"Liar, you were clearly envious just now!" Fujiwara Chika burst through the four lies of the real concubine.

"Don't you want to have sex with Ah Jingqing?"

Under this continuous offensive and pressing step by step, Sitiao Zhenfei was already a little dizzy.

Now she has been cornered by Qianhua, and she doesn't even have time to think about why Qianhua behaved like this.

"Think, don't want, which side is it?" Qianhua's offensive continued.


"Of course I want to. Isn't this nonsense?"

Bounty end statistics

According to the data last night, there are a total of 1232 monthly tickets, 4936 recommendations, 40.79 rewards and 163 blades. If converted into words according to the reward rules, it is 119k words. If you erase a fraction, it will be 12w words and 30 chapters. , which happens to be the full attendance of the hedgehog cat for a month.

I added 4 chapters last month, that is to say, there are still 26 chapters left...

Don't panic, because panic is useless, I will pay it off as soon as possible.

Chapter 5 Want to work with us?

After being beaten by Fujiwara Chika's combination of "showing affection + stern speeches to extract a confession", Shijo Zhenfei finally had no room to continue to speak hard, but finally confided her heart.

To this, Fujiwara Chika's reaction was——

"Okay, now the evidence is in hand!"

"Evidence, evidence?" Shitiao Zhenfei was a little dumbfounded, "What evidence?"

There was a wicked smile on Fujiwara Chika's face.She reached into her pocket and took out her cell phone.

Makoto Shijo noticed that Chika Fujiwara took out the handkerchief from this pocket.

"This is..." She had obviously realized something at this time, and while her expression became surprised, she couldn't help being a little angry.

【Concubine Zhen, you may feel a little puzzled, why did I insist on bringing you here. ] It was not Chika Fujiwara who made this sound, but the mobile phone in her hand.

【Because, for me, here is actually...】

"Ah, this paragraph is unnecessary, fast forward fast forward." This is what Fujiwara Chika said now.

Obviously, when Fujiwara Chika took out her handkerchief, she actually pressed the recording button of the phone in her pocket.Because both of them were put in a pocket by her in advance, the real concubine didn't notice this at the time.

What Fujiwara Chika is playing now is the content recorded by the mobile phone.

"Ah, in fact, the only thing that is really [useful] is this section." Chika Fujiwara pulled the progress bar of this recording to almost the end—

【Don't you want to have sex with Ah Jingqing? 】

[Of course I want to, isn't this nonsense? 】

Concubine Shijo listened to the question and answer numbly, and then looked at Chika Fujiwara with some disbelief.

Did she really not think that all that Fujiwara Chika did before was just to set her up?


"So, what do you want to do when you press this question?"

"Well," rubbing her clean chin, Fujiwara Chika seemed to want to show the kind of sinister smile that villains with deep wits in movies and TV show when they succeed in trickery, but it may be because the girl is too cute Because of this, this smile looks a little silly.

"What does Concubine Zhen think I am going to do?"

"How do I know? The easiest way is to make a small report to Ah Jing, saying that although I don't want him to be responsible on the surface, it's just my lie, in order to let him relax his guard against me or something... ..." Concubine Sijo began to recall the various palace fighting dramas she had seen.

"Hey, so there is such a way, write it down." Fujiwara Chika nodded suddenly, as if she had been educated.

"You are..."

Are you humiliating me?

This indignant sentence was almost blurted out like this, but Chika Fujiwara seemed to feel that she had teased her a little too much, so she bowed and apologized very simply——

"Sorry, I joked too much!"

"Huh?" The remaining half of the sentence was just stuck in the throat of Si Tiao Zhen Fei.

"A joke?" She looked at Qian Hua with some doubts.

"That's right, it's just a joke." Fujiwara Chika scratched her cheek embarrassingly, "Actually, I didn't think about going so far at the beginning, but it should be said that Zhenfei's angry appearance is too cute, or should I say I feel an atmosphere of [Come and bully me!]... All in all, I seem to be indulging in it accidentally, and I have gone too far."

"I'm so sorry!" Chika Fujiwara bowed her head sincerely again.

"..." Seeing that the other party's apology was so sincere, the anger in Concubine Shijo's heart gradually extinguished, but a verbal apology alone was not enough.

She silently stretched out a hand towards Fujiwara Chika, motioning for Chika to give her the mobile phone in her hand.

However, the latter didn't obey obediently, but put it back in his pocket all at once.

This action made Sijo Zhenfei frowned all of a sudden.

"If my deduction is correct, Concubine Zhen should choose to delete the recording immediately after getting the phone?" Chika Fujiwara obviously understood Concubine Zhen's thoughts.

"Sorry, I can't let you do that."

Concubine Shijo glared at Chika Fujiwara.

'...You are just talking about it, but you have never thought about it at all...'

"Because, this recording is not just a handle, but also the [courage] of Concubine Makoto." Facing Concubine Shijo's somewhat terrifying eyes, Chika Fujiwara said without the slightest fear.

"If I delete this recording, then Concubine Zhen will definitely return to her previous appearance."

"Obviously I really want to make out with Ah Jing, but because of unnecessary self-esteem and fear of hurting other people, even if the opportunity comes to my door, I will just push him away, or simply run away."

"In the last word, I am so envious in my heart that I am dying, but I will say something like 'I don't care!' or 'A good lady must learn to be modest!'" It is obvious that Fujiwara Chika looked at Shijo Makoto. Very transparent.

"Little Concubine Zhen, you have such a good personality. In love, you will definitely suffer."

Concubine Shijo didn't get angry this time, nor did she raise any objections, obviously acquiescing to Chika Fujiwara's words.

"... Listen to what you mean, are you helping me?" Shijo Makoto looked at Fujiwara Chika suspiciously, she really didn't understand what she was trying to do now, "Thought Shall I take the courage to take 'your man' away from you?"

"Hey, does it look like this?" Fujiwara Chika tilted her head cutely, "However, although I very much hope that A Jing is 'my man', it is obviously impossible, especially After what happened on Sunday."

"So, the first half of what you just said is actually not accurate."

"As for the 'snatch' in the second half of the sentence..." Chika Fujiwara looked at the concubine Shijo, who was still on guard, "The premise for this to happen is that you and I are so-called enemies, Yuan Jing There can only be one of us."

She then spread her hands, showing a somewhat helpless wry smile, "But, the current situation is obviously not like this."

"Concubine Zhen, let me ask you, even if I win the final victory and become the wife that Ajing Mingmei is marrying, will you break with him after that, and only maintain the so-called [pure friendship]?" Fujiwara Qianhua asked back like this.

The four real concubines did not answer.

If what happened on Sunday hadn't happened, she would still nod without hesitation, even if there would be a little heartache.

but now......

"Look, you are the one with the best character and the highest morality, let alone other people." Chika Fujiwara obviously understood Zhenfei's silence.

"Yukino, Kazuya, Kaguya, Ai, Liya, Yangno, Mashiro, Eriri... Ah, really, why do so many people like Ajing, obviously I was the first to start People who pay attention to him." Chika Fujiwara murmured.

"Sometimes, I really want to just lock Ah Jing in the basement from the very beginning. In this way, he won't provoke other girls, and will only focus on me alone."

"Hi!" Concubine Sijo glared at Qianhua, she didn't expect such an idea to arise in your heart, an optimistic and cheerful pink-haired monster.

It's a pity that Concubine Si Tiao is not a housemate, otherwise, she would know a classic saying, that is——

The pink one is cut open and the inside is black???????.

The latter immediately coughed lightly, avoiding the condemning gaze cast by Concubine Zhen.

"That's where I said it just now. By the way, it's the fact that the two of us are not sworn enemies." Fujiwara Chika brought the topic back to the right track, "On the contrary, we are now, in a sense 'allies'."

"Allies?" Concubine Shijo was puzzled, she had never thought about what Fujiwara Chika said before.

"That's right, ally." Chika Fujiwara nodded, and finally started to get rid of her plan.

"After what happened on Sunday, the girls around Ah Jing have actually gradually divided into three categories."

She held up three fingers.

"The first category is Hesha, Kaguya, Zhenbai and Yinglili. They have been 'eaten' by A Jing, and they are also willing to become A Jing's lover and wife, and they have entered the so-called 'strategy completion' state .”

"The second category is Liya, you, and Yang Nai. Although they have been 'eaten' by Ah Jing, because of one or another concern, although they will not leave Ah Jing, they also refuse to be with A Jing. He affirms the existence of the relationship."

"Liya is guilty and wants to atone for her sins, Yang Nai is estimating Yukino's thoughts, and you don't want the face of the Shijo family to be damaged, and you don't want to hurt other people."

"I call the three of you the 'already on the bus and waiting for fare replacement' group."

"Hey, what's the group called 'Already on the train and just waiting to make up the fare'? Your naming method is very problematic! Doesn't it seem..." Shitiao Zhenfei objected a little bit angrily.

Doesn't this mean that as long as Yuan Jing is willing to 'make up the ticket', she will obediently submit and become his lover and wife?

She is not such an unsteady person!

But Fujiwara Chika ignored her this time.

For someone who can be tricked out of her heart so easily, how strong do you expect her defense to be?

There are also differences between people.

Compared with Yang Nao and Li Ya, Shijo Zhenfei is definitely the best one to deal with.

That's why she needs to appear in person.

"As for the last category, it's me, Yukino, and love." The topic continued.

"The three of us were wrong and did not participate in Sunday's events. If the three of you are 'already on the bus and have not made up the ticket', then we are 'obviously got the ticket, but missed the bus' Bar."

The smile on Fujiwara Chika's face was a bit bitter. Obviously, it was not that simple for her to say such a thing.

"I really envy Hesha, she is so lucky." She couldn't help but say so.

Among the four of them, Hesha was the most timid and the most disciplined one, but in the end she came to the front of the four...

This should be God's will to trick people, right?

"...Anyway, I already have a ticket, so it's not difficult to get on the bus at any time." Looking at the somewhat depressed Fujiwara Chika, Makoto Shijo couldn't help comforting her.

"It's not that simple." Fujiwara Chika shook her head, "Besides, I, Yukino and Ai are actually a little bit unwilling."

"Because we are the most hurt by this incident, but we have to find a way instead. Isn't this too unreasonable?"

It is very unreasonable, but love is an unreasonable thing.

After all, even if such a thing happened, they never thought of leaving Yuanjing.

In love, the person who falls in love with the other person first is a complete loser.

Although this sentence is a bit extreme, it is not without reason.

"Actually, if Ah Jing wants to 'embrace the beauty', it's actually very simple——"

"As long as you deliberately make out with other girls in front of us." This is something she can think of, and there is no way Yuanjing can't think about it.

"Hesha, Kaguya, Mashiro, and Eriri have no way to refuse him. As long as he deliberately shows his affection in front of us, then we will definitely be shaken."

"If you come a few more times, among the three of us, there will definitely be people who can't bear it any longer, put down their dignity and bottom line, and surrender to him voluntarily."

"As long as we have no way to leave him cruelly, then this is destined."

"But, I know he won't do that." There was a proud smile on the corner of Fujiwara Chika's mouth, "He doesn't bother to use such a demon heretic, and he will definitely use the positive attack method to remove the grudges in our hearts openly. Let us be his wives willingly."

"It's like what he wants to do to you." The gazes of the two young ladies met together.

"If you just want to have fun and don't want to be responsible, it is undoubtedly in his best interest to maintain the status quo between you and Ah Jing, but he didn't do that, right?"

"Let me think about it, did he promise you that he would marry you, and he wouldn't just sneak around with you like this?"

"...Mm." Shijo Zhenfei's cheeks were flushed.

Chika Fujiwara's words obviously reminded her of Yuanjing's promise.

"Then, our interests are the same." Chika Fujiwara said simply.

"Since we are all in our hearts and have expectations for Ah Jing's next actions, we should unite and communicate with each other."

"Otherwise, they will be defeated by Ah Jing one by one."

"Didn't you also say before that you want to create good memories with Ah Jing and love each other?"

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