It looks like I'm going to reward the other party for a while.

Staring at the words on the map, a smile appeared on the corner of 'Heida''s mouth.

That is quite a beautiful smile.

But also a very dangerous smile.

Like a gorgeous rose with thorns, 'Heida' is blooming unscrupulously in this cold wind.

From her curtain call...

There were less than three hours left.

Chapter 120: Will This [Friendship] Go Bad?

"Let me tell you, you found the others in person, Mr. Yuan, but I was the only one who obediently found them after listening to the radio." The iconic pair of ponytails flicked on her head. Throwing it away, it seems to be complaining for his master in this way——

"Is the difference in treatment between these two too big?"

Walking in the forefront angrily, the tone of the four real concubines was quite annoyed.

Of course, this does not mean that Concubine Shijo is really angry.

Her somewhat cheerful stride is evidence of that.

Under the full cooperation of the two spirits of "all are coming" and "efficiency first", Yuanjing directly followed the practice of Shimizu Kaguya before, and directly broadcasted the whole society. The original words are:

"Miss Concubine Sijo, Miss Concubine Sijo, if you hear this broadcast, please go to the Lost Center immediately, your friend is waiting for you there."

Such an announcement was repeated three times throughout the entire Yushima Tenmangu.

"Isn't this the most convenient and quickest way?" Seeing Meteor striding ahead, he didn't even want to see his concubine Si Tiao, Yuan Jing couldn't help but fire (fire) sincerely (sprinkle) the public (oil), "I'm sorry for Si Tiao's classmate. In fact, I don’t know much about my usual preferences, and I have no idea where Shijo-san will choose to stay in the shrine.”

"Then if I want to find Mr. Shijo, I can only try my luck. Maybe I will have to search the entire Yushima Tenmangu in the end."

In that case, it would take too much time.

This is what Yuanjing didn't say.

This 'game' played by Shizuka Hiratsuka was beyond his expectations to be honest.

Because of this, Yuan Jing needs to clear the game as soon as possible, and lead everyone to the path that he and Yuan Shenping have discussed.

"It's okay to try your luck a little bit, do you have to clear the level so quickly?" Because she didn't know the Yuanjing plan, Shijo Zhenfei naturally expressed dissatisfaction, "Isn't it just after 9 o'clock in the morning, you You are so bored with this game, do you have to solve it right away?"

"It's not that I feel bored, but as an 'efficiency cook', it's normal to think about saving time as soon as possible?" In his previous life, Yuan Jing belonged to the type of person who preferred 'speedrunning games' , in this life, because of the existence of the proficiency panel, he became more and more sensitive to time.

After all, time is basically equivalent to proficiency. For Yuanjing, this is a hard currency that is countless times harder than money.

"Moreover, this is actually just a temporary method, and I haven't pinned all my hopes on this method."

"In my mind, the chances of this method's success are actually not very high." Yuan Jing said, "After all, this is actually a method of 'cheating', and the always decent students of Sitiao should not agree with it. "

In fact, when Concubine Sijo rushed to the Lost Center, Yuan Jing actually thought that his "try it out" strategy had failed, and was about to set off to find Concubine Sijo.

"Even if you praise me here, it's useless." Although Shijo Zhenfei was still saying such words, her tone was actually much softer than before.

Obviously, she is quite satisfied with Yuanjing's [decent] evaluation.

"I actually hesitated for a while, it's just that," Shijo Zhenfei paused here, as if thinking about whether she should say this, but in the end she muttered——

“The word [friend] is too foul.”

Concubine Shijo actually admired Yuanjing quite a lot.

Appreciate his skill of one enemy against a hundred, appreciate his superb skill of turning his hands into clouds and covering his hands as rain, appreciate his tough attitude in front of Sigong Yanan, appreciate his calm wind that is not moved by the outside world light......

But this is only her one-sided view on Yuanjing.

As for Yuanjing's unilateral view, what is his position in the young man's heart?

In this regard, the four real concubines are actually a little uncertain.

Well, from the point that he never avoids himself on purpose, and doesn't deliberately keep silent to embarrass himself when he meets him, it seems that Yuanjing's attitude towards him should not be too negative, at least it won't be [disgusting].

But Yuan Jing resolutely rejected her invitation, even after repeated persuasion, she still did not change her original opinion.From this point of view, it is obvious that Yuan Jing did not take himself too close.

But in the briefing just now, she got the answer unexpectedly——


It was only after hearing the words [Your friend is waiting for you at the Lost Center] on the radio, that she made up her mind to leave the place she had found after thousands of choices and go to the Lost Center on her own initiative.


"Kaguya, Shijo-san seems to cherish the friendship with you very much," Yuan Jing said to Shimizu Kaguya who was silently following him and watching the interaction between the two, "Although it may be strange for me to say this, but I In fact, I think Sijo-san is a very worthy person."

Although in the eyes of Concubine Shijo, she actually doesn't have much contact with Yuanjing.

But for Yuan Jing who has read the original work, he is actually quite familiar with the kind and reliable qualities of Shijo Zhenfei.

Therefore, it is natural to look forward to a strong friendship between Kaguya and Concubine Zhen.

"...I said, didn't you pick yourself out subtly?" Suddenly stopped, Sijo Zhenfei turned around angrily, facing Yuanjing.

After walking such a steep roller coaster, Sijo Zhenfei's mood became even worse, as evidenced by the twin ponytails that were almost standing up, "Don't tell me, in the eyes of Mr. Yuan, we are not friends?"

"???" Yuan Jing tilted his head, showing a somewhat confused expression, as if he didn't quite understand why Shijo Zhenfei would ask such an easy-to-understand question, "Of course not, we are just classmates, right?"

"..." Although I had expected it in my heart, when these words really came out of Yuanjing's mouth, Shijo Zhenfei's shoulders slumped, and she seemed a little injured.

In other words, was she self-indulgent before?

Seeing Concubine Shijo's depression obviously, Shimizu Kaguya, who had been watching quietly, couldn't keep silent. After coughing a few times, Shimizu Kaguya asked in a slightly respectful tone——

"Yuanjun, didn't you just tell me before that Concubine Zhen is a person worthy of friendship?" She glanced at Sitiao Zhenfei who had quietly pricked up her ears although her shoulders were still slumped, "In that case, Why didn't Jun Yuan become friends with Concubine Zhen?"

"Because I don't know." Yuan Jing replied without thinking.

"Huh...?" The expression of Shijo Zhenfei was a little shocked, but Shimizu Kaguya had a look of 'as expected'.

"Strangers, acquaintances, and friends..." When talking about this kind of topic, Yuan Jing showed a look of distress that is quite rare for him, "Where is the boundary between this kind of relationship?" Where?"

"Sijo and I did help each other. We also met outside of school and went fishing together. She once invited me to a banquet at her house, and even came to my house—"

"But even if I have done such a thing, does it mean that I am friends with her?"

"I don't know. But I don't think so."

Yuanjing's standards for friends are actually quite strict.

Becoming friends without thinking carefully, and then having unexplainable entanglements -- this is the most annoying thing for Yuanjing.

Because of this, Yuanjing has always been quite strict in terms of the criteria for identifying friends.

Up to now, the only person who can really confirm his status as a "friend" is "Ryunosuke Akasaka".

In addition to the other party's temperament, he is a male is also an extremely important reason.

After all, it is only recently that Yuanjing's 'celibacy' view has started to fall apart.

Before that, he never thought of being friends with other people, especially the opposite sex, so naturally he never thought about the question of "what exactly is a friend".

For Yuanjing, time is very precious, and it is actually a waste to spend on such questions without clear answers.

"And, to be honest, I actually don't want to make friends with women." Yuan Jing sighed, "Especially a beautiful girl like Sijo."

This is not Versailles, but Yuanjing's true feelings.

No one has a clearer understanding of the essence of this world than Yuanjing.

It's a 18X butter world.

Attacking and being captured, overthrowing and being overthrown are the main axis of this world and the center of everything.

This is especially true in matters concerning him.

Chika Fujiwara's original purpose was to 'make friends' with him, but what happened now?

As long as there is a relationship with him, no matter what the original intention of the girls is, they will gradually become alienated and deteriorated with the development of time and the occurrence of the story.

This is a fact that Yuanjing has already confirmed. As far as the number of exceptional cases so far is——


There seems to be an invisible net woven by countless silk threads around Yuan Jing, as long as you get too close to him, you will be caught mercilessly, and you will never be able to escape.

What he said just now can actually be said to be a warning to the real concubine Shijo as much as possible, but unfortunately...

Someone seems a little unbelieving.

"Beautiful girl..." After hearing Yuan Jing's heartfelt words, especially after hearing her evaluation of herself, Shijo Zhenfei's mood has already cleared up.

Suppressing the smile at the corner of her mouth, the four real concubines stretched out their right index fingers to point at Yuan Jing, and said with her eyebrows upside down, "I understand what Yuan Jing said, in your opinion, is it as long as you are too close If you get close, the opposite sex will eventually succumb to your charm and never be friends again?"

She deliberately made her words more aggressive, so that she could better follow up with her next words.

"It's ridiculous." With a disdainful expression, the face of the four real concubines was full of radiance, like a flawless jade that wiped away all the dust and haze, "Is there no pure friendship between men and women? This point of view is unavoidable. It's too narrow!"

"Saying this now is a bit empty-handed, but in future contacts, I will let you clearly recognize your mistakes."

"Just polish your eyes for me, and just look at it carefully!"

"I must let you say the words, 'Sijo Zhenfei is my best friend'!"

The girl's words were resounding.


"What, invite us to play in those areas of the shrine that are not open to outside tourists?" Shizuka Hiratsuka's eyes widened.

After Yuanjing gathered everyone together, logically speaking, it should have entered the normal worship process, but before that, Yuanjing made such a proposal.

"Yeah." He nodded slightly, and responded affirmatively, "Although this is Kanto, Yushima Tenmangu is a shrine after all, and the Minamoto family actually has a certain right to speak here."

"The Secretary of Power here is called Yuan Shenping. He is an elder I know, so he will naturally sell me this favor." Naturally, the fewer people and witnesses involved in his plan, the better. Long before departure, Yuan In fact, Jing had already planned to do so.

"It's not just a visit. If you are interested in Miko costumes and want to wear them, or want to watch how the guards are made, or are interested in divination such as lottery, and want to ask the real If you ask the master, it's actually all right."

"Just take it as an apology for my previous offense to someone." Yuan Jing glanced at Sijo Zhenfei, who snorted softly, looking extremely satisfied.

"By the way, this old man Yuan Shenping is an old man. For him, belief is the most important thing, and the second place is naturally food." Yuan Jing seemed to have just remembered something, So said.

"This old man's Xiaozao is actually quite famous. It belongs to the kind that even the rich can't eat." Although he claims to be a "loser" in the family, he wants to use power and other things to intimidate the old man Yuan Shenping Yuan , is not an easy thing.

"Although I knew about this before, I couldn't spare the time. Today is a pretty good opportunity."

"That is to say, we are going to eat at the depths of the shrine at noon today, instead of finding a restaurant outside?" Shizuka Hiratsuka said cautiously.

Yuan Jing gave her a strange look.

Based on what he knew about this violent teacher, shouldn't she be the one rushing to go when encountering such a situation?Why does it look a little...reluctant?

"Ms. Hiratsuka, have you already booked the hotel? In that case..." Before she could finish speaking, Shizuka Hiratsuka denied in a loud voice, sweating coldly——

"No no no no, how is it possible?"

"I'm just a little too happy. After all, the only thing that can't be let down is food."

She had an agreement with Yukinoshita Yono in private.

At noon, use the mobile phone to notify the other party of the place where everyone will have dinner, so as to form a 'chance encounter'.

Now it seems that Yang Nai's plan is clearly in vain.

'I'm sorry, Yang Nao. "Hiratsuka Jing murmured without any apology in her heart, she was a little reluctant, "It's because God didn't help you, so you can't blame me. '

'By the way, even Yango can't do something like break into the shrine, can he? '

'...Should, can't it? '

Chapter 120 "Don't worry, everything is under control"

"Yang Nai, we will have a small stove in the shrine at noon today, so I'm afraid there is no way to arrange a coincidence like I promised you this morning. '

'By the way, this phone will be turned off next, so whether it is calling or sending text messages, I will not be able to see it. '

'This is not an excuse on purpose, but a request from the shrine. '

"The shrine made an exception to entertain us because of Yuanjing's face. If I don't cooperate, his face will definitely not look good." '


'sorry.Just give up today and look for another chance later, shall we? '

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