Although it is not like Shimizu Kaguya before, he is completely blank in this respect, but he only has the most basic knowledge.

She hasn't even read books and influences that are slightly colored.

What happened in the locker room was too out of line for an innocent young lady like her.

Concubine Shijo felt a little dizzy.

But for some reason, her star pupils are still wide open, as if unwilling to let go of even one frame...

"So, how is everyone doing?" 'Heida' stood behind Sijo Zhenfei, the restraints on her body did not allow her to bend down, "Can they still hold on?"

"I, I, I, I, I don't know." It would be too embarrassing for the concubine Sitiao, who is the eldest daughter of Huanghua, to judge this kind of thing, "Besides, why Xue Nao..."

"That's it." 'Heida' was not surprised by this, "Then I'll help you."

Hey, how can you help me?

Before such a question could be uttered from her mouth, she felt a thrust hitting her back.

'Heida' unexpectedly bumped into her back.

In order to maintain the antique architectural style, the door of the dressing room was originally made of bamboo strips and paper.

After receiving such an external force, it made a short 'creak' sound, and then was easily knocked out of a big hole.

Concubine Sijo was knocked into the dressing room by 'Heida' just like that.


"I don't know how my sister is doing." After finishing a test paper, Yukinoshita Yukino stretched her waist, showing off the girl's slender curves.

Looking at the clock on the wall and noticing that it was already 10 o'clock, Yukinoshita Yukino hesitated for a moment, then took out the phone.

Why don't you call your sister and ask?

the girl thought.

After a while, the phone was connected...

Chapter 130 Three 'Sorry' and...'Brother'

"Hello, sister?" Putting the phone to her ear, Yukinoshita Yukino's tone was quite relaxed, "It's been more than two hours since you left home."

"This time, did Ah Jing recognize you?"

Yukinoshita Yona is a freshman this year.

Although the university she attends provides dormitories, some time ago, when Yukinoshita Yoshino came to make a surprise inspection of the apartment where Yukino was renting as usual, she found that her younger sister seemed to be too hardworking, and not only had three meals to deal with. , Even the work and rest time has become very irregular.

Yang Nai knew that what she said would fall on the ears of Xue Nai, so she simply moved out of the dormitory temporarily and lived with her younger sister so that she could take care of her daily life during the period before the final exam.

Because of this, Yukino actually knows all about the prank Yang Nai prepared today, pretending to be herself.

"...If...if it wasn't for this call... well, he shouldn't...wouldn't find out now." The other end of the phone came her sister's voice.

I don't know if she is complaining that Xue Nai's phone call exposed her, Yang Nao's voice seems to be gnashing her teeth, the voice seems to be squeezed out from the teeth, vague and intermittent.


"Sister, why is your voice a little hoarse?" Yukinoshita Yukino asked a little strangely, "Did you talk a lot this morning?"

"Also..." Xue Nai Liu frowned slightly, and pressed the receiver of the phone towards her ear again, "What strange sound is that?"

Because of the filtering of the phone, and the fact that Yukinoshita Yono was covering the microphone over there with his hand, the voice transmitted to her was naturally somewhat distorted.

But Yukinoshita Yukino of Huizhi Lanxin can roughly hear the reason for the sound.

Her tone became extremely confused——"Sister, why is there the sound of water on your side? I remember that there is no water flow in Yushima Tenman Palace?"

Yukinoshita Yukino actually went to Yushima Tenmangu Shrine once.

That was before the entrance exam for St. Eden Academy.

Even a top student like Yukinoshita Yukino still has some doubts about whether she can pass this exam.

Logically speaking, there shouldn't be any problems, but what if the luck is unlucky and the performance is abnormal?

So, although she didn't really believe in this kind of thing, a few days before the exam, she still came to Yushima Tenmangu, a shrine that is said to be quite effective, bought an amulet here, and asked for one by the way. sign.

By the way, what she got at that time was the 'Da Ji' lottery.

Why are you so sharp in this place...

Under the snow, Yang Nai wanted to cry but had no tears.

If it was her, this level of questioning would be trivial. She is confident that she can make up a perfect excuse to deceive her own sister, but...

Now she obviously doesn't have that leeway.

To be honest, even thinking completely is a luxury for her now.

She shouldn't have answered the call, just let it ring aside.

However, at first she was a little afraid that her behavior of not answering the phone would make Xue Nao suspicious;

Secondly, she has an inexplicable guilty conscience.

It always feels like stealing something that should belong to my sister.

"...It's the sound of water from Tesuisha... um...." Although rationality can be said to have been shattered, Yang Nai is still working hard to put these sparkling Putting things together again, he tried his best to dispel Yukino's suspicion.

What happened today was so sudden that she was really not ready for a showdown with her sister.

...It can't be said that Yuanjing regarded her as Yukino, and then [wow——], right?

"...I just ate...something very I want to gargle here..." Still that husky and choppy sound.

"Spicy food?" Yukinoshita Yukino raised her eyebrows in surprise, "I remember, sister, don't you like spicy food?"

"I didn't... um... didn't want to eat it, but your good Ajing insisted on forcing me to eat it... I was still pretending to be you. .....There is no way to refuse..."

"So, your voice is spicy?" This statement is not unacceptable.

As the top student among the top students, although Yukinoshita Yukino is not like Kaguya Shimizu before, his knowledge in that area is blank, but he doesn't know much.

more importantly......

She had no intention of thinking about that at all.

"What kind of very spicy food is it?" Yukinoshita Yukino looked curious.

After a moment of silence: "...It's Kung Pao Chicken."

"It turned out to be Hua Guo cuisine." Yukinoshita Yukino said in surprise, "Are there Hua Guo restaurants around Yushima Tenmangu?"

"...It's not the surrounding restaurants, it's Yuan-kun who cooks the food himself..." It's obviously a made-up thing, but Yukinoshita Yoshino said it seriously, as if everything she said is true is really the same.

From this point of view, Yukinoshita Yoshino is really a born 'bad woman'.

Or 'vixen'?

"...Men-kun knows the senior management of the I borrowed the kitchen here...prepared lunch for everyone... "

"Then you guys had your lunch really early," Yukinoshita Yukino looked at the clock on the wall, "It's not even 10:[-], have you finished your lunch?"

"...I haven't finished eating..." Although Yukinoshita Yukino's voice was still hoarse, she could hear a quite astonishing charm, as if it was about to drip water, ". .....I have a small appetite...After being temporarily filled, I will go out for a walk to digest food...By the way, rinse my mouth..."

"...If I wait for a while, I will go back and continue eating..." Yang Nai said in a salivating tone.

As the president of the Lamb Club where Yuanjing is located and one of the few people who are closest to the boy in St. Eden Academy, Yukinoshita Yukino has actually tasted Yuanjing's food many times except for the one time he climbed out of Yuanjing's window. craft.

Most of the credit for this should be attributed to Chika Fujiwara who is not afraid of embarrassment and is willing to share.

Because of this, Yukinoshita Yukino did not have the slightest doubt about Yukinoshita Yoshino's last words.

To be honest, if she didn't believe in Yuan Jing's character, she would definitely think that Yuan Jing drugged her lunch...

"By the way, when are you going to go home?" Now that the confusion in her heart was answered, Yukinoshita Yukino naturally began to ask her sister when she was going to go home.

This can be related to who will cook the sister's dinner.

"...It actually depends on when Yuan-jun will be full... Hey!" Yang Nao on the other end of the phone suddenly let out a scream.

"Did something happen?" Yukino suddenly seemed quite worried.

"No, no, it's just that I was caught by Mr. Yuan...I've been out for a while, Mr. Yuan seems to be a little worried..." Yang Nao's voice became more and more vague, and there were a few words of Yukino Almost inaudible.

"By the way...I won't be going today..."

"Huh? Not coming back? Why?"

Xue Nai's questioning did not get an answer from her own sister.

She put the phone from her ear to her face and found that her sister had hung up the phone.

"Really, are you in such a hurry?" Xue Nai muttered.

However, before hanging up, she seemed to hear a sentence that Yang Nao said in a rather soft tone.

"It seems to be [sorry]?" When Yang Nai said this sentence, his voice was too low. When it was transmitted over the phone, it was actually quite vague, so in fact, Xue Nai was not too sure.

"It's just that I don't come back tonight and I need to cook by myself. Is there a need to say such a thing?" My sister Yang Nai usually takes care of her enough. Although Xue Nai doesn't say it, she is actually very grateful in her heart.

However, would Yang Nai be the one to say 'I'm sorry' so easily?

Moreover, just now, my sister had a strange wording.

She used 'to be filled' when she gave her reason for going out for a walk.

Generally speaking, shouldn't it say 'full' here?


Eyes as bright as top-quality citrine were wide open, and Shiina Mashiro was concentrating on the scene in front of her.

Although the current scene is a bit like that, her eyes are still bright and abnormal, as if she is watching some artwork.

No, for a painting idiot like Shiina Mashiro, the scene in front of him is a work of art.

Although there was a "little" deviation from what she expected, "Kurodai" did fulfill what she had promised to Shiina Mashiro and Sawamura Eriri before, making Yuanjing successfully become their model .

And she also presented herself and three girls, Shijo Zhenfei, Shimizu Kaguya, Dongma and Sa.

Of course, in exchange, Shiina Mashiro and Sawamura Eriri also paid a certain price.

Shiina Mashiro doesn't know what Sawamura Eriri thinks, but to her, this is not a 'price' at all.

Because of the chance encounter at the cultural festival and the matter of Yuan Takuma.She already had a very high initial affection for Yuanjing, and after Yuanjing helped her restore ancient paintings and fulfilled her promise to save Sawamura's mother and daughter, this favorability has reached a peak.

For the ignorant Shiina Mashiro, she doesn't have a particularly clear understanding of the so-called love between men and women.

Have you fallen in love with someone? Is such a relationship called love?

Such a question is too difficult for Shiina Mashiro, who is as pure as a piece of white paper.


Yuanjing is a special person to her.

She wants to be by his side.

The only person who would make her feel this impulsive is Yuanjing...

Just when she was reluctant to blink, a blond pair of ponytails leaned weakly on her shoulder.

"Eriri, are you awake?" She didn't even need to tilt her head to look, relying on the extremely familiar touch, Shiina Mashiro had already recognized the person leaning on her shoulder.

"Yeah." With lazy eyes and blurred eyes, the current Sawamura Eriri looks like a kitten just waking up.

Peeking at the scene in front of her, Sawamura Eriri felt quite complicated.

Her mind is much more chaotic than that of Shiina Mashiro.

She naturally has a good impression of Yuanjing.

Every girl has a dream of a Prince Charming in her heart, and among all the men that Sawamura Eriri knows, Yuan Jing is undoubtedly the one who best fits this image.

Confident, strong, kind, brave...

Not only that, he even saved himself and his mother, such a "hero saving the beauty" has happened twice so far...

If Yuan Jing initiates a pursuit of her, Sawamura Eriri feels that she should fall soon.

However, this is obviously impossible, because Yuan Jing doesn't seem to have any interest in her.

Eri Sawamura originally thought that nothing would happen between herself and Yuan Jing, but in the end...

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