"Let me tell you first, this job is not easy. Before, I only had to work the day shift, but now I have to 'go to work' at night." Yuan Jing blinked at her, and his tone was no longer flat, and he became joking, " By the way, it's just 'work' but I can't afford so much money, and you still have to give me a few children."

"By the way, I heard that marriage is one of the happiest moments in a man's life, but I definitely can't do it alone, so I need you to accompany me. Western style, Chinese style, Japanese style, you have to try all of them... ..."

"Also, it's my mother..."

The more Yuan Jing talked, the brighter Shimizu Kaguya's eyes became.

In the end, she didn't know that this was the first time she cried today.

"Why are you still crying? It seems that you are very unhappy." Yuan Jing pinched Hui Ye's small and round chin with one hand, and just lifted it up gently, "But, this is what you are going to suffer." Punishment, but there is no right to refuse."

"Yes, I will be by your side for the rest of my life." The constant tears did not damage the beauty of the girl. At this time, she was like a lotus after the rain, with crystal drops of water flowing on the slender white petals. .....

The beautiful girl closed her eyes, and just like that, offered a kiss representing a vow to the love of her life.

It was a salty, wet, yet sweet, warm kiss.

Chapter 140 Teacher Jing, can you tell us what happened yesterday?

"So, you just detained [Lily Spencer] without authorization?" Seeing the handsome young man sitting on him, Zongren Shijo frowned, "This is Tokyo, and it's not where your Yuan family dominates." Kansai!"

That's right, after yesterday's absurdity, Arturia Pendragon did not return to the place where she originally lived with the other girls, but continued to stay in Yushima Tenmangu.

Of course, what the Yuan family said to the outside world was to 'detain the thugs who trespassed on the shrine'.

Although there was a 'little' minor accident at the end, Yuanjing's goal has actually been achieved.

He will ask for leave today, not only to let Shimizu Kaguya confide in his heart, the most important thing is to negotiate with the Shijo family, destroy the deal between the Sijo family and the Spencer family, and enter a state of hostility with the Spencer family .

In this case, not only can Artoria be successfully taken away from him, but also the Sawamura mother and daughter can be brought under his protection.

As the patriarch of the Shijo family, one of the four major families in Sakurajima, Zongren Sijo has a lot of prestige.

Facing his expression of calm and prestige, if it is an ordinary person, it should not even be able to complete the sentence.

However, for Yuan Jing who once faced the "dead soul" haunting the Yuan family and the king thousands of years ago, this little pressure is like a breeze blowing on the face.

"Mr. Zongren, let me remind you here that what our Yuan family detained was a thug who broke into the depths of the shrine without authorization and desecrated the residence of the gods, but this person happened to be [Lily Spencer]. Accident." Yuan Jing spoke nonsense with his eyes open very fluently.

"Moreover, this Miss [Lily Spencer] appears to be a weak woman with no power to restrain her, but she is actually a real and dangerous person."

"You should have seen the relevant video of her trespassing on the shrine. In this case, you should know that I am not lying."

"..." Sijo Zongren remained silent.

Yuan Jing was right, last night, the relevant images were delivered to him through a special channel, and only then did he know that there was such a powerful and powerful thing in the body of this weak-looking blond girl. the power of.

Is he really in the real world?The Spencer family, why didn't you remind me?

"... Are those videos real?" Zongren Sijo said suddenly, "Is there really such a thing as warriors in this world?"

He felt his worldview was seriously challenged.

The views of Zongren Shijo are the views of normal people.

Existences like Minamoto, Minamoto, and Artoria are the so-called 'abnormalities', or even the 'bugs' of the world.

"To be honest, I have actually considered whether these videos were made by the Minamoto family with special effects on purpose, in order to destroy the cooperation between the Shijo family and the Spencer family." Sijo Zongren sighed, "But, I have already found Many relevant experts have checked frame by frame with relevant instruments, and found no trace of forgery."

"And, if it's really fake, it wouldn't be so exaggerated..." Zongren Shijo looked at Yuanjing and confirmed again, "So, those videos are real, right?"

"Of course." Yuan Jing nodded, "I can prove it to you right now."

"Proof?" Zongren Sijo looked at the boy in front of him with interest, "How do you prove it?"

But soon, the expression on his face changed to horror and a trace of fear.

Yuan Jing is from the Yuan family, so although the other party is young, Shitiao Zongren actually did not neglect the other party because of this.

He received him personally in his own study.

"I'm sorry." After saying this, Yuan Jing picked up a pen from the table.

This is a signature pen specially prepared for guests.

He took off the cap from the top, looked at the material of the nib, and tried it with his fingers a little.

He picked it up, with the pen point down, and—


He photographed it on the table in front of him.

"What!" Zongren Sijo's eyes widened.

He couldn't help but leave his seat and came to the side of Yuanjing.

The pen has completely disappeared into the wooden table. If you don't look carefully, you may even think it's just a scar on the table.

"My table is made of rosewood..." Sijo Zongren murmured.

He didn't feel sorry for the pen and the table, but rosewood has always been known for its hard and dense wood, so it is considered to be one of the highest quality wood.

It stands to reason that for the feel of writing, the nibs of fountain pens are made of relatively flexible alloys, and the nibs made of hard metal (such as steel) will be very uncomfortable to write.

The nib of his pen is made of silver.

Logically speaking, it is absolutely impossible...

He took a look at Yuan Jing's right hand that had just done this kind of behavior, and the latter spread it out very understandingly, and placed it in front of him.

...no scars.

This hand is slender and fair, obviously did such an incredible thing just now, but there is no red mark on it...

"I didn't bring these things myself, Mr. Zong Ren shouldn't think that I'm hiding something here, right?" Yuan Jing spread his hands.

After eating seven people in one go, especially including Artoria, who is comparable to him, the "side effects" on Yuan Jing were completely satisfied, and the family martial arts of the Pandaragon family began to show its value.

In terms of physical fitness alone, Yuanjing can be said to be No. 1 in this world now. After a little polishing, [Unarmed Combat], [Swordsmanship], and [Archery] can become his first batch of fighters. A skill that steps into the Lv.MAX field.

This is the 'benefit' promised by 'Hei Dai' to Kaguya.

Sure enough, do you need to eat the forbidden fruit if you want to become stronger?

Yuanjing complained in his heart.

"Mr. Zongren, let me tell you the truth," Yuanjing said earnestly to the head of the Shitiao family, "[Lily Spencer] is very important to me."

"I'm not going to hand her back to the Spencers and send her back to England."

"For this reason, even if you are hostile to the Spencer family, you will not hesitate."

Although he already knew the plan of the Spencer family in his heart, but in order to achieve his own goal, Yuan Jing deliberately pretended not to be clear here, and still believed that Lily Spencer would return to China.

And what he said can actually have two interpretations.

One is that Yuanjing likes Lily and doesn't want her to be separated from him.

The second is that the Yuan family covets Lili's martial arts skills, and wants to get it and make it into the Yuan family's treasure.

Although he is in the former case, Shijo Zongren will definitely default to the latter case.

This can explain why the Yuan family is so tough on the issue of the Spencer family.

'So the purpose of this young man today is to... let the Shijo family stand in line? '

Zongren Shijo glanced at Yuanjing, who responded with a smile.

"The Spencer family from England, and the Minamoto family from Sakurajima...?" ’ he made rapid calculations in his mind, and finally—

"How does the Yuan family's actions depend on the majesty of our Shijo family?" He said in a deep voice with his expression frozen.


Yuan Jing raised his eyebrows.

Sijo Zongren's reaction did not surprise him.

Although the Spencer family is an important partner of the Shijo family, there are actually many partners of the Sijo family.

Moreover, the main energy and purpose of the Shijo family now is to gain a firm foothold in the hometown of Sakurajima and defeat the old enemy the Shinomiya family.

In this case, it is self-evident which side the patriarch Shijo Zongren will choose.

As for this stern attitude...

Its meaning is also quite simple -

'To add money! '

If Zongren Shijo really wants to refuse, he should just ask someone to drive him away......

"It's fine to ask for leave by yourself. You still called me in the morning and asked me to help Shimizu Kaguya ask for leave from the head teacher of Class B."

Shizuka Hiratsuka's last class in the morning is Chinese in Class B of Senior One.

After the get out of class bell rang, Hiratsuka Shizuka tidied up the lesson plans and said in such a rambling manner, "Who does this take me for? A useful tool person?"

Of course, complaints belong to complaints, and she did so honestly in the end.

'Am I cheap! 'While scolding herself in her heart, Hiratsuka Jing knew that she had no way to refuse Yuanjing's request.

After all, he will become what he is now, and she seems to have to bear such a 'little' responsibility...

"Teacher, let me help you." A clear and dignified voice sounded in Hiratsuka Jing's ears. This pleasant voice, to Hiratsuka Jing's ears at this time, seemed like black and white impermanence's life-threatening voice.

"No, no need." With a forced smile on the corner of his mouth, Shizuka Hiratsuka said in a normal tone as much as possible, "Yukono, I can do it by myself, you can go to the Lamb Club for lunch."

That's right, the one who came to Shizuka Hiratsuka was naturally the president of the Lamb Society, Yukinoshita Yonoshita's younger sister.

Obviously she is also one of Hiratsuka Shizuka's most proud students, but now Hiratsuka Shizuka is a little afraid to look at the other party's clear and beautiful navy blue eyes...

"Isn't Mr. Jing the consultant teacher of the Lamb Society?" Not being fooled by Hiratsuka Jing, the beautiful girl with black hair and blue eyes hugged her handouts to her chest, as if she was going to take them as her hostage.

"Anyway, Ah Jing is also on leave today, Qian Hua and I are a little lonely, can't Teacher Jing have a meal with us?"

And Qianhua? !

"By the way, my sister said she couldn't go home yesterday, but I couldn't get through to her cell phone until just now." Navy blue eyes stared at Shizuka Hiratsuka who was dodging, and Yukinoshita Yukino spoke in a very calm manner. Said in a tone——

"Teacher Jing, you should know something about this, right?"

"Yesterday was a visit to a shrine organized by you. Did anything special happen?"

"Qianhua and I are very curious."

Chapter 140 Three Why didn't you invite me to Kaiyin party! (end of this volume)

Monday, February 12 at noon.

At this moment, in a small classroom on the corner of the second floor of the community building of St. Eden Academy, a special 'trial' is going on.

"Your Honor, the above is the entire confession of the defendant Shizuka Hiratsuka." The dark winter school uniform of St. Eden Academy has a very solemn aura, coupled with the serious expression on the face of the black-haired girl , This made the Zhengge small classroom suddenly full of a solemn atmosphere.

"So that's how it is, that's how it is." Folding his arms across his chest, the pink-haired 'Judge' groaned for a moment, then said with a smile on his face——

"Death penalty."

It seems that this special 'trial' has already had a result.

"Wait, wait a minute!" Shizuka Hiratsuka raised her hands in embarrassment, "I have objections!"

"Isn't this sentence too hasty? Anyway, I shouldn't be 'sentenced to death'? At least please give me an explanation!"

"Okay, if you want to explain, this judge will explain to you." Chika Fujiwara is about 10 centimeters shorter than Shizuka Hiratsuka, but she is standing now, while Shizuka Hiratsuka is sitting in the 'defendee seat' (actually A chair), plus the fact that Shizuka Hiratsuka really felt guilty in her heart, so the sense of oppression brought by Chika Fujiwara is actually quite strong——

"I'm asking you, Hiratsuka-sensei—" The condescending pink-haired girl had a very uncommon stern look on her face:

"Why didn't you invite me to the silver party!"

"..." Shizuka Hiratsuka was a little dumbfounded, and didn't know what to say for a while.

No, are all the kids these days so open-minded?Is this a word that can be uttered casually?

As an older leftover woman, Shizuka Hiratsuka has never felt so clearly that there is such a deep generation gap between herself and her students...

"No, I don't know how to open silver, silver... open that kind of thing, I just follow the plan and prepare for the winter vacation trip abroad, so how can I think..."

Who would have thought that it would end up like that?

"Manslaughter is also murder!" Chika Fujiwara said in a very serious tone, with a dignified and upright appearance, she really looked like an upright judge.

Of course, the premise is not to listen to the words that make people blush from her mouth.

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