Artoria and Yuanjing have a high degree of compatibility.

If there is no personality of 'Hei Dai', the two of them should eventually develop into confidants who have a good understanding of each other.

However, what happened today has brought the already high level of tacit understanding between the two to a higher level, and brought the future of the two of them to the present.

Of course, the side effect is that the two can no longer be 'confidants'.

Just relying on the boy's eyes, Artoria actually understood what he meant.

The cheeks that had not receded from the blush suddenly turned red, almost as cute as a ripe apple.

She shook her head, her attitude of denial seemed quite firm, and the pleading color in her eyes was almost overflowing.

However, Yuanjing, who had a heart of stone, remained unmoved, and instead "healed" her index finger while confronting Artoria with his eyes.

After this kind of time lasted for a while, Artoria was finally defeated.

Hesitant, shy and timid, wanting to refuse and welcome.

A slender white middle finger also quietly touched the boy's lips.

That was the other finger that she bit when she was suffering so much...

Time flowed quietly for a while in such a warm interaction between the two.

However, this kind of time cannot last long after all, and we must return to the reality.

What happened today was indeed beyond Yuanjing's expectations.

Although he has already made up his mind to marry several girls and accept them into his own life, in his expectation, there are only four people at most, Fujiwara Chika, Yukinoshita Yukino, Hayasaka Ai, and Touma Kazusa .

As for the other girls, he originally planned to keep a good distance and let them give up on themselves.


Today he actually 'ate' 7 people at once.

Of the seven, only Touma and Sasa are in the future he designed for himself.

Shimizu Kaguya, Shijo Mabi, Shiina Mashiro, Sawamura Eriri, Artoria Pendoragon and...

Yuan Jing took a look at someone in a gorgeous kimono who was out of place with the other sleeping 'miko' ladies.

Even he couldn't help but feel a little headache.

Artoria is actually very accurate in seeing people, and Yuan Jing is indeed a very responsible and good man.

As long as he can get the boy's first time, it can almost be said that he has booked an indispensable seat in the boy's life.

But at that time, she might not have thought that the boy's first time was not given to someone.

Instead, seven were given at once.

It even includes her...

Now that the cheese has been spilled, it is obviously not Yuanjing's character to continue crying over it.

He is not a character who dares to act or not to act. Since everything happened, he must of course take responsibility.

But before that, the first thing to deal with is Arturia who is the 'culprit'.

In fact, Yuan Jing thought that he misunderstood the person at the beginning, and felt that maybe he was influenced by the stereotype in his previous life, and he preconceived that Artoria was an upright and holy person.

This gesture of saying one thing and doing another is the nature of the girl in his arms.

But through previous experiences, Yuan Jing discovered that this was not the case.

Arturia in the morning and Artoria in the afternoon can be said to be two completely opposite individuals, so that Yuanjing has the illusion that he is actually twins who are exactly the same as a pair but with different personalities... ...

"Is it really a dual personality..."

Yuanjing confirmed a guess in his heart.

But this still needs to be confirmed with the girl in his arms.

Moreover, even if it was not Artoria's original intention, it is obvious that quite serious 'consequences' have already been caused.

In this case, Artoria, who is the 'culprit' and has done something wrong, naturally needs to get the 'punishment' she deserves.

Carefully pulling his body out from the entanglement of other girls, still holding the petite Artoria in his arms, Yuan Jing stood up.

Originally, the straitjacket he was wearing had been completely destroyed in the previous exercise, but this is a dressing room after all, and the most indispensable thing is priestess uniforms of various sizes.

After choosing an extremely large top to wrap the girl in his arms, Yuan Jing carefully pulled out a black feather fabric from under a certain girl.

Naturally, his kimono couldn't survive the 'movement' just now, and it's impossible for him to wear women's clothes...

Fortunately, this large coat was spared because of what 'Hei Dai' did before.

Putting the coat on himself, Yuan Jing hugged Artoria just like that, and walked out of this room where he, no, it should be said that he and them 'grew up' all of a sudden.

No matter how close they are, he and Artoria still need words to communicate.If they were here, it would wake them up.

By the way, during this process, Arturia was actually struggling.

It's not that she objected to finding a place to have a clear talk with Yuan Jing, in fact, this was what she wanted to whisper in Yuan Jing's ear before.


Can you let her down and let her go by herself?

Although she has already admitted in her heart that Yuan Jing is her man, Artoria still can't stand being hugged by him like a child.

Yuanjing naturally didn't let her get what she wanted.

The so-called growth naturally cannot only be physical.

After what happened today, his personality has actually changed slightly from before.

To put it simply, it is a little less "indifferent" and more "dominant".

If Arturia said it at this time, it would be 'bad'!

Unlike Arturia, the slender Minamoto wanted to whisper something into the girl's ear, which was actually quite convenient.

When he was struggling to get Yuan Jing to let her go, Yuan Jing whispered into the jade-like ear——

"Don't think about it, I'm afraid you will run away."

What are you talking about!

With her like this, how can she escape?

This is disrespect to the king!In her era, this would be a serious crime of beheading!

After staring at Yuan Jing angrily for a while, Artoria tightened the clothes that the young man draped over her body, and then squeezed into the young man's arms.

"Ah, it's so warm..." Arturia let out a long sigh in her heart.

'First, first let me say yes, I tried to resist, but I just failed...'

'Isn't there no way...'

Burying the gnat's head on Yuanjing's chest, Artoria inhaled the scent of the boy with some fascination, like a Persian cat sniffing catnip.


After Yuan Jing temporarily left the dressing room with Artoria in his arms.

A pair of black eyes opened quietly.

She quietly glanced at the direction the two were leaving, and tiptoed up.

As the last person who should not be here, now is the best time for her to leave.


Looking at the extremely luxurious kimono on herself, she frowned suddenly.

It has been torn badly, and it is also soaked in suspicious liquid, so it can't be worn out at all.

Quietly came to the closet, and took out a maiden costume that was similar to her size.

Just when she was about to put it on——

"You don't mean to run away, Yukino." A female voice came from behind her.

"No, I should call you Yang Nai?"

Yukinoshita Haruno's body trembled.

When she turned around, she met a pair of dark blue eyes that were very similar to her sister's.

The person who said those words just now was his sister's best friend——

Winter horse and yarn.

Chapter 130 There is often a rather obvious relationship of restraint between the three imperial families

"Hesha, what are you talking about? I don't understand why." While secretly complaining, Yukinoshita Yoshino began to pretend to be stupid.

After having fun, Yukinoshita Yoshino also had to start thinking about real issues——

How would I face my younger sister Yukino?

She pretended to be her younger sister to molested her brother-in-law, but the other party mistook her identity, and ended up being wiped out by him...

In such a situation, what should be done?

The first time I lost it in such a muddled way...well, it's not a big deal.

She didn't have a favorite man in the first place, so naturally she didn't have to keep this kind of thing for someone.

As the next head of the Yukinoshita family, her marriage options are actually quite limited.

This is not to say that if Yukinoshita Yono's parents want to treat him as a victim of family interest like Shinomiya Huangguang treated Shinomiya Kaguya, they must marry someone with a high family name.

On the contrary, Yukinoshita Yang is the most ideal marriage partner. In fact, he should be a "commoner" who is despised by the upper class.

Because only 'common people' can accept the most important condition of Yang Nai, that is——


According to common knowledge, after a girl in Sakurajima gets married, she needs to change her surname to her husband's surname to show that she has abandoned her past identity and become a member of her husband's family.

Many people think that this is actually a custom and custom left over from history, but this kind of cognition is actually wrong——

This is a definite clause written into the civil law by Sakurajima.

Article 750 of the Sakurajima Civil Code clearly states that a married couple must have a unified family name as a whole.

That's right, Sakurajima's law does not actually stipulate that women must take their husband's surname after marriage, it only stipulates that couples must have the same surname.

If this is the case, it is natural to change the surname from the male side.

In the latter case, it will be called "ruining", which is commonly known as "reversing the door" by Hua people.

In China, the son-in-law is looked down upon by others, otherwise, there would not be so many articles about the son-in-law.

In Sakurajima, this kind of discrimination is actually even worse.

After all, if you are a son-in-law in China, at best you want your children to follow the wife, and the son-in-law's own surname can basically be preserved.

But in Sakurajima, because of legal regulations, after marriage, the son-in-law's surname must also follow the wife's surname, in order to show that he did not marry the other party, but 'married' into the other party's home.

Yukinoshita Yoshino never had any hope for her marriage.

As long as he is a capable man, which one can endure such humiliation?

But she just needs this kind of incompetent wimpy husband.

Otherwise, it will breed unnecessary ambitions, thinking about seizing power from oneself.

This is not something that has never happened.

In Sakurajima, a son-in-law was unable to be born, so he had to recruit a son-in-law, and in the end, all the family property was embezzled by him. It can be said that it happened from time to time.

After all, Sakurajima is a veritable patriarchal society.

In order to prevent such a thing from happening, Yukinoshita Yoshino actually seriously considered whether to go directly to the hospital and use the donated [哗——] to give birth to a child.

Anyway, she only needs to have a child of her own blood. A husband is not a necessity in the first place, but it may become a stumbling block for her...

Therefore, Yang Nai doesn't really care about the fact that he was taken away by Yuan Jing for the first time.

Yuan Jing's character, appearance, and ability are all the best choices. She is quite fond of him, otherwise, she would not allow Yuan Jing to approach Yukino and become her brother-in-law.

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