This is really, the world is unpredictable.

The reason why I ran over at that time was indeed impulsive.

But after everything happened, Sawamura Eriri found to her surprise that she didn't have any regrets in her heart.

Just at this time--

"Eriri, does this count as a 'fait accompli'?" Shiina Mashiro's soft voice floated from the side.

This question instantly awakened Sawamura Eriri and brought her back to that afternoon.

At that time, both she and Zhenbai were thinking about how to get along with Yuanjing. Zhenbai, an Internet beginner, even searched for the answer to this question on the Internet, and the answer with the most likes was [Causes an established fact. '].

How did I answer Zhenbai at that time?Eri Sawamura recalled.

Ah, I remembered.

"Ah, I'm not sure." Feeling guilty and embarrassed, Sawamura Eriri's eyes wandered a little, "Should, maybe, probably, almost... have it?"

According to general standards, not only Shiina Mashiro, but every girl on the scene has already had a 'fait accompli' with Yuan Jing.

However, for the convenience of explanation, Sawamura Eriri interpreted "fait accompli" as "child".

So now things get a little tricky.

"Eri, you're so poor." Shiina Mashiro seemed a little dissatisfied, and she suddenly puffed up her face.

"There is no way, there is a chance of success." Eriri Sawamura looked a little embarrassed, "If I don't check it, how could I know!"

"Success rate..." Shiina Mashiro chewed on the word, looking a little thoughtful, "That is to say, as long as you try a few times, you will always succeed, right?"

"Actually, that's the case." Eri Sawamura replied subconsciously, but she immediately had a rather bad premonition, "Wait a minute, Mashiro, what are you going to do—"

"Brother~~" A soft, waxy voice sounded like cotton candy.

It's hard to imagine that the one who made such a voice turned out to be the purest and ignorant Shiina Mashiro.

"Where did you learn such a trick?" Ying Lili was stunned.

"Aunt Sawamura will show me Eiriri's masterpiece in private, and I think everyone in it says so." Mashiro Shiina obviously doesn't know how lethal what he just did is——

"Still, 'ba' should be called here... um." Mashiro didn't have time to say that taboo word.

"Wait a minute, at least let me rest for a while... um." The begging sound of a certain blond pair of ponytails was blocked in his mouth just like that.

Chapter 130 Four I guessed wrong?No, you guessed one

"So, Uncle Shenpei, you used Yuanjia's intercom to find me in a hurry just to tell me—" Even though it was slightly distorted by the filter of the phone, the female voice on the other end of the phone was still very pleasant, making people One can't help but feel refreshed when one hears it....

Generally speaking, that's right.

However, the situation in the depths of the shrine is obviously not the so-called general situation.

The female voice on the phone trembled slightly, as if trying to restrain some kind of dark emotion that was gushing out of her heart:

"My most precious Ajing."


"It's in the shrine you're in charge of!"

"Have you been insulted by four girls in turn?!"

Yuan Shenping's face turned pale, and he couldn't make a sound.

In general terms, Minamoto Raimitsu is actually a rather benevolent patriarch.

A classic, elegant and gentle peerless beauty.

Although he is somewhat ruthless in enforcing the family rules, he is very easy to get along with in daily life.

This is the common image of her in Yuanjia's mind.

However, there is a very important premise for Minamoto Raimitsu to show such a gentle and elegant side——

That is the [Reverse Scale] that cannot touch her.

That is, her adopted son, who is also the rising star of the Minamoto family and the "one born to know"——

source scene.

Minato Shinpei still clearly remembers that when he was still in the main family of the Minamoto family and was not sent to Tokyo to serve as the governor of Yushima Tenmangu, there was once a "distinguished guest" from Kyoto who visited the Minamoto family.

Before meeting Minamoto Raimitsu, she happened to meet Minamoto who was only 8 years old at the time.

He can polish the foundation by standing solemnly in the shade of a tree.

Xu was amused by her serious expression like a little adult. Of course, it is also possible that this little guy who is carved in pink and jade is too cute, so she half teased and half said seriously:

"Little guy, I've taken a fancy to you."

"Come to Kyoto with me?"

And the words intended to lure Yuanjing were caught by Yuan Laiguang who hurriedly chased him away.

Yuan Shenping refused to recall the scene after that.

However, after that, this "honored guest" from Kyoto never visited Yuan's house again.

Minamoto Larimitsu had one of the few friends, but he lost one again.

...turning the gaze away from the irrevocable past and returning to the present.

This is a 'secret room' in Yushima Tenmangu Shrine.

In the ancient times of Sakurajima, the so-called monks were actually similar to the military.

And shrines and temples, which are places where they open their doors to welcome pilgrims, can also be turned into a defensive fortress when necessary.

In this way, some facilities for this purpose came into being.

Such as various secret rooms and safe passages for escape.

That is where Yuan Shinpei and Hiratsuka Shizuka are now.

Because the current call is in the 'hands-free' state, she can also hear Minamoto Raimitsu's words.

Seeing Yuan Shinpei like this, Shizuka Hiratsuka couldn't help but sigh.

"As far as the current situation is concerned, it's true." Hiratsuka Shizuka, who has always been very responsible, took the initiative to take a step forward and said this in place of Yuan Shinpei.

"Is outsider's voice?" Minamoto Raimiko's voice on the phone was a little surprised, "Wait a minute, this voice seems familiar..."

"You are Ah Jing's class teacher, I remember the name is... Hiratsuka Shizu?"

"...You can actually recognize my voice and know my name." Hiratsuka Shizuka was flattered.

It can be said that she has almost no contact with Yuan Jing's mother. It can be said that she only saw her heroic appearance sweeping the club during the cultural festival.

In fact, she was ready to be questioned by him as an unknown person, but the head of the Yuan family recognized her immediately just by listening to the voice.

"Investigate the 'pests' around my son in advance, and record all their characteristics. Isn't this a matter of course? This is common sense, common sense."

'What kind of common sense is this, you hopeless son! '

Shizuka Hiratsuka complained silently in her heart.

However, she didn't have the guts to say it.

Although she is not from an ordinary family, she is nothing compared to the Minamoto family that has existed for thousands of years and has never declined, dominating Kansai.

"However, my name is also on Yuanjing's mother's list, and I am one of the 'pest' candidates in her mind..."

"Should I feel honored at this time, or should I be afraid..."

Shizuka Hiratsuka smiled bitterly in her heart.

"Why are you here?" Minamoto Laimitsu's voice was quite puzzled, but she seemed to think of something immediately, her voice suddenly became a little trembling, as if she was a little angry, "Could it be that you planned what happened today? "

"Call me this time just to show off to me?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka: "..."

Sure enough, just as Yuan Jing said, once encountering something related to him, his mother would become extremely restless, and her thinking ability would instantly deteriorate.

What and what is this, is she the kind of person who will deliberately seek death?

Hey, wait a minute, although she didn't plan the whole thing, the cause of it was indeed because she proposed to visit Yushima Tenmangu Shrine as a preview of the winter vacation trip.

Looking at it this way, Minamoto Raimitsu's accusation seems, seems, should, probably... has a little truth?

...She wasn't going to be buried in the woods at the foot of Mt. Fuji as fertilizer, was she?

"No, of course not." Sweeping all these wild thoughts aside, Hiratsuka tried her best to calm herself down, "Ms. Yuan, please think about it carefully, how can someone like me succeed in plotting against Yuan Jing?" ?”

"That's true." Minamoto Laiguang heard a deeply approving voice, and the doubts in his words disappeared without a trace, and he was obviously completely convinced.

Just when Shizuka Hiratsuka breathed a sigh of relief——

"So, today's incident was actually... planned by Ah Jing himself?" Yuan Laiguang's voice suddenly became aggrieved, as if he was quite hurt in his heart.

Her tone was exactly the same as that kind of heartbroken parent who watched his child accidentally fail in school, but he couldn't do anything about it.

That's not like something one of Sakurajima's most powerful women could say.

"It's only because of a certain possibility that the majestic Ji Wushi turned into the current state of worrying about gains and losses..."

'Yuanjing, are you really human, not some [male succubus]? '

"No, no, no." Although she was thinking about these things in her heart, Shizuka Hiratsuka's reaction was not slow at all. After a series of denials, she said:

"Today's incident is actually... Well, it was a coincidence caused by various elements."

This is not the case.

Although I don't really understand the underlying reason, the reason why it has evolved into what it is now is actually very simple——

Because Shimizu Kaguya didn't want Yuanjing to suffer.

However, [Lily Spencer] (Hiratsuka Shizuka still doesn't know her real name) is sure that she can't do such a thing.

That's when Touma Kazusa, Shiina Mashiro, and Sawamura Eriri were all involved.

If everything had gone according to Yuanjing's plan, none of this would have happened...

However, Hiratsuka Shizuka did not complain about Shimizu Kaguya's behavior in her heart.

If everything went according to Yuanjing's plan, Yuanjing should be silently enduring pain at this time.

He is always used to carrying everything on his shoulders, this is his usual style of doing things.

... Shizuka Hiratsuka did not want to become like this.

The hero who saved the world, but in the end silently endured the scars and pain caused by it in the dark.

When reading comics, what she dislikes the most is this kind of plot.


Yuan Jing is her proudest student.

As a teacher, treating students equally is the foundation of the foundation. Shizuka Hiratsuka actually uses this standard to demand herself.

But the human heart is not a machine after all, and it is very normal to have a preference for outstanding students.

She does not want the student she is most proud of to suffer, but wishes him happiness and success forever.

This is his blessing as a teacher.

"By the way, Ms. Minamoto Raimitsu, I'm a little surprised that you didn't ask who those four girls are at the first time." Because of a little lie, Hiratsuka Shizuka took the initiative to open another topic, So quickly cut this paragraph.

Because when she parted with Concubine Sijo, the latter was not encouraged by 'Heida' to approach the dressing room.

In addition, she did not meet Yukinoshita Yoshino (because she said in the text message that there are witches guarding the depths of the shrine, Yukinoshita Yono did not take the main road, but took a very secluded path, thus missing each other).

So in Shizuka Hiratsuka's view, what Yuanjing is currently dealing with is actually only the four girls Shimizu Kaguya, Touma Kazusa, Sawamura Eriri, and Shiina Mashiro.

"Do you still need to ask?" Minamoto Raimitsu said on the phone, "Yukinoshita Yukino, Touma Kazusa, Hayasaka Ai, and...Fujiwara Chika."

When talking about the last name, Minamoto Raimitsu's tone was a bit strange. It seems that this pink-haired girl gave her a very deep impression.

These four girls were Minamoto's most hated 'enemies', what they did with Yuanjing during the cultural festival still makes her a little envious when she thinks about it, ahem, I mean gnashing of teeth.

However, knowing their identities, these four girls had the courage to resist her.

Although they didn't say it, their admiration for Yuan Jing had already been recognized by Minamoto Laiguang.

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