She did not go to the same junior high school as Yukinoshita Yukino and Miura Yuiko.

And after she worked hard to get into Sobu High School, Yukinoshita Yukino had already left Chiba and headed to Tokyo.

The two people who were entangled with each other in the original book and couldn't make sense of the reason, in this world, there is no intersection by accident, and they have become two lines that do not intersect each other again.

But today, because of a man, the two lines finally cross again.

"Just because of some boring guys in junior high school, have you always hated me until now?" Xue Nai sighed, "It's obvious that we have been separated for a semester, but someone seems to be very far away from growing up."

If there are any hurdles or festivals that cannot be overcome between Yukino and Yumiko, of course there is none.

The reason for the disagreement between the two is actually just like what Xue Nai said, it was "the evaluation of some boring guys".

In junior high school, because they were both first-class beautiful girls, and their personalities were very different, the two won the titles of "Queen of Flame" and "Queen of Ice" respectively.

Then, the boys got into a very fierce dispute about which of the two was the most beautiful girl in the school.

Although she knew a little about this matter, Yukinoshita Yukino never cared about this kind of boring dispute, especially after she was going to take the test of Saint Eden.

Yumiko Miura didn't really care about such things.

However, Hayama Hayato, whom she likes, showed extraordinary concern for Yukino, which made her feel a little bit of a sense of crisis.

If he beats Yukino in this kind of comparison, maybe Ye Shanjun will be more inclined to himself.

With such naive thoughts, she and Xue Nao had several unpleasant experiences.

For example, she had a strange qi with Yukino, and then she was choked back by Yukino with her poisonous tongue...

This is all the dispute between the two of them.

Moreover, after Xue Nai transferred to another school, she originally thought that Mr. Ye Shan would be able to take a good look at her this time, but it didn't turn out like this.

Afterwards, under his side-talking, she finally confirmed that the person Ye Shanjun likes is actually Yukino Yukino.

From the point of view of 'confirming who is the rival in love', Yukino might be kind to her...

"Who are you calling a child!" Miura Yuiko couldn't help glaring at Yukino.

"Hush! Shh!" Yuigahama Yui reminded her in a panic, "Yumiko, your voice is too loud, you will hear it outside."

She doesn't quite know what happened to the two people in front of her before, but she knows that the current situation is obviously not suitable for arguing.

"Yuki, don't you know the current situation?" The reason why Miura Yuiko sarcastically ridiculed Yukino was not all because of the "past events" she had with Yukino in junior high school.

It was because she thought of a possibility.

"What is the reason for tonight's concert, do you remember?" Looking at Yukino with vigilance, Yumiko said to Yui who was still a little confused.

Yui thought for a while, and then said hesitantly, "I remember, it seems that Master Touma Yoko has friendship with the Yukinoshita family, so he was invited... Wait a minute, Yukinoshita family?"

She remembered what Yumeko called Yukinoshita Yukino just now, and then looked at Yukinoshita Yukino who was putting her ears on the door of the closet and listening carefully to the movement outside with somewhat surprised eyes.

"That's right, the one in front of you is the second lady of the Yukinoshita family, Yukino Yukino." Yumiko Miura's mind was spinning quickly, "For the Yukinoshita family who is the host, if you want to pass the staff It can be said that it couldn't be simpler to hide quietly in the wardrobe of the performers."

Yuigahama Yui glanced at Yukinoshita Yukino, although there was only a ray of light coming through, she could still see that the black-haired girl in front of her had picturesque eyebrows and eyes, she really didn't look like a bad person.

"If she really has this identity, she can indeed do such a thing very easily, but why would she do it?" Yubihama Yui excused Yukino.

The reason why the two of them hid here was because they got into the backstage through lies, so they were afraid that the staff would come and drag them out.

But as Yukinoshita Yukino, there is no need for her to hide in the closet, as long as she walks in openly, wouldn't it be fine?

"If you just want to meet him, with her status, naturally, you don't have to go through so much trouble," Miura Yuiko stared at Yukino, her green eyes were full of anger, and she obviously believed in the deduction in her heart, " However, Yukinoshita-san is obviously not satisfied with this."

"The reason why she hides in this closet is actually waiting for the right time. Yui. Do you remember how he looked just now?"

"..." Yui didn't answer, she couldn't help but see the appearance of Yuanjing just now in her mind, her cheeks couldn't help getting a little hot, and then she nodded slightly.

"After such a high-intensity performance, coupled with the infection of the live atmosphere, it is a very natural result to feel tired and hot." After receiving Yui's response, Miura Yuiko continued, "Even if it is a boy, At this time, he will also become extremely weak, as long as he is unprepared..."

"Student Miura." Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't help interrupting Miura Yuiko, and turned her head to look at her. Yukino's tone was quite cold, "I haven't seen you for a semester, why is your head covered with scraps of the same color as your hair?" Is it full? The relationship between me and him is not as dirty as you said."

"Who has a yellow head?" Yumiko Miura yelled angrily, "Okay, you are lofty, you are amazing, then let me ask you, do you want to take off his clothes and do such and such things to him?"

Yumiko Miura is very grateful for her previous choice.

If she hadn't tricked the staff and dragged Yui here, something very, very dirty might have happened to her 'benefactor'.

As an existence with one foot in the upper class, she has actually heard some rumors about how much fun these children of wealthy families have.

She originally thought that Yukinoshita Yukino was not that kind of superficial person, but she didn't think that she seemed to have misjudged the person before.

"..." Facing Miura Yuiko's angry eyes and whispered questioning, and Yuigahama Yui's unbelievable eyes, Yukinoshita was silent for a while.

She does.

No, it should be said that she didn't just think about it, she had already done part of it.

If it was her older sister, faced with such doubts, she should simply deny it, right?

After all, she was used to lying.

But Yukino is not her sister.

Moreover, she has no need to lie.

After all, there is no need to shy away from such things in her relationship with Yuanjing.

"Of course I would," she admitted.

But before Yumiko Miura and Yuigahama Yui could say anything, she raised her head and looked at the two of them, her dark blue eyes sparkled against the light coming through the gap——

"But he's my boyfriend. Is there anything wrong with me thinking so?"

With a little pride, although Yukinoshita Yukino can be said to be as tall as the two of them, at this moment, she seems to be looking down at them.

""! ! ! "" Yumiko Miura and Yuihama Yui both opened their eyes wide.

After a while, Yuigahama Yui said weakly, "Yes, he seems to have told me that he already has a girlfriend."

The reward he received from her was "a quiet and suitable place for dating in Chiba City"...

In other words, is the 'girlfriend' he is talking about Yukinoshita Yukino in front of him?

Yuigahama Yui quietly looked at Yukino for a while——

'Well, it really is a good match. '

She thought so sadly.

Yukino Miura was not so easily persuaded by Yukino, just when she dared to open her mouth and was about to say something, Yukino covered her mouth quickly.

She had just clearly heard the sound of the door being pushed open.

"...I know, you may think this is just my one-sided statement, it's okay, I will let you find him to confirm later." Yukinoshita Yukino whispered in her ear.

"Now, please shut your mouth quietly and don't disturb me to listen to the sounds outside."

Although unexpected people appeared, there is no way to turn back now.

While covering Yumiko Miura's mouth, Yukino also glanced in Yuigahama Yui's direction.

The latter immediately understood what she meant, and covered his mouth with both hands.

And at this moment, the boy's words of obvious surprise came to the closet very clearly, as if he was deliberately reminding the three of them——

"Yang Nai, why are you here?"

Yang Nai?

Yui was a little thankful that she had covered her mouth at this time, otherwise, she would have cried out in surprise.

Isn't this name the name of someone Ye Shanjun likes?

She still remembered that this person seemed to be the eldest daughter of the Yukinoshita family...

In other words, she is Xue Nai's biological sister?

Looking at Yukino, who was not surprised at all, and Yuiko, whose eyes suddenly became fierce, Yui couldn't help thinking:

Why did Yukinoshita Haruno come here?

Although Yuanjing's name is quite familiar, but——

She can't be his girlfriend, can she?


"Why can't I come here?" Seeing Yuanjing's somewhat surprised appearance, Yang Nai couldn't help but feel a little bit of satisfaction of "conspiracy succeeded", but also felt a little bit sad——

Is that why you don't want to see me?

He avoids me during the day.

When you called me, it was entirely to ask for tickets for two little girls who had never met before.

I just wanted to take this opportunity to talk to you, but you found an excuse and hung up all of a sudden...

If I hadn't taken this opportunity to look for you, you probably would have returned to Tokyo tomorrow without saying hello, right?

How could it be so easy for you to escape!

Pushing the door behind her with her hand, Yukinoshita Yoshino turned around lightly in front of Yuan Jing, and the room was filled with a fragrant breeze, and she said with a smile on her face: "Before this, you didn't have any thoughts. Did you say that?"

Unlike Yukino who came here secretly, and the two who dressed up but didn't have much hope at first, Yang Nai can be said to be dressed up tonight because she wants to participate in a formal occasion.

The girl's figure of "convex where it should be convex and concave where it should be" is wrapped in a delicately cut purple skirt, and the purple skirt is also dotted with dazzling decorations like stars.A pair of slender and slender girlish legs protruded from under the skirt, and purple stockings of the same color were wrapped around them, like blooming lilacs.

There are only a few strokes on the face, but it just rightly highlights the girl's natural beauty.But under the light, her lips painted with light lipstick reflected a bright color, as if sending a silent invitation to someone.

"The clothes are beautiful." Yuan Jing praised so honestly.

There was a slight smile on Yang Nai's face, but she was not very satisfied with the answer, so she walked a few more steps and bent down slightly.

Before entering the room, she deliberately widened the neckline that had been tightly covered before, obviously she had planned to do so long ago.

One must make the best use of the advantages one has, and Yang Nai is obviously well versed in this.

"... People are more beautiful." Yuan Jing quietly looked away from her.

'I can't let you do this, otherwise, wouldn't my efforts be in vain? '

Coincidentally, Yuan Jing seemed to have known she would come a long time ago, a few chairs had already been placed in front of him.

Shi Shiran walked to the chair closest to Yuanjing, and Yang Nai just sat down.

Not only that, but she deliberately pulled the chair towards Yuanjing until their knees almost touched each other, and then she stopped in satisfaction.

"Don't look away, look at me carefully." Yang Nai said, "You have been hiding from me for a day, do you want to continue doing this now?"


Yang Naina's coquettish words were not so much an order, and they were transmitted to the closet so clearly that the three girls hiding in the closet could hear them quite clearly.

Yuigahama Yui was confused.

According to Xue Nai, he is her boyfriend, that is to say, Miss Yang Nai's brother-in-law.

However, even if she has never been in a relationship, she knows that this is definitely not the way she speaks to her brother-in-law, but rather...

Yui looked at Yukino and Yumeko, whose faces had become a little ugly, and couldn't help crying.

She seemed to be involved in some great secret of the wealthy family.

...You and Yumiko won't be able to get out of this room, right?

Chapter No.16 I'm Despicable!

I didn't hide from you on purpose," Yuan Jing shook his head, "Didn't you and I meet upright this morning, although it was in front of Auntie Ayano. "

"After that, when I told Aunt Ayano that I wanted to relax in the city and wandered around, weren't you just listening?"

What Yuanjing said was what happened in the morning.

As the host and the initiator and beneficiary of this concert, Yukinoshita's family of course undertook the task of welcoming several people.

In order to express importance, Ayano Yukinoshita also took her eldest daughter to personally welcome the arrival of several people.

In front of his mother, Yukinoshita Yono was very enthusiastic towards Touma and her daughter, but he was very 'polite' towards Yuan Jing.

It was as if what happened last Sunday hadn't happened, and Yuan Jing was just a 'visited guest' whom he didn't know very well.

When Yuanjing proposed to take a break in the city, Mrs. Yukinoshita, who was still kept in the dark, asked him with great concern: "Chiba City is actually quite big, should I send a local as a Your tour guide?"

At that time, Yuan Jing took a special look at Yang Nai, and found that she was having a good conversation with Aunt Yao Zi, and when she didn't seem to notice what his mother said, he politely declined her kindness on the grounds that he liked the feeling of being alone.

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