"Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka, if it weren't for this event organized by you, wouldn't what happened yesterday wouldn't have happened?"

"Such a serious matter, is it easy to get rid of it by saying that I didn't expect it to become like this before?"

"..." Shizuka Hiratsuka opened her mouth, as if she wanted to say something to defend herself, but she closed her mouth in the end.

Fujiwara Chika's statement does have some truth. Without this special event organized by her, things would not have turned out like this in the end.

At least, Yuanjing will not 'eat' seven at once.

From this point of view, it is only logical that Chika Fujiwara and Yukinoshita Yukino would be angry with him.

Seeing Shizuka Hiratsuka lower her head in depression, Chika Fujiwara and Yukinoshita Yukino exchanged glances.

"Ahem," Fujiwara Chika coughed a few times, and then said, "However, considering that Mr. Jing doesn't have such thoughts subjectively, and has a good attitude of admitting mistakes, what he said is different from what we got. The confessions are basically the same, and it can be seen that they did not intend to conceal the truth..."

"Consequently, this judge ultimately decides on leniency."

For the result of 'leniency', Hiratsuka Shizuka wasn't too surprised.

In fact, what she did before was more to cooperate with Qianhua and Yukino.

Although she has no love-related experience, she is not a wooden person without feelings. How could she not be aware of the blow this incident brought to the two of them?

Fujiwara Chika is the fiancée that Yuan Jing himself admits, the two of them can be said to be in love with each other, but in the end, something like this happened to the person he will be with for the rest of his life......

Don't look at Chika Fujiwara who is usually joking, but Shizuka Hiratsuka is quite clear that under the optimistic and cheerful appearance, Chika Fujiwara actually has a very delicate girlish heart.

As for Yukinoshita Yukino... Hiratsuka Shizuka has known her longer, so she actually knows her psychological state more clearly.

Because it is said that she grew up under the shadow of her sister Yang Nai, Xue Nai actually has a little inferiority complex in front of Yang Nai.

She would abandon the Sobu High School in Chiba Prefecture and insist on taking the exam in St. Eden in Tokyo, because she originally wanted to get rid of her sister's shadow.

With the help of the new friends and Yuan Jing, everything was going in a good direction, and the original rigid relationship between the sisters was also slowly improving.

But at this critical moment, Yang Nai accidentally had a relationship with Xue Nai's beloved...

For Xue Nai, this is undoubtedly a considerable blow.The relationship between the sisters, which had already improved, will undoubtedly drop below freezing point again.

"My sister used her obscene body to steal her boyfriend away!"

From this point of view, between Yukinoshita Yukino and Fujiwara Chika, it is still unknown who will be hit harder...

It is precisely because of the distress of these two girls that Shizuka Hiratsuka behaved so cooperatively, hoping to make the two of them a little bit more cheerful.


"Another testimony?" Shizuka blinked curiously, reacting to a word in Chika Fujiwara's words just now, "Whose testimony?"

Besides her, is there anyone else who confessed to the two girls?

"Who else could it be?" Fujiwara Chika sighed, she tapped the blackboard eraser on the table in front of her, making a crisp sound, "Love, come in."

After she finished speaking, a beautiful girl with blond hair and blue eyes pushed open the door of the Lamb Club and walked in.

If it's not Ai Hayasaka, who is it?

Is this confession from Hayasaka Ai?

As if seeing through Hiratsuka Shizuka's thoughts, Yukinoshita Yukino beside him said, "It's not about love."

"This is Ajing's confession," Yukinoshita Yukino's tone was a bit complicated, "it was just relayed by Ai Hayasaka."

"A Jing said that although he wanted to tell us personally, he had to finish the final finishing work today, so he couldn't come to school." Looking at the surprised Hiratsuka Shizuka, Fujiwara Chika said, "Of course, if we want If so, he will explain it to us personally, and bear all the consequences after that..."

"Frank as always, Ajing." Chika Fujiwara whispered with admiration and complaint at the same time, "Obviously I would rather you lie to me..."

However, Chika Fujiwara knew that if Yuan Jing really did that, he would be disappointed instead.

Really, what is this all about!

After all, why was I not there yesterday?

"...So, you all know it all, but you still want me to repeat it?" Hiratsuka Shizuka was a little dumbfounded, her eyes wandered over the faces of Fujiwara Chika, Yukinoshita Yukino and Hayasaka Ai Go, seems to be condemning these three people in this way.

"Well, both Qianhua and I feel that it is very necessary to test Teacher Jing's thinking." Yukinoshita Yukino stated their purpose.

"My thoughts, what can I think?" Hiratsuka Jingxing stared, looking extremely surprised, "You don't doubt that I also have feelings for Yuan-kun..."

"No, no, how is it possible." Fujiwara Chika quickly smoothed things over, "If Teacher Jing thought so too, how could it be possible that she didn't join in yesterday? Of course we believe in Teacher Jing, but..."

"Teacher Jing, have you forgotten what was the original purpose of yesterday's visit?" She reminded.

"What else can it be, of course it's for the winter vacation..." Shizuka Hiratsuka's voice stopped abruptly, she had obviously noticed something.

"That's right, it's a preview of the winter vacation trip." Yukinoshita Yukino nodded, "According to the management of St. Eden Academy, the top three in the midterm and final exams of each grade and the three who have made outstanding contributions to the school , have the right to travel at public expense once during the holiday.”

"Genjing, Shimizu Kaguya, and Shijo Makoto are the top three in the midterm exam, while Shiina Mashiro, Sawamura Eriri, and Touma Kazusa are because of their outstanding contributions to the school's honor."

"Do you remember, you once sent me a text message, saying that if you get the top three grades in the final exam, you can go to Vienna with Ah Jing, and maybe you can be in the same room with him."

"..." Shizuka Hiratsuka remembered.

Because what happened yesterday was so shocking that she forgot the most important thing. After being reminded by Xue Nai, she finally remembered it again.

"Ah Jing's character, Mr. Jing, you actually understand quite well. Even if he lives with other girls, he will never do anything out of line. This is your original idea, right?" Xue Nai continued:

"However, the situation is different now."

Under the circumstances, Yuan Jing has already had relationships with 5 other girls, if Shizuka Hiratsuka still arranges Yuan Jing to share a room with other girls...

What will happen is really no guesswork.

"...In this case, it's okay to just arrange a single room for him. Anyway, with me, the current tour group is still single..."

"Sorry to interrupt." Ai Hayasaka raised her hand here, and she asked Shizuka Hiratsuka, "Teacher Jing, if you are the only one, can you see at least 5 people and at most 8 people? "

Obviously, she added the three people in the room.

"Can you guarantee that the girls won't quietly knock on the door of Yuanjing's room in the dead of night?" She asked rhetorically.

"..." I really can't.

Moreover, it is foreseeable that if Shizuka Hiratsuka really arranges Yuan Jing to have a separate room, this kind of thing will definitely happen.

And, maybe it happens every night...

It is not acceptable to arrange Yuanjing to be with other girls, nor is it acceptable to arrange him to live alone.

In this case, if you want to keep 'healthy' as much as possible during this trip to Vienna, and not turn into a big money party, the only thing you can do is——

"It's just me and Yuan-kun living together?" Shizuka Hiratsuka said in a daze.

Regardless of whether the tour group is even or odd in the end, only by keeping the youngsters under their noses can they effectively curb this "unhealthy trend" with the majesty of the teacher.

Although there are two beds, she and Yuan Jing are in the same room.

In this case, there can't be someone who climbed into his bed secretly, right?

......I think should not be?

"That's it." Seeing that Hiratsuka Shizu finally understood, Fujiwara Chika coughed a few times, her fair cheeks flushed slightly, "Although we trust Teacher Jing, look, right... ..”

They didn't expect what happened yesterday, but didn't it happen in the end?

"...So, what you call 'leniency', do you want me to give you girls a little [convenience] when necessary?" Hiratsuka looked at these people sideways.

She is not an idiot, the three people in front of her have already shown it so clearly, how could she not understand?

"Have you forgiven that brat yet?"

Shizuka Hiratsuka asked curiously.

The three girls exchanged glances with each other, as if they were talking about who to speak.

The one who stood up in the end was naturally Chika Fujiwara.

"Of course not." Said the pink-haired girl.

"However, since things have already happened, it is useless to continue to be trapped in such things. People still have to look forward." Fujiwara Chika smiled wryly.

"However, there is an old saying, [[It is a blessing in disguise], although what happened yesterday was indeed the worst thing for us, but it also made one thing possible , that is—"

"A Jing, who has always been passive and single, will in turn approach us and pursue us."

For a long time, no matter whether it is Fujiwara Chika, Yukinoshita Yukino, or Hayasaka Ai, their identities are all so-called "chasers".

Who made them fall in love with a person who pursues 'celibacy'?

They don't actually feel aggrieved by this. Modern women should bravely pursue their own happiness.

However, if you are always chasing, you will be tired.

The girls had actually thought in their hearts, what a wonderful thing it would be if Yuan Jing became active and started courting them in turn.

Before, this was actually just an unrealistic fantasy, but now, it has really become something that will happen.

Regarding what happened yesterday, these three girls really couldn't hypnotize themselves in their hearts, as if it never happened.

Their hearts are still full of grievances and sorrows.

However, Yuanjing has no plans to stay away from them.

He chose 'all' and wanted to hold the three of them in his arms.

In this case, it is necessary to use something sweeter and more beautiful to cover the wounds in the hearts of the girls.

What would an active Yuanjing look like?

Girls don't know.

However, they are looking forward to it.

Chapter 1 finally looks like a butter world

Tuesday, July 12.

The first class of Class A of Senior One of St. Eden Academy is Chinese.

Class A's head teacher and Chinese teacher Shizuka Hiratsuka came to the classroom with the lesson plan in hand, but she didn't start the lecture directly, but clapped her hands first:

"Then, before the official class starts today, I have a piece of news to tell everyone."

"Don't worry, it's not a surprise quiz." Seeing that the students in the class suddenly looked like they were facing an enemy, Shizuka Hiratsuka shook her head helplessly, "At least for most of the students, this should Isn't that bad news."

She looked at the blonde girl sitting next to Yuan Jing, as if she was asking something in this way.

"Let me speak for myself." The blond girl stood up.

Walking up to the podium generously, she bowed slightly to the students in the class.

"From today onwards, I am no longer an exchange student, but I will officially transfer to St. Eden Academy Senior One Class A and become your classmate." Just eight days ago, she also stood on this podium to do her own introduce.

At that time, she was hopeless and disheartened, and she just wanted to fend for herself in this island country where no one knew her.

For this reason, she even specifically said: "I will disappear in two weeks, so please forget me."

but now......

She took a peek at someone, and when she found that he was also looking at her with a smile, she couldn't help feeling warm.

"Father, mother, sister..." Artoria said in her heart, "I'm sorry, Liya broke her promise, and there is no way to accompany you immediately. '

'You guys, can you wait a little longer? '

Compared with the long time of more than 500 years, the more than [-] years of life can indeed be called a "moment".

Regardless of the methods and results of 'Hei Dai', at least her most desired goal has been achieved.

That is to dispel Artoria's will to die and give her the will to live.

After all, she who shared the memory with Artoria is the one who knows her best.

Picking up the chalk on the podium, she turned around and started writing on the blackboard, and when she turned around——

'Altria Pendragon'.

This line of delicate and neat words is impressively listed.

This is her real name.

"Arturia Pendoragon." After saying the name with some sadness and nostalgia, the blond girl who was always indifferent showed a very faint but beautiful smile.

"This is my new name."

"THank you for everyones suggestions."

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