After quickly editing such a text message on the mobile phone, Hiratsuka Shizuka re-examined it.

'I always feel, is there a little bit of yin and yang? ' She tilted her head slightly to one side, and couldn't help but think like this, but——

'never mind. '

After pressing the send button neatly, Shizuka Hiratsuka handed over her mobile phone and wallet to Miss Miko who was standing in front of her with a smile.

Anyway, what she said in the text message was the truth, she didn't care whether Yang Nai believed it or not.

She, Shizuka Hiratsuka, is neither Yangno's subordinate nor her servant, on the contrary she has been his teacher for a period of time, so there is no need to be obsequious to her.

As for why these things should be handed over to the shrine for safekeeping...

This is not because there is any secret inside the shrine that would cause an uproar if it were revealed.

The reason for this is actually quite simple -

Because miko clothes don't have pockets.


"Wow, so the shrine maiden clothes look like this?" After being led to a special dressing room by the shrine maidens, Eri Sawamura couldn't help but her eyes lit up, while Shiina Mashiro, who was beside her, still kept her clothes. He remained silent, but the light in his eyes was no less than that of the former.

As a master of the book, Sawamura Eriri is naturally no stranger to shrine maiden costumes.In fact, she also drew pure love books with the theme of witches.

However, when drawing those notebooks, Sawamura's subjects were basically the masterpieces of other 'teachers'.

Although she has also been to the shrine to observe the maiden, but because of her thin skin, she actually didn't stare at it like an idiot.

As for working at the shrine for a few days, to experience the life of a witch for yourself...

For one thing, unlike in the anime, Miko's life is not easy at all.It is said to be a 'witch', but in fact it is also a 'worker' of the shrine. The daily work is so numerous that it makes people feel overwhelmed, and it is basically the kind of work that Eri Sawamura hates the most when dealing with others.

Secondly, St. Eden Academy forbids students to work privately.If you really want to work, you must obtain the permission of the student union, and you have to go through a somewhat complicated process.

Eri Sawamura doesn't think she needs to make such a big sacrifice.

As for buying a set to wear on the market...

Such a miko costume has no soul!What's the difference between this and ordinary cosplay clothes?

...It can only be said that as a master, there will always be inexplicable persistence in some places.

However, Sawamura's regrets in the past, but today she has the opportunity to make up for it.Therefore, after Yuan Jing put forward the previous suggestion, her interest has been quite high.

As for Shiina Mashiro, the reason is actually quite similar to that of Sawamura Eri.

She can't even compare to the latter, because all her knowledge about maiden costumes is actually basically from comics.

Because of this, after being led to the dressing room by the maidens of Yushima Tenmangu and seeing the real maiden clothes, a very obvious look of doubt flashed in her usually clear eyes .

Pointing to the shoulders of the upper body of the priestess uniform, she asked the priestess leading the way, "Why is this place sewn?"

This sentence seems a bit out of date, but the miko in front of her is really a professional, and she quickly understood Shiina Mashiro's meaning.

"Because, this place should have been sewn together." She said with a light smile.

Sakurajima's priestess profession and priestess costume have continued to modern times, and extended to the field of ACG subculture, becoming a cute attribute.

In ACG works, in order to shape the image of the character, the shape of the maiden costume may be slightly different from the reality.For example, I will find inspiration from Japanese ancient costumes and add them to the design of witch costumes.

One of the most typical ones is what Shiina Mashiro said "the shoulders are not stitched".

This is actually the design of another ancient costume of Sakurajima, [Karii].As the name suggests, this clothing was originally sportswear worn when hunting.The slits on the shoulders are actually for the convenience of the arms protruding from the slits when necessary.

Because of aesthetics and other aspects, this design was introduced into the image of the ACG witch.The most famous of them should be Kikyo in "Inuyasha".

"The upper body of the maiden's clothes, we generally call it [white clothes]." On the one hand, she is gentle in nature, and on the other hand, the other party is indeed a "visited guest" that Mr. Quan Gongsi has instructed, so Miss Miko explained very patiently. "And the unstitched part of the [white clothes] is actually here."

She signaled Shiina Mashiro to look at [Bai Yi]'s armpit.

Sure enough, unlike the tightly stitched shoulders, this place was not closed by needlework, but a large opening was exposed.

That's right, the top of the official maiden costume has openings under the armpits.


This does not mean that the gentlemen of Guangda can see something from it.

In [White Clothes], the lovely maidens actually wear white kimono underwear called [Muscle Undergarments].It made up for the loophole in the [White Clothes] very well, and it protected the girl's armpits, and of course the small piece of skin in front of the armpits called side breasts.

The ones that really show the underarms may only be some special-purpose 'princess clothes'.

"You may still be a little confused when you just say it with your mouth." Looking at Shiina Mashiro who was looking at the shrine maiden dress with extremely focused eyes, the shrine lady showed a soft smile, "Why don't you try it on?"


Eyes shining like yellow crystals, mixed-race features that combine the softness of the East and the charm of the West, and a long amber hair that emits a somewhat holy light under the sunlight. Tie back with twine.

White jacket and red hakama, short white socks on feet, and a pair of clogs as shoes.

Perhaps because of the most active cooperation, Shiina Mashiro was the first among the girls to be fully equipped with this outfit.

Sakurajima's traditional costume, the shrine maiden's costume, did not seem to violate the slightest sense of disobedience on her body, but instead brought out the girl's rather exotic beauty.

It seems that the dressing room is a bit cramped, and of course it is more likely because of excitement. After changing into this outfit, Shiina Mashiro (Miko Ver.) stepped on the clogs that she was still not used to, and ran out of the dressing room between.

This is the depth of the shrine, where tourists are refused, and it can be said to be one of the safest places.Therefore, Sawamura Eriri didn't think about calling Shiina Mashiro to stop, and planned to let her have fun for a while.

Like a dexterous deer, after running out of the dressing room, Shiina Mashiro walked along the stone-paved road. After climbing up the steps, our Miss Miko, who was equipped with a time-limited skin, stopped suddenly. Living.

She saw Yuanjing.

Shiina Mashiro is already very familiar with Yuanjing. Logically speaking, when seeing him, our Miss Shiina should be very happy to go forward.

This was the way she had always behaved.

However, just like her at this moment, what Yuan Jing was wearing was not the light gray casual clothes he wore today when he went to pick up the two of them in Sawamura's house.

It is a set of Monpay hakama kimono.

Black clothes and gray trousers, double and five patterns of black feathers, formal printing.

Obviously, when the girls were changing clothes, Yuan Jing didn't stay out of it.

At this time, he was sitting on the rocks on the shore, as if he was sprinkled with something bit by bit into the pond.

It seemed that the sound of the girl's clogs kicking caught the boy's attention. He was looking at the water, thinking about something, turned his head around, and saw that he was watching with his eyes wide open and holding his breath Shiina Mashiro here.

"Well, the one I was thinking of hasn't arrived so soon..." After muttering in a voice that he could only hear, Minato waved to Shiina Mashiro, probably because of the It was a little far away, and it might be because of the light, Shiina Mashiro seemed to see an extremely abnormal blush flashing across Yuanjing's face——

"Want to come and feed the koi together?" Riding on the fresh and free breeze, the boy's voice reached her ears.

"Yeah!" Shiina Mashiro nodded fiercely.


Sakurajima is the largest producer of ornamental koi in the world, and koi can be said to be the "national fish" of Sakurajima.

And in the pond deep in the shrine, there are also about a hundred koi swimming.

It seems that for the sake of being able to compete for food in the first place, or maybe because of well-trained, these colorful and magnificent ornamental fish floated to the surface one after another, opened their mouths, and flashed out of the fish's unique dull eyes. A little wistful light.

Shiina Mashiro originally wanted to sit next to Yuan Jing, but Yuan Jing stopped her very carefully.

It's December now, and the outdoor temperature is only in single digits.

Having been in such an environment, the temperature of these stones can be imagined.

Shiina Mashiro is not him, if he just sits on it rashly, he will definitely catch a cold.

Yuan Jing moved a little distance to the side, ready to let Shiina Mashiro sit on his already warm place.

He actually wanted to stay further away, but it seemed that he had discovered his intention, and a small hand grabbed the hem of his wide sleeve.

Shiina Mashiro did not speak, just looked at him with a pair of big eyes that seemed to be able to talk, as if seeing that the owner did not want to get close to his puppy, showing a little pitiful expression.

Yuanjing has never been very good at dealing with this kind of gaze.

For all kinds of malice and calculations that are rushing towards him, he can always be the first to detect and find a countermeasure; but for kindness and kindness, although he has undergone "special training" by the girls, the effect is not very good. It cannot be shown so quickly.

Reluctantly stopping his body, Yuan Jing responded with his own actions.

"?~" Mashiro Shiina seemed very happy about this, her long and narrow eyes narrowed into crescent moons, and the lovely Miko lady sat in the place where Yuan Jing had been before.

However, when Yuan Jing was about to hand the small bag containing fish food to Shiina Mashiro, the latter shook his head very obviously.

After glancing at the various koi in the pond, Shiina Mashiro's eyes returned to Yuanjing's face.

Unlike before, Yuan Jing was already somewhat immune to such a burning gaze, he was even able to respond to such a gaze with a slight sarcasm——

"Does it look good?"

"It looks good." Shiina Mashiro has always been very frank.

She doesn't know any particularly gorgeous rhetoric, and she doesn't know any slang words such as "a man wants to be pretty, a suit of soap", but the sincerity in her words completely makes up for this missing part.


"Are you sick?" Besides Yuanjing's extremely rare handsome appearance, this is also one of the reasons why she observed him so carefully.

"Although I knew Shiina-san's intuition for a long time, but I can tell it at the first glance... Am I overdoing it a little bit?" Yuan Jing said as if talking to himself, and then He showed Shiina Mashiro a relieved smile.

"No problem, I did it on purpose."

"If you want to take sick leave and not go to school, then you have to take a cold shower on purpose." Yuanjing shrugged, as if wanting to tell Zhenbai that this is not a particularly serious matter, "I'm almost in this state now."

"..." Shiina Mashiro frowned.

Yuan Jing's words were so difficult to read, she had no idea what he was talking about.

Looking at Shiina Mashiro's cute and cute look, Yuanjing couldn't help but laugh, "For Shiina, this is not something that you have to understand."

"Everything is under control, there is no need to worry."

"You just need to know that."


"It's the right direction." Ever since he got lost in the center, 'Heida' had actually been hanging far behind the three of Yuanjing.

When the boys and girls began to change their clothes, she also embarked on the road to the depths of the shrine.

However, without Yuan Shinpei's permission, she was naturally stopped by the miko.

"Sorry, the front area is not open to general tourists, please go back."

She was not surprised by this, but she did not follow the instructions of the witches and just left.

"A moderate amount of exercise before meals seems to help increase appetite." After a little physical activity, 'Hei Dai' smiled at the vigilant witches, "What do you think?"

Chapter 120 Five Concubine Zhen, Ah Jing Is Not My Boyfriend

The shrine is a bridge connecting the kingdom of God with the world, and it is a very sacred place——

This is the concept of many Sakurajima people.

Because of this, before entering such a solemn place, there must be certain rules and rituals.

For example--

hand water.

Almost at the entrance of all the shrines in Sakurajima, there will be Temizuya.

This is a facility dedicated to cleansing the hands and mouth to show reverence for the gods.

Yushima Tenmangu is no exception.

Su Bai's right hand raised the spoon, and after receiving the water from the spouting stone faucet, the spoon soaked in faith tipped slightly, and the almost transparent white water gurgled out of it, washing the girl's right hand.

Looking up along this pair of jade hands, you can see the gleaming wrists and a section of white jade-like forearm, followed by an extremely bright color——

Various colors such as light cherry, red, and plum are repeated and overlapped at the cuffs, but they are not messy, but reveal a luxurious and elegant atmosphere.

This is a set of kimono with a light cherry blossom color as the base color, with white peonies and golden butterflies dotted on it, the belt is elegant pink, and the skirt has a pattern of deer stepping through the flowers. The whole exudes a classic and luxurious atmosphere. The kind of beautiful clothes that every little girl in Sakurajima would dream of.

Women wearing such costumes, as long as they are slightly inferior in appearance, can easily be taken away by this set of costumes and become a foil.

But obviously, the girl who was cleaning her hands didn't have such worries.

Straight and straight nose bridge, beautiful cherry-colored lips, black and white pupils edged with slender eyelashes, these elements are well blended together on her beautiful little face, presenting an angelic delicate beauty.

In addition to that black hair that hangs directly to the waist and that awe-inspiring temperament.

The girl is so beautiful that she doesn't look like a living human being at all, but Ji Jun who just walked out of the screen.

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