That is--


There is no doubt that she is jealous of Chika Fujiwara.

"Obviously I was sorry for Qianhua, secretly ate the forbidden fruit that I shouldn't have tasted, but now I greedily covet the leftovers..."

'Sijo Zhenfei, Sijo Zhenfei, when did you become this ugly? '

If the quality of [morality] is digitized, the value of this item of Shijo Zhenfei can be said to be frighteningly high.

Among the girls related to Yuanjing, maybe only Yukinoshita Yukino can compete with him.

Even the daughter of the Patriarch of the Sitiao family, one of the four major families, grew up under the doting of everyone, but the true concubine Sitiao did not grow crooked, and became a domineering, unruly and willful young lady.

On the contrary, he maintained the integrity and kindness in his nature...

This is the biggest shining point of Concubine Sijo.

Of course, this beautiful quality may also become the source of her pain and depression.

Concubine Shijo can't do such a thing as 'rob a man'.

Because once she has such an idea, her extremely high morality will condemn her in her heart and make her give up this 'unreasonable idea'.

...just like before.

It is foreseeable that if there is no "Hei Dai" bewitchment and that collision, even though Shijo Zhenfei herself has noticed that she still has a little strange feeling towards Yuanjing, the so-called "pure friendship" is no longer known. The time quietly deteriorates, but it will not do anything 'out of line' because of it.

She should silently play the role of 'Yuanjing's best friend of the opposite sex', and look forward to the day when he will be single in her heart.

How painful that kind of life is, Kaguya Shimizu must have the most say.

From this point of view, although Concubine Zhen and Hui Ye have very different personalities and choices, they have similarities in their circumstances.

Is this the so-called curse entangled in the bloodline?

"It's here!" Just as Makoto Shijo was thinking wildly, Chika Fujiwara, who was walking in front, said this in a somewhat cheerful tone, and at the same time stopped in her tracks.

If it wasn't for quick enough reaction and good enough body coordination, the absent-minded Shijo Makoto almost bumped into Fujiwara Chika's body.

"...Here it is." Looking around, Shijo Zhenfei showed a little surprise on her face.

Now, they have almost reached the top floor of the teaching building. As long as they go through the stairs and open the door of the stairwell, they can walk to the rooftop.

However, Chika Fujiwara did not intend to continue walking up, but stopped directly in the middle of the stairs.

No wonder Shijo Zhenfei was startled by this sudden pause.

"Do you want to talk here?" Shijo Zhenfei actually had an impression of this place.

To be precise, it is the impression of the stairwell at the end of the stairs.

It was in that small space that Kaguya, who was still surnamed Shinomiya at the time, confessed to her that he was leaving the family to pursue his own happiness.

And moved by her spirit, he also vowed to help her.

Only then did a series of things follow.

From a certain point of view, this place can be said to be the "place where dreams begin" for Shijo Zhenfei.

"Well, I think this place is the best." Fujiwara Chika nodded, and after that——

"Hey." Accompanied by a lovely voice, the cute girl with pink hair sat down on the steps all at once.

"!!!" Makoto Shijo was very surprised, she hurried up a few steps, trying to pull Chika Fujiwara up.

She didn't think the steps were dirty.

The cleaners of St. Eden Academy are very conscientious, and they do a good job of cleaning every day, and the stairs are their focus.

Moreover, as the weather gets colder and the end of the term approaches, the rooftop, which is rarely visited by people, becomes even more deserted. No one may pass this section of stairs for a whole day.


"It's so cold." Chika Fujiwara shivered.

Isn't that of course!

It is now December, the depths of winter.

Although St. Eden Academy has underfloor heating, it only goes up to the sixth floor with classrooms, and the stairs leading to the roof are not within the scope of "care" of underfloor heating.

Even if the school uniform of St. Eden Academy is extremely warm, if you just sit down without any preparation, you will definitely feel cold.

"Obviously that time, it was still cool and comfortable." Chika Fujiwara said, with a sense of nostalgia, "Well, after all, it has been a few months, and you can't expect this place to be the same as before, right?"

Concubine Zhen froze her outstretched hand.

that time?which time?

From what Qian Hua said, it seemed that a few months ago, what happened at the place where she was sitting now?


Something related to Yuanjing?

"Fortunately, I was prepared." Seemingly not noticing Shijo Makoto's tangled look, Fujiwara Chika took out two specially prepared thick handkerchiefs from her pocket.

She stacked them one over the other, putting one under her buttocks and the other next to her.

Gently patted the handkerchief with the cute little flower printed on it, Chika Fujiwara's big eyes full of expectation, just flickering at Shijo Makoto, the meaning has been expressed quite clearly.

Sighing a little helplessly, Shijo Zhenfei also walked to her side, and just so lightly sat on the 'seat' prepared for her by Fujiwara Chika.

"Princess Zhen, you may feel a little puzzled, why did I insist on bringing you here." Stretching her legs and shaking her little feet, Chika Fujiwara looked quite relaxed at this moment.

"Because, this place is actually a very special place for me."

"..." Concubine Sijo was very quiet, as if she was only going to be a listener.

"How should I put it?" Fujiwara Chika scratched her cheeks, looking a little shy, "Although I have been concerned about A Jing for a long time, but what really made me clear my mind and like him—"

"It's here."

"This is a secret buried deep in my heart, even Yukino and the others don't know it."


"So, in the end he dragged you to class so forcefully?" At some point, Concubine Sijo no longer had that tangled expression, but became interested.

There is always a very special affinity with Chika Fujiwara.

All the pain and troubles seem to be afraid of this optimistic and cheerful pink-haired girl. As long as you talk to her, even the most sad person can become happy again.

Concubine Shijo finally understood why everyone liked the girl in front of her so much.

"That's to say," Fujiwara Chika snorted softly, with a little resentment on her face, but more sweetness, "After that, he even made a small report to Teacher Jing, so that she Here, he always greets me...Really, I'm not as fragile as he imagined!"

What she just said to Concubine Sijo is naturally what Yuanjing 'educated' her.

At that time, because she saw the blood types of herself and her parents, she suspected that she was not the biological child of the two, so she secretly brought the 'Pace' out of the house and raised it on the rooftop.

Just when she wanted to come to the rooftop to feed it, and confide in her heart to it, she also happened to run into Yuanjing who was planning to develop this place into her second stronghold.

The person to confide in just changed to another person.

"Is this an excusable thing?" Shitiao Zhenfei subconsciously excused someone, "Women of this age are already sentimental, and what happened to you is still such a big event. He and you at that time were definitely not as good as they are now. Isn’t it normal to have such doubts?”

"Anyway, if it were me, I wouldn't just let you go, and I would definitely take measures."

"Hey," Fujiwara Chika gave Shijo Makoto a meaningful look, "I don't mean to blame him, have you started to protect him now?"

"No way." Concubine Zhen was blushed by Qianhua, "I was just speculating about his thoughts at that time normally, isn't that okay?"

"Okay, okay, of course." Chika Fujiwara showed some exaggerated self-pity, "Anyway, it doesn't matter whether it's being looked at by Teacher Jing like a prisoner, or being ignored by 'Pace' for a long time It’s okay, it’s all my own fault, and it has nothing to do with Ah Jing..."

"Is that always possible?"

"There's no need to talk about that all of a sudden, right?" Shitiao Zhenfei muttered, "And, didn't you insist on grabbing the hem of his clothes to let him listen to you?"

"Do you still want to hear other stories?" Chika Fujiwara raised her eyebrows.

"I want to hear it, I want to hear it, of course I want to hear it." Shijo Makoto grabbed Fujiwara Chika's sleeve and begged for mercy: "Next time I promise to stand by your side!"

In Chika Fujiwara's belly, there are actually quite a lot of 'stories' reserved.

It's like dragging Xue Nai to follow someone after class, but he caught him right away;

Or go out in the wild with someone, feed the fox together, and set up a tent;

Or maybe it was a matter of pretending to be in the dark together and scaring Yukino's sister...

And every bit of it, Chika Fujiwara is very precious.

This is what she carefully kept in her heart, her most cherished 'treasure'.

At this 'starting point of everything', she shared it with another lady who was in the same situation as her... No, it should be a more 'poor' young lady than her.

The reason why I say that is naturally because——

"Are you envious?" After everything came to an end, Chika Fujiwara said in a calm tone that was completely opposite to just now.

Four real concubines: "..."

Of course you are, very envious.

Although she doesn't regret what happened on Sunday, that doesn't mean she doesn't have regrets in her heart.

There are too few things that she and Yuan Jing have experienced together.

It can be said that there are almost no 'secrets' that belong only to her and Yuan Jing.

There is no way, before that, she basically appeared as Kaguya's wingman and helper, but she was attracted by Yuanjing unconsciously.

If I really want to think about it carefully, it may only be that chance meeting in Arisugawa Palace Memorial Park.

And that time there were Eri Sawamura and Mashiro Shiina...

"...So, did you come here on purpose to show off to me?" Suppressing the sudden sourness in her heart, Makoto Shijo looked at Chika Fujiwara's eyes stubbornly, as if she was shrinking her body , a little hedgehog showing all its spikes.

"There are so many unique and beautiful memories between me and Ah Jing. This time, it's just that I didn't pay attention to him. Don't think that you can become someone for him..."

"Is that what you mean?"

The real concubine Sijo actually didn't have anyone who wanted to be Yuanjing.

She knew that she was the one who broke in halfway, and she didn't have the qualifications to ask for such a thing.

Just considering the feelings of other girls, she even concealed this matter from her parents, just not wanting to make a big deal out of it.

She has reached this point, isn't Chika Fujiwara still relieved?

Just hate yourself so much, don't even plan to leave a little space for her, want to drive yourself away from him completely?

Why are you so mean to me alone?

Take your place for fear of me?

Shijo Zhenfei didn't want to think so.

But what Fujiwara Chika did made her think otherwise.

"Oh, why are you still crying?" Fujiwara Chika obviously didn't expect that Concubine Shijo would react so strongly. She originally wanted to take out a handkerchief to wipe away tears for Concubine Sijo, but after putting her hands in her pockets, she was embarrassed Suddenly, he found that his handkerchief was still under their buttocks.

She didn't have any extra tissues on her body, so she naturally looked a little at a loss.

In the end, being anxious and wise, she still grabbed the sleeve with her fingers, and in this way, wiped away the tears that fell down her face for the four real concubines.

"Although I don't deny that there is a little bit of showing off," Fujiwara Chika smiled wryly while wiping.

"However, my main purpose is to motivate you."

"Stimulate...motivation?" Shijo Zhenfei seemed a little puzzled.

"That's right." Fujiwara Chika nodded.

"According to the information I got, although something like that happened on Sunday, you didn't actually promise Ah Jing to be his girlfriend, did you?"

"...Hmm." Shijo Zhenfei nodded slightly.

"Concubine Zhen, you did a good job, that's what you have to do!" After wiping away all the tears, Chika Fujiwara nodded as she saw the beautiful face of Concubine Shijo.

"It's just that such a thing happened, so you want such a beautiful girl to agree to his conditions and become his girlfriend or even his wife?" Fujiwara Chika even showed a little aggrieved, "How can there be such a good thing?"

"Dating, courting, and confession are essential, otherwise, wouldn't it be too cheap for that scumbag?"

"Ah, that, actually, I didn't think about it..." Things turned around so quickly that Concubine Sijo couldn't keep up with Qianhua's rhythm for a while, and she stuttered a bit.

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