After that, Yukinoshita Ayano also specially told him the phone number of her eldest daughter, saying that if you encounter any trouble in Chiba City, or get lost, just call Yangno .

Of course, Yuanjing already knew this number.

"I didn't hide my whereabouts, how can I talk about 'hiding'?" Yuan Jing spread his hands, looking a little innocent, "I just didn't go looking for you on purpose."

"..." Yukinoshita Yang Nai gritted his teeth secretly, but he had to admit that Yuan Jing was right.

Of course she heard her mother's suggestion, and knew that this was actually a signal from Yuanjing, a hand he deliberately extended.


She didn't catch the extended hand, but chose a rather wrong way, that is, 'pretend not to hear'.

As for the reason for this, there are actually only two words——

avoid arousing suspicion.

She didn't want her mother to feel that she had a very close relationship with Yuan Jing, for fear that her mother would know the relationship between her and Yuan Jing.

Yuan Jing wanted to marry several young girls including his own sister, and this point would definitely encounter very, very strong resistance.

And a large part of it comes from their parents.

At least according to Yang Nao's understanding of her mother, she will never be as enlightened as Touma Yoko.

Taking a step back, even if she saw Yuanjing's sincerity and Xue Nai's own wishes, she reluctantly agreed to the marriage, but she was conservative and would never let her two daughters work together.

There is no way for her to accept this kind of thing in her old-fashioned and serious way.

It was for this reason that she had to hide the past from her mother, and asked Yuan Jing and others to keep it a secret.

In fact, she didn't have to do that at all.

Yukinoshita Ayano still knows the character of her eldest daughter very well, even if she behaved very intimately with Yuan Jing in front of her, and even said "molesting" her, Ayano would still think it was a Big sister' she's joking about teens and doesn't think too much about it.

In fact, if what happened last Sunday hadn't happened, Yang Nai, who had no scruples in his heart, would have stuck to Yuan Jing's side early today, yelling 'brother is long' and 'brother is short' non-stop.

In fact, she has always liked to tease this unusual young man. Although she has been deflated, she has been defeated repeatedly until she lost herself...

When nothing happened, she acted like a "squeaky big sister"; after something really happened, she scrupled about this and estimated that, and finally even shrank into her shell like a conch shell.

Tsk tsk tsk, Yang Nai is indeed a "love trash" in a certain sense.

"...Then, a certain person clearly said [I like the feeling of being unrestrained by myself], but in the end he still found a beautiful girl as his guide, not only talking and laughing with her for a walk in the city circle, and even asked for the best seat for her, let her come to her concert with her friends..." When Yang Nai said these words, the smell of jealousy in his tone was overflowing up.

"In the theater, I deliberately sat on the seat behind those two people and observed them quietly." This is true, but at that time, Miura Yuiko and Yuigahama Yui were in a bit of a mood. Chaos, so he didn't notice the 'rival in love' sitting behind him.

"I can meet such a high-quality beautiful girl casually, and I can help the other party when they happen to be in trouble, and even know how to use the big killer of 'mystery'..."

"Yuanjun, why don't I know, are you so good at chasing girls?"

After saying this, Yukinoshita Yono found that Yuan Jing was looking at her with some strange eyes.

While her heart beat a little faster, she deliberately put on a fierce look, "Why are you looking at me like that?"

"I think, Yang Nai, you shouldn't doubt my ability to chase girls, otherwise, how did you fall into the trap?" Yuan Jing said, suppressing his smile.

A strong woman like Yang Nai who is physically a few years older than herself wants people to bully her even more.

...I really turned bad.

No, it should be said that he discovered the true side buried deep in his heart?

"It's not falling!" Yang Nai blushed at Yuan Jing's words, but still retorted in a very loud voice, obviously trying to use this to cover up his guilty conscience.

"Well, if that's the case, then why are you angry?" Yuan Jing asked pretending to be puzzled, "If you don't mean that to me, no matter what happens to me and other girls, it's all the same. Are you okay?"

"How can you say it doesn't matter!" Yukinoshita Yoshino was obviously anxious.

Yuan Jing's actions and words can always easily touch her heartstrings and make her lose her usual composure.

"I am, I am, yes, I am Yukino's older sister!" At this time, Yang Nao skillfully raised the flag of 'Yue Nai', "Now Yukino is far away in Tokyo, and is not following you If you are not around, then my sister can only supervise you instead of her!"

But Yuan Jing obviously won't let her succeed.

"So that's how it is." He nodded, "That is to say, Yang Nai was speaking those words just now as sister Xue Nai?"

"Of course." Yang Nai affirmed.

"That is to say, as long as Xue Nai agrees, there will be no problem?" Yuan Jing said immediately.

"Eh?" Yang Nai was taken aback, "But, Yukino is not here now..."

"Can't I get permission if I'm not here? It's not an ancient person who can only communicate with letters." Yuan Jing took out the phone from his pocket and opened the dialing interface very skillfully.

Just when he was about to dial Yukino's number——

A small white hand just covered the screen of the phone.

This is Yang Nai's hand.

...she sure did.

This is actually Xue Nai's proposal.

Xue Nai, who is very familiar with her sister's character, has long known that her sister will definitely use her own name to quibble, so she set up this plan to make her 'submit'.

Of course, just in case, she had already turned her phone to silent. Even if Yang Nai could calm down and watch Yuanjing dial the number, she would not be exposed by the ringtone of the call. .

However, this precautionary measure was in vain.

"Don't." Just hanging his head down like this, blocking his eyes with bangs, Yang Nai said in a somewhat stubborn tone.

"Why not?" Yuanjing pretended to be puzzled.

"There are so many reasons, don't just don't!" After losing all the excuses, the only trick Yang Nai can take is 'messing around'.

Of course Yang Nai knew that when Yuan Jing helped Yuihama Yui, he didn't think anything wrong at all.

He should have just listened carefully to her troubles and extended a helping hand in due course.

...He's done it many, many times.

And as long as he calls Xue Nai to explain, his sister will definitely understand this.

How could she not understand?She is also someone who was helped by Yuanjing.

This matter will not have any impact on the relationship between him and Xue Nai, but may become an opportunity for the relationship between the two to go further.

For example, show a little bit of jealousy properly, in this way, you can raise some cute little conditions from Yuanjing.

She knew that Yukino's apartment in Tokyo would expire at the end of this month, so she might be able to use this to make a so-called 'cohabitation invitation'.

...This is actually what she once taught Yukino.

Logically speaking, she should feel relieved after seeing her sister learn so quickly.


But in her heart now, she only felt bursts of sadness.

[Is Kung Pao Chicken so delicious?Then I will have to try it in the future. 】

[Unfortunately, someone will not be able to eat it in the future...]

In that afternoon, Xue Nai's cold and contemptuous words echoed gently in her ears.

'At least, at least not in front of me...'

Seemingly hearing the prayer in Yang Nai's heart, Yuan Jing sighed softly.

Looking at the other party's crying appearance, he finally softened his heart.

Just at this time--

'Have the opportunity! The corner of Yang Nai's mouth showed a smile like "the scheme has succeeded", taking advantage of the moment Yuanjing's mind was shaken, she snatched Yuanjing's cell phone.

And after she got it, she seemed to know that if Yuan Jing wanted to get the phone back, she would never be able to protect it.

Therefore, she put it in the safest place with lightning speed——

She tucked it into the neckline she had deliberately pulled open before entering the door.

The phone quickly disappeared in front of Yuanjing.

Looking at Yuanjing's somewhat stunned look, Yukinoshita Yono showed a smug, extremely bright smile.

As if showing off something, she even puffed out her chest on purpose.

"Ah, sorry, I [accidentally] slipped the phone inside," Yang Nai said in a pitiful tone on purpose, and added emphasis on the word [accidentally], "If you really want to If you want to call Yukino, please take it from here."

Tilting his upper body in the direction of Yuanjing, Yang Nai made a look of 'please'.

Of course, if Yuanjing really stretched out his hand, it would not be so easy to 'pull' it out.

"...It's not only my mobile phone that can make calls, what about yours?" Yuan Jing said after a little silence.

"Oh, I forgot to put it there." Yang Nai exclaimed deliberately.

She got a little closer, showing her perfect body wrapped in a purple dress in front of Yuanjing, "Why don't you come and take a look?"

"However, for the sake of aesthetics, this dress deliberately put the pockets inside the skirt." Her brows were full of smiles, how could there be any trace of crying soon?

It can be said that Yang Nai's talent can change face faster than flipping a book.

"When you're going through your pockets, don't touch your sister's legs on purpose." She smiled seductively, she was clearly warning, but it was more like admonishing, "As for why I didn't do that?"

"Of course I've been busy all day and I don't have the energy."

Liar, when you snatched the phone just now, you were obviously so quick.

Yang Nai is talking nonsense with his eyes open, but he has seen her embarrassing image in front of Yuan Jing, so naturally he doesn't care about "face" and other boring things.

Seeing that Yuan Jing still didn't move, and seemed to be hesitating, she simply added another fire——


There was a loud ripping of cloth in the room.

Right in front of Yuanjing, Yang Nai, who claimed to be 'without strength', tore a big hole in her skirt, revealing her round, white and tender thighs that were covered up.

"Now, there is no way to call the staff, after all, this scene is not clear." With a triumphant smile, Yang Nai challenged Yuan Jing.

She wasn't afraid to provoke Yuan Jing's anger, it would be better to say that the angrier Yuan Jing was, the better.

While secretly blaming himself for being 'inferior' in his heart, Yang Nai also felt bursts of excitement.

As early as at the concert, looking at the eyes of her ladies and ladies who almost swallowed the boy, she felt proud and jealous at the same time.

'Look, I'm about to eat the sweet girl you can only look at longingly and meet in dreams! ' she thought in her mind.

"Xue Nai, you are wrong, as long as I think about it, Kung Pao Chicken..."

At this moment, a sound of footsteps came from far and near, and Yang Nai's movements froze all of a sudden.

Because she had anticipated the current scene, she had actually told the staff to leave first.

Moreover, the footsteps sounded really familiar.

'Why is mom here at this hour? Yukinoshita Yang couldn't help but think so.

But she is in such an unseemly state now, you can't let her see it!

Looking anxiously around the room, she locked on to the only place where she could hide——


Chapter No.17 Bah, disgusting!

Yukinoshita Yoshino regretted it a bit.

If I hadn't been so anxious just now, I wouldn't have been so flustered when I heard my mother's footsteps.

Being found by Yukinoshita Ayano in Yuanjing's lounge after the concert is actually nothing in itself.

From Mrs. Yukinoshita's point of view, Yukinoshita Yono and Yuan Jing have actually met each other during the cultural festival, and they are not complete strangers.

After everything is over, it is not difficult to come to his lounge to admire him, or to talk about the old days.

The main reason why Yang Nai panicked so much was because of her current appearance——

The neckline was deliberately opened wide, and a mass of whiteness was just like this being exposed generously by their owners.

A big hole was torn open in the expensive purple dress, revealing the round thighs covered by it...

What was originally done to prevent Yuan Jing from calling the staff to come over to disrupt the situation, but now it has become a stinking move to checkmate her.

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