There would be other people, which she expected, but she didn't expect that 'Xue Nai' would come back and beat her.

Shimizu Kaguya moved lightly with lotus steps, and came in front of the two of them.

She glanced at the lips that were still inseparable between the two, then bent down and knelt down in front of Yuanjing.

When Shimizu Kaguya left Shinomiya's house, because of the lack of relevant education, her knowledge in this area can only be described as tragedy-she didn't even know how children were conceived.

But that's all in the past.

Yuan Jing's mother, Minamoto Raimitsu, made a deal with Hayasaka Ai. She would teach her the "room art" of the Minamoto family. Go home and have a look.

As Shimizu Kaguya's good sister, Hayasaka Ai generously shared it with Shimizu Kaguya.

In terms of theoretical knowledge alone, Shimizu Kaguya is fully capable of saying, "Besides three days, we should treat each other with admiration".

Now is the time to turn theory into practice.

Just when she was about to do something...

Another witch came in.

Touma and Sa also looked at 'Yue Nao' in surprise, but it was obvious that she was more concerned about Yuan Jing's situation at this time.

Walking quickly to the side of Shimizu Kaguya, she asked in a low voice to Shimizu Kaguya who was kneeling on the ground:

"What shall I do?"

Even my younger sister's best friend, Touma Kazusa, didn't notice it. It seems that my disguise was quite successful...


Wait a minute, why aren't you surprised at all with Kasha?

Do you have a part in this?

This is a sacred shrine, what exactly do you want to do? !

Chapter 130 The only person who can satisfy him is me!

"It's been an hour..." Looking down at the dial on her wrist, Concubine Sijo seemed a little anxious.

It has been almost an hour since Touma Kazusa, Shiina Mashiro, and Sawamura Eriri separated from her and resolutely turned back.

But the four real concubines who guarded the only way, still did not see Yuanjing and the girls.

"Where is this? You can't hold your breath now?" "Hei Dai" beside her teased, "I've said it before, in the state before the boy, if no one touches him If so, there is still the possibility of suppressing it with amazing perseverance and self-control."

"But that process must be quite painful." It is true that Yuan Jing has the skill [Acting Skill], but this low-level skill is not enough for him to fool the eyes of 'Hei Dai'.

Therefore, knowing that what 'Heida' taught him was not a way to 'suppress side effects', he still used it without hesitation.

So much so that Mashiro Shiina, who was feeding the koi with him, could tell that Yuanjing seemed a little uncomfortable.

"It's a pity, Hui Ye felt sorry for her master and sweetheart, so she violated Yuan Jun's original intention in the last step and hid on purpose."

"She probably didn't want Yuanjun to become so painful, and wanted to make him more comfortable."

"But..." 'Heida' showed a somewhat playful smile, and said quietly, "I want to complete all the fire fighting work by myself..."

"It's a bit too overkill."

"Shut up, you culprit!" Shitiao Zhenfei glared at her fiercely.

During this hour, Concubine Shijo and Shizuka Hiratsuka naturally did not just stand there in a daze.

In fact, they have already got in touch with Shinpei Shigen, the power palace of Yushima Tenmangu, and roughly told each other about the current situation.

When he found out that things didn't go exactly as Yuan Jing and he planned, sweat came down Yuan Shenping's white head all at once.

If Yuan Jing is just an ordinary member of the Yuan clan, then that's fine.

Although doing this kind of thing in a sacred place like a shrine is indeed extremely disrespectful to the gods.But after all, the matter is in a hurry, and Mr. Sugawara Michizane should turn a blind eye to this if he thinks about it.

However, Yuan Jing is not an ordinary member of the Yuan clan.

He is the next generation head of the Yuan family, ah, this is actually nothing.

The most important thing is that Yuan Jing's mother, Yuan Laiguang, who is also the current head of the Yuan family, is a hopeless son.

This is already something that the Yuan family is full of.

When Yuan Jing brought Dongma Hesha here to wear 'White Wugou', Yuan Shenping bluntly told Yuan Jing that he would report the matter to Yuan Raimitsu.

The one on Friday was just trying on the wedding dress, he thought he could manage it, and even had time to laugh and laugh with the young master.

But today, Yuan Jing has already climbed the ladder of adults.

Not only that, but for the first time it appears to be a multiplayer sport...

Yuan Shenping was numb.

He seemed to see the death star, which heralded death, shining in the sky, casting an ominous red light.

Strictly speaking, he is somewhat responsible for the current situation.

After all, he not only prepared the corresponding venue, but also took away most of the patrolling forces around the shrine to facilitate the invasion of 'Hei Dai'.

In fact, for a character like 'Hei Dai', as long as she wants to, no matter how many people there are, there is no way to stop her.

Yuan Shinpei's approach is actually just to avoid possible injuries, which is quite reasonable.


He found out that his precious son had lost his virginity, and was taken turns by several girls...

After learning about this incident, whether Ms. Minamoto Raimitsu can still retain even a sliver of rationality in her mind, and whether she will rush from Kansai to Tokyo overnight to kill people, is actually a question worth pondering.

Seeing Yuan Shinpei's worry, Hiratsuka Shizuka walked up to him and asked if she could come and talk to Minamoto Raimitsu about this matter.

She is the class teacher of 'victim' Won Kyung.

At the same time, he is also the temporary head teacher of the 'culprit', Arturia Pendaragon.

Because of this, she must shoulder the relevant responsibilities, explain everything to Minamoto Raimitsu who handed Yuanjing over to her, and beg for his forgiveness.

After that, Shijo Zhenfei returned to the path leading to the depths of the shrine.

She wants to stay here, waiting for Yuanjing and the girls to come out of it.

Concubine Shijo hadn't planned to bring 'Heidai' with her, but at the time of parting, Shizuka Shizuka pushed the girl who was tightly wrapped in a restraint uniform over.

"Just in case."

This was the reason Hiratsuka Shizu said at the time.

Up to now, Makoto Shijo can still recall the extremely complicated expression on Shizuka Hiratsuka's face at that time.

As for what the 'accident' in her mouth refers to...

"Yes, yes, it's all my fault, it's all my fault, and I'm the culprit of everything." As for the accusations from Concubine Sijo, 'Heida' readily accepted and accepted them all.

"If that's the case, why don't you let me, the chief culprit, take all the responsibility? After all, this is the flame I ignited."'Hei Dai' looked at Sijo Zhenfei with a half-smile. Suspicion of boasting, but in Yuanjing's current situation, I may be the only one who can satisfy him."

Whether it is Shimizu Kaguya, Touma Kazusa, Shiina Mashiro or Sawamura Eri, their physiques are still in the category of "normal people".

If Yuanjing's consciousness is clear, and he intentionally restrains and cooperates, then naturally there is no problem, and both boys and girls can get pleasure and joy from it.

But the current Yuanjing definitely doesn't have such leeway.

In this case, there is absolutely no way for a few 'normal' beautiful girls to fill the source scene at this time.

Only 'Superman' like 'Dark' can.

This is the most important reason why 'Heida' still seems to be confident.

"Student Sitiao, you actually know what is the most rational choice, but you are still dawdling here, retaining unrealistic fantasies..."'Hei Dai' tilted his head , this is the only action she can make freely now——

"Could it be that you are actually jealous?"

"I didn't!" Almost at the moment when 'Heida' said it, Shijo Zhenfei reflexively denied it.

Seemingly realizing that she was indeed overreacting, Concubine Shijo coughed lightly, and then said contemptuously, "Jealous? Why should I be jealous of you? What a joke..."

Before the word '话' was uttered, 'Heida' replied very simply and neatly, "Of course it's because I want to talk to Mr. Yuan [wow——], but you have no reason to do so."

"You, you, what are you talking about!" Sijo Zhenfei seemed a little flustered, maybe because the words "Heida" said just now were too straightforward and indecent, or maybe because of other reasons, Her fair cheeks flushed red all of a sudden.

"Isn't it?"

As a former king, 'Heida' is actually quite accurate in seeing people.

Although she hasn't been in contact for a long time, she has actually seen the "duplicity" and "hard-talking" character of Sijo Zhenfei.

That being the case, it is natural to 'prescribe the right medicine'.

Of course she has already seen that Concubine Si Tiao actually has a good impression of Yuan Jing in her heart.

If Concubine Shijo really wants to enter the game, today is the best chance.

No, it should be said that this is the only chance.

If Concubine Shijo doesn't want to follow the old path of Shimizu Kaguya, and regrets it for the rest of her life, she must come to 'do a favor'.

"Of course not! The relationship between me and Yuan Jun is just an extremely pure friendship! Do you understand friendship!" Shitiao Zhenfei emphasized word by word, "Please don't use your dirty thinking to speculate on me and Yuan Jun. Relationship!"

"In that case, I will be very troubled!"

"Friendship..." 'Hei Dai' took a look at the concubine Sijo, who was clearly getting angry, and felt that the fire was almost ready, "Then just treat it like this."

"Just treat it like this, it's obvious!"

"Okay! Since Mr. Sitiao has already admitted it, as for my [friend]," 'Hei Dai' put more emphasis on the word [friend] very maliciously, "that is the current situation of Mr. Yuan, you Don't you worry?"

"..." Sijo Zhenfei fell silent.

Of course she was worried!Not only Yuanjing, but Shimizu Kaguya, Touma Kazusa, Shiina Mashiro, and Sawamura Eriri, she is also quite concerned about the current situation of these girls.

If you [wow——] too many times in a short period of time, you may go into shock due to excessive dehydration...

What 'Heida' said before is now echoing in her mind.

"Actually, I have a proposal here." Looking at the Sijo Zhenfei who fell into silence and her face was full of anxiety, a smile climbed up the corner of 'Heida''s mouth, but quickly disappeared again. went.

"The tone is stupid and waiting here, how about going to see the specific situation?"

she suggested so.

"If they can really handle it, then everything will be fine; but if not, you can just push me over." 'Heida' said so earnestly and kindly, "Look, it's very simple, right?"

'Hei Dai''s proposal is indeed the most practical way.


"Do you have another purpose?" Shijo Zhenfei looked at 'Heida' suspiciously, and the latter had an innocent face——

"I'm thinking about you, and what can I do now, looking at me like this?"

She deliberately struggled to show off the restraint clothes she was wearing.

The reason why Hiratsuka Shizuka and Shijo Makoto's subordinates are so relieved to let Shijo Makoto stay with 'Kurodai' is that the restraint clothes on her body account for a very large reason.

Shimizu Kaguya was quite aware of how inhuman the physical quality of 'Heida' was, so he specially asked Shijo Zhenfei to prepare a special restraint uniform.

There are countless belts and shackles tied to its body, forcing it to maintain a posture with its arms crossed across its chest.

Now 'Heida' has a little freedom all over his body, only his head and neck.In addition, a little gap was left at the ankle so that she could walk with extremely fine steps.

In the past, because the food provided to her contained a lot of sleep aid ingredients.

But now, in order to prevent 'Hei Dai' from causing trouble, the subordinates of Concubine Sijo gave her an injection, which made her feel sore and weak.

No matter how strong 'Hei Dai''s body is, she will lose all resistance ability after such a combination of punches.

The harmless appearance of 'Heida' is quite convincing.

After hesitating for a moment, the four real concubines held the chain extending from the big lock around 'Heida''s neck.


The paper door of the dressing room was quietly opened a crack, and the four real concubines peeked at the situation inside.

When she walked outside the door, she could actually imagine how fierce the 'battle situation' was by virtue of the various reverie voices coming out of it.

Compared with the sound, the impact of the picture on her is obviously stronger.

As the eldest lady of the Sijo family, she has always been quite clean.

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