"Is Kung Pao Chicken so delicious? Then I will have to try it in the future."

"It's a pity, someone won't be able to eat it in the future..."

Door open.

door closed.

In the box, only Yang Nai was left alone.

And, still soft and sweet music.

...What happened that day was a mistake, and my sister didn't pursue it, she just got back what she deserved.

Obviously this is the best result, and I should behave myself as my 'aunt'.

but why......


Why, am I so unwilling?

Chapter 3 With a younger sister VS older sister, there will naturally be a young lady VS a young lady

"Emperor, since you are ready to stay in the country, you must curb the unhealthy trend brought from England!"

On the afternoon when sisters Xue Nai and Yang Nai broke up unhappy, another pair of siblings was also having a very serious conversation.

That is the siblings Si Tiao Zhenfei and Si Tiao Di.

Like Artoria, Shijodi also announced to everyone this week that he plans to continue staying in St. Eden Academy, but he announced it to the students on Monday morning one day earlier than the former. .

Because of the concealment of important information, the Shijo family and the Spencer family had a rather unpleasant quarrel.

Of course, it was just unpleasant, not to the point of tearing one's face.

This is not in the interests of both parties.

But under such circumstances, Emperor Sijo, the "prince" of the Sijo family, completely lost the possibility of returning to England to play football.

After all, England is the stronghold of the Spencer family, and letting the four emperors return to England is tantamount to entrusting the future safety of the family in the hands of others, which is extremely unwise.

Not to mention, the Sijo family is planning a major counterattack against the Sigong family recently. If Emperor Sijo, the orthodox heir, abandons the family and insists on returning to England willfully, then no matter how high his prestige in the family is, There will certainly be all kinds of gossip.

Sijodi himself is quite free and easy.

After seeing that things were really impossible, he quite simply gave up the idea of ​​returning to England, and under the arrangement of his father, Zongren Shijo, completed the relevant admission procedures for St. Eden Academy.

And then......

It becomes the No. [-] 'Diamond King' here.

This is also impossible.

Girls who grew up in a big family can be said to be a minority among the few who can control their own destiny like Concubine Shijo. Parents like Yoko Touma or Sayuri Sawamura who don't care about family opinions are also very few.

Although it is impossible to be like the feudal society, where the marriage is completely decided by the parents, and they don't know what their husband looks like until the wedding day, but the freedom they have gained is actually not that great.

Sijodi is handsome, in good shape, has excellent academic performance, is sunny and cheerful, and plays well.

Even without the family bonus, these conditions are enough for him to be a student at the top of the school class.

If you add the two conditions of 'the next heir of the Shijo family' and 'no partner'......

It can only be said that the reservedness of young ladies actually depends on the person.

This is actually the reason why Yuanjing has been reluctant to reveal his identity for so long.

"Unhealthy wind?" Sijodi seemed a little confused. After school, he was going to go to the football club immediately to practice with the president and club members, but he was called down by his sister.

The students in class F are actually quite good at observing words and expressions. As the class monitor, Shijo Zhenfei is always cautious in class F, and this is a family matter between siblings...

Therefore, while casting a sympathetic glance at Emperor Shijo, the students in Class F are also quickly packing their things. Those who should participate in club activities should participate in club activities, and those who should go home should go home.

It can be said that in an instant, the huge classroom in Class F became empty.

"Sister, did someone say something to you?" Emperor Sijo recalled his words and deeds in St. Eden Academy, but he didn't have any words that could be called "unhealthy wind", so he naturally I wonder if someone has "slandered" about me to my sister.

Although he is kind to others and has never offended anyone in St. Eden Academy, it doesn't mean that if you don't offend anyone, no one will target you.

The world is not so gentle yet.

"No, no one said anything to me," Shitiao Zhenfei coughed, her eyes drifted a little, "to be exact, no one said anything to me."

"That's what everyone is saying."

"???" Si Tiaodi became more and more confused, "Say, what are you talking about?"

"I said that when you were in England, you were accidentally assimilated by them, and became, um," Shijo Zhenfei was a little embarrassed to say, and finally gritted her teeth and said——

"I don't like women anymore."

"...Huh?" Si Tiaodi was completely dumbfounded.

In England, there is indeed such a trend, yes, some people even jokingly call England a 'rotten country', but the problem is...

He really isn't.

"Sister, why do you think so?" Emperor Sijo said in an unbelievable tone, "Do you know that I used to like..."

"Of course I know, but it's a thing of the past after all." Shijo Zhenfei seemed a little embarrassed, "And, maybe it's because of such a blow that you lost interest in women... .”

Seeing that Emperor Sijo opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something, she hurriedly added, "I know, it should be because you have rejected too many people in this period of time, so there are some unwilling women who say such things behind your back. matter."

"I don't mean to blame you, I'm just expressing an opinion." Shijo Zhenfei is not so easy to deceive and trust others. If she didn't regard Kaguya as her best friend, she would not have been deceived by her before. So easily fooled.

"Men and men are not allowed." Putting her two arms on her chest, making a big 'cross', Sijo Zhenfei said very seriously, "After all, no matter how you say it, there will be no children of the same sex. of."

This is her true intention.

The real concubine Sijo doesn't really believe in those rumors, but after all, "Don't be afraid of ten thousand, just in case." If Emperor Sijo really becomes like that, she will definitely take relevant measures.

Now, Si Tiaodi finally understood, and looked at his very serious elder sister speechlessly. Suddenly, the soul of death in his heart couldn't help but move——

"If there is no child, there will be no child, so what's the big deal." He said in a pretended relaxed tone, "The big deal is to let my sister's child be the heir of the Shitiao family. Isn't that all right?"

"Why, why, why did you suddenly mention me here? And the child, the child..." Sijo Zhenfei seemed a little flustered.

Oh, such an old lady is so fun, Si Tiaodi couldn't help showing a smile, he deliberately said: "Could it be that my sister doesn't plan to have Yuan Jun's child in the future?"

Obviously, the matter of Concubine Sijo and Yuanjing was not hidden from her younger brother.

"It's useless to just think about it on my side, it still depends on A Jing's meaning," Shitiao Zhenfei was a little shy, "Besides, we are still too young now, at least we have to wait until we are in college..."

"...Hey, what's his opinion?" The smile on Sitiaodi's face narrowed, and after a moment of silence, he suddenly said, "Although Mr. Yuan has looked for his father, he is Nothing related to you was mentioned at all."

"Is this really okay?" Emperor Sijo looked a little worried.

His impression of Yuanjing is actually not bad, and he didn't hate him because of his "stealing love with a knife".

However, if he only has the attitude of "just playing around" with his sister, then even if the Yuan family is behind Yuan Jing, he must make her look good.

"Well, there's no problem." There was no longer the usual coquettishness, and the face of Concubine Sitiao was full of tenderness at this time, "I asked him to do this."

"The relationship between us is still a mess now. If the previous generation is involved, the problem will become particularly complicated."

"So, I decided to straighten out the relationship first, and then tell my parents about it after everything is settled."

As for how to straighten it out, the real concubine Sijo didn't say.

This is actually the heart disease of the four real concubines.

After all, she is not from a small family, but the daughter of the Sijo family.

Although Dad respects her wishes and will not appoint any husband-in-law for her, this kind of freedom is actually limited.

At the very least, he would definitely not allow himself to follow Yuanjing without a name.

He should be able to persuade himself, and after he finds that he can't be persuaded, he will think of other ways so that her precious daughter will not be so wronged and live a more comfortable life.

For example...

Find a way to break the marriage contract between Yuanjing and Chika Fujiwara.

Zongren Sijo would definitely do such a thing.

Although Zongren Shijo would be very concerned about having close contact with multiple women at the same time, he can barely accept it.

However, the premise of all this is-

Yuanjing only has the "real wife" of the four real concubines.

This is the bottom line that he can accept.

If Zongren Shijo knew what happened on Sunday, then the subsequent development would become very complicated, and very, very many people might be involved.

This is what the kind concubine Zhen is extremely unwilling to see.

For this reason, Concubine Shijo specially issued a gag order to the relevant personnel that day, and also asked her younger brother to help her cover it up.

"Since my sister thinks so, then I can only do my best to help you here." Seeing that Concubine Sitiao was in a sad mood, Emperor Sitiao suddenly changed the subject and was about to talk about some happy things.

"However, if it wasn't my side, but my sister revealed the truth, I would have told my parents all about it at that time."

"I revealed myself?" Shitiao Zhenfei couldn't help laughing, "How can this be..."

"Of course it's possible. Sister, you probably didn't take protective measures that day, right?" Si Tiaodi asked tentatively, "Sister, haven't you considered the possibility that something happened accidentally?"

"..." Sijo Zhenfei fell silent.

It's over, it seems that my sister really didn't think about this possibility...

Sitiaodi stroked his forehead helplessly.

Sure enough, women in love will become stupid. If it was the older sister, she would never ignore such an important issue.

"I, I remember that there is a simple way to judge whether I am pregnant or not." After the initial daze, Shijo Zhenfei immediately thought of something, "I remember it is called pregnancy test b..."

"It's still too early to buy that now," Si Tiaodi said without thinking, "If you want to use this method to judge, you have to wait at least two weeks. It's only a few days now, how can it be useful."

"...Emperor, why do you understand so well." Concubine Sijo looked at her younger brother in surprise, and then asked suspiciously, "Could it be that you have encountered such a situation before?"

"This is common sense, my good sister." Sijoi tried his best to control his tone and expression, so as not to let his sister spy out anything, "You also know that the atmosphere in England is much more open than Sakurajima, so related Naturally, education must keep up."

"...It's the first time I've heard that Yinglun will teach students this kind of knowledge in high school." Shijo Zhenfei's keen intuition played a role again, just when she wanted to get to the bottom of it when--

"Sister, it seems that someone is looking for you." Sijodi suddenly looked at the door of Class F and said.

"This kind of trick is too old, do you think I will be fooled?" Even though she said so, Concubine Sijo subconsciously glanced in the direction that Emperor Sijo was looking at.

A touch of pink just broke into her field of vision.

"Student Zhenfei, can I take a moment of your time to talk to you?" Standing pretty at the door of Class F, Chika Fujiwara waved at Shijo Zhenfei.

At this time, it was the time for Yang Nai and Xue Nai to meet.

Chapter 4 Don't you want to have sex with Yuan Jing?


Humming an unknown tune softly in her mouth, Chika Fujiwara jumped and walked ahead, while Concubine Shijo followed silently behind her.

After Shijo Zhenfei refused her younger brother's company, the two of them, one in front and one behind, climbed up one level after another in the classroom building that was a little deserted after school.

What kind of person is Fujiwara Chika?

If you ask different people, you will get different answers.

She is Hiratsuka Shizuka's favorite and trusted "right hand", the "squad leader" respected by the students in Class A of Senior One, the "happy fruit" in the Lamb Club, Shimizu Kaguya, Yukinoshita Yukino, Touma Kazusa and Hayasaka Ai's "best friend" recognized by both.

Of course, for Makoto Shijo, Chika Fujiwara's most important identity is——

Yuanjing's legitimate fiancee.

Not only that, but the two have met each other's parents and obtained each other's recognition.

That is to say...

Love each other.

When thinking of this, Sijo Zhenfei felt a little uncomfortable for no reason.

No, it's not 'inexplicable'.

As for the reason for her discomfort, she actually understood quite well.

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