It is naturally no problem to be found in the lounge with Yuan Jing.

But if it was found disheveled in the lounge with Yuan Jing, then it would be very problematic.

Yang Nai originally wanted to avoid suspicion, and didn't want his mother to think that there was something between him and Yuanjing. If his mother found out like this, it would be hard to tell.

However, the luck of the misfortune is that she has not yet developed a "verbal dispute" or a "physical conflict" with Yuan Jing.

Otherwise, she and Yuan Jing probably have only two choices.

One is to let Yuanjing hold her, push her against the door of the lounge, and use his own body as an excuse that it is inconvenient to see guests, just talk to her mother through the door, and at that time On the other hand, she must cover her lips with both hands and 'endure' silently, and must not make a sound...

Second, simply hide in the closet with Yuan Jing, creating an illusion that Yuan Jing is not here.In this situation, the two of them could only secretly watch Yukinoshita Ayano through the gap in the cabinet door while moving around the room with some doubts, while softly calling Yuanjing's name.

And the person she called was cradling her eldest daughter in a somewhat crowded closet, praying with her that she would leave quickly.In order to prevent making a sound, the two probably will 'block' each other's mouths......

Yukinoshita Haruno regretted it again.

She looked at the boy who had taken off his shirt to reveal the white shirt, and had unbuttoned the three buttons from top to bottom. She considered whether she could print a few lip prints on the boy, so as to see what she had just done. Will the 'delusions' become reality.

However, after hearing the approaching footsteps, Yukinoshita Yoshino secretly scolded himself for being absurd, and regretfully gave up this seemingly attractive idea.

Well, girls and women are indeed different.

This is Yukinoshita Yoshino's deepest experience now.

Thankfully she didn't.

After all, she didn't know that the cabinet where she was going to hide had already hidden three people, including her own sister.

And my words and deeds just now were all exposed in front of these three girls...

Yang Nai, who was walking towards the closet quickly, didn't know what kind of 'surprise' he would face after opening the closet door.

However, at least she came to the cabinet alone, instead of being hugged by Yuan Jing and going in with him.

Let's just say, um...

Avoid the worst?






The air in the closet was terribly dull, and the four beautiful girls seemed to have lost the ability to speak in an instant. For a moment, only Yang Nao's rustling sound when she was arranging her clothes was heard. In the too narrow space, it flows quietly.

How should I describe Yang Nai's heart when she opened the cabinet door and found that her sister and the two beautiful girls she noticed at the concert and who were favored by Yuan Jing were all staring at her? What about activities?

Especially because of the approaching footsteps, she had no choice but to bite the bullet and forcefully squeeze in under the eyes that seemed to be pricked by needles, and even took the initiative to close the cabinet door...

Wow, just thinking about it, I feel embarrassed and cancer is about to happen.

But Yukinoshita Yoshino really deserves to be Yukinoshita Yono, although he already wished to be abducted by aliens and leave the earth immediately, at least he remained calm and calm on the outside.

It was as if nothing happened just now, and she didn't hide in the closet embarrassingly because of her mother's arrival, but she was attending a very formal dinner.

Undoubtedly, her demeanor was very effective, causing Yuiko Miura, who was about to open her mouth to say sarcasm, to shut her mouth with some hesitation, and only then did she appear in a state of balance as if four legs stood on top of each other.

However, such a balance is actually just a false illusion before the volcanic eruption.

This demeanor of Yangno can scare Yumiko Miura, but there is no way to scare Yangno who knows her well.

The dark blue eyes calmly stared at Yang Nao who was pretending to be calm, Yukino said to her sister in a small but also very clear voice:

"Sister, can I ask—"

"What were you doing to my boyfriend just now?"

This is the first black smoke that spewed out from the mountain pass when the long-dead active volcano erupted.


Yang Nai did not immediately respond to Xue Nai's question.

As a genuine 'sister-con', in front of her younger sister Xue Nai, she was born a little shorter.

In addition, no matter how you look at it, it is her fault this time. If she really wants to argue, the little friendship and face between the sisters that are already at risk may not be left at all this time.

The quiet and deep black eyes looked at Yuigahama Yui. Under this seemingly substantive gaze, the girl who was already somewhat weak shrank into a ball like a frightened hamster, with a look on her face that was about to cry.

Yango looked at Miura Yumiko who had been staring at him with a positive expression, and the latter stared back unwillingly, with an unyielding light shining in her green eyes.

Yang Nao didn't have much impression of the name Yumiko Miura, but he already had some thoughts in his heart about why she was so hostile to him.

Through the reactions of the two, combined with their previous performances at the concert, Yango has a general understanding of the personalities of Yuhihama Yui and Miura Yuiko.

'It's just two lucky little girls who have been helped by Ah Jing, there is nothing to be afraid of. '

She made such a judgment in her heart.

'However, it is possible to take advantage of this...'

"Xue Nai," Yang Nai's vermilion lips parted slightly, it was very similar to Xue Nai's voice, although it was small but clear, "There are outsiders here, and the time is not suitable."

"After Mom leaves and sends these two 'friends' away, how about me, Ah Jing, and you, just the three of us, having a good talk together? After all, this is what happened between our sisters and him."

This is the so-called delay strategy.

Yang Nai's calculations are very clear, using the reason that "irrelevant people" are on the side and it is inconvenient to say particularly private words, in short, let this most difficult time be muddied first.

As for whether to really have a good discussion with the three of them afterwards, or take the opportunity to slip away quietly...

It all depends on what she means.

Chiba is her Yang Nao's home field, so she naturally wants to make full use of this advantage.

...just like tonight.

I don't know if she saw through Yango's intentions. Of course, the more likely reason is that she is subconsciously using the greatest malice to speculate on her former "rival in love". Miura Yuiko showed an aggressive smile, "Yuki ..."

Suddenly realizing that the two people in front of her were surnamed Yukinoshita, Yumiko paused for a moment, then reluctantly changed her words, "Student Yukino, don't listen to her nonsense, she has fooled you."

"She just wanted to escape!"

Yumiko Miura is quite aware of why she has such a big resentment towards Yukinoshita Yono.

Is it because she is the object of admiration in Hayama Hayato's heart that he has a crush on?

No, of course not.

She is not a small-minded person, although when she knew that Hayama Hayato liked Yukinoshita Yono, she had a great dissatisfaction with the girl in front of her.

But that's just dissatisfaction.

If you want to talk about resentment or something...

That's actually out of the question.

Yukinoshita Yoshino didn't do anything to play with Hayama Hayato as a backup, she didn't even give him any hope.

From this point of view, Yukinoshita Yoshino has nothing to criticize.

Miura Yuko, who is also a beautiful girl, actually feels the same way, after all, she has rejected many, many people.

But, she absolutely should never, never should have done such a thing to her 'benefactor' and 'idol'!

Yumiko Miura absolutely cannot agree with this!

She didn't know the identity of Yuan Jing, and what happened between him and Yang Nao.

In this case, in her opinion, the conversation that happened in the lounge just now and Yang Nao's actions are simply like a female hooligan who was motivated by sex, forcibly molesting a handsome young man with a promising future, and forcing him to commit himself same as myself.

'Pooh!nausea! ' Yumiko said with such contempt in her heart.

If the image of Yang Nai in her heart before was somewhat negative, but it was still above sea level, after hearing what she said and spying on what she did, Yang Nai was still in her heart. It can be said that the image of it is suddenly lowered to the Manalia Trench.

Even without the sudden sound of footsteps, Yang Nai's plan would not have succeeded.

When the sound of cloth being torn was heard in the closet, Miura Yuiko had already stared angrily. If Yukino hadn't tried to hold her back, this girl who dared to love and hate would have rushed out at that time.

She doesn't care if Yukinoshita's family overshadows the sky in Chiba.

Not to mention that Yuanjing did her a very big favor just now, he is her 'big benefactor'.Just not wanting the exquisite and clear piano sound to be contaminated with worldly dust is enough reason for her to stand up.

Because of knowing the 'love affairs' of some upper-class people, Miura Yumiko's impression of Yukinoshita's family was a bit biased. Before that, she even suspected that the reason why Yukino hid in the closet was because she wanted to do something wrong to Yuanjing.

Now, her suspicions have been confirmed.

It is true that some people have unruly intentions towards Yuanjing.

However, that person was not Yukinoshita Yukino.

but her sister...

Yang Nao's pretty willow eyebrows frowned, and looked at the blond girl who was always targeting her.

She began to feel that Yumiko was getting in the way.

"Yumiko Miura, and this one," she turned her eyes to the girl with light pink hair, "Yukihama Yui, isn't that right?"

Without waiting for the two to answer, she immediately continued:

"What method did you two rely on, and why did you appear here... I will not pursue these for the sake of his face."

"But just like what I just said, this is a matter between me, my sister, and him, and has nothing to do with the two of you."

"I know, young girls always like to listen to all kinds of gossip." Yang Nai's tone was full of threats, "But believe me, this matter is not something you can get involved in. For both of you Saying it doesn't do any good."

"And, after tonight, I don't want to hear all kinds of gossip..."

"You two should understand what I mean."

Yang Nai had to do this.

This is not only to maintain the reputation of Yukinoshita's family in Chiba, but most importantly, she does not want Yuanjing's reputation to be contaminated by such things.

As for Yuan Jing's plan to marry the girls into the house openly, although she doesn't know the whole picture, she can actually guess a little bit.

Being contaminated with such things at the very beginning of a blockbuster will undoubtedly have a very bad impact on his subsequent plans.

"Of course we won't say it." The person who spoke this time surprised Yango, and it turned out to be Yuigahama Yui who had been shrinking all the time before, as if playing the role of a 'transparent person'.

Of course Yang Nai could see that there were still traces of fear in the girl's heart, but she still mustered up the courage to look at herself.

"However, you have to promise Xue Nai that you will never attack her boyfriend again."

"It's immoral to do that."

She said so earnestly.

Obviously, Yuigahama Yui still has some hopes for Yango, thinking that she was just fascinated by ghosts for a while.

Yang Nai opened his mouth, apparently wanting to say something, but at this moment, Xue Nai pressed his fingers to his lips, making a "shh" gesture.

"Mum's in the house," she said.

In an instant, the closet was quiet again.

Peeping out through the gap, the girls all had some doubts in their hearts.

Why did Mrs. Yukinoshita come here?

Could it be that? !

Chapter 18 Next up, showdown time! (4.5k)

"Knock button." Accompanied by such a knock on the door, Mrs. Yukinoshita's voice very similar to that of the two sisters came from outside the house——

"Is Mr. Yuan in there? I don't know if it's appropriate for me to come in now?"

Don’t think it’s just sitting and playing, but the intensity of the concert’s movement is actually quite large, coupled with the impact of the warm atmosphere on the scene, and I heard from Yaozi that this is the first time the boy is on stage...

Combining all these factors together, Yukinoshita Ayano felt that tonight must be a very memorable night for Yuan Jing.

For this reason, she thoughtfully reserved time for Yuan Jing to rest and sort out her mood, that's why she arrived so late.

Regarding the unforgettable night, Mrs. Yukinoshita is actually right.

Yuan Jing may never forget this night in his whole life.

Only not because of the concert, but because of what happened after the concert...

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