And the willow waist is slender, which makes the buttocks more beautiful.

Although her two bumps are not fleshy, they are compact and straight, and her two buttocks are even more plump.

Therefore, it has always been the focus of Yuanjing's "love"...

Cough cough cough, now is not the time to think about such things.

Shimizu Kaguya hastened to stop his thoughts of slipping into the peachy abyss.

It will be a long time in the future, and I will become a woman who only has this kind of thing in her head, but there is no way to help Ah Jing.

She raised her eyes, and her bloody eyes looked at Yukinoshita Yonoshita who was looking at her as if she was facing an enemy, "So, what is going on here, Kasha, can you tell me about it? "


"So that's how it is, that's how it is." Like everyone else, Shimizu Kaguya's shrine maiden costume was already indistinct.

However, Shimizu Kaguya didn't bother with such 'little matters'.

The maids of Concubine Shijo and the maidens of Yushima Tenmangu have surrounded this area, and now it can really be said that it is a forbidden area that cannot be invaded by outsiders.

As for the few people who already exist here...

Anyway, they have already seen each other's most unsightly appearances, and now there is no need to cover up to this extent.

"Yangnao, you want to take advantage of this opportunity to escape, so that you can pretend that everything that happened today never happened..." Although he was quite embarrassed, there was a faint feeling on Shimizu Kaguya's body now. It revealed a kind of courage that made Yang Nai feel a little scared.

No matter how unfavored, what Shimizu Kaguya received before was the elite education of the Shinomiya family, one of the four major families.

Although Yukinoshita Yoshino also grew up under the meticulous education of the Yukinoshita family, compared with the Shinomiya family, he is still not as good.

However, with Yang Nai's personality, he naturally wouldn't obediently admit defeat here.

"So, do you want to stop me too?" Yukinoshita Haruno said, looking at Shimizu Kaguya with vigilance.

But Kaguya's next answer made Yang Nao and Hesha jump -

"Ah, no, no, no, I don't have this plan at all." Shimizu Kaguya waved her hand indifferently, and then she swung her arm to the side, making a gesture of 'please go'.

"To be honest, I feel like I'm falling apart now, and I don't have the strength to stop others from doing anything." She said in a rather tired tone, "Besides, I won't spend this kind of futile effort to stop others." It's something that's doomed to fail."

"Huh? You said you are doomed to fail?" After Shimizu Kaguya put on such an air, Yukinoshita Haruno couldn't move her feet. Looking at Shimizu Kaguya who was so relaxed, she frowned all of a sudden——

"what do you mean?"

"That's literally what it means, Yango." Shimizu Kaguya sighed wearily, it seemed that she was really 'tossed' by Yuanjing quite a bit.

"The most you can do is to convince Hesha and me not to let us tell Yukino about this." Looking up at Yangno, Shimizu Kaguya's blood-red eyes were abnormally sharp There is God, "But, what's the use if we don't tell her?"

"You have to convince him."

"Do you think he didn't recognize you, and still regarded you as 'Xue Nai'?"

Shimizu Kaguya's voice was not loud, but it could be said that every word was poured into Yang Nao's heart.

The pronunciation of 'he' and 'she' in Sakurajima language is actually different.

Yang Nao, who is also ice-snow and smart, naturally quickly understood who the "he" Kaguya was referring to.

"..." She was momentarily speechless.

Logically speaking, Yuanjing's state at that time was obviously wrong, and she pretended to be her sister again, and was 'eaten' by him.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this is definitely a 'big bargain'.

After that, no matter whether it is to keep silent and be complacent in the heart like this, or use it as a threat to use Yang Nao's love and love for his sister, to "renew the relationship" with her...

In fact, it is still a 'smart' approach.

As long as he is a man with a normal head, he shouldn't tell Xue Nai all about this matter.

In that case, don't say that sisters eat all, and share the blessings of everyone, maybe the already extremely close relationship between him and Xue Nai will also usher in collapse.

Because no matter what, this kind of thing can definitely be called a betrayal of Yukino, and it is extremely unpredictable how my younger sister, who is mentally obsessed with cleanliness, will react to this.

There is a very high possibility that Xue Nai could not accept this matter, and since then alienated the two of them.

For Yang Nai, this is naturally unacceptable.

For Yuanjing, this is a harmful and unhelpful behavior.

Mingming Yang Nai is already prepared to suffer from this 'suffering loss', and he takes the initiative to conceal this kind of thing, and there is no need for him to lie, as long as he keeps silent, Xue Nao, who has been in love with him for a long time, will obediently offer herself up... ....

With such a wonderful future, not to choose, but to choose to tell Xue Nai the whole truth, isn't this a fool, what is it?

But Yang Nai knew very well in his heart that Yuan Jing was such a 'fool'.

This kind of thing has no benefit at all, but will have unpredictable consequences, but he will definitely do it.

"Hmph, idiot..." Yang Nai whispered.

But there was no contempt in her words, instead there was a charming softness, as if she was acting like a baby to her lover...

"So, instead of just running away like this, I still think I'll just stay here for a while and talk about it when Gen-kun comes back." Hearing Yang Naina's words were not so much complaining as coquettishness, Kaguya knew that the other party would not be able to do so for the time being. gone.

"During this period of time, you can also think of a way to persuade Yuanjing, what do you think?"

"Is there even a need to think about it?" Under such circumstances, Yang Nai felt a little desperate.Proudly raising her head, she said in a rather rebellious tone, "What time does he think it is now, does he think it is still an ancient time when chastity was valued more than life?"

"Come on, it's the 21st century, okay? For a young and beautiful female college student like me, virginity is not a badge, but a shame, something that should have been thrown away long ago!"

"Because you took away my first time, you have to be responsible for me? What kind of old pedantic way of thinking is this, it stinks!"

"It's the first time for Yuanjing. It's not me who suffers this time, but him."

"Pat him directly on the cheek, tell him that the service is good, and then throw the red envelope on him, and leave gracefully after that... This is what modern women do."

"Simply put, it is to make Yuan-kun feel that this is not a big deal at all, and there is no need to tell Yukino about such a trivial matter... that's probably what it means." Shimizu Kaguya nodded.

"That's right...not right! It's not that he 'feels' that it's not a big deal at all," Yang Nao hastily corrected Kaguya's statement, "It's that 'it's really not a big deal'!"

"Hey, that's it..." Without trying to correct Yangno's stubbornness, Shimizu Kaguya turned his head to the three girls who were still lying on the ground 'sleeping'.

"Yang Nai said so, what do you think?"

"...I think it's wrong to lie." Opening her eyes at once, the girl with a calm expression put one hand on the ground and sat up.

If you only look at her current expression, it is actually hard to imagine her seductive appearance when she is in full bloom.

"Sister Yangno obviously cares about this very much in her heart, why did she lie on purpose?" Shiina Mashiro tilted her head, looking extremely puzzled.

"I didn't lie!" The natural type of Zhenbai can be said to be Yang Nai's nemesis. After negating the other party's words in a panic, she came back to her senses——

"How did you wake up?"

"After making such a noise, it is a luxury to think that others will still sleep soundly?" Shimizu Kaguya said in a somewhat strange tone, "You say yes, Concubine Zhen and Ying Lili ?”

However, unlike Shiina Mashiro, even though Shimizu Kaguya had directly named the two of them, both Shijo Makoto and Sawamura Eriri continued to lie motionless on the soft tatami mat in the locker room.

Their eyes were tightly closed, as if they were still immersed in a sweet dream world.

"..." Shimizu Kaguya was a little speechless.

No, it's already this time, what are you pretending...

"Hesha, I have no strength in my body now, can you help me pinch Zhenfei's feet?" She turned her head to look at Dongma Hesha who had been closely watching the development of the matter since just now.

"Ah, oh, good." Dongma Hesha seemed to have thought of something, and after blushing, she immediately agreed.

But before she could take action——

"Clear! Water! Bright! Night!" Like a kitten with fried hair, Sijo Zhenfei opened her beautiful purple eyes all at once.

Hiding her pair of jade feet behind her back, she looked warily at Shimizu Kaguya who was looking at her with a smile, "What are you doing?!"

"Oh, oh, so it turns out that Miss Zhenzhen is so precious to her own pair of little feet?" Shimizu Kaguya said in pretended surprise, "It's no wonder, Yuan-kun before..."

"Don't say it!" His face turned red all of a sudden, Shijo Zhenfei waved her hands in a somewhat haphazard manner, preventing Kaguya from continuing.

Obviously, in addition to the mind, there were also the weaknesses of several girls exposed in the previous campaign.

As if inspired by Shimizu Kaguya, Shiina Mashiro stretched out her magic claws towards Sawamura Eriri who was still closing her eyes, as if she had no teacher.

"Hey! Don't touch my neck and hair!" Finally, the last girl who pretended to be asleep also opened her eyes.

"Okay, now that everyone has woken up," Shimizu Kaguya said, clapping his palms lightly and focusing everyone's attention on himself, "This kind of opportunity is quite rare, so when Yuan-kun comes back During the period before, we had to talk to each other first.”

"It's the so-called GT (girls' talk) time."

"No," Shimizu Kaguya said with a chuckle after glancing at the six girls including himself, "It should be NGT time."

The N here is actually the abbreviation of the English naked.

It has two meanings.

One layer is its extended meaning, which means 'unreserved'.

As for the other layer, it is naturally its original intention.

Chapter 130 Eight I want his child!

"In view of the fact that when Ms. Yono was expressing her thoughts just now, someone was [sleep] soundly, so I didn't hear it." While emphasizing the word [sleep], Shimizu Kaguya looked at it with a rather deep look. Concubine Shijo and Eri Sawamura glanced at each other.

The former stared at Shimizu Kaguya with a pair of purple eyes, saying, 'That's right, that's it! ' expression.

The latter, on the other hand, seemed a little guilty, turned his red face to one side, and seemed to be interested in the texture of the tatami mats on the floor.

Although both of them can be classified as arrogant in terms of personality, from this subconscious reaction, one can see the subtle differences in personality between Shijo Zhenfei and Sawamura Eriri.

"Then, let me briefly repeat what she said here." Withdrawing his gaze from the two, Shimizu Kaguya's eyes, which seemed to have been soaked in blood, returned to him as if he was facing an enemy. Yukinoshita Yono looked at her with a vigilant gaze.

Not long ago, the two were still "teacher and apprentice" and "sisters" who shared weal and woe and helped each other, but now, because of their different positions, they had to become hostile to each other again.

"Miss Yang Nai's words mean that she is afraid that what happened today will affect the relationship between her sister Xue Nai and Yuan Jun, so she deliberately wants to downplay the sex between herself and Yuan Jun..."

"Wait a minute!" Shimizu Kaguya hadn't finished speaking halfway, but Yang Nao hurriedly shouted to stop.

"Ah? Is there any problem?" Shimizu Kaguya deliberately pretended to be stupid and said in a daze, "Do you think the words I said next are a bit indecent?"

"I don't think there's any need to worry about such things. After all, we've all heard you call Yuan Jun, who is 3 years younger than you..."

"Ah, don't say it!" Could the situation be the same then as it is now?Kaguya, you definitely did this on purpose, you want to disturb my way of thinking, right?

Yang Nao actually knew the reason why Kaguya did this, which can be said to be a blatant conspiracy, but she can be said to be helpless.

That's right, of course she can also "repay the other with the same way", after all, she is not the only one who fell into the "selfless" situation before.

But first of all, looking at Kaguya's confident appearance, it seems that he doesn't really care much about his own face.


Yuanjing may come back at any time.

If you can't convince the other girls and get enough helpers for yourself before he comes back...

I really want to betray my sister all the time, and make her sad!

After taking a deep breath, Yang Nai reorganized his language. If he followed Kaguya's pace, it would be over, and he had to regain control of the topic!

"Why did Yukino's name appear here? He also said that I did it because I was worried about her," Yang Nai's words became calmer, "I have never said that before! Please don't make up things that don't exist. ?"

"So I wanted to refute this," Shimizu Kaguya nodded as if suddenly realizing, and then apologized very sincerely, "I'm sorry, but I misunderstood Miss Yango's meaning."

"That is to say, what Miss Yang Nai said before was not because she was concerned about her sister, what she just said was her deepest that right?"

"Of course, can't I think so?"

"Ah, of course, you are free to think whatever you want, and of course I have no right to interfere." Kaguya easily agreed with Yangno's words, "Then, let me change what I just said."

"That is to say, although Miss Yang Nai was accidentally 'eaten' by Yuan Jun, but because she actually didn't like Yuan Jun very much, she didn't want to be favored by Yuan Jun because of this matter, so she expressed her generously. ..."

"Where did I ever say that I didn't like Yuanjun's words?" This time the statement was even more outrageous than last time, and I nervously glanced at the door to make sure that Yuanjing didn't come back, and didn't hear anything. After what Shimizu Kaguya said just now, Yang Nai couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

She looked viciously at Shimizu Kaguya who was smiling, her deep black eyes were full of burning anger, "Kaguya, are you deliberately distorting my meaning?"

"No no no, how could it be, this is just reasonable divergent thinking." Shimizu Kaguya looked innocent, "Didn't you say that, Yang Nai, this kind of thing doesn't matter at all, and I don't take it to heart at all ..."

"The hidden meaning is that Yuan Jun should not think that taking away his first time is so great, and that he has suffered a dark loss this time, but I hope Yuan Jun will not feel that it is his own because of what happened today. who......"

"Miss Yoshino is indeed an adult with a high EQ, and she is really proficient in saying such things." Shimizu Kaguya clapped his palms and said in admiration.

"You!" Yang Naimei rolled her eyes, looking quite impatient, "I never thought about it that way at all, you are spreading rumors!"

"I have never disliked Mr. Yuanyuan, nor have I ever thought of alienating him!" This is something that absolutely, absolutely needs to be clarified. "Although what happened today was caused by an accident, I actually don't regret it at all!"

"I just think that there is no need to elevate it to the point of [must be responsible to each other] just because of today's events. It's just to comfort each other's bodies and solve their physical needs. This is very normal for modern people, right? ?”

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