Squeezing in front of 'Heida', Touma Kazusa looked very anxious, "What's going on?"

"Ah, don't worry, don't worry." 'Heida' looked very calm, she had no intention of hiding this kind of thing.

"I told you before, because of some special reasons, Yuan Jun will become very sensitive recently."

This is what 'Bai Dai' told them at the women's meeting at noon on Thursday.

However, Shijo Makoto, Shiina Mashiro, and Hiratsuka Shizuka were not present at that time, so it is necessary to mention "Black Dai" here again.

"In the afternoon of that day, I once gave him a set of massage techniques with ill intentions."

"This is actually a secret technique that temporarily accumulates the flames in my heart and makes them burn more vigorously when I want them, but I lied to him that this is a way to 'avoid side effects'."

"You!" Shizuka Hiratsuka narrowed her phoenix eyes slightly, and the originally exuberant anger was burning again at this moment.

However, a cold white hand stretched out at this moment and pressed her shoulder.

This is Touma Kazusa's hand.

She shook her head at Shizuka Hiratsuka.

Now, being angry is no longer helpful, and one must figure out what is going on.

"To my surprise, Yuan Jun seemed to have noticed the true effect of that set of movements, but he didn't immediately puncture it, but chose to use his tricks..."

"Its purpose is relatively easy to guess." 'Heidai' looked at Eri Sawamura and Mashiro Shiina with his eyes, "He should think this is a good opportunity, after all, he has promised someone , will provide him with shelter.”

"If you want someone to walk in the light of day, rather than change their name and fear, a good reason is very important."

After all, 'Hei Dai' has all the memories of Artoria when she was king, and there are many twists and turns in it. She can make a good guess with just a little thought.

"...In other words, is this for me..." Sawamura Eriri opened her mouth slightly, both surprised and moved.

"Half and half, Mr. Yuan has the kind of personality that once he has promised others, he will definitely do it well."

Half of it is because of his commitment to Shiina Mashiro and Sawamura's mother and daughter.

And the other half...

'Heida' lowered his eyes slightly.

It's for her.

'Heida' didn't think that what Yuanjing said before the attack was a lie designed to trick her and move her.

Firstly, there was no need to do this at all, and secondly, with the pride of a young man, he didn't bother to 'steal his heart' in such a way.

"However, it is actually quite difficult to deceive my eyes by being fake."

"So, if he wants to trick me into making a move in the most unscrupulous way, he has to be serious."

"What is in front of you is the result of his battle."

'Heida' showed off his handcuffs and anklets.and the straitjacket he was wearing.

"However, although I used the cold to suppress my lust before, it was only temporary."

"Why do you think he asked Sitiao to take you all away? The reason is actually very simple." 'Heida' looked around, with an evil smile on the corner of his mouth——

"Now he doesn't have the confidence to restrain his behavior."

"Because he didn't want to hurt you, he chose to suffer alone in silence."

"As the person who has the most contact with him, Kaguya is naturally aware of Yuan-jun's choice. Logically speaking, as Yuan-jun's subordinate, she should obey his orders, but..."

"She didn't do that."

"Compared to orders, she obviously cares more about Yuan Jun's feelings at this time, so when you are looking for her, she will deliberately hide."

The air stagnates here for a moment.

And after that...

Touma Kazusa turned around quickly and walked towards the place where everyone came.

"What are you going to do?" Because of the large amount of information, Shizuka Hiratsuka's reaction was a bit slow. She quickly stepped forward and grabbed Touma Kazusa's shoulders, as if trying to stop her.

"Ms. Hiratsuka, please let go of me." Unlike the anxiety just now, Touma Kazusa looked extremely calm at this time, patted Shizuka Hiratsuka's hand on her shoulder, her dark blue eyes In it, an extremely firm light flashed.

In an instant, Shizuka Hiratsuka saw Yuan Jing's shadow on her body.

"I'm going to save my husband now, please don't hinder me."

"Husband, husband?" Hiratsuka Shizuka was a little dumbfounded.

"That's right, Ah Jing put on Bai Wugou for me, but it's here."

When saying this, there was tenderness between Touma and Sa's eyebrows.

She knew that she wasn't smart, and she actually didn't quite understand the purpose and significance of Yuanjing's actions.


Yuanjing is in pain now, he needs himself.

This is something she clearly knows.

So, she went to Yuanjing's side.

The world in Dongma Hesha's heart is that simple.


Looking at Touma Kazusa's shrinking back, Shizuka Hiratsuka was a little speechless.

How should I put it, if she starts from the identity of a teacher, she should stop this kind of behavior.Impurity of the opposite sex [wow——] is often prohibited by St. Eden Academy, and she should not let it go.


"Forget it, it's a natural match for a man and a woman. I, an older leftover woman, will object." She muttered softly.

And at this time...

"Mashiro, what are you going to do?" Sawamura Eriri's surprised words reached her ears.

A red and white figure jumped out from her side, and chased after her in the direction of Touma and Sha.

That's Mashiro Shiina.

Hiratsuka Jing didn't expect that she, who has always been quiet, would be so agile if she really wanted to run.

Before she could react, the other party was out of reach of her hands.

At this time, Eri Sawamura's mouth grew wide, her starry eyes widened, and she raised her right hand, as if she wanted to keep Shiina Mashiro.

But obviously, her attempt failed.

After being stunned for a while.

"Ahhh! Really!" Sawamura Eriri stomped her clog-wearing little feet on the ground, looking a little annoyed, but before Shizuka Hiratsuka could say anything, she also chased after Shiina Mashiro past.

"Anyway, I'm not at a disadvantage."

"Just take it as repayment."

"You can also use this as a source."

Hiratsuka Shizuka's keen hearing could still hear Sawamura Eriri's low muttering.

"Aren't you going?" Because the whole body was tightly bound, Hei Dai could only use his elbow to gently push the four real concubines, and said with a light smile.

"I, I, I, I, I, why are you going!" Sijo Zhenfei's cheeks were terribly red at this time, she gave 'Heida' a hard look, and countered: "Your so-called back trick is this, right?"

"It's a pity, it seems that I don't need you now."

"Hey, that's what Sijo thought so." 'Heida' still had a calm look, "But I think it's better not to underestimate Yuan-kun."

"Sijo, do you know that if you go too many times in a short period of time, your body will be overwhelmed by dehydration?"

"...I don't need such inexplicable knowledge!"

In the confrontation between 'Heida' and Yuan Jing, Yuan Jing really won.

However, this does not mean that 'black fool' will be the loser.

It's just changed from "gods who enjoy tribute" to "tributes offered to gods", as long as her goal can be achieved, who is above and who is below——

What does it matter?


Silently watching the concubine Shijo and her party gradually walk away, Kaguya Shimizu walked to the mirror in the tea room where he was, and began to check his appearance.

The next moment may be one of the most important moments in her life, so naturally she needs to face it with the most perfect posture.

In fact, if you sort out the timeline, you will find that Yuan Jing noticed Artoria's strangeness on Thursday afternoon.

Kaguya Shimizu received a call from Sayuri Sawamura on Thursday night.

Although Yuan Jing didn't point it out, as his most caring subordinate, Shimizu Kaguya had actually noticed something strange.

She knew that this was actually a test.

Yuan Jing was looking to see if she could see his intentions, and act tacitly to cooperate with him accordingly.

He doesn't need a puppet who can only accept his orders, but a subordinate who can understand him, make plans and implement them himself

In this regard, Shimizu Kaguya has done a very good job.

So, why does Shimizu Kaguya still call herself a despicable person?

Kaguya knew his master's character well, and knew that he would definitely resist everything alone in the end.

...she didn't want to end up like this.

In addition to the distress for Yuanjing, the girl's own small thoughts are also the reason.

Substituting work into one's own personal feelings, and even directly disobeying the boss's wishes, this is an undoubted act of betrayal.

If according to Yuanjing's plan, Shimizu Kaguya was also with Shijo Makoto, she would immediately seal 'Heida''s mouth, preventing her from uttering a single word.

In this case, Touma Hesha and the others, who were already ignorant, would naturally not do what they did before.


Kaguya Shimizu did not choose to leave with Concubine Shijo.

Still wearing a white and red priestess costume, Shimizu Kaguya opened the paper door of the dressing room.

The scene inside made her eyes widen involuntarily—

"Xue Nao, why are you here?"

Shimizu Kaguya looked extremely confused.

Based on her understanding of Yukinoshita Yukino, shouldn't the other party be someone who sneaks over, wondering if she can get involved?

She is not Chika Fujiwara, her pride does not allow her to do so.

Wait a minute, before, did Xue Nai ever do something that clearly declared that she was a neutral faction, but took advantage of that opportunity to secretly kiss Yuan Jing?

...The current situation is not outrageous.

Under the snow, Yang Nai wanted to cry but had no tears.

Now she has no way to say that she is not Xue Nao, but her sister Yang Nao.

She's being gagged.

She had expected herself to be terrified and disgusted.

But... no.

On the contrary, she now feels comfortable and happy.

No, Yuanjing, why are you so proficient?You natural playboy!

Yukinoshita Yoshino obviously didn't know, because of the help of 'Heida', Yuan Jing accidentally acquired a skill called [Aphrodisiac].

Just like other skills, after obtaining the key, as long as Yuanjing contacts it, the world will instill all knowledge into him very generously.

And the skill of kissing is obviously also included in this skill.

Looking at Shimizu Kaguya who showed no surprise about the current state, and paying attention to the absolutely abnormal state of Dao Yuanjing before, a somewhat terrifying guess gradually formed in her head——

Could it be that Shimizu Kaguya drugged Yuan Jing?

Although a little surprised, Shimizu Kaguya didn't have any thoughts of giving up because of this.

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