a finger, pushing the non-existent eyes on the bridge of his nose, Shizuka Hiratsuka made a scheming expression appearance:

"At that time, there will be no fewer tourists visiting Vienna, the art capital of the world, than the current Tenmangu Shrine. Therefore, before we actually visit the shrine, we must first play a small 'game' .”

Looking at Yuan Jing who walked down from the car after parking it, Hiratsuka Shizuka's mouth showed a rather 'hateful' smile.


The 'game' that Shizuka Hiratsuka mentioned is actually quite simple.

To put it simply, it is to simulate what you should do next if you get separated from the large group in the turbulent flow of people.

As Hiratsuka Shizuka said, this is a preview of everyone's trip to Vienna.

As for the rules, they are actually quite easy to understand.

As the only teacher, Shizuka Hiratsuka's identity in this 'game' is naturally the so-called 'referee', and she will always be on standby in a coffee shop next to the entrance of the shrine.

The girls, on the other hand, need to enter the shrine first, and then disperse among each other in the shrine, so as to pretend to be "people who got separated from the main force".

After about half an hour, Yuan Jing will enter the shrine.

He needs to find these 'lost' girls and bring her to Shizuka Hiratsuka.

"Well, the rules are very simple, right?" After finishing the rules, Shizuka Hiratsuka concluded in this way.After that, she winked at the girls who looked at each other after listening—

"Of course, I also know that if you want to take advantage of the loopholes, it couldn't be easier for you." When she said this, she glanced at Shimizu Kaguya and Shijo Makoto twice, "The easiest way is to use the After entering the shrine, just gather together at the entrance and stay still.”

"However, I hope everyone will remember that clearing the game is not our goal, but to exercise our ability in this area."

"After being dispersed by the turbulent flow of people, what should be done so that my companions can better find themselves..."

"That's why I want everyone to play this little game that may be childish."

As for why Yuanjing should be the 'finder'...

On the one hand, it is out of trust in Yuanjing's ability.Hiratsuka felt that when in Vienna, if someone really got separated from the main force, that person would definitely not be Yuanjing.

On the other hand...

Even if Yukinoshita Yukino and other candidates are counted, Yuan Jing is also the only boy, so it is not natural to take this responsibility?


Question, if you are accidentally squeezed away by the turbulent flow of people when you are out with friends, what should you do next?

This is actually something that can be learned in kindergarten.

The first is - stay put as long as possible and wait for friends to come back to you.

However, today's situation is rather special. It is more like a different kind of "peek-a-boo" than a "lost simulation".

Then, as Yuanjing of a 'ghost', he must think about a question——

That is, for girls, where is their so-called "original place"?

In the place of Yushima Tenmangu, only Yuanjing and Touma Kazusa came to step on it on Friday. For Shimizu Kaguya, Shijo Mafei, Shiina Mashiro and Sawamura Eriri, this is actually all A rather unfamiliar sightseeing spot.

If so, where would they go?

While quietly thinking about this question in his heart, Yuan Jing's eyes came to both sides of the road.

There, although they have not yet bloomed, most of them are still buds, but under the embellishment of these small white or red "flower clusters", the vigorous branches of the plum blossoms also reveal a bit A different kind of softness.

In fact, people in Sakurajima also believe in 'the fragrance of plum blossoms comes from the bitter cold'.

Therefore, plum blossoms are the most planted in this shrine that blesses academic success.

The plum blossom festival at Yushima Tenmangu Shrine is listed as one of the 【Five Great Flower Festivals in Bunkyo】.There are about 300 plum trees in the territory, some plum trees are about 70-80 years old, and there are more than 20 varieties.

However, although there are also red plums, the proportion of white plums here accounts for seven or eight out of ten.

The white plums here have a nice name: Moon Shadow.

When its petals are fully unfolded, you can see the light green flower center surrounded by small white plum blossom petals, which is looming, lovely and crystal clear.

Light, fragrant but quiet.

This is a kind of plum blossom that is quite in line with what literati and poets think in their hearts.

'When Friday came, Yuan Shenping seemed to mention something casually, saying that the white plums were supposed to bloom in January to February, and there is a clump that seems to have bloomed earlier? '

If you really want to get to the bottom of it, you can naturally find a very scientific explanation.

However, this is a place where the gods are watching, so the reason is naturally the 'blessing of the gods'.

Although Yuan Jing thinks that this is a 'trick' by the Secretary of Power deliberately to stir up the atmosphere to attract more tourists, but this is after all a matter of 'one is willing to fight and one is willing to suffer', so naturally he will not say anything what.


It's a place worth visiting.

After inquiring about the priestess who was standing at the intersection and selling various shrine specialties, Yuanjing declined the proposal of leading the way by the maiden lady who had a small star in her eyes and could tell at a glance that she was here to work part-time. Then walk to Baimei, who was the first to open up.

Then there was no surprise to find Shiina Mashiro who was looking at it non-stop.

Of course, there is also Sawamura Eriri who is inseparable by her side.

For two people who like to take pictures, this unique beauty is naturally not to be missed.

It was Eri Sawamura who first discovered Yuanjing.

She wore a dreamy light blue dress today. Because it was made of wool, although it looked a little thin, it was actually quite warm.As for under the skirt, it is naturally the same black stockings for thousands of years.However, because of the relatively long skirt, the original absolute domain can no longer be found, which is indeed a pity.

And the equipment of Shiina Mashiro next to her is much thicker.

As if she was afraid that this girl who lacked common sense would catch a cold, Sayuri Sawamura put on a thick white down jacket with the same color trousers, and even a small silver-gray hat on her head.

This color scheme, coupled with her amber hair and fair skin unique to mixed races, made her look a bit like a snow elf that only appeared in winter.

Still the kind that will be afraid of the cold.

Seeing Yuan Jing's arrival, Sawamura Eiri was obviously relieved, and after tugging Shiina Mashiro, she waved to Yuan Jing.

"It's a good thing you're here." After Yuanjing walked in, Sawamura Eriri said in a somewhat thankful tone. She glanced to the side and saw some male tourists leaving in a resentment, but also slightly I breathed a sigh of relief.

"During this period of time, three groups of people have come to strike up a conversation. I obviously rejected them so righteously. Why do I keep going on like this?" She said in a somewhat complaining tone.

Shiina Mashiro is the kind of character who will leave other things behind as soon as he meets something he likes. In this case, the job of rejecting others can only be handed over to our Miss Sawamura Eriri.

She's actually quite good at her job.

When she was at St. Eden Academy, she received an average of about 5 love letters a week, and was confessed by about two people.

Even without a proficiency system, Sawamura Eriri is already quite familiar with rejecting men.

But at that time, all the people I faced were students, but this time, they were basically social people.

It will cause stress, which is naturally a very normal thing.

This is also the ability that Shizuka Hiratsuka wanted the girls to hone, just in case.

"Well, is there such a possibility that talking to the beautiful girl is actually quite meaningful to them?" Yuan Jing said with a smile, "I know it, but There are many people who regard the insult of the beautiful girl as a reward."

"Ah, I know, it's the [Eight Ga, Perverted, No Road Race], right?" Eri Sawamura understood in seconds.

She is also a figure in the house circle, and she is also a veteran of it.For all kinds of stalks thrown by Yuanjing, she can actually catch them very skillfully.

This is something Yukino Kaguya and the others can't compare to.

"Well, just wait for a while, and I'll be able to remember it all in my head." A soft and soft voice came from the side, Shiina Mashiro was not surprised that Yuanjing could find him.

Although she is ignorant of her own intentions, but in terms of trust in Yuanjing, Zhenbai cutie has never lost to anyone.

After getting Yuanjing's nod and permission, she put her gaze back on the blooming white plum, as if she wanted to deeply reflect it in her mind.

"...Thank you." Just as Yuan Jing was standing aside, acting as the flower protector for the two of them, a soft but firm voice quietly penetrated into his ears.

Surprised, he followed the prestige, and saw Sawamura Eriri looking away with some embarrassment, a little blush appeared on her fair face.

"If it's just because I found you, there's no need to say such things at all."

"No, it's not because of what happened today." When Eri Sawamura said this, her voice was a little loud.She herself seemed to be aware of this, and when she looked around and found that it didn't attract too much attention, she was relieved.

"It's about the Spencer family," she said in a slightly softer voice this time.

Whether it was at school or in the previous car, because of the presence of other people, she never found a good time to say thanks.

Hiratsuka Shizuka's game gave her a very good chance.

"If it's for this, then there's no need to thank you." Yuan Jing didn't accept all the thanks, "This is just a deal between me and classmate Shiina, if you want to thank you, please go thank you Miss Shiina next to you."

Of course Sawamura Eriri knew about this deal, but she was actually more inclined to think that this was a reason Yuanjing purposely found for this matter.

After all, completing a painting and offending the Spencer family and the Shijo family at the same time is not equal at all.

In fact, there is indeed a reason for this.

If there is no Shiina Mashiro, Yuan Jing will spend a lot of effort, but he will still be able to succeed.

In this transaction, there is actually a little half-hearted element in it.

The azure eyes narrowed into a beautiful arc, Sawamura Eriri joked with a smile——

"Is this the legendary 'Ceng De Tier' (tsundere)?"

"That's not true." This is something that Yuanjing must firmly deny.

Not to mention that Tsundere has already retired from the environment.

On a young girl, Tsundere might be cute; but on a man like him, this is pure shame.


"Ah, my lady, what else are you going to do?" After watching a couple who thanked her leave with their child who had just lost, Miss Miko asked curiously about the little girl. The black-haired, blood-eyed girl sent by the girl.

Such a huge passenger flow will naturally bring about many problems, the most serious of which are the loss of items and people, and Yushima Tenmangu has relatively complete countermeasures in this regard.

In its shrine, such a lost center is also opened to deal with this situation.

Withdrawing some envious eyes from the family of three, Shimizu Kaguya's tone was quite natural, without any embarrassment——

"Actually, I'm lost too, can I ask you to broadcast it for me?"

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