This time, she still chose the time after school. If she failed this time, she might just ask the school for leave next time and wait outside the classroom door for herself to come out.

There is no way, Xue Nai's temper is so stubborn.

After fully realizing this point, Yang Nai obediently dressed and went downstairs.

After the two sisters met, neither Yang Nao nor Xue Nao did anything too outrageous.

After all, the downstairs of the dormitory is a public place, and because of the similar beauty of the two, passers-by, male or female, will look at them curiously.

Xue Nai didn't come to tear her face.

Whether there is a wife who was robbed of her husband by the mistress, she will naturally not give up on it and spread it everywhere.

Her purpose is actually only one, and that is——

Have a 'good' talk with your sister.

This is also one of the reasons why she brought Yang Nai here.

"Ah, don't worry about that." Taking off her shoes at the door, Yukinoshita Yukino's little feet wrapped in black stockings just stepped on the plush carpet of the box, "Although the cost of living is definitely Not as much as my sister, but because of someone's 'self-assessment', I saved a lot of 'food expenses'."

"It's just coffee, I can still afford it now."

"..." Yang Nai was speechless.

The "someone" in Xue Nai's words is undoubtedly her.

When living in Xue Nai's house, she did all the work of buying ingredients and cooking every day, and it was naturally her own money that was spent.

Although Xue Nai mentioned more than once that she should pay her the corresponding food expenses, she was always fooled by her, saying that it was her 'rent'.

Yang Nai's original intention was to hope that Xue Nai could use the money she got to do some other things, such as buying some cute little skirts, or going to invite Yuan Jing to go out to watch a movie, visit an aquarium, and so on.

did not expect......

"Hmph, 'self-assessment'..." Repeating Yukino's wording just now, Yang Nao couldn't help feeling a little angry and wronged.

This was obviously her kindness, but in the end, Xue Nai actually looked at her like this...

"Angry?" Sitting on the sofa in front of the dining table, Xue Nai raised her eyebrows.

She did it on purpose.

My sister has a bad and awkward personality.

She wouldn't be candid if she wasn't 'rushed'.

"Of course~ no~ yes." Yang Nai said in a long voice.

But in the next moment, she took off her thick coat and hung it on the coat rack near the exit.

The box is quite warm, so it is natural that such measures are unnecessary...Of course, this is not her whole purpose.

It seemed that to show that he had a good life these two days, or because of some kind of psychology that Yang Nai couldn't explain clearly, Yang Nai spent a short time dressing up Nizi before leaving the dormitory. for a moment.

Compared with Yukino who always wears school uniform, Yang Nao's wardrobe as a college student is naturally much richer.

Under the thick coat is a light green thin sweater, very thin and close-fitting. Together with the jeans on the lower body, it outlines a beautiful landscape.

Snow: "..."

She wasn't the type to care about such boring things.

At least not until high school.

She is actually quite confident about her beauty, and she doesn't think it's a pity to have a "slightly" barren curve.

But after meeting Yuan Jing, especially when she gets along with a "monster" like Fujiwara Chika every day, the girl's heart will inevitably be hit.

Yang Nai is actually quite considerate of his sister.

When living together, although she would not wrap her breasts, she would try her best to wear loose clothes at home to protect her sister's sensitive girlish heart.

But today...

Xue Nai looked away, puffed up her mouth a little bit unconvinced.

'Is this a small win? Yang Nai was a little happy.

However, she also immediately reviewed her childishness, she was the one who was sorry for Xue Nai, why didn't she give way to her favorite sister in this place?

Could it be that I don't really want to...

Yang Nai's mood was momentarily depressed.

At this time, the waiter of the coffee shop also came to the door.

However, she who was carrying the tray did not push the door in. Instead, she knocked on the door a few times to remind the two people in the room, then put the tray on the partition at the door, and then turned and left.

Just like what Yang Nai said before, the most important thing for the coffee shop here is to protect the privacy of the guests.

This is the foundation of their establishment.

Hearing the sound of footsteps gradually going away, Yang Nai who was already near the door opened the 'small door' on the door, and took back the coffee on the partition with ease.

After walking to the dining table and pouring a cup of coffee for her sister, she fiddled with the vinyl record player in the cabinet for a while.

After finishing these things, she returned to the dining table, sat opposite her sister, and poured double the coffee for herself.

The soothing sound of music and the aroma of steaming coffee quickly permeated every corner of the room.


It was Yang Nai who broke the calm first.

"Is there anything you want to do with me?" The slender fingertips picked up the cup and took a sip of the coffee.

The delicate cheeks are like fine white porcelain, dyed a touch of color by the setting sun in the sky.

Putting the porcelain cup back on the dining table, she said knowingly.

"...After Sunday, why didn't you go home?" After a little hesitation, Xue Nai decided to proceed step by step.

"Because Yushima Tenmangu is very close to my university." Yang Nao replied very fluently, "I have been away from the dormitory for too long, so I might as well take this opportunity to go back to the dormitory and say hello to the counselor .”

I also mentioned before that the reason why Yushima Tenmangu can become one of the three major Tenmangu in the eyes of Sakurajima people is that it is the closest to the holy place in the eyes of almost all Sakurajima people, and it is actually a very important one. reason.

This is also the university that Yang Nai attended.

That's right, like Fujiwara Chika's sister Fujiwara Toyomi, Yukinoshita Yono is also a member of the University of Tokyo.

However, Toyomi Fujiwara majored in clinical medicine, and she was a member of science and engineering.

"After that, why didn't you go home on Monday? And I couldn't even get through the phone." Xue Nai asked.

"Ah, I haven't been back to the dormitory for a long time. The sisters in the same dormitory have invited me to stay for a few more days. I really don't want to refute their face." Yang Nai was obviously prepared for this question, "As for the phone not being able to get through... ...."

"Ah, sorry, I forgot to charge it."

"..." Xue Nai gritted her teeth secretly.

Yang Nai is lying.

The excuses she gave, even children would not believe it, but she just wanted to open her eyes and say such nonsense.

Xue Nai could see that Yang Nai was just giving herself a sloppy eye.

How could she not be clear about what she came to find her for?But she was determined to renege on it.

How dishonest...

Seeing Yang Nai holding up the porcelain cup with a dignified posture and taking a sip of the fragrant coffee, Xue Nao asked in a quiet tone:

"Is Kung Pao Chicken delicious?"

"Cough, cough, cough!" Yang Nai, who was caught off guard, coughed loudly, the black liquid splashed everywhere, and even a few drops slipped from her chin, dripping into the bottomless valley 'among.

But Xue Nai didn't intend to stop there.

If Yang Nai's resistance is not completely crushed here, after she reacts, she will definitely be dishonest again.

and so--

"During the phone call that day, sister, why did you have a hoarse voice, and where did the extremely suspicious sound of water come from? Can you explain to me again?" The dark blue eyes stared at Yang Nao. Coughing, still flushed with shy cheeks, Yukinoshita Yukino continued to use verbal attacks:

"Also, your sudden exclamation during the call, and the last 'filled'... Sister, you showed more flaws than you imagined."

"..." Yang Nai couldn't help but feel aggrieved as he wiped the area contaminated by coffee with a paper towel on the table.

Is it her fault?

You know, in that state, how difficult it is for her to think well and give a roughly logical answer?

You don't know what I was going through at that time, you don't know how 'powerful' that bad guy is!

"How about just giving up obediently?" Xue Nai said, "He has already told me everything."

Sure enough!

What a super invincible big idiot!

Yang Nai scolded in his heart.

However, she was not angry because of this, but was relieved all of a sudden.

All the fluke psychology disappeared like morning dew, and also disappeared, as well as the heavy shackles she once carried in her heart.

After exhaling lightly, Yang Nai's face showed a slight smile that Yukino was very familiar with——

"Of course Kung Pao Chicken is delicious." She blinked at Xue Nai, and said in a tone that seemed to have endless aftertaste, "Ah Jing made this, and my stomach was full at the time."

"Why, does Xiaoxue Nai want to have a taste too?"

Xiao Yukino seemed to want to gain the upper hand.

How can this work?It must be severely suppressed.

After all, she is the older sister.

Even if—

Injure the enemy one thousand and self-injure eight... thousand?

Facing Yang Nai's childish 'provocation', Xue Nai was not angry either.

Now Xue Nai has seen through Yang Nai's sternness.

She didn't come here impulsively, otherwise, she should have come to my sister's dormitory downstairs to block people yesterday.

Compared with Yang Nai who only lives in the dormitory and buries her head like an ostrich, she has actually thought a lot, a lot...

The most important of these is the future between her, Yuanjing, and her sister.

"Now that you've admitted it, it's easy to talk about it." She nodded bluntly, "No one else can hear the conversation here, so I hope both of us can be honest."

Has it finally come, the day of the showdown?

Yang Nai suppressed the smile on his face.

She lowered her eyes, watching her own reflection reflected in the black liquid in the cup.

"When what happened yesterday, sister, you were still like me... I want to ask, is this true?" Yukino asked.

"...It's true."

"That is to say, the reason why Ah Jing did such a thing with you was because he mistook you for me..." When Xue Nai said this, Yang Nai's shoulders trembled slightly , but there is no export correction.

After all, this is an indisputable fact.

...Similarly, it is also her heart knot.

Yuan Jing didn't mean anything to her, he just regarded himself as a substitute for 'Xue Nai'.As for what he did afterwards, it was entirely to take responsibility...

Yang Nai once thought so irresistibly.

And now Xue Nai is mercilessly tearing open the scar in her heart.

"That is to say, if my sister hadn't done this, nothing would actually have happened. Can I think so?" As if she didn't notice the pain in her sister's heart, Yukino continued to say so.


"Okay, then there's no problem." After confirming her thoughts, Yukino nodded in satisfaction, with a smile on her beautiful face.

She started to pack her things, then stood up.

She already knew everything she wanted to know, and she should leave next.

Walking to the door of the box, when she was putting on her shoes, she suddenly seemed to remember something, and smiled at Yang Nao who was watching her silently——

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