But to be honest, it means that there is no room for change between him and Yukinoshita's family. It is estimated that the Yukinoshita sisters will be caught between family affection and love, and it will become very difficult to do.

Fortunately, Ayano Yukinoshita was not as unkind as Yuanjing thought.

This is also thanks to the Yukinoshita sisters who stand unequivocally on his side, and of course Yukinoshita Ayano's trust in Touma Yoko.

Yuanjing silently expressed his gratitude to these people in his heart.

"That is to say, whether it is Yukino or Yangno, are they your girlfriends?" Yuiko Miura confirmed to Yuanjing, "There is also Mrs. Yukinoshita mentioned before, the daughter of Master Touma, Touma. Ma and Sha?"

"Well, it's not wrong." Yuanjing admitted generously, "And, it's not just the three of them. If I really want to count them, there may be ten of my future wives."

Fujiwara Chika, Yukinoshita Yukino and Yukinoshita Yono, Touma Kazusa, Hayasaka Ai, Shimizu Kaguya, Shijo Mabi, Shiina Mashiro and Sawamura Eri, Arturia Pendoragon.

It can be said that there are exactly ten people.

Ten 'full' and ten 'beautiful'.

"" Ten? "" The surprised voices of Yuigahama Yui and Miura Yuiko overlapped, and both of them were a little dumbfounded, obviously frightened by the number.

"Surprised, aren't you?" Seeing the staring eyes of the two girls and their red lips slightly parted, Yuan Jing couldn't help laughing, "To be honest, I didn't expect to end up spending the rest of my life with so many people. …”

"Obviously when I first started, I wanted to be alone for the rest of my life."

The young man said this with some emotion.

And all of this stems from Mr. Shizuka Hiratsuka's 'nosy'.Of course, everyone should prefer to call it 'serious and responsible'.

Naturally, Yuanjing would not hold any resentment towards Shizuka Jing, that would be too ignorant.

However, Hiratsuka Shizuka was the one who caused his future to deviate from the track he had planned for himself, and it was inevitable that Yuanjing's feelings for her would be somewhat complicated.

'Well, we're going to Vienna together soon, do you want to give Xiao Jing a 'surprise' then? 'The thought flashed through his mind.

"Whether it's the conversation between me and Mrs. Yukinoshita tonight, or my relationship with Kasha, Yukino, and Yangno, please keep it a secret for now." Yuihama Yui and Miura Yuiko blinked, "Just for the sake of those two tickets."

He actually knew the personalities of the two of them, and understood that they were not the kind of people who would turn everything out, but such an entrustment was also necessary.

"Ah, of course we will keep it secret..." When Yuigahama Yui was about to agree in one breath——

"Tickets are not enough." Yumiko Miura interrupted her suddenly.

Eyes like fine emeralds just looked at Yuanjing like this, Miura Yuiko's eyes shone with an inexplicable brilliance, "I heard from Yui that she has already paid for these two tickets, yes Is that right?"

"Yumiko!" Yuigahama Yui looked at her good friend in disbelief, with deep disappointment and a trace of indignation in her tone.

Miura Yumiko still stared at Yuanjing closely, but lightly pinched Yuigahama Yui's little hand, as if to signal her to be calm.

"Oh, what else do you want?" Yuan Jing was not angry, but asked with interest.

He didn't think Miura Yuiko was an insatiable person, and when she said the words just now, there was no threat in her tone.

"When music fans meet their idol, what else do they want most?" Miura Yuiko picked up a round stick from the table and handed it to Yuan Jing.

This is a marker pen.

Yuan Jing used this pen to sign on the signature board that Ayano Yukinoshita handed him.

"Please sign me and Yui."

The blond girl said so.

The reason why Miura Yuiko dragged Yui to the backstage was because she wanted to ask Yuanjing about the time and place of his next concert, and the most important thing for her was to get his autograph as a souvenir Purpose.

Although some "unexpected circumstances" occurred in the middle, she did not forget her original purpose.

Yuan Jing naturally would not refuse this small request, but Yukinoshita Ayano brought her own signature pad, but Miura Yuiko and Yuigahama Yui obviously did not bring such a thing.

Yumiko Miura had obviously thought of this a long time ago, she took a step closer to Yuan Jing, and then puffed out her chest.

Just as Yuigahama Yui said when they met, Miura Yuiko is very beautifully dressed tonight.

A pure white dress will set off the shining blond hair, but it will perfectly bring out her elegant and noble temperament.

Like a princess.

No, it should be said that Yumiko Miura is a princess today, after all...

Today is her birthday.

Using a pair of slender hands to pull up the fabric on the left chest of her white dress, Yumiko Miura carefully stretched it into a cloth as smooth as possible.

"Can I sign here?"

Yumiko Miura said this in as calm a tone as possible.

But obviously, even for her who dares to love and hate, such behavior is somewhat beyond the threshold, making her a little smokey.

As if wanting someone to help share this shame, Yumiko Miura glanced at Yuigahama Yui who was staring at her dumbfounded——

"Don't you want Yuan-kun's signature?"

"Eh, ah, oh, of course I want it." Yuigahama Yui replied in a panic after waking up like a dream.

She wanted to do the same as Yumiko Miura, and spread the material of her jacket, but there was a 'big' gap between the two of them, and Yui found that she couldn't pull out a piece of smooth cloth suitable for signing.

Yui, who was already flustered, became even more nervous. At this moment, she suddenly thought of her mother.

She has always been a little careless, and sometimes she even lost the grocery shopping list that her mother gave her. After going back and forth, Mrs. Yubibin simply wrote those things on her hand.

As if inspired by such an action, Yuigahama Yui, who was a little dazed because of what happened tonight, closed her eyes at once, raised her hands, and held something as a 'cushion' In front of Yuanjing.

"Please, please, please kiss (sign) this."

She was so nervous that she even said the wrong thing.


"Mom, do you agree with our relationship with Ah Jing?" After being taken to an empty lounge by his mother, Yukinoshita Yono couldn't wait to ask.

Although Yukinoshita Yukino beside her didn't ask questions in such a hurry, but those dark blue eyes looked at her mother without blinking. Obviously, she, like Yang Nao, wanted to know this very much. The answer.

Seeing her two daughters turning their elbows outward, Yukinoshita Ayano couldn't help feeling a little headache.

"Will it be useful if I don't promise?" Yukinoshita Ayano said with a little anger, "Even if I lock you at home and refuse to let you go out unless I sever ties with him, you will obey me obediently." ?"

Does she still not know her two daughters?

Yukinoshita Ayano could even think of what her two daughters did.

Yang Nai obviously won't be obedient, she will definitely find a chance to escape from home and run away.

As for Xue Nai, although she won't run away, she probably will go on a hunger strike to protest.

And it's not a threat, it's the kind of protest that really doesn't stop until it achieves its goal.

If he wants to let his daughters leave Yuanjing, it can only be because he broke their hearts and let them down.

Judging from his performance just now, such a possibility can be said to be very slim.

"Mom~Mom~" Yukinoshita Haruno said coquettishly as she opened her arms to hug her mother.

At least my mother no longer objected, but because of her high self-esteem, she couldn't easily accept it for a while.

At this time, the two of them are needed as daughters to come and maintain her dignity as a mother and make her feel better psychologically.

Yang Nai winked at Xue Nai, and the latter immediately understood, and stepped forward to hug his mother gently.

"Thank you, mother."

Yukino said so in a very sincere tone.

"You don't have to thank me, it's all due to him." After spending a little time with the daughters, Ayano Yukinoshita said, "Besides, I haven't agreed to let you marry him, it depends on his future." action."

"Yes, yes, we know." Yang Nai knew that his mother had actually approved Yuan Jing in his heart, and he had actually passed the most difficult test.

As long as he can really prove that what he said is not false, the resistance Ayano Yukinoshita will encounter will not be too great.

This was a milestone victory, Yukinoshita Harino couldn't help but jump with joy in his heart.

She knew that her sister was in the same mood at this time.

After habitually stiffening her mouth, Yukinoshita Ayano cleared her throat, and asked as if she didn't care, "Do you know where Gen-kun is from? I'll find a time with your father and visit him together." .”

Now that it's time to talk about marriage, it's also reasonable to find your in-laws.

Moreover, Yuanjing's demeanor and conversation are not like that of ordinary people, what kind of family is it that can cultivate such a character?Ayano Yukinoshita was actually very curious about this in her heart.

Xue Nai and Yang Nai looked at each other.

Both of them had a very deep impression on Yuanjing's "adoptive mother".

Seeing the appearance of her two daughters, Yukinoshita Ayano could not help but frown, "In your eyes, am I the kind of snobbish who would despise other people's background?"

"Yuanjun has already won my approval by virtue of his own talent. No matter what his background is, I will not look down on him because of this, let alone regret it. Don't I even have this little trust in your hearts?"

"No, no, of course it's not because of this reason." Yukinoshita Yoshino quickly shook her head, seeing the expression of hesitation on her mother's face, she put her mouth into her ear and whispered something to her. sentence.

"!!!" Yukinoshita Ayano's dark blue eyes suddenly opened wide, showing a rare look of shock.

Chapter 22 Yuan Jing, can you please?

"The Genjia in Kansai... is the Genjia in Kansai that I know?" Yukinoshita Ayano couldn't help but grow her mouth, and confirmed to Yangno in disbelief, "That Chinese family The Chinese in China?"

"That's right, it's that Genjia." Yukinoshita Yono nodded with a smile on his face.

The mother, who was always calm and calm, showed such a surprised expression in front of the mountain collapse, which made Yukinoshita Yangnao feel the pleasure of succeeding in a prank.

"And he's not just an ordinary clansman, but the next generation head of the Gen family?" Yukinoshita Ayano murmured, apparently still not recovering from the shocking news.

"To be precise, as long as Ah Jing thinks about it now, he can actually take over the position of Patriarch from his mother right now."

Yukino Yukino knows more about this than Yang Nao.

To become the Patriarch of the Yuan Family, in fact, as long as two conditions are met.

One is an adult.

After the Sakurajima government legally changed the age of majority from 20 to 18, Yuan Jing had already met this condition, otherwise, he would have to wait for another year.

The second is to become the strongest of the Yuan Family.

If it is said that during the cultural festival, the reason why Minamoto was able to defeat his adoptive mother Minamoto Yorimitsu was because of the "evil spirit" entangled in Minamoto Yorimitsu, the real strength is actually not as good as Minamoto Yorimitsu.

After a certain Sunday, Yuan Jing, who had bitten through the forbidden fruit, had obviously undergone a version update, Minamoto Laiguang obviously couldn't keep up with the speed at which his power was expanding.

As long as he wanted, he could actually go back to the Yuan family to challenge his stepmother at any time, and take the position of Patriarch from his mother.

Refresh the record of the youngest family head set by his adoptive mother, updating it from 20 years old to 18 years old (at the time of Yuan Laiguang, the age of majority was still 20 years old).

However, Yuanjing didn't want to do that.

The position of the head of the family is not only about power, but also the accompanying obligations.

Yuan Jing does not have such a strong desire for power, and Yuan Laiguang is not a fatuous lord who makes the people of Kansai miserable and hopes that someone will overthrow him like the stars and the moon. quite high.

During the cultural festival, Minamoto had already curbed Minamoto's morbid desire to control himself, so naturally there was no need to be so anxious.

Ayano Yukinoshita didn't doubt what her two daughters said, thinking that they were trying to raise Yuan Jing's status in such a way so that she would agree to marry them to him.

It's okay for Yang Nai, Xue Nai will never joke about this kind of thing.

Moreover, there is no need for them to tell such lies that will definitely be exposed.

That is to say...

Although it sounds unbelievable, it is the absolute truth.

But if that's the case—

"Why didn't he tell me at all?" Yukinoshita Ayano said with a little confusion.

The Yuan family has stood on Sakurajima for a thousand years and is a Chinese among the Chinese who occupy a dominant position in Kansai. Although the Yukinoshita family has a certain right to speak in Chiba County, they can barely be regarded as local snakes, but with Compared with the Yuan family, it is nothing at all.

If Yuanjing had told him his identity earlier...

Xue Nai and Yang Nai looked at each other, and they both saw in each other's eyes the admiration and understanding for a certain young man, and of course there was an indelible love.

"Mom, even if he told you his identity from the beginning, so what?" Yukinoshita Yoshino tilted his head to look at his biological mother, and asked curiously, "He said he was from the Yuan family. My young master, Xue Nai and I love each other sincerely, and I hope to marry us at the same time."

"Then mom will consider the future of Yukinoshita's family, so she just nods in agreement?"

"..." Yukinoshita Ayano fell silent.

The answer is of course no.

Although she is old-fashioned and serious, she regards revitalizing the Yukinoshita family as her lifelong ideal, but if the realization of this ideal is at the expense of her daughter's happiness, then she will never agree,

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