Moreover, the happiness she just gained even made her feel that she had lived in vain for the past 20 years, and even had a little taste...

From this point of view, Yang Nai didn't feel that he was at a disadvantage.

If Yuan Jing is really her brother-in-law, then she can treat today as a very wonderful dream and just muddle through.

Anyway, when doing this kind of thing, I still wear a wig and pretend to be Yukino.

Even if Yuanjing feels strange, if she asks about it afterwards, she can bite back——

"Obviously you are doing that kind of thing with Xiaoxue Nai, but you are thinking about my sister...Little brother Yuanjing, could it be that you have something wrong with me?"

Could Yuanjing still go to confront Xue Nai?

What happened today was originally based on various coincidences and happened under some muddled circumstances.

In this case, it should be a matter of "hello, me, hello, everyone" just to confuse it like this.

But the problem is-

Although Yang Nai is very satisfied with Yuan Jing, both she and Yukino have already recognized the identity of the other party's future husband in their hearts, but until now, the relationship between Yuan Jing and Yukino Yukino is still innocent, and there is no relationship. What 'breakthrough' behavior occurs.

On the contrary, it's her "big sister-in-law" (self-confessed), who actually took a step ahead of her own sister, and achieved a "good thing" with Yuanjing......

What do you think this is all about.

Yuan Jing is a very responsible man, if because of this incident, he thinks that he should be responsible for himself, and instead alienates Yukino, and wants to marry himself instead...

What can we do then?

The relationship between Xue Nai and herself was already a little stiff, and the relationship between the sisters has finally shown signs of easing recently.If Xue Nai found out that her sister was so despicable that she used her body to snatch a man, with Xue Nai's character, she would definitely sever her sisterhood, and even hate herself for the rest of her life.

Is there any crueler torture for a hopeless sister-convict?

of course not!

Yang Nai will never allow such a thing to happen!

Therefore, Yang Nai, the earliest being to enter the game, was already awake, but she was still pretending to be asleep. After Yuan Jing and Artoria left, she was also going to sneak away like this.

She had already thought about what happened today, she couldn't even admit it to death, and insisted that it was Yuanjing's illusion.

At the same time, she also needs to help her younger sister as soon as possible, so that the relationship between her and Yuan Jing will have a breakthrough and achieve the so-called 'fait accompli'.

At that time, even if Yuan Jing has some doubts in his heart, since he and Xue Nai are "a done deal", he should eventually choose to bury today's matter silently in his heart.

In this case, today's matter can be regarded as successfully fooling the past.

...Of, of course, for Yukinoshita Yono who has become a little bit addicted because of what happened today, this is actually a good thing.

She felt that she should already be reluctant to part with this man.

Yukinoshita Yoshino is actually quite confident in her self-control, but Yuan Jing is too attractive a man, after having tasted his taste, Yang Nao, who has a very high vision, probably will never treat other people men are interested.

After he becomes his brother-in-law, can he restrain himself from 'stealing'...

To be honest, Yukinoshita Yoshino did not have such confidence.

If you haven't 'eat chicken' or 'taste meat' before, it's okay to say.But some things, once you try it once, you can never go back.

If you really want to, just pretend to be Yukino, anyway, it's not the first time...

If she was really pregnant, that would be exactly what she wanted.

Anyway, she had already considered using the hospital's [哗——] sub-bank to obtain a child, but this time she just changed from the public [哒——] to someone, so it could be considered a coincidence.

Yuan Jing went to donate [Wow——], but unexpectedly, the recipient happened to be his sister-in-law......

Just ignore the unimportant minutiae, aren't the two exactly the same?

In this way, he got the child he wanted, Xue Nai got his sweetheart, Yuan Jing... Anyway, this big pig's hoof won't suffer.

A world where no one gets hurt, isn't that done?

However, there is a prerequisite for all of this, that is, she must slip away quietly without anyone noticing, and cannot be caught on the spot.

Only then will there be room for 'speaking hard', otherwise everything will be over.

Therefore, at the moment when Touma Kazuya stopped her, Yukinoshita Haruno's first reaction was——


Fortunately, Yukinoshita Yoshino knew very well about the character of this best friend of his younger sister.

She can still clearly remember how Yukino showed off to her 'inadvertently' after she made this first friend in St. Eden Academy.

That's cute as hell!

Not only that, but she also secretly investigated the daughter of the great pianist Yoko Touma.

With the combination of the two, she actually had a very detailed understanding of this girl who was honored by the media as the 'Pianist Princess'.

Simply put, it is——

A little silly.

The world before her was quite simple, filled with only various musical notes and music scores.It's just that the judges said a few heavy words in a weird way, and deliberately didn't rate her as No.1, so she was depressed because of this, and even gave up the piano at one point...

It's best to fool such a pure girl!

It was Touma Kazuya who woke up and called her, not the ghostly Kaguya Shimizu...

This is really God is helping her.

So, she began to pretend to be stupid, trying to use this method first to perfunctory the girl in front of her.

This is a good time to slip away.


Facing Yukinoshita Yono's 'playing stupid', Touma and Sa didn't speak, but just stared at a certain position.

Yang Nai followed her gaze and looked down, and then his sight was blocked by two clumps.

For some unknown reason, most of the 7 girls who were 'eaten' by Yuanjing today were poor.

Kaguya Shimizu, Mashiro Shiina, Eri Sawamura, Concubine Shijo, Artoria...their developmental level is a bit regrettable.

Only Touma Kazusa and her stand out... female.

Because she, Touma Kazuya, and Shimizu Kaguya were the first three people, Shimizu Kaguya also instructed the two of them how to let Yuan Jing "enjoy" this thing with some jealousy.

Because of the cover of the kimono, Yukinoshita Haruno did not use something like a chest wrap as before.

It was so stuffy, it wasn't comfortable at all.

Now the kimono she was wearing could no longer cover her up, and the 'truth' was revealed to the world.

"...cough cough cough," Yukinoshita Haruno said with a few desperate coughs, "Actually, there is one thing that I have always been a little ashamed to say, but today I seem to have to say it... ..."

"Hesha, as for me, I'm actually the type who looks thinner in clothes."

Obviously, even Dongma Hesha couldn't be fooled by this reason.

She is a bit more innocent, but she is not a three-year-old...

"I've seen you before. You are definitely Yukino's older sister, Yukinoshita Yono." Although Touma and Sa were not present in the "Pool Strange Case" that Yono participated in for the first time, but when the four girls concentric When working together to fight Minamoto Larimitsu, the 'evil mother-in-law', Yukino introduced her helper sister to her.

That's why she was able to call out the name 'Yang Nai' in one go.

"...It really can't be hidden." Yang Nai sighed, but there was no panic on her face.

Step by step, he walked in front of Touma Kazusa, and Yang Nai looked down at this friend of his sister's from above.

She originally wanted to walk more leisurely, so that she could put the greatest pressure on Hesha, but like Arturia, she is also a "baby bird", and she was also deeply injured, so she limped a little …

"Let's talk first." Looking at Hesha calmly, Yang Nai said in a quite calm tone, "He Sha, as Yukino's best friend, you should know how Yuanjing occupies a place in her heart." position."

"..." Touma and Sha remained silent.

How could she not know?Xue Nai's first showdown target was her.

"You should be quite aware of my identity. If Xue Nai knew what happened today, how much it would be a blow to her...I think you should be able to imagine it."

"..." Touma Kazuya lowered her eyes, hiding them in the shadows under her bangs.

"Today's incident was an accident caused by various coincidences. I didn't actually think about snatching my brother-in-law away, so it's my own fault."

"However, I don't want to hurt Xue Nao because of this, and you don't want to either?" Seeing that He Sha seemed to be persuaded, Yang Nao's voice gradually softened.

"So, it's not me who is here today, but Yukino. As for the cover-up work, leave it to me... what are you doing?!"

After noticing Touma Kazusa's movements, Hino couldn't help screaming.

The reason why Touma Kazusa lowered his head was not because he was persuaded by himself.

She was just 'looking for someone'.

Obviously, she has found her purpose.

"I can't speak against you." Touma Kazusa's tone was quite sincere, "So, I will wake up those who can speak against you."

Who can say Yukinoshita Yono?

Naturally, it was the last of the initial "Yu Sanjia", and also the "teacher" before the two——

Shimizu Huiye.


The palm of the hand slapped the buttocks, making a rather crisp and pleasant sound.

A pair of eyes, as if soaked in blood, just opened quietly...

Chapter 130 Seven Next, it's NGT time!

"It hurts, Hesha."

This was the first sentence Shimizu Kaguya said after opening his eyes.

"Ah, sorry, sorry, did I use too much force just now?"

Touma Kazuya immediately apologized.

In fact, before that, although Touma and Sa had known the girl Shimizu Kaguya, their relationship with each other could barely be called ordinary friends.

Although Touma Kazusa is a loyal dog character, but this is only shown in front of Yuanjing and Yukinoshita Yukino, the two people who took her out of the knot, except for Fujiwara Chika who squeezed into this small circle with her amazing affinity In addition, even Hayasaka Ai was recognized by her after the cultural festival, relying on the opportunity of cooperation.

But in front of others, she is still the "piano princess" who rejects people thousands of miles away.

Needless to say, Shimizu Kaguya.

After abandoning the family and abandoning the position of Patriarch of Sigong Yanan in front of her like a shoestring, her world only revolves around Yuanjing.

Touma Hesa ​​is the person accepted into Yuanjing's heart, and she is one of her future "lady bosses".

Of course she knew that she should have a good relationship with her, but because of envy and jealousy, there was always a sharp thorn in her heart, and she couldn't get rid of it no matter what.

Because of the above reasons, although the relationship between the two is still harmonious, it is not actually close.

But today, the relationship between the two has suddenly improved by leaps and bounds.

Among men, there has always been a saying of "three irons".

That is to say, we went through the window together, carried guns together, and [哗——] together.

Although Kaguya and Kazuya are both students of St. Eden Academy, they are not actually classmates because of their different classes.

But just today, Kaguya selflessly guided Kazuya who was at a loss. This is the so-called friendship between master and apprentice, which is closer than the friendship of classmates.

Although the two have never carried a gun together, they have 'tasted' a 'gun' together, and even 'suffered' a 'gun' together...

This is more 'sharing weal and woe' than carrying a gun together.

As for the last one...

Needless to say.

In short, after today, the relationship between the two can be said to have improved by leaps and bounds, and it is much more harmonious and natural than before.

In fact, not only Shimizu Kaguya and Touma Kazusa, but also among the seven people who were 'eaten' by Yuan Jing today.

"...No, it's not because of you..." Shimizu Kaguya's fair cheeks flashed a blush, with a little shyness and satisfaction, she touched her buttocks quietly .

Of the first three, she was indeed the one with the most regrettable boobs.But that doesn't mean she doesn't have her own strengths.

Compared with Hesha and Yangno, her most prominent advantage is her waist that can be grasped.

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