Even the knowledgeable Yukinoshita Yukino and Yukinoshita Yoshino who is already a college student at the University of Tokyo are still very unfamiliar with the term "presumption of birth", not to mention Yuigahama Yui who is completely a scumbag. Clothes and Yumiko Miura.

Seeing the confusion of the four girls, Yuan Jing explained in this way: "In the civil law of Sakurajima, there are actually many strange regulations that have not kept up with the development of the times, and [presumption of birth] is the most typical one of them."

"This is a regulation that has been implemented since the legislation began in 1898. There are two main contents—"

"One is that any child conceived by the wife during the marriage relationship can be presumed to be the husband's child."

"On this basis, children born after 200 days after the couple's registered marriage, or within 300 days (10 months) after the couple's divorce, can also be presumed to have been conceived during the existence of the marriage relationship."

"The second point is derived from the first point."

"If a woman remarries immediately after divorce, the presumption of the ex-husband and current husband will overlap by 100 days, which will cause doubts about the presumption of the child's father."

"So Sakurajima's law directly stipulates that women cannot remarry within 100 days of divorce."

"This is the so-called [Presumption of Inheritance]."

"It's the first time I know of such a strange rule today." Yuigahama Yui said with some emotion, "However, I still don't understand why there is such a strange rule."

"If it's just to confirm who the father of the child is, it's not just a paternity test... ah."

Even Yuigahama Yui, who was a little silly, had already reacted at this time.

"Of course it's because there was no DNA testing technology when this provision was formulated," Yukinoshita Yukino glanced at Yuigahama Yui, "This is also the reason why Ajing said before that this regulation has not kept up with the times."

"But, hasn't DNA testing technology been around for a long time?" Yumiko Miura couldn't help but said, "It should have been around for 40 to [-] years, right? Those guys who amended the law never thought of changing this rules?"

"It can be changed, but it is not necessary." It was Yukinoshita Yoshino who answered Miura Yumiko, and now she has figured out the joints, "Human inertia is very scary, and this rule has been implemented for more than 100 years. Obviously, both men and women have accepted this, so there is no need to bother to change it."

This is also the reason why many outdated and unreasonable rules of Sakurajima appeared.

"In the final analysis, although this regulation is inconvenient, it only harms the interests of a very small group of people, and the voice of this group of people is still too small." Yukinoshita Yoshino shook his head regretfully.

What will be the result of this provision?

Sakurajima's "Civil Law" stipulates that for a child's household registration to be naturalized, the names of the biological father and mother must be written, and both parties must jointly apply to the government.

To be able to divorce the wife while she was still pregnant, or the woman did something wrong to the man to make him ruthless, or the man is a complete bastard.

In either case, there is a great possibility that the man is unwilling to get involved in the matter of 'naturalization'.

If the legally presumed biological father is unwilling to apply, then the child will naturally not be able to naturalize, and thus become a "black household" at birth.

After all, this is the worst possible outcome of this rule.

However, these "black households" can be said to be a minority of the minority. Because of the household registration problem, this group of people who have problems even going to school can be said to be destined to be a brick at the bottom of Sakurajima society from birth.

Those big figures in Sakurajima who make the law are more inclined to turn a blind eye to it than amending the law, which affects the whole body.

"Don't worry, this regulation will be amended soon." Seeing that the air in the room seemed a little dull, Yuan Jing continued, "It should be mentioned in the amendment to the "Civil Law" next year."

"You got this news from the Fujiwara family, right?" Yukinoshita Ayano did not doubt Yuan Jing's statement. In the story he narrated before, the name Fujiwara Chika appeared with a high probability, and The reason why she was able to get to know Fujiwara Wansui was because of Yuan Jing.

"However, what does the revision of [Presumption of Concubine] have to do with what we just said? Are you trying to say that, according to the inside information you got, the crime of bigamy will also be abolished in next year's civil law revision?" Xue Underneath, Ayano said with some sarcasm.

If you want to use the fact that '[presumption of promiscuity] will be amended' to introduce 'the laws and regulations related to bigamy may also be amended', it is impossible to convince her.

Not to mention that this argument is not valid at all, even if it is really revised, when will it be done?

Yukinoshita Ayano would not allow her two daughters to follow Yuanjing for the rest of her life without any name or distinction.

However, what Yuan Jing said next surprised Ayano Yukinoshita——

"It's impossible to abolish the crime of bigamy, but that doesn't mean that there are no amendments in this regard." Yuan Jing didn't care about Mrs. Yukinoshita's sarcasm. It is very normal to make things difficult, he just continued this topic according to his own thinking.

The reason why [Presumption of Destiny] is mentioned is only because it is something that he advances by the way.

Similar to...

Do good every day?

"For example, a new regulation is added, saying that under certain special circumstances, the law can recognize that a man can have multiple wives at the same time."

"What? It's impossible!" Yukinoshita Ayano said reflexively.

Not only her, but also Yukino, Yangno, Yui and Yumiko were extremely surprised. However, apart from surprise, there was also a glint of hope in the eyes of the former two.

Yuan Jing will not say things that he is not sure of, and the two sisters are actually very clear about this.

Well since he's going to say something like this here...

"It does sound a little illusory at first glance, but after all, this is Sakurajima, where the age of adulthood for women was set at 20, and the age of marriage was 16, so does it sound like it's nothing?" Yuan Jing chuckled With a sound.

"Mrs. Yukinoshita, do you think the upper classes of Sakurajima want to maintain monogamy, or do they want to return to the ancient polygamy?" He asked Yukinoshita Ayano.

Yukinoshita Ayano frowned, but still replied without thinking, "Of course it's monogamy."

"Huh?" Yuigahama Yui was the only one who made such a puzzled expression.

Except for her, neither the Yukinoshita sisters nor Miura Yuiko were surprised by this answer.

"That's right, for big shots, monogamy is of course more in their interests. After all, the law only stipulates that they can only have one legal wife, but it does not stipulate that they cannot have sex with people other than wives. .”

"Compared to a wife who will divide the family property and take care of this and that, a lover who only needs to give money is obviously more [convenient]."

The laws of Sakurajima are formulated by the upper class, and they will naturally protect the interests of the upper class.

While monogamy embodies the idea of ​​'equality between men and women', it is actually a very useful umbrella for many men in the upper class of Sakurajima.

'Didn't you already know that I have a wife when we had a relationship? Doesn't that mean you acquiesce in this matter? ' This is a very useful quibble.

Although women will intrigue each other, but at the same time, they will also do their best to please men, for the position of the only official wife.

If a man can have multiple wives at the same time, in addition to tearing each other apart, women have another choice-that is to ask the man to marry her.

This is obviously what they don't want to see.

This is the most important reason why Yukinoshita Ayano asserted that those big figures would not amend the regulations in this area.


Unless there is enough interest to drive it.

"Mrs. Yukinoshita, you should be familiar with the name Shinomiya Yanan." The next thing Yuan Jing wanted to say was this. After seeing Ayano Yukinoshita nodding, he continued:

"Then, you should know more or less about the upheaval that happened in the Sigong family before?"

"Sigong Huangguang was expelled to Hokkaido because of plotting against his father. Now the loudest call for his succession is his second son, Sigong Qinglong."

"Sigong Qinglong is a rotten person who loves no women." Yuan Jing defined it this way, "Besides his wife, he has countless women outside."

"Although there are many people who approached him just for money, there are not a few people who have been spotted by him and used various methods to force a relationship, and are finally covered up by him with the power of the family."

"Sigong Qinglong is not only not ashamed, but also proud of it, and even boasted about such a thing to his 'friends'." When telling this matter, Yuanjing's words were undisguised disgust.

"If he's just the useless second son of Shinomiya Ganan, this matter doesn't really matter. After all, there are not all upper-level people on Sakurajima who are as absurd as him."

"However, after he became the number one heir of the Sigong Group, the nature of this matter changed."

"Especially when Sigong Yan'an is on the verge of death, the Sigong Group building is about to collapse, and everyone wants a piece of the pie."

"By March next year, the Sigong Qinglong scandal will be fully exposed, and with the help of various forces, it will arouse widespread discussion in society."

"However, rather than sending it to prison, everyone is obviously more interested in the properties of the Sigong Group, so after more than a month of fermentation, some relevant personnel proposed to add an amendment to the "Civil Law", that is, What I just said—"

"Under certain special circumstances, the law may recognize that a man may have more than one wife at the same time."

"This is not to help Sigong Qinglong enjoy the blessings of being equal to others, but simply wants to use this opportunity to divide up the property of the Sigong family."

To put it simply, it is through this regulation that Sigong Qinglong has multiple wives at the same time, and then divorces him at the same time, so as to divide the property.

If it is still monogamous, not only is it very troublesome to operate, but it is not 'fair'.

After all, this is a far-reaching social event, and it must be done so that everyone applauds.

"In their eyes, this special regulation will only take effect once. After all, this [special situation] was ordered by them. It should be difficult to find such a big fool in the future."

"And what I just said [the presumption of birth] will also be amended by taking advantage of this turmoil. After all, everyone's name is to complain for the oppressed women."

After Yuan Jing finished speaking these words, the lounge was eerily quiet for a while.

Yukinoshita Ayano stared at Yuan Jing with some dumbfoundedness, as if she just realized the true face of the boy in front of her for the first time today.

She didn't ask Yuanjing's role in this plan, or question why he was so determined.

Yuanjing has already stated the time clearly, as long as it waits until next year, then everything will come to light.

As the head of Yukinoshita's family, she has actually figured out Yuanjing's plan——

He needs a precedent.

No matter how bad the precedent is, he must let it drill a loophole in Sakurajima's legal system now.

Only in this way can he win a space for him and the girls to appear in front of everyone in a fair manner.

And he is now preparing for that time.

To make people think he's 'worthy' at that point...

Sure enough, as he just said, this is something only a 'big fool' would do.

Yukinoshita Ayano sighed softly in her heart.

She really didn't know how to evaluate Yuanjing.

But she knew that if the young man in front of her was just a lecher who wanted her two daughters, she would definitely not be able to do such a 'stupid thing'.

His own daughters were all dazzled by him, if he wanted to, there was definitely a better and easier way.

However, if things really develop as he said, the possibility of this matter is really quite high.

Originally, she thought that the few people were absolutely insurmountable difficulties, but the young man in front of her actually proposed a practical solution.

Moreover, the handwriting is frighteningly large.

Looking at the two daughters who were staring at Yuan Jing obsessively, little stars almost popping out of their eyes, Yukinoshita Ayano sighed a little tiredly——

"Xue Nai, Yang Nai, come out with me."

"I have something to tell you."

Chapter 21 Can I sign here?

"So, is this settled?" After Yukinoshita Ayano took Yango and Yukino away temporarily, the feeling of suffocation in the lounge that seemed to be in the deep sea disappeared, and Yuigahama Yui It felt like I could finally breathe easily again.

What happened that night was really not kind enough to her heart.

She is just an ordinary female high school student. What she worries about every day is nothing more than trivial matters such as what to do if she fails the exam, or how to reject his confession when a boy likes her.

This morning, seeing the moment when Sabre rushed towards the strange boy, Yuihama Yui never expected such a thrilling thing to happen afterwards.

"It's not all settled." Yuan Jing shook his head, "Look, even just now, Mrs. Yukinoshita didn't say that she agreed with me to date her two daughters, right?"

"Probably my attitude and plan moved her, making her feel that she can wait until the first half of next year to see if things will develop as I said."

"The current situation is just that she doesn't object for the time being."

Even if everything is as Yuan Jing said, the scandal of Shinomiya Qinglong broke out as scheduled, and finally a special clause related to it was added to Sakurajima's "Civil Law", allowing an adult male to Being able to have multiple women as his wives at the same time does not mean that Mrs. Yukinoshita will agree to this marriage so readily.

Yukinoshita's family is not a small family, but a famous family in Chiba.

It would be fine if there was only one daughter, but if two sisters were to marry a man at the same time...

The reputation of the Yukinoshita family will definitely be affected by this.

This is a necessary concern for the head of the family, and Yuan Jing is naturally understandable.

In fact, he never thought that he would be able to convince Mrs. Yukinoshita with his mouth tonight.

Yukinoshita Ayano is already a mature adult, and it is almost impossible to persuade her to marry the two sisters to her with words.

If you really want to embrace a beauty, you still have to rely on your own actual actions.

What Yuanjing wanted to get from Ayano Yukinoshita tonight was actually just an opportunity.

A chance to prove himself to her, to prove that he is really worthy of the love of the two sisters.

Even if you don't agree with it temporarily, as long as you don't lock Xue Nai and Yang Nai at home and prohibit him from seeing them.

Because of the existence of the proficiency panel, Yuanjing became stronger every day than the previous day.

As long as Mrs. Yukinoshita is willing to give him 'time', Yuan Jing is actually full of confidence in whether he can finally get her permission.

From this point of view, Yuan Jing has actually achieved all the goals he set for himself from the beginning, and maybe even exceeded them.

Of course, if Yukinoshita Ayano did not agree even in the end, but insisted on making Yang Nao and Yukino break with Yuan Jing, Yuan Jing had actually thought of a backup measure.

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