"Just say, 'Mr. Yuanjing, your female companion Shimizu Kaguya is waiting for you here at the Lost Center'."

Chapter 120 The third, fourth, fifth... Hey, why is there a sixth?

"Mr. Yuanjing, your female companion Shimizu Kaguya is waiting for you here at the lost center, please come to the lost center as soon as you hear."

When the sound of such trumpets resounded throughout the entire Yushima Tenmangu Shrine, Yuan Jing had actually sent Sawamura Eirari and Shiina Mashiro back to the door where Hiratsuka Shizuka was.

Now he actually just found Dongma and Sha.

Well, saying 'found it' is not quite accurate.

Because Yuanjing actually knew exactly where Touma and Sa would be waiting for him.

In fact, he is not looking for people aimlessly and purely by chance. From the very beginning, there is actually only one principle he followed——

That is to maximize efficiency.

Although it is a game, it simulates the scene of being separated from others in a foreign country, so Yuanjing naturally wants to find all the girls as soon as possible.

Otherwise, within one minute, the chances of the girls being in danger will be one point higher.

The reason why Yuanjing went to Sawamura Eiri and Shiina Mashiro first was that this was actually the choice to maximize efficiency.

First of all, Sawamura Eriri is absolutely worried about Shiina Mashiro. When one of them is found, it naturally means that both of them have been found.

Second, both are painters.In an unfamiliar environment, the tendency of where the two will go is actually quite obvious.

It is not yet the blooming season of plum blossoms in the shrine, so if you want to see a good view, the Tsukage White Plum Blossom, which was urged to bloom in advance by Yuan Shinpei in a special way, is the first choice to bear the brunt.

The result was as expected.

And after these two girls, it was Touma Kazusa who had come to this Yushima Tenmangu with him on Friday.

As for the location, it is outside the tea room that condenses memories.

This place is actually a quite quiet place, because there are witches on the road who stop and say that the front is a private place of the shrine, so there are basically no pilgrims who come to visit.

Dongma Hesha actually came here with the attitude of giving it a try. She thought that if she didn't stop her, she could just wait for Yuanjing at the place where she was stopped.

But obviously, maybe because less than two days have passed, the shrine's shrine maidens can be said to have fresh memories of this extremely beautiful 'bridal wife', so they didn't stop her at all.

Not only that, when Yuanjing came to the intersection leading to this place, the young lady who was guarding here even waved to him very bluntly, and then pointed inside.

Obviously, not only Touma Kazusa, but also the maidens here have not forgotten Yuan Jing, the honored guest of Lord Quan Gongsi.

They obviously didn't know about this "little game" held by Shizuka Hiratsuka, and they probably still thought that there was something awkward between the young couple.

Therefore, Yuanjing also found Dongma Hesha under the circumstance of "cheating a little bit".

However, before the two could speak, they heard the sound of the trumpet resounding throughout Yushima Tenmangu.

"Is this okay too?" Touma and Sashogi opened their eyes wide, revealing quite cute surprises, "Obviously using a mobile phone to report your location is forbidden by Hiratsuka-sensei."

"Is this practice really illegal?"

"Of course not." Looking at the direction of the voice from a distance, Yuanjing's answer was quite straightforward, "The reason why the use of mobile phones is banned is actually because when you are abroad, if the domestic mobile phone card cannot be used It's just a matter of use."

"This 'game', although it looks like I'm looking for you on the surface, is actually a two-way search."

"After getting lost with a familiar person in a completely unfamiliar environment, how can I tell the familiar person my location as quickly as possible while ensuring my own safety."

"This is actually what Hiratsuka-sensei wants you to learn."

"From this point of view, Kaguya's actions are not only not foul, but can be said to be exactly what Mr. Hiratsuka wanted."


'This approach is not quite Kaguya's style. '

This is what Yuanjing didn't say.

In a word, it is——

too urgent.

The practice of turning to the Lost Center for help is very practical for Hiratsuka Shizuka's purpose.

But at the same time it was too rough and inelegant.

With Shimizu Kaguya's ingenuity, there is absolutely no need to adopt such a method of 'overturning the chessboard', unless...

Quietly stopping the thoughts in his heart, Yuanjing stretched out a hand towards Touma Hesha, "This time, Hesha, your approach is actually a little tricky, and when we arrive in Vienna, we won't be so cooperative." 'assistant'."

What he was referring to was naturally the group of witches.

"Although staying where you are and waiting for us to come to you is one of the most feasible solutions, but it is Europe after all, and the atmosphere should be much more open than Sakurajima. A beautiful girl like Kazusa who looks like she needs help will definitely It attracts a lot of men to strike up a conversation."

Just like Sawamura Eriri and Shiina Mashiro before.

"So, if you really can't get in touch by phone, or if it's not easy to explain the location by phone, I actually suggest that you follow Kaguya's method now and directly ask public officials for help to get help."

Facing the hand extended by Yuan Jing, Touma Kazusa stretched out his little hand without the slightest hesitation, and grabbed it at once.

The more intimate things between the two have already been done, so this behavior of holding hands is naturally much more natural than before.

Touma Kazusa, who has always been the most shy, even blinked her eyes and showed a mischievous smile, "Then, may I think that Ah Jing is jealous."

Then Miss Touma, who had the lowest defense, was blushed by Yuan Jing's next sentence.

"Don't think so, I'm just jealous." Holding Touma Kazusa's soft little hand in his hand, Yuanjing pulled her towards the outside, "When I think about not having me by my side, Kazusa will be disliked." Picked up by some flirty blond guy from somewhere..."

"When a scene like this comes to my mind, I get so jealous and so worried."

Because Yuan Jing pulled her to walk in front, Touma and Sa couldn't see the expression on Yuan Jing's face.

However, during the course of this semester's relationship, the young man in front of him has never lied to himself.

From the perspective of empiricism, can these words be regarded as Yuanjing's heartfelt words?

"So, when you arrive in Vienna, you have to follow me closely and don't get separated."

"In case you get separated, don't worry about face or anything like that, hurry up and ask the local public officials for help, and contact me as soon as possible," Yuanjing's principle of speaking has always been concise and clear.

It was actually the first time Touma and Kazusa heard such nagging instructions like this.

However, she didn't find the youth annoying at all, instead she felt a little sweet in her heart, as if she had just tasted a big mouthful of delicious honey.

"Understood." Following Yuanjing step by step, after listening to the young man's instructions, Touma Hesa ​​responded obediently, "I will try my best to follow you."

"However, Ah Jing, please hold my hand well." The catkin held in Yuan Jing's palm moved a little restlessly, as if he was not satisfied with this kind of behavior that seemed to be holding a child. Grip posture, "This grip is not firm enough, change it~~"

She said in a somewhat delicate tone.

After Yuanjing's palm was slightly loosened, Touma Kazusa's little hand immediately stretched out, inserting a few fingers between the boy's fingers.

"It's much more reliable now." After interlocking his fingers, feeling the heat of the boy's palm, Touma Hesha bit his lower lip lightly to restrain his heartbeat that had become a little faster.

For teenage girls in love, it is instinct to 'make an inch'.

As the saying goes, "one can do what is not prohibited by the law", so as long as Yuanjing does not explicitly say that it cannot be done, it means that this thing can be done.

After receiving Yuanjing's promise, even the most timid Touma Kazusa became a little more unscrupulous in front of Yuanjing.

Let the timid have courage, and the reckless have scruples.

Let the strong become weak and the weak become decisive.

The so-called love is such a wonderful thing.


When Yuanjing rushed to the Lost Center, he saw Qingshui Huiye among the crowd at a glance.

There is no way, she is too conspicuous.

Those who come to the Lost Center are actually almost all children who got lost with their parents or grandparents. They are basically elementary school students, and there are even very few middle school students.

Among these children, Kaguya Shimizu, who is a high school student, can be said to stand out from the crowd.

But Shimizu Kaguya didn't regard it as a shame, on the contrary, he seemed to enjoy it.

When Yuanjing arrived, she was helping the Miko girls in the Lost Center to share their work, comforting a little girl who was crying because she couldn't see her parents.

It should be said that she has not received relevant training before, or that she is not very good at dealing with children...

Always, the current Shimizu Kaguya is not at all calm and calm as usual, but seems a little flustered.

"Be strong, be strong, we have already broadcasted, and your parents will come over soon." Shimizu Kaguya comforted a little awkwardly.

She never comforted anyone.

No one was comforted either.

Growing up in Sigong's family, she knew a truth when she was very young, that is——

Crying serves no purpose other than to drain your energy.

Therefore, when she was very young, she would no longer shed tears because of difficulties and troubles.

In fact, she has always been quite proud of her strength, but now the lack of relevant experience makes her a little dizzy.

"Big sister, you are lying!" Although the little girl's voice was a little slurred due to sobbing, her loud voice will make up for this shortcoming, "Mom and dad definitely don't want me, because I don't listen to them .”

"They didn't buy me nice trinkets, so I deliberately found an opportunity to run away, trying to make them regret their previous actions, but I couldn't find them."

"Seeing how disobedient I am, they definitely don't want me anymore!"

As if talking about the saddest part of her heart, the little girl burst into tears again with a 'wow'.

Shimizu Kaguya obviously didn't know what to do.

Threats, intimidation, negotiation, exchange of benefits...these routines that she knows so well, there is no way to use them on a little girl who is only seven or eight years old.

"Big sister can guarantee that as long as you wait a little longer, your parents will definitely come. Can you trust big sister?" In the end, she could only hope that such a guarantee could win the trust of the little girl.

Maybe because she didn't look like a bad person, the little girl stopped crying, she looked at Kaguya with tears in her eyes, "Big sister, how long is it to wait a while?"

"Ah, this..." Shimizu Kaguya was at a loss for words.

Seeing her like this, the little girl grinned, as if she was about to cry again.

And at this moment-

"Let the big brother tell you how long the so-called [a while] is." A clear male voice came, causing Shimizu Kaguya to raise his eyes in surprise.

Blinking at Kaguya, Yuan Jing who came to her side squatted halfway, then clenched his right hand into a fist and placed it in front of the little girl.

Attracted by Yuan Jing's actions, the little girl stopped the crying that was about to burst out, and looked at the fist in front of her with somewhat curious eyes.

"Actually, big brother can do divination." Yuan Jing said solemnly, and then let go of his fist, "Look, my hand is empty right now, right?"

The little girl nodded.

"Okay, then big brother is going to start divination." Clenching his fist again, Yuan Jing put his other hand on it, muttering, "The gods and gods tell me, what is the parents of the kid in front of me?" How long will it take to arrive?"

After shaking for a while, the fist reopened under the little girl's expectant eyes.

And Yuanjing's empty palm was quietly nesting——

A fruit hard candy.

"This is the answer from the gods." Handing the candy to the little girl, Yuan Jing said with a smile, "When you finish eating this candy, your parents will come."

"However, it is not acceptable to intentionally crush it, that would be disrespectful to the gods."

"It has to be melted and eaten."

Seeing Yuanjing use such a method to get the little girl, Shimizu Kaguya couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

For hard fruit candies, it will take a while to melt and eat. Before that, the little girl's parents will definitely come.

After Yuan Jing straightened up, she also stood up, and then asked very naturally: "How many people have you found?"

"Now, there should be only four students left." When he said this, Yuan Jing seemed to think of something, and said to the witches next to him:

"We are actually missing one person, can you please help broadcast it?"


"[Mr. Yuanjing, is your female companion Shimizu Kaguya waiting for you here at the Lost Center]?" Repeating the content of the broadcast just now, 'Kurodai' who had already arrived at Yushima Tenmangu came to the little one beside the road next to the map.

"Lost Center, Lost Center... Ah, I found it."

She doesn't have a cell phone.

But Shimizu Kaguya was able to think of such a way to deliver the news...

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