When Kaguya asked her to prepare this kind of thing, she was actually a little strange, why Lily Spencer, ah, should be called Artoria Pendaragon now, would be afraid of this kind of thing.

But what Yuanjing said before, Shitiao Zhenfei also had a clear understanding in her heart——

Obviously, Artoria has experienced a very long period of 'hibernation', maybe even 1500 years.

Now, although she has recovered, like the red lines on her body, something has been deeply imprinted on her body, and it has become an instinct.

When the temperature drops suddenly and becomes unbearable, the average person's reaction is to huddle together and use methods such as 'shivering' to generate heat to warm themselves up.

But Arturia was not like that.

Her body has been used to the severe cold, and at this time it will gradually switch to the so-called 'hibernation' state.

In that state, her life activities would become extremely weak, and her own superhuman combat power would naturally be unable to be brought into play.

'Heida' looked serious.

This was the first time she showed a serious expression today, and it was obvious that Concubine Shijo's preparations were extremely effective.

However, just when she was about to take measures, an extremely strong drowsiness flooded her heart.

Strange, obviously not to that extent...

"Miss Artoria, have you been playing games for nearly 40 hours without sleep?" Shijo Zhenfei's words sounded at the right time, "The chefs in my family are all very worried about your health, so from Starting yesterday, you have already started adding ingredients that help you sleep in your food."

If it was Artoria in her prime, this little drug would naturally not have any effect on her.

However, because the external environment has become extremely cold, her body is also reflexively trying to enter a 'hibernation' state, and the substances she originally ingested have also begun to take effect.

However, for Artoria, this is actually not the worst thing.

Because of being so close to Yuanjing, she could clearly see that the rosy glow on the young man's face had gradually dissipated, and the eyes that had been somewhat hazy had returned to clarity at this moment.

The reason why Yuanjing's limbs are weak is because of the raging fire in his heart.

With the help of Leng, the desire in the young man's heart was temporarily suppressed, and the power returned to him again.

'Hei Dai' will be weakened by both medicine and cold, but Yuan Jing temporarily eliminated the Debuff given to him by the other party, and the next development, I don't need to draw pen and ink to repeat it...... ...

Shackles, handcuffs, straitjackets.

Originally, the shackles that 'Hei Dai' had already escaped, returned to her intensified at this moment.

Different from the more obvious insulting handcuffs before, the things prepared by the four real concubines obviously pay more attention to practicality.

Even Artoria, who is a master of martial arts, is completely unable to move at this moment.

"So, did you already know that Artoria has something wrong with you?" Seeing that everything seemed to be settled, after Shijo Zhenfei breathed a sigh of relief, she looked at Yuanjing in surprise, "It's hard Is it all in your plan?"

It can't be called "knowing earlier".

If there is no proficiency panel, Yuanjing might really fail.

In addition to helping him practice various skills, his plug-in actually has a hidden ability that cannot be said to be hidden——

That is to indicate what Yuanjing is practicing.

And when 'Heida' taught him that special technique, saying that it could suppress the 'side effects', a new frame popped up on his system panel.

That is--

【Aphrodisiac Lv. 0】.

If he hadn't learned [acting skills] before, he couldn't control his expression at that time.

He chose to ask for leave on Friday. Apart from really wanting to be with Touma and Sasa, part of the reason was that he didn't want to get in touch with 'Hei Dai'.

And today's attack was actually what he wanted.

For this reason, Yuan Shenping also deliberately reduced the defensive force here.

This is the depths of the shrine, even if there is nothing particularly important, it is not a place where people can break into it so easily.

As I said before, Yuanjing needs a reason to intervene between the Sawamura mother and daughter and the Spencer family, and at the same time, it is also legitimate to hold Artoria in his hands. .

And the attack of 'Heida' is an excellent entry point.

After all, although everyone knew her real identity, her current name was still 【Lily Spencer】.

How could it be possible for the Yuan family not to do something about coveting the beauty of the young master of the Yuan family and wanting to rape her?

[Lily Spencer], who is a prisoner, of course don't want to leave. If the Spencer family doesn't allow the lion of the Minamoto family to speak up, you don't want to take Sawamura, Spencer, and Eriri away either.

After all, this is the only bloodline of the Spencer family in Sakurajima, and it is naturally impossible for the Gen family to let this 'weight' out of their sphere of influence.

In this case, two problems are solved at once.

It really fits Yuanjing's status as an "efficient chef".

But now is not the time to explain these things to Concubine Shijo.

"Let's go." Handing 'Heida' to her temporarily, Yuan Jing squeezed out the word from the corner of his mouth.

Because 'Hei Dai' had been subdued, the liquid nitrogen gun had naturally stopped spraying, and the temperature in the dressing room was warming up rapidly.

The blush on the boy's face that had disappeared had reappeared at this moment.

His previous performance was not an acting skill, Yuan Jing was really in a state of burning desire.

Probably because of suppressing it for too long and accumulating too much, Yuan Jing felt that his sanity was being burned at an extremely alarming speed.

If Concubine Shijo and others continue to stay here, he really has no way to guarantee what will happen next.

"it is good."

Although she wanted to ask Yuanjing a lot of questions in her heart, Concubine Shijo could clearly see that something was wrong with the young man's current state.

She is not a pig teammate who can't see the situation clearly, but can be said to be the most reliable type.

"...Take them away too." Yuan Jing's tone was hoarse, but revealed an extremely astonishing charm.

And the women he was talking about were, of course, Touma Kazusa, Hiratsuka Shizu, Shimizu Kaguya and the others.

When the paper door was closed again, he collapsed on the chair that 'Heida' was sitting on before.

Looking at the electric lamp covered by a gorgeous lampshade above his head, the boy panted heavily.


"Just now, this kind of thing happened?!" Shizuka Hiratsuka opened her eyes wide, and looked at the tightly bound 'Heida', "As a teacher, I didn't notice it at all. …”

She looked extremely remorseful.

Obviously, she, who has always regarded herself as the protector of the students, actually blamed herself for not noticing this.

However, Hiratsuka Shizuka was different. Although the plan could be said to have been completely aborted, there was no trace of frustration on the face of 'Heida'.

She's even laughing.

"Do you have any other tricks?" Shitiao Zhenfei seemed a little confused.

"Ah, that's not true."'Hei Dai' replied quite simply.

"However, I have always been very lucky, after all—"

"The world is on my side."

With a mysterious smile, she said so.


"Xiao Jing said that there is a witch guarding here to prevent the idlers from approaching. Why didn't I see it?" The little leather boots stepped on the road, making some crisp sounds. .

Shizuka Hiratsuka did not reply to her letter for a long time, which made her wait impatiently, so she simply came here directly.

According to her expectation, she would directly tell the witch here that she was actually with the group of people just now, to see if she could get away with it.

However, there was no trace of Miss Miko here.

Along the path paved with stones, after a few turns, an elegant wooden building appeared in front of Yang Nai.

"Closing room?" Looking at the writing on it, Yang Nai frowned, thinking about it.

Although I don't know why there is no one around, but now is an excellent opportunity.

As long as she changed into a maiden costume here, she might be able to sneak into the noon banquet.

With this in mind, Yukinoshita Yono gently opened the paper door, and after that——

Then she found the boy sitting on the chair with his eyes closed, his face full of unhealthy blush.

"Y... Ah Jing!" Although meeting Yuan Jing here was an extremely unexpected thing, Yang Nao's good psychological quality still didn't let her forget that she was pretending to be her sister , so the 'Yuanjun' who was about to blurt out was immediately replaced by 'Ajing'.

Some anxiously walking forward, Yukinoshita Haruno raised his hand and stroked Yuan Jing's forehead.

In the eyes of ordinary people, the boy's current symptoms are actually quite similar to 'fever', so she naturally wanted to try Yuanjing's body temperature.

"... Yukino?" Yuan Jing opened his closed eyes, looking at the straight black girl in a beautiful kimono in front of him, his words were very puzzled.

Why is Yukino here?

Is he dreaming?

"Ah, it's so hot, Ah Jing, do you have a fever?" Yang Nai seemed a little flustered, "I need to notify the hospital right away—hmm!"

She couldn't go on.

A pair of extremely hot lips blocked all the rest of her words.

Chapter 130 I'm going to save my husband! (5k)

"You bastard!" Seeing that 'Heida', who had become a prisoner, was still so arrogant, Hiratsuka Shizuka, who was already extremely remorseful, couldn't help but grabbed her by the collar.

She actually liked this upright and brave girl very much. Although she was only an exchange student for about two weeks, Shizuka Hiratsuka sincerely regarded Artoria as her student and took good care of her.

Because of this, she felt so remorse and anger when she found out that the other party's previous behavior seemed to be pretending and acting, and she was secretly trying to reach out to her most important student.

"I don't believe in any nonsense such as [the world is on your side]," pressing her face in front of 'Heida', her beautiful appearance was already as strict as a ghost, "What are you doing now? If you have some small calculations, you'd better tell me clearly here!"

"..." Seeing Hiratsuka Jing who had turned against him in front of him, 'Heida' remained silent for a while.

Because of memory sharing, 'Hei Dai' actually knew clearly what happened between Hiratsuka Shizuka and 'Bai Dai'.

Hiratsuka Shizuka is a good teacher who cares about and loves her students. She treats Artoria very well. As the first witness to the previous beating incident, she offered to testify for her without hesitation and help her clarify her misunderstandings. idea.

Then he was rejected without hesitation by 'Bai Dai' who wanted to be alienated by others.

Although it is not clear why 'Bai Dai' did this, Hiratsuka Jing expressed respect for her choice, and argued for it at the staff meeting held for this purpose, withstood the pressure of others, and exempted her from meeting. The punishment imposed on 'Hei Dai'...

'Hei Dai' actually respects her homeroom teacher quite a lot. If possible, she doesn't want Hiratsuka Shizuka to become the current situation.

But... this is just a wish after all.

"...It's not a small calculation." After being silent for a while, 'Heida' sighed softly, and said, "Aren't you curious why Qingshui Huiye is not with you? ?”

What Yuanjing said to Concubine Sijo was to let her take everyone away.

Concubine Shijo and her maids found Mashiro Shiina, Shizuka Hiratsuka, and Touma Kazusa very easily. In the place mentioned before "Kurodai", they also found Eri Sawamura and the one who disappeared without a trace. witches.

They were all properly placed in the warehouse, and they were falling into a deep sleep, obviously knocked out by 'Heida'.

But they only failed to find Shimizu Kaguya.

Ever since Concubine Sijo and her parted ways under the plum tree, this black-haired, blood-eyed girl seemed to have evaporated in an instant, and there was no trace of her anymore.

The courtyard in the depths of the shrine is actually not that big. Since Shijo Makoto and the others couldn't find Shimizu Kaguya, if she didn't leave by herself, there is only one possibility——

It was she who didn't want to be found.

It was with this in mind that Shijo Makoto and the others stopped their somewhat futile search work, and left the depths of the shrine in accordance with Yuanjing's previous instructions.

They have to pass through the "isolation zone" artificially created by "Hei Dai" to hand over with the staff of the shrine.

Minamoto Shinpei is the governor of Yushima Tenmangu Shrine.

He is from the Yuan family and a collaborator of Yuanjing.

Since everything that happened today was in Yuanjing's plan, then he should have made arrangements for the current situation.

"What exactly Huiye wants to do, I actually have a little idea." Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, 'Heida' smiled lightly, "Simply put, I just want to relieve Yuan-jun's pain at this moment is nothing more than that."

"Is Ah Jing in pain now?!" Touma Kazusa responded the fastest and most intensely.

Like Hiratsuka Shizuka, she actually didn't know anything about what happened just now.

After being told by Concubine Sijo that this was Yuanjing's order, she was brought here ignorantly.

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