Saying that, Chika Fujiwara stretched out her hand towards Concubine Shijo.

After a moment of silence...

Two slender little hands just held each other together.


With light steps, Ai Hayasaka walked in the campus.

The three of them actually have a fairly clear division of labor——

Xue Nai went to find her sister.

Qianhua went to find Concubine Zhen, who was also the eldest lady.

As a half-breed, her target is Artoria.

However, today's Liya is occupied by Yuanjing, so the plan is slightly hindered.

But they are not in such a hurry, it doesn't matter if it is a day or two late.

At this moment, she was stopped by a girl with an armband on her shoulder.

"Ai Hayasaka, isn't that right?" That was the armband of the executive committee member.

"The president of the student council is looking for you, can you come with me?"

Chapter 6 I, don't settle for it!

Fujiwara Chika once said to Concubine Shijo that the girls around Yuanjing can be divided into three categories.

That is, the group of 'completed the strategy', the group of 'had boarded the train and only waited for the ticket' and the group of 'obviously got the ticket, but missed the train'.

This is actually an inaccurate statement.

In fact, there is actually another category of girls around Yuanjing, and that is——

People who want to get on the train even though they don't have a ticket.

It is the so-called people who like Yuanjing, but Yuanjing has no interest in them.

There are actually quite a lot of people like this, and what you can meet is that there will be more in the future.

Of course Chika Fujiwara knew about the existence of such people, but she ignored them on purpose.

Although she is kind, she is not an idiot or a cuckold.

In the beginning, she actually thought the same as Yuan Jing——

She, Yukinoshita Yukino, Touma Kazusa, Hayasaka Ai, and at most Kaguya Shimizu.

A total of 5 people is enough.

In this case, you can 'schedule' from Monday to Friday, as for weekends...

If Yuan Jing wants to rest, let him rest.

If Yuan Jing wants to find someone, then let him go; if he wants a lot of people together, as long as he can convince everyone, then there is actually no big problem with her.

It's not that she didn't want to monopolize Yuanjing, but in that case, she would turn against almost all her good friends and make them sad...

After weighing the two, she still didn't do that in the end.

Regarding Yuan Jing, she was actually quite at ease.

If he really wanted to, he would have lived a life of wine and meat, and the whole of St. Eden would become his 'paradise', allowing him to take whatever he wanted.

As a result, she accidentally happened in the shrine on Sunday.

And suddenly doubled the number of people she expected...

In fact, Qianhua's trust was not given to the wrong person.

If it weren't for Kaguya and 'Heida', the possibility of Yuanjing's future becoming what she expected is actually very high.

Even if she knew that Concubine Shijo, Shiina Mashiro, Sawamura Eriri and others had vague feelings for Yuanjing, she would not point it out.

After all, love is selfish.

However, there is no 'if' in this world.

Now that everything has happened, all Chika Fujiwara can do is to try her best to 'make up for it'.

She will try her best to accept the few people who are already done; and for the fourth type of people, the so-called 'girls who like Yuanjing but Yuanjing has no interest in them', she will resolutely guard against them.

Ten people is long enough, please don't come again!

This is what Fujiwara Chika is thinking now.

But now, Ningguang, the representative of the fourth category of girls, the student council president of St. Eden Academy and Yuanjing's "Puppy Dog", who is a senior high school senior, sent someone to find Ai Hayasaka.

What does she want to do?


The female executive member who brought Hayasaka Ai to the student council president's office bowed respectfully towards Ningguang and left on her own.Before leaving, he carefully closed the door of the office again.

In this spacious office where there were only two people, Sitting on the chair stared at Ai Hayasaka who was looking at her with a wary face——

"I already know what happened at the shrine on Sunday." She didn't beat around the bush as usual, but directly chose to get straight to the point, "What are you going to do?"

Hayasaka Ai: "..."

Ningguang actually adopted such an approach, which made Ai Hayasaka a little uncomfortable.

Although she knew the student council president, Hayasaka Ai had very little contact with her. The main understanding of her came from her intelligence network, Yukino and Chika.

She herself has never confronted Ningguang head-on.

Maybe it was because of this reason that Ningguang chose her as the target this time?

"Where did you know this kind of thing?" Ai Hayasaka did not answer Ningguang's question, but asked rhetorically.

She is not Ningguang's subordinate, and has no obligation to obey Ningguang.

The reason why the president of the student council has supernatural rights in St. Eden Academy is because of his right to budget allocation and the right to use various facilities in the school, and secondly because of his own personal charm.

But unfortunately, neither of these two is of much use to Hayasaka Ai.

What she cared about, instead, was where did Ningguang know about this matter.

There are not many people who know about this matter. Except for the person involved, maybe only Shijo Tei, Shizuka Hiratsuka and the three of them know who it is...

"I knew it from Mashiro." Unlike Hayasaka Ai, Ningguang answered her question quite frankly, "That child seems to regard me as her benefactor, so I noticed something wrong and asked her She answered me simply and neatly."

"Of course, she is still very tight-lipped when it comes to others. You can rest assured about that."

Shiina Mashiro's perception of condensed light is actually very good.

In her opinion, Ningguang not only reminded her that she can build a good relationship with Yuanjing through the winter vacation travel (this is also the direct reason why she has a share in Sunday's affairs), but also when Sayuri Sawamura used Kaguya, She also kindly told them Yuanjing's address, which indirectly contributed to Yuanjing's protection of Sawamura's mother and daughter.

In addition, Ning Guang is really not a bad person, at least in her eyes.

So, when Ning Guang asked about it curiously, she told her straightforwardly.

"...It turned out to be Mashiro." Ai Hayasaka rubbed the center of her brows in distress, "She was too careless, how could she tell such an important thing to this kind of person."

"Hey, hey, isn't it too rude to use [this kind of person] to describe me?" Ning Guang's vermilion eyes stared at Hayasaka Ai, showing some dissatisfaction.

"I'm still on your side, right?"

"No, you are from Ah Jing, not from our side." Ai Hayasaka saw this quite clearly, "Can you please stop getting close to me?"

That's right, Ningguang has never been with Fujiwara Chika and others.

For her who is proud and arrogant, Yuanjing is the only one who can really convince her and make her bow her head.

She only admits that she is Yuanjing's "little dog", but she never admits Qianhua, Xue Nai and others as the "hostess" status, and never thinks of building a good relationship with them.

Alone and beautiful, but she only bows her head before Yuan Jing.

This is the essence of the young girl Ningguang.

"Ah, I was seen through." Seeing that Hayasaka Ai's mouth was so tight, there was a little disappointment in her condensed tone, "Because I had an unpleasant relationship with Yukino and Qianhua, I went to find out who never was. You who have never provoked."

"I didn't expect that even you have such a deep prejudice against me..."

"It's hard to say if it's a prejudice." Ai Hayasaka snorted softly, "Don't think I don't know what your plan is, you just want to see if there is an opportunity to let you get a share of the pie, right?"

"On this point, we have reached a consensus." Hayasaka Ai stared at Ning Guang's beautiful vermilion eyes without showing any weakness, and said word by word—

"Don't even think about it!"

"Oh?" Facing such a fierce reaction from Hayasaka Ai, Ningguang was not annoyed at all.

Looking at the blond beautiful girl with a strong aura in front of her, she asked leisurely, "Who do you mean by 'we'?"

"If I'm not mistaken, it should refer to Fujiwara-san, Yukinoshita-san, and you. Well, maybe Shimizu-san and Touma-san are added at most, right?"

"Anyway, Ah Jing is definitely not included in this 'us', I don't know if I'm right?"

......Completely correct.

Hayasaka Ai did not deny it.

She had a hunch that such a lie would never be able to hide from the senior sister who came to St. Eden Academy in front of her.

"It seems I'm right." Ning Guang smiled brightly, "In this case, this so-called consensus has no binding force on me. After all, I only belong to his 'puppy'."

"I don't listen to anyone's orders except his orders."

"...Are you so obsessed with Ah Jing?" Now that Ningguang put on such a face, Hayasaka Ai has no other choice, "Sister, aren't you about to enter school soon?" , after getting in touch with more people, I will definitely be able to get in touch with more suitable candidates..."

"I'm very satisfied that you used 'someone more suitable for me' instead of 'someone better than Ah Jing'." Ning Guang nodded, "It seems that you don't think you will There are better people than Ah Jing."

"Beauty is in the eye of the beholder," Ai Hayasaka retorted, "and, compared to someone who doesn't love you, it's better and wiser to find someone who is more considerate and dedicated to you choose."

"Hey, Hayasaka-san." Ningguang no longer called 'Ai', she tilted her head to look at Hayasaka Ai, with a half-smile expression on her face.

"Are you teaching me how to do things?"

The Ningguang who said this was full of aura, not at all like a high school student who is about to graduate, but like an empress who rules the world.

"Hayasaka-san, let me tell you about my creed in life." I put my elbows on the desk, crossed my hands and fingers, propped up my chin, and said condescendingly to Hayasaka Ai ——


"No, it will be."

The beautiful long platinum hair was draped behind her head, and against the backdrop of the setting sun, it seemed to be sprinkled with a layer of gold dust.

"My background is really poor, not to mention Qianhua, even you are far inferior."

"But because of this, if I choose to make do, make do and swallow my anger, my future will definitely become dark."

"It was precisely because I was unwilling to settle down that I came to the best high school in Sakurajima, became the student council president here, and grasped the opportunity to change my own destiny."

"So, I never regret that."

"Since this is the case, my man must also be the 'best'."

"This is my 'don't settle'."

Who is the 'best' man in Ning Guang's mouth is self-evident at this time.

"This woman is really still coveting Ah Jing..."

Hayasaka Ai gritted her silver teeth, and then sneered back.

"Even if, he actually loves you more than him at all?"

"When I told my parents that I was going to be admitted to St. Eden Academy and become the student council president here, they also reacted the same as you do now." Ning Guang was not annoyed at all, "As for the result, you are also the same now." Already seen it."

"Before Sunday, did any of you think that Sawamura Eiri, Shiina Mashiro, and Shijo Makoto would become your 'good sisters' by accident? I don't think so?" Ningguang asked calmly.

"Since Concubine Zhen, Yinglili and Zhenbai are all okay—"

"Then why can't I?"

Hayasaka Ai: "..."

This woman is serious...

"Ah, I never thought of snatching the wife's seat. It would be too time-consuming and troublesome." Ning Guang added.

"My purpose, in fact, I have already told Yuanjing to him when he first came to this office. Now, I will repeat it to you here—"

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