However, if you really want to explain it, it actually makes sense.

Yukinoshita Yoshino and Touma Yoko also met at the cultural festival, and they had a very pleasant conversation with each other; they made an exception to come to Chiba to help the Yukinoshita family expand their contacts and accumulate political achievements, and then behaved like a fool. not suitable.

Therefore, rather than being puzzled, Mrs. Yukinoshita was more relieved at that time, relieved that her daughter was so 'sensible'.

It was this morning that she really discovered Yang Nao's anomaly——

"Chiba City is actually quite big, do you want me to send a local as your tour guide?" This morning, the "local" in Yukinoshita Ayano's sentence actually refers to Yango.

With Yang Nai's cleverness, there is no reason why he couldn't hear this.

But at that time she just pretended not to hear.

Not only that, but she was too 'polite' towards Yuan Jing, completely lacking her usual eccentric appearance.

If this is the first meeting between Yukinoshita Yono and Yuan Jing, and she doesn't know Yuan Jing's personality, so if she needs to put on a cold attitude, that's okay.

But the reality is not like this.

Regardless of what happened in private, on the second day of the cultural festival, didn't Yukinoshita Yono meet Yuan Jing?

She acted much more naturally then.

In other words, after the cultural festival and before today, something must have happened between her eldest daughter and Yuanjing that she didn't know about.

Yukinoshita Ayano actually thought that there was some unhappiness between the two of them before, which made Yang Nao not happy to be alone with Yuan Jing.

However, when talking to Yuan Jing just now, a slightly 'scary' thought suddenly flashed into Ayano Yukinoshita's mind.

Could it be that the real situation is exactly the opposite of what she thought, there was no unhappiness between her eldest daughter and Yuan Jing, but...

A pair of dark blue eyes very similar to Yukino stared at Yuan Jing so closely, Yukinoshita Ayano waited nervously for Yuan Jing's answer.

At this time, the large wardrobe in the corner of the lounge suddenly began to shake violently. This huge wooden product used to store the costumes and props of the actors seemed to come alive. It shook like a sieve and collided with the wall. With that, there was a 'click click' sound.

Obviously, inside the cabinet door, this small but quite intense conflict is taking place.

Yukinoshita Ayano's first reaction was to touch the phone in her pocket, she obviously thought it was a thief in the theater, but Yuan Jing with a strange face stopped her.

This conflict did not go on for too long.

Just when Mrs. Yukinoshita was about to question why Yuanjing did this, the door of the closet was knocked open from the inside, and a girl in a purple dress appeared in front of Ayano Yukinoshita.

Madam Yukinoshita opened her mouth in surprise——

Why is Yang Nai hiding in the closet?And still in such an unseemly manner?

But obviously, she was surprised too early.

After Yangno, the second daughter who should not be in Chiba at this moment, but should be in Tokyo also appeared in front of her.

And behind her, there are two girls with embarrassing expressions, one golden and one pink, who dare not look at her.

Yukinoshita Ayano had an impression of these two people, and knew that these were the two girls that Yuanjing had specially asked to be included in the concert.

'Is there room for four people in the wardrobe in the lounge? '

'No, it's not this kind of thing that should be concerned about! '

Ayano Yukinoshita considers herself to be quite adaptable, but the situation in front of her was obviously beyond her expectation, so that her thinking was a little short-circuited for a while.

Mrs. Yukinoshita looked at Yuanjing with dull eyes.

Judging from his behavior just now, the young man in front of him is obviously aware of this matter.

What is going on here?When did these four girls come, and why did they hide in the closet together?

Ayano Yukinoshita had as many questions as there were hills.

"Mrs. Yukinoshita must have a lot of questions at this time, but let me start with the question you asked at the beginning." Yuan Jing didn't show any particularly panicked look on his face, "About me and Yang Nao ..."

"Don't say it!" Yukinoshita Haruno shouted in a anxious voice as he walked between Yuanjing and Yukinoshita Ayano at the fastest speed, separating his lover and mother.

If one of the four beautiful girls in the closet reacted the most to Ayano Yukinoshita's question, then naturally it must be Hino Yukinoshita.

The change in the closet just now was because she was breaking through her sister's obstruction.

Apparently, she succeeded.

However, she also failed.

"Mom, go back, can you stop asking?" Yang Nai looked at Yukinoshita Ayano with pleading eyes, it was the first time Ayano saw her eldest daughter like this, "This is The matter between me, Ah Jing and Xue Nai, we are not children anymore, so can we let us handle it ourselves?"

She didn't get an answer from her mother, but she got a hug.

An extremely warm hug that she had been looking forward to for quite a long time in her heart.

Yuan Jing hugged her.

His movements are quite gentle, as if he is holding a fragile and priceless rare treasure.

"Don't say such embarrassing things for Mrs. Yukinoshita, she is your mother, so she has the right to know about it." After wiping away the crystal tears from Yang Nao's face, what Yuanjing said next Words, both tender and cruel—

"No matter how much you delay, the day of the showdown will always come. You can't expect to lie to Mrs. Yukinoshita for the rest of your life, right?"

"It's not shameful to run away, but it's useless."

"I've always thought so."


After settling this 'little commotion', the dialogue between Yuan Jing and Ayano Yukinoshita started again.

But unlike the 1Vs1 just now, there are now four more audience members in the dialogue between the two——

That is to say, Yukinoshita Haruno, who was sitting on Yuanjing's lap, silently enjoying his embrace, who was afraid to look at her mother, stood behind Yuanjing, looking at Yukinoshita Ayano without fear, Occasionally, Yukinoshita Yukino looked at her sister Yukinoshita with somewhat complicated eyes.

Of course, there are also Yuigahama Yui and Miura Yuiko who feel a little out of place in front of the "household affairs" of the Yukinoshita family, and wonder if they should leave.

After looking at each other, the two quietly stood a little further away.

They don't have any ambiguous relationship with Yuanjing, and they appear here purely because of Miura Yuiko's 'daring' and the negligence of the staff.

At least let them explain this to Mrs. Yukinoshita...

No, 'four more viewers' is not quite accurate, because they have been listening to the conversation between the two.

Now, it's just going from behind the scenes to the front of the stage.

"Xue Nai was secretly brought back by me, Aunt Yaozi and He Sha. Because of me, there was some 'little friction' between the two sisters. We want to take this opportunity to resolve it."

Yukinoshita Ayano heard this and glanced at her second daughter.

She found that Xue Nai was also looking at her at this time, and nodded to her, which was to express her approval.

As for what is the "little friction" that Yuan Jing said... Seeing the appearance of the three people now, how could Yukinoshita Ayano not understand?

"As for these two, they actually have nothing to do with today's affairs." Yuan Jing looked at Yuigahama Yui and Miura Yuiko, "I did them a favor today, and they came to the backstage to thank me, but Before I finished speaking, Yang Nai came."

"They can only hide in the closet, and meet Xue Nao who has been hiding in it for a long time."

"Mrs. Yukinoshita, you can also see that there may be only the closet in this room where people can hide." Yuan Jing looked around the entire lounge for a week, and said in a somewhat helpless voice.

"As for Yang Nai..."

"I'm here to have a tryst with Ah Jing... ah." Now that the matter has developed into this way, Yang Nai, who knew it was irreversible, cut in at this moment, as if he was going to throw everything away. Take things to yourself.

Her attempt was 'cruelly' suppressed by Yuanjing.

After scratching her waist punitively a few times, Yang Nao let out a cute exclamation, and he couldn't say anything after that.

This is a conversation between me and your mother, please don't interrupt.

Yuan Jing said so with her actions.

Of course, all these small actions were clearly seen in front of Ayano Yukinoshita.

If he still can't see clearly the relationship between his two daughters and Yuan Jing, such a stupid person can't manage the Yukinoshita family.

After taking a deep breath and calming down a bit, Yukinoshita Ayano looked at Yuan Jing and said in a calm tone, "So, is this your answer?"

She was referring to what she asked before, whether something happened between Yang Nao and him.

"Yes." Yuan Jing nodded.

"Okay." Yukinoshita Ayano nodded and said, "Based on what you said just now, Hesha, Yukino and Yangno, you don't seem to be ready to give up, am I right?"

"Well, that's right." To be honest, Ayano Yukinoshita's attitude was a bit beyond Yuan Jing's expectations, he thought that Mrs. Yukinoshita would not continue to bully him here at all. Lai, but he would simply let himself, the person who cleaned up the cabbage at home, get out of here.

It seems that Mrs. Yukinoshita had a good impression of him before, and tonight's music will obviously be a big contribution.

Although Yuanjing also had a plan in mind for such a situation, the current situation is obviously better.

"You are young, handsome and talented. I am not too surprised that such a result will happen. As for you..." Yukinoshita Ayano looked at her two daughters.

One of them stood behind Yuan Jing and put their hands on his shoulders, while the other simply sat on Yuan Jing's lap without looking at themselves.

Whether it is Xue Nai or Yang Nai, they have actually expressed their position with their own actions at this time.

Yukinoshita Ayano can actually understand their thoughts.

They were young, just when they could see nothing but love.

"As long as Mr. Yuan loves you both in his heart, then nothing matters."

"This should be what the girls think, right?"

"But it's not right." When she said this, Yukinoshita Ayano was extremely determined, as if an unselfish judge was announcing the result of her trial.

"Love is not just passion. If there is only passion, there is absolutely no way to support your future life." As the helm of the Yukinoshita family, Yukinoshita Ayano sees too much about such things up.

"I don't doubt Yuan-kun's sincerity. Whether it's Yukino, Yangno or Kazusa, I don't think you just want to have fun." Otherwise, Touma Yoko would never be so happy.

"But regarding your future life, Yuan Jun, have you considered it?"

Apart from having a good impression of Yuanjing, it was precisely because of her trust in this friend that Ayano Yukinoshita did not get angry on the spot, but chose to persuade the boys and girls earnestly, trying to make the boys and girls know their way back.

"When Xue Nai was in the test of Saint Eden, she just wanted to escape from her sister's shadow, and didn't think about anything else, so she lived a rather unsatisfactory life..."

If you are only swayed by your current mood and don't think about anything else, the result will definitely be much worse.

This is what Ayano meant.

"But I met Ah Jing." Yukinoshita Yukino couldn't help but said.

Ayano glanced at Yukino, "I'm talking to Yuan-kun, don't interrupt."

It is too difficult to convince people if we only talk about feelings, so Mrs. Yukinoshita raised a problem that she thinks is absolutely unsolvable——

"Let's take the most unavoidable thing. You have so many lovers, but when you register for marriage, who do you want to become a legal couple with?"

"Having multiple wives is prohibited by the law of Sakurajima."

"It's just prohibited by the current law?" Yuan Jing responded, "But, as far as I know, Sakurajima's laws are not static."

Yukinoshita Ayano stared at Yuan Jing in disbelief.

His words...

What means?

Chapter 20 The Shinomiya family is full of loyalty! (4.5k)

The legal issue of Sakurajima is a considerable difficulty in front of Yuanjing and the girls. If you want to marry the girls into the family in an upright manner, then you must overcome this barrier.

This is also a question that Yuanjing has been thinking about recently.

Now that Mrs. Yukinoshita is willing to talk about it, he is naturally willing to talk to her about this matter.

"Mrs. Yukinoshita, since you are married, then you should know about a system called [Presumption of Inheritance] in Sakurajima Civil Law?"

After hearing this question from Yuanjing, Ayano Yukinoshita didn't quite understand why the boy would say this at this time, but seeing Yuanjing's high-spirited and confident appearance, she still nodded very cooperatively.

There was even a little expectation in her heart.

The word [Presumption of Inheritance], if it is not a person who is engaged in related work or a special person who must abide by this system, ordinary people can even say that they have never even heard of it.

Since Yuanjing was able to say this word, it proves that he did not say this out of enthusiasm, but really understood the content of this aspect, and seriously thought about how to express it. become a reality.

Yukinoshita Ayano scored quite high on this point.

What method will this young man chosen by his two daughters use to solve this almost unsolvable problem?

In her heart, it can be said that she is full of curiosity.

However, although Ayano Yukinoshita understands what [Presumption of Inheritance] is, the four girls present are all at a loss.

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