"Is it Mrs. Yukinoshita?" In the morning, Yuan Jing had heard Ayano Yukinoshita's voice, and there were not many people in the whole Chiba City who could make Ono just escape. .

After getting the expected affirmative answer——

"Please wait a moment, let me tidy up my appearance." Answering this calmly, Yuan Jing began to button up the button of Xue Nao's shirt that was left open on purpose.

This is used to 'seduce' Yang Nai and upset her, not to deal with his future mother-in-law.

In other words, tonight is really 'lively'.

Yuan Jing looked at the large wardrobe in the corner, and thought of the four beautiful girls in it, his brows were full of strange meanings.

He thought of the girl Ruyan in "Nine Pins of Sesame Officials", the number one lady in Piaoxiangyuan, the oiran lady who overwhelmed the capital, had a very similar experience one night, but she was not a wardrobe, but under the bed.

In this one-to-one correspondence, Yukino is the "star brother" who falls in love with Ruyan girl, Yubihama Yui and Miura Yuiko are the "leopard heads" who came to kiss Yoshizawa in the name of handling the case, and the role of Yang Nao is The 'Emperor' who visited privately on Weibo, and Mrs. Yukinoshita who is still outside the door, are the 'Associate Ministers'.

How can it be so similar?

However, this is a good sign.

After all, that night is also the most critical turning point in the whole movie. It is through this night that the protagonist in the movie can get on the line of the emperor, and finally avenge the good guys and make the bad guys come to justice.

Hope it will be the same tonight...

After tidying up his clothes, Yuan Jing just forgot to glance in the direction of the closet, and was somewhat relieved to see blue, red, green, or black eyes peeking out.

Regarding the quarrel between the few people just now, Yuanjing actually heard quite clearly, but...

Failure to fight is victory.

After putting a finger on his lips and making a 'quiet' gesture to them, Yuan Jing came to the door.

He couldn't make Mrs. Yukinoshita wait too long, that would be impolite.

Moreover, he actually wanted to talk to Mrs. Yukinoshita.

Open the door of the lounge, and a beautiful woman in a dark blue kimono is standing outside the door.

Yukinoshita Ayano is almost the mature version of Yango and Yukino.Her beautiful black hair, which was inherited by the two sisters, neither let them hang down freely to her waist like Yukino, nor was it cut short to save trouble like Yang Nao, but tied behind her head and tied into a Elegant and beautiful hairpins to show that you are a married woman.

Seeing Yuanjing open the door, she showed Yuanjing a reserved smile typical of a mature woman, "Didn't bother you?"

"Of course not," Yuan Jing shook his head, "Is Mrs. Yukinoshita doing anything?"

"That's right, I actually have something I want to tell you." Yukinoshita Ayano said with a smile, "However, before that..."

As if conjuring, Yukinoshita Ayano brought her hands hidden behind her back in front of her, and placed a white signature board between the two of them——

"Can you sign me first?"


"Actually, I've wanted to chat with you for a long time." After looking at it with satisfaction, Ayano Yukinoshita carefully placed the signed signature board on the table in the lounge. Then he picked a chair and sat down.

However, unlike Yang Nai, she didn't choose the chair closest to Yuanjing, but kept a distance that wasn't close, but it wasn't absolutely alien.

Although it is not a very formal place, Yukinoshita Ayano's sitting posture is extremely upright, her slender back is as straight as a standing green pine, which can be said to be exactly the same as Yukino.

"In your impression, the first time we met was during the cultural festival, right?"

"However, I learned about the name 'Yuanjing' much earlier than that time." Yukinoshita Ayano seemed to be lost in memory, "After all, this is the first time Yukino mentioned it on the phone. The name of the opposite sex of the same age."

"Although I didn't say anything at the time, I was actually a little shocked in my heart."

"Before this, I actually always thought that in her eyes, boys were just some, um," Yukinoshita Ayano thought for a while, as if she was considering her words, "cabbages that can talk and walk."

"Ah, because this may affect my image in Yukino's heart, please don't tell Yukino." As if just remembering yes, Yukinoshita Ayano urged.

"Of course, I will never tell her." Yuan Jing assured.

Because there is no need for him to say, Xue Nai is here now, and she has already heard it.

'But [talking and walking cabbage]? Thinking of Xue Nao's indifferent attitude of rejecting others thousands of miles away, Yuan Jing couldn't help laughing in his heart, "This metaphor is really apt. '

"By the way, Yukino must have had a bad time in Tokyo at the beginning, right?" When she said this, the smile on Ayano Yukinoshita's face, which was already quite light, suddenly subsided, and her heart ached. Gently gathered between the brows.

"Does Mrs. Yukinoshita know about this?" Seeing Ayano Yukinoshita talking about this topic, Yuan Jing also relaxed a little in his heart, and said with such certainty in a disguised form.

"How could I not know?" Yukinoshita Ayano lowered her eyes, looking a little sad, "Even though she is an adult, Yukino still hasn't learned to lie."

"When I asked her how life in St. Eden Academy was like on the phone, she was either hemming and hawing, or she was just talking about him... What exactly does this mean, how could I not understand? "

As the so-called knowing daughter Mo Ruomu, although Yukinoshita did not tell her that Yukinoshita's life in St. Eden Academy was not easy at the beginning, Mrs. Yukinoshita's heart is actually the same as that of Mingjing.

But she didn't take any action.


"This is Yukino's own choice, so she should be responsible for this choice." Yukinoshita Ayano said so calmly, "When she told me that she didn't want to continue to enter Sobu High School step by step, but wanted to go to Tokyo Eden, do you know what I saw in her eyes?"

As if probing and asking, she looked at Yuanjing with such eyes.

"I think about it, it should be...escape?" Yuan Jing said thoughtfully, recalling the first time he met Yukino in Tokyo, and the one who shared an umbrella after school .

"...It seems that Yukino is really lucky." Yukinoshita Ayano smiled with some relief, "That's right, I only saw escape."

"She just wants to escape her sister's shadow. As for what will happen to her high school life after that, what will it be like to leave home and go to high school alone in other places, and what will she do after being admitted to St. Eden... …”

"She hasn't thought about these things." Yukinoshita Ayano's words were a bit harsh, "Since she didn't think carefully, it is natural that there will be unexpected results."

"She hasn't cried to me about these things, which means that these things are still within the scope of her responsibility." Ayano Yukinoshita said, "In this case, I will 'protect' her self-esteem and pretend to be I don't know it myself."

"And I'm not going to do anything until she asks me for help."

"..." Yuan Jing felt a little headache.

He could tell that Mrs. Yukinoshita was that kind of 'strict mother' through and through.

She was obviously dissatisfied with the fact that Yukino left Chiba County to go to Tokyo to go to school, but it was not because Yukino wanted to get out of her control.

I just feel that Yukino shouldn't be so hasty.

For this reason, even though she knew that her daughter was having a bad time in Tokyo, she pretended not to know.

Only when you have suffered enough, can you learn a lesson that is profound enough.

This should be Ayano Yukinoshita's idea at the time, right?

...Different from Touma Yoko, Fujiwara Manho, Hayasaka Nao, and Sawamura Sayuri, she is a wife with high self-esteem and a rather 'ruthless' heart.


"Mrs. Yukinoshita, when you say 'not going to do anything', you mean 'keeping the name of your second daughter mentioned on the phone in your heart' and 'asking your eldest daughter, Are you urging her to see how her sister is doing?"

Yuan Jing gently tilted his head to the side, as if he really didn't understand.

"!!!" There were some cracks on Yukinoshita Ayano's mask that looked like ice sculpture, "I don't have any thoughts and chatter! Did that child Yang Nao actually say that about me?!"

There was a bit of gnashing of teeth in this voice.

Of course, it's not the kind of gritted teeth that you think is scary, but it's more cute.

"Mrs. Yukinoshita, do you want to ask me how Yukino and I met, and what things have we experienced together?" On the point of not being honest, it is in the same line as Yang Nai, this is the so-called family Inheritance?

"You want to maintain your mother's 'dignity' in front of Xue Nai, so no matter how curious you are, you're too embarrassed to ask her, right?" Yuan Jing had already roughly seen the purpose of the mother in front of him.

Is this another kind of 'death to save face'?

"...Gen-kun, have you ever told you that you should learn to be 'rarely confused'?" After coughing a few times, Yukinoshita Ayano stared at Yuanjing with majestic eyes, But he said words that were no different from admitting counsel.

"No." Yuan Jing shook his head very honestly, "So, did I say something wrong just now? Mrs. Yukinoshita didn't actually mean that?"

"..." Yukinoshita Ayano just stared at Yuan Jing like this, as if she was going to use this oppressive gaze to make Yuan Jing 'obediently submit'.

Obviously, compared with Minamoto Yorimitsu and Shinomiya Ganan, Yukinoshita Ayano is still far behind.

After discovering that this trick didn't work...

"...I want to hear it." Even with Yuanjing's hearing ability, he almost missed this sentence.

"???" Yuan Jing tilted his head, showing a somewhat dazed expression, as if he didn't hear the voice as thin as a mosquito.

"...You're right just now, I'm here to hear about this kind of thing, can't I?" Yukinoshita Ayano finally gave up the dominance of the topic reluctantly.

"Really, is this how you usually treat Yukino?" Mrs. Yukinoshita muttered unconvincedly, seeming a bit bitter.

"Of course not, Xue Nai doesn't care about face as much as you do."

"Hey, you must know how to respect your elders, and don't make fun of adults!"


"So his name is [Genjing]," Yuigahama Yui murmured, and now she finally knew the name of the person who helped her.

Miura Yuiko's focus was on other aspects, she looked at Yukinoshita Yukino who listened to the boy's narration, and the expression on her face became extremely gentle, "...I didn't expect that after you arrived in Tokyo, Been through so much."

There was a little apology in her tone, after all, she had once suspected that Xue Nai had mischievous intentions towards him.

In addition to this, there is also a trace of deeply hidden, small jealousy.

"Didn't I already tell you that Ah Jing is my boyfriend." Looking at Yumiko Miura, Yukinoshita Yukino's eyes were full of pride and sweetness.

"In that case..." Miura Yumiko looked at Yukinoshita Yoshino again.

Since Mrs. Yukinoshita came in, Yang Nai has been acting quite quietly.

She just silently listened to the conversation between the two, the expression on her face... Yumiko Miura couldn't describe it with her own lack of words.

There is jealousy, unwillingness, envy, and sweetness...

It was the first time Miura Yumiko knew that two diametrically opposed emotions, joy and sadness, could appear on the same face so harmoniously at the same time.

And at this moment, Mrs. Yukinoshita's words came from outside the closet, word by word, very clear——

"Yuan-jun, when I was discussing with Yaozi before, she told me quite happily that her daughter Hesha is no longer a [wow——] daughter, although she later said that she made it up, but I can tell you It can be seen that when she said this, her eyes were very serious."

"How can there be a mother who would joke about such things, don't you think so, Yuan-jun?"

These words were like a blockbuster, and the ears of Yui and Yumiko in the closet were buzzing.

The two of them exchanged shocked glances.

Yoko is referring to Touma Yoko, right?And the story between her daughter Touma Hesa, Yukinoshita Yukino and Yuan Jing, they have just heard.

Mrs. Yukinoshita will suddenly question Yuanjing here, which means she suspects that the person who took away Kazuya's virginity is...

"Of course, this is not a joke." This is Yuanjing's affirmative answer, "The fact is exactly what you think."

"You actually confessed to it, you still have some responsibility." Mrs. Yukinoshita's voice was no longer as soft as before, and began to become serious, "Does Yukino know about this?"


"Have you ever done something like this with Xue Nai?"

"nothing now."



"Is this what you mean by not giving up Yukino?"

"Yes, that's right."

The conversation between Mrs. Yukinoshita and Yuan Jing was getting faster and faster, as if two experienced fighters were waving a dagger called 'Words' to hand over each other.

After this attack, there was a silence like an intermission.

The four girls in the closet were all extremely nervous at this time, Yukinoshita Yukino pressed her eyes tightly to the gap of the cabinet door, Yuhihama Yui and Miura Yuiko held hands tightly, while Yukinoshita Yoshino was tight With his eyes closed, he leaned against the cabinet as if he couldn't stand still.

But then, Yukinoshita Ayano's words caused Yango's eyes to open suddenly, and the usually calm black eyes were full of panic at this time——

"It's not just Yukino and Hesha, Yang Nao's reaction to your matter is also a bit abnormal." Mrs. Yukinoshita's words were a little tired, "Did something happen between you?"

Chapter 19 Evasion is not shameful, but useless

Yukinoshita Yono seemed to think that he had successfully concealed it, and his mother, Yukinoshita Ayano, was completely unaware of her relationship with Yuan Jing, but was completely kept in the dark.

Obviously, she was wrong.

Although Yukinoshita Ayano didn't know about the slightly messy relationship between her eldest daughter and Yuan Jing, she could actually see that Yang Nao's attitude towards Yuan Jing was a bit strange.

My eldest daughter has no problems in ability, and Mrs. Yukinoshita is actually very satisfied with it.

But after going to university in Tokyo, it seems that he realized that after graduation, he will fully accept the family property and truly shoulder the burden of the family, so Yukinoshita Yoshino began to become a little lazy, wanting to Seize the last time in your life that can be called leisure.

But for this concert, Yukinoshita Yoshino showed too much enthusiasm, which formed a sharp contrast with her previous laziness, which made Mrs. Yukinoshita feel a little strange.

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